1、-最新资料推荐最新资料推荐-paperparkingassistantfromdoc.pdfpaperparkingassistantfromdoc.pdf 智能交通世智能交通世界大会界大会 ITSITS 智慧城市社区人工智能智慧城市社区人工智能 AIAI 物联网物联网 ITIT 报告报告课件教案课件教案 22 nd ITS World Congress,Bordeaux,France,59 October2019 Paper number ITS-2391 Intelligent Parking Assistant-A Showcase of the MOBiNET Platform Fun
2、ctionalitiesLarsMikkelsen 1*,Raphael Toledo 2,Niels Agerholm3 1.AalborgUniversity,Denmark,lmmes.aau.dk2.Eurocom,France,toledoeurocom.fr3.AalborgUniversity,Denmark,nacivil.aau.dk Abstract The Intelligent Parking Assistant(IPA)system helps the user chose,find and pay for parking.IPA automatically fetc
3、hes parking lot information from arelevant service,automatically assesses if the vehicle isstopped,evaluates if stopped inside a payed parking lot,andautomatically initiates payment forthe parking.IPA ispublished via theMOBiNET platform:AEuropean-wideITSplatform offering functionalities enabling eas
4、y migration ofservices.Migration is enabled by defining a common methodologyfor publishing services,which covers interfaces,data formatsused,coverage area of the service and other.IPA is implementedas proof of concept utilizing MOBiNET as a platform integration1 1/2121use case demonstration.The perf
5、ormance of IPA is evaluated interms of correctness of decisions made during runtime and basedon user input in a trial period,involving 40+test users usingthe system on a regular basis.Keywords:PARKING,MOBiNET,ITS1IntroductionToday the technology has evolved and itallows users to always be connected
6、and always having a powerfuland very capable device with them,namely the smartphone.Theconstant connectivity of mobile devices allows very highmobility of the user,which means that the services used alsomust support mobility,and not just mobility within a city butacross countries.One particular area
7、 related to mobility isIntelligent Transportation Systems(ITS),offering servicesrelated to transportation.It is within this sub-area that theIntelligent Parking Assistant(IPA)system has been developed.The IPA system is an in-car parking guidance system thatintelligently supports the users in connect
8、ion with parking,more specifically in finding and selecting parking lots,andpaying for parking sessions.The IPA system has been developedtakingadvantageoftheMOBiNET1platformandthefunctionalitiesthisIntelligentParkingAssistant-AShowcase of the MOBiNET Platform Functionalities 2 provides,ensuring that
9、 the system easily can be migrated to cities all-最新资料推荐最新资料推荐-over Europe.The MOBiNET platform aims at acting as a brokerof information and services related to transportation.This isdone by offering a number of functionalities to supportbusiness-to-business(B2B)and business-to-consumer(B2C)services.
10、The services are not hosted on the platform but theplatform contains information about services including pricing,coverage area,endpoint,protocol,input,output,and other2.Previous approaches to developing an application aimed athelping users finding and selecting parking lots and paying forparking in
11、clude SmartPark Trondheim Parkering3,Parker,Findavailable parking4,ParkMe Parking5,and other.Each ofthese offer a subset of the following:live information aboutavailability;turn-by-turn route guidance;price information;payment in various forms;find your parked car;and otherfunctionalities.However,wh
12、ere most of the existing systemsdo well in offering various functionalities,they are limitedto operating within certain cities and areas.This could beexplained with it being very demanding and cumbersome to obtainthe needed information from different locations,in differentlanguages,different pricing
13、 schemes,make agreements withlocal parking companies,ensure that the users can pay even3 3/2121though they cross country and currency borders.These are justsome of the obstacles met when migrating services acrosscountries.In the present effort the IPA system is developedand it is described how it ta
14、kes advantage of theMOBiNETplatform which offers a set of very useful functionalities fordevelopingandpublishingITSservicesinrelationtocross-country usage.The IPA system is to a large extent basedon the experiences and development made in the Danish ITSPlatform project6,which was carried out 2010-20
15、19.Thisproject was a large-scale field operation test with GNSS-basedon board units(OBU).It consisted of a back-end server,OBUsin 425 cars,and four applications;driver log;dynamic trafficinformation;traffic statistics tool for road operators;andfull-automatic parking payment system for the users.Aro
16、und 20million km of driving data has been collected as part of theproject.The full-automatic parking payment system was only inoperation for a few months.Even though it showed convincingresults,much more could be experienced regarding reliability,users attitude and acceptance,and experiences from th
17、e parkingattendees,just to mention a few topics.The rest of the paperis structured as follows:Section 2 gives an overview of thecomponents in the IPA system and the components used by it is-最新资料推荐最新资料推荐-given;Section 3 describes the functionalities of the MOBiNETplatform most relevant to the IPA sys
18、tem;Section 4 describesthe technical aspects and functionalities of the IPA system;Section 5 describes use cases of the IPA system;And Section6 describes how the performance of the IPA system is evaluated.2 Intelligent Parking Assistant(IPA)System Overview TheIPA system is made as a very modular sys
19、tem,enabling easyaddition of supported areas Intelligent Parking Assistant-AShowcase of the MOBiNET Platform Functionalities 3 or regions,by adding services via the Service Directory in the MOBiNETplatform.The goal of the IPA system is to help users find andselect parking lots based on user input an
20、d live informationaboutavailability,guideuserstotheparkinglot,intelligently evaluate if the user is inside parking lot whenstopped,and automatically initiate a parking session and payfor it.The IPA system consists of the following components:Park Assist Android app which acts as the main user intera
21、ctioninterface;the Parking Manager service which contains two subservices:Parking Information Provider and Parking SessionManager;theMapMatching serverproviding map matchingfunctionalities for the application;and the MOBiNET platform5 5/2121thatactsasorchestratorandaplatformformigrationassistance,an
22、d where the system is published through.This isillustrated in Figure 1.Figure 1 IPA System Overview Withthis system architecture the ParkAssist Android app is in thecentre of operation,as it is installed onthe end userdeviceand follows the user wherever he goes.The MOBiNET platform istheorchestrator
23、thatdependingonwheretheuserisgeographically,provides the ParkAssist app with locations ofthe relevant back end services.That is,the Parking Managerand the Map Matching server are interchangeable and can varyfrom city to city and country to country.3 MOBiNET platformfunctionalities MOBiNET is a proje
24、ct aimed at making Internetof mobility for ITS services of Europe.The idea is to make aplatform the one-stop shop for all services related to ITS inEurope.The Intelligent Parking Assistant-A Showcase of theMOBiNETPlatformFunctionalities4servicesincludeinformation provider services,front-end services
25、,back-endservices,dataformattranslatorservices,billingandidentity management,and other.Figure 2 Architecture of theMOBiNET Platform2.MOBiNET is realized via the MOBiNETplatform that offers support to B2B and B2C interactions.InFigure 2 the architecture of the MOBiNET platform can be seen-最新资料推荐最新资料推
26、荐-where the key components are:Dashboard,Service Directory,Identity Manager,Billing Manager,Software Development Kit(SDK),and MOBiAGENT.The Dashboard offers access to most ofthe other components for developers and service providers.TheService Directory contains metadata about services in terms ofend
27、point,interfacetype,inputandoutputdatatypes,ownership,pricing scheme,and many other.The Identity Managerhandles the identities of both business users and private users,and the component is used both in connection with the Dashboardand by services.The Billing Manager offers payment handlingfor transa
28、ctions for B2B and B2C service use.The SDK offersa number of support tools to help developers generate andpublish services in the platform.The MOBiAGENT is the clientfront end software,or app,that users can install on theirdevices through which interface to searching for services areoffered.The MOBi
29、AGENT also offers a number of interfaces forservices to use,e.g.to a communication agent for vehicle toinfrastructure communication.Intelligent Parking Assistant-A Showcase of the MOBiNET Platform Functionalities 5 In Figure3 the main flow and interactions between Dashboard and ServiceDirectory can
30、be seen,along with how end user services interact7 7/2121with the Service Directory.Figure 3 Dashboard and ServiceDirectory interactions7.In the scenario of the IPA systemthe components of the MOBiNET platform are used in the following description of the front-end service(app)ParkAssist is added to
31、the Service Directory so end users canto the Service Directory of the back-end service providingparking information and parking session management,and of the-end services are discoveredby the app by contacting the Service Directory during runtimeand querying services based on service type and the lo
32、cationr is used to verifythe user credentials,and to link a user with a parking bill.from the user to the parking service provider.4 IntelligentParking Assistant System 4.1 App Functionalities The IPA app,ParkAssist,has a number of functionalities,both in terms ofcommunication with back-end services
33、 and user interaction.InFigure 4 an overview of the layout of the ParkAssist app canbe seen.Intelligent Parking Assistant-A Showcase of theMOBiNET Platform Functionalities 6 Figure 4 ParkAssist appoverview.Service:Backgroundfunctionalitiessuchas-最新资料推荐最新资料推荐-communication handling.Activity:Foregroun
34、d functionalitiesincluding user interactions.Fragment:A view of the activity,where there can be more views for one activity that can benavigated for instance by swiping8.The ParkAssist app runsunder some assumptions about the context,that is needed forproper interaction with the user,and to be able
35、to make correctdecisions.It is assumed that the device is fixed within thevehicle until at least some seconds after the vehicle is stopped.It is also assumed that the screen is on and visible to the userwhile searching for an available parking spot and parking thecar.The main interactionAutomatic Pa
36、rk Pay Presents all the parking lots to the user,Me To Nearest Parking Proposes the nearest parking lot to theuser,which the user can choose toAllows the user to add and store cars and information about them.register and log in to the system.When either Automatic ParkPay or Take Me To Nearest Parkin
37、g is chosen,the app willinitiate automatic payment whenever the car is stopped withina parking lot.In order to be able to use the automatic payment9 9/2121functionality the user need to identify himself in terms of auser id and password,and enter the license plate of the vehicleused.This is aone tim
38、e operation performed by the user.Thisinformation are used for identification with the ParkingIntelligent Parking Assistant-A Showcase of the MOBiNETPlatform Functionalities 7 Session Manager service,to let itknow which user to bill for the parking sessions.The licenseplate is used in connection wit
39、h starting and stopping parkingsessions at the parking session manager service.In this wayit is possible for a user to use the system with multiplevehicles but with the same user credentials.For this reasonthe app contains twopages where the user can input and manageinformation.A page for user ident
40、ification and information,and another page for car information and details.In the latterpage it is possible to see the location of the car,based oninformation the user has provided about the car.This will alsobe used in connection with parking where the GNSS location ofwhere the car is parked will b
41、e saved.One of the key back-endcommunicationfunctionalitiesoftheappisthatitcommunicates with a Parking Information Provider service andfetches the available parking lot information from the currentrelevant parking information service.The Parking Information-最新资料推荐最新资料推荐-Provider service is chosen by
42、 making a service discovery queryto the Service Directory in the MOBiNET platform.The queryincludes service type and the location of the device to matchservice coverage area.If there isno match the search area isexpanded.If a service matches the discovery query it is queriedfor live availability inf
43、ormation of the parking lots coveredby the service.The information is fetched from the service wheninitially discovered when the app is opened,and periodicallyhereafter when the map is open in the app and when any kind ofsearchforparkingisperformed.Aparkingsessionisautomatically initiated with the P
44、arking Session Manager if thecar is evaluated to be stopped,at which point the currentlocation is compared to the area of the parking lot.Whetherthe car is stopped is evaluated based on the GNSS locationsamples and information about velocity.The location is sampledand if two sequential samples are s
45、ufficiently close,and ifthe speed is sufficiently low,the car is assumed to be stopped.Due to the GNSS location having an accuracyof some meters,itis possible that the location samples will vary even though thedevice is actually not moving.The same is the case for the speed.Because of this uncertain
46、ty the user also has the option to1111/2121manually let the app know thatthe car is stopped,after whichthe intelligent parking session initiation will run as normal.The inaccuracy of the location samples is a big issue,as theuser could end up paying for parking sessions that never tookplace.The loca
47、tion inaccuracy is therefor counteracted byusing the Map Matching service.Map matching is estimating thetruelocationoflocationsampleswithinaccuraciesbyincluding digital maps of roads where the locations are matchedto.For more information about the map matching service see thedescription in Section 4
48、.2.The estimated true location of thedevice that is returned from the Map Matching service is usedto evaluate whether the vehicle is within a parking lot thatrequires payment,or if the vehicle is parked elsewhere.Theapp implements a backup solution to the map matching,whichsimply checks the last of
49、the non-corrected location samplesfor whether the vehicle is within the parking lot area.Thisis both in case the Map Matching service is unavailable,butalso in case of the Map Matching service not having the mapsof the current area available.The latter is possible becausethe Intelligent Parking Assi
50、stant-A Showcase of the MOBiNETPlatform Functionalities8 Map Matching service only isoptional in order for the system to function,as opposed to the-最新资料推荐最新资料推荐-Parking Manager service which is mandatory as it containsparking availability and pricing information.If the car isestimated to be stopped