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1、Unit 8 Nature and NutureUnit 8 Nature and NutureIn-class readingIn-class reading课内阅读课内阅读参考译文参考译文基因、环境与双胞胎基因、环境与双胞胎1遗传与环境究竟哪一个影响更大呢?在相当大的程度上,一个人生来具有的潜力将决定他一生的作为。因此遗传即命运,是命中注定的东西。然而,基因并不是在真空中发挥作用的;一旦我们开始认识到基因在个人发展中所起的作用,我们就会明白,没有与其相互作用的环境,就不可能有任何个人的发展。没有一个特点是完全由环境或者完全由基因造成的。2遗传和环境的相对影响在同卵双胞胎中最易观察到。大多数





6、经历。另一方面,那些不易受环境影响的特点更有可能在同卵双胞胎中表现出高度的相似性。尽管基因十分重要,但是基因本身决不能完全决定任何一个特点。我们的能力会达到什么程度由基因注定,而我们真正做了什么则主要由环境决定。After-class reading课外阅读课外阅读参考译文参考译文科学再次关注双胞胎科学再次关注双胞胎1如果你对双胞胎感兴趣的话,那么双胞胎镇会使你着迷。2从 1976 年起的每个夏天,这个位于俄亥俄州克里夫兰郊外的小镇都会挤满众多的双胞胎。去年夏天,有 2,356 对双胞胎从世界各地来到这里,参加并观看游行、焰火、魔术表演、五公里赛跑以及一百多项的比赛:评选出年纪最大的、年纪最小


8、也就是我们成长的社会环境又有多大关系呢?5如果你是一个对这个问题感兴趣的科学家,你难道不想研究一下同卵双胞胎吗?想一想:从同一受精卵发育出来了两个人。也就是说,两个人有完全相同的基因。同卵双胞胎之间存在的任何不同都只能是他们成长环境不同的结果。但是你能说他们之间的任何相同点都是基因相同的缘故吗?6不一定吧。记住,大多数双胞胎都有相似的成长环境 同样的房子,同样的饮食,同样的亲戚等等。研究分开在不同环境下抚养的同卵双胞胎,或许是你能准确衡量先天遗传和后天培养所起的作用的唯一办法。7在过去的 10 年间,由心理学家小托马斯J布沙尔带领的一组科学家研究了大约 65 对分开抚养的同卵双胞胎。他们还研究

9、了大约45 对分开抚养的异卵双胞胎。8科学家们把每对双胞胎带到明尼苏达大学进行为期一周、深入细致的检测。小组里的医生和牙医们给这些双胞胎进行了全面的体检。他们记录了双胞胎的身高、体重、眼睛颜色、耳朵的形状和头围。9同时,心理学家们还对双胞胎进行了智商和性格测试。为了测试性格,心理学家们设法测定了:双胞胎们对事情担忧的程度,他们是谨慎型的还是鲁莽型的,以及他们的创造力如何。他们根据双胞胎们对一些陈述的回答来衡量这些方面以及其他一些性格特征,这些陈述包括“我很少鲁莽行事”,“木柴燃烧的火焰激发我的想象力”等。一周结束时,每个双胞胎都回答了大约 15,000 个问题。10布沙尔小组对分开抚养的双胞胎

10、之间的相似之处感到非常吃惊。例如他们的手势和姿势经常很相似,真是令人惊奇。在照片上,很多双胞胎摆出的姿势几乎一模一样。有些同卵双胞胎还发现他们的生活方式极其相似。11“吉姆兄弟”是布沙尔研究的第一对同卵双胞胎,他们出生四周后就被不同的家庭领养。他们都在俄亥俄州长大,彼此相隔 45 英里。当他们在 39 岁重逢时,发现了一系列惊人的相同之处:二个人都叫吉姆,都开同一型号的蓝色雪佛兰,都喜欢做木工,都有啃手指甲的习惯,养的狗都叫“Toy”。两个人都有傍晚头痛的毛病,都是在18 岁时开始的。12在吉姆兄弟之间所发现的相同点在明尼苏达小组研究的双胞胎身上都普遍存在。有些对明尼苏达研究工作持批评态度的人



13、究智力是否是遗传的呢?他们认为同样的问题也存在于其他的性格特征中。17布沙尔本人表示了这样的观点,即使是他所研究过的最相似的双胞胎也是彼此不同的。因此即便基因对我们的生活有很大的影响,它们也不是唯一起影响作用的因素。我们的日常经历也有助于塑造我们。18你知道这意味着什么:为了考试,你还得学习!课内阅读练习答案课内阅读练习答案Part OnePart OnePreparationPreparation1.Talking about Twins1.Talking about TwinsSamplesSamples1)I knew a set of twins in my class in the

14、middle school.They looked alike andusually dressed alike so we often got them mixed up.They were very close to eachother and could exchange their ideas quickly.But they had quite differentpersonalities:one was shy,quiet,and self-conscious while the otherwasself-confident and optimistic.2)I think its

15、 because there arent many twins around us.People are always curiousabout things that they rarely see.Another reason for their curiosity is probably thattwins resemble each other,which is very unusual among other people.3)They must be proud because they are different from others.They may feel happy b

16、ecause they can enjoy each other s company at home.They may feel lonely because it may be more difficult to make friends withother people.They may feel bored and discouraged because every day they will see themirror image of themselves.They may often feel jealous of each other since they are competi

17、ng for theirparents love andattention.2.Nature,Nurture or Both2.Nature,Nurture or BothSamplesSamples1)Nature and nurture:A person can have natural talents,but mastery always takessome effort.You have to try to succeed.2)Nature:No matter what the hairdo(hair style)is,their hairlines stay the same.Thi

18、s trait is due to the genes that the mother passed on to her son.3)Nature:Theres nothing wrong with Julies nose.Some people have the genes tosmell freesia,others dont.4)Nurture:Are you wild about mysteries,adventures,or biographies?Your tastesmay be determined by the books that are available in your

19、 home or school.5)Nurture:Somebodys favorite clothes and color can change as quickly as thecover of a style magazine.You might say it s due to the JEANS,not the GENES.6)Nature:Genes determine whether a persons earlobes are attached or detached.7)Nature and nurture:Your personality isn t determined o

20、nly by genes.There are alot of other factors that make you who you are,such as where you live and thepeople you meet.8)Nature and nurture:Practice makes perfect!Melissa earned her position as a starplayer because she uses her athletic ability and works so hard.3.An intelligent mother makes an intell

21、igent kid?3.An intelligent mother makes an intelligent kid?SamplesSamples-Yes,I agree.I can give a lot of evidence to support this view.Take my best friendin high school for example.His mother is very intelligent,excelling all the otherstudents in her class since her primary school days.She graduate

22、d from QinghuaUniversity and is now working in a research institute,involved in many high-techprojects,and has won many honors.Like his mother,my friend is also veryintelligent.He was very quick-minded and was always the first one to raise his handwhen the teacher asked some tough questions.He was t

23、he one I would turn towhen I had questions and I was never disappointed.And like his mother,he is nowstudying in Qinghua University as well,majoring in electronic engineering.Mymother is reasonably intelligent,so am I.And in choosing a girlfriend,my No.1criterion is INTELLIGENCE!-No,I dont agree wit

24、h that.Everyone agrees that“g”,which refers to generalintelligence,tends to run in families.Lots of studies have shown it and most peoplecan see it when they look at their own families,friends and acquaintances.Yet,sofar no single gene has been conclusively linked to intelligence.Rather it appears t

25、obe a case of complex interactions on many levels between many different genes something known as polygenic inheritance.So my view is that,for one thing,theintelligence of both parents would influence the intelligence of a kid,and,foranother,the environment that a kid grows up in would also influenc

26、e theintelligence of the kid.4.What makes us who we are?4.What makes us who we are?1)expected6)myth2)conclude3)account4)nurture5)argues7)predetermine 8)react12)creature9)consequences10)revolution11)betweenPart TwoPart TwoReading-Centered ActivitiesReading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class ReadingIn-Class

27、ReadingI.Pre-ReadingI.Pre-ReadingSampleSampleThe conclusion is not justified because the sets of twins studied shared not onlythe same genes but also the same environment.Numerous studies have shownthat both nature and nurture play a part in personal development.The similaritiesbetween the sets of t

28、wins are not due entirely to genes since environment alsoplays a role.III.III.Post-ReadingPost-ReadingReading ComprehensionReading Comprehension1.Understanding the Organization of the Text1.Understanding the Organization of the Text1)Introduction(Para.1)No characteristic is caused exclusively by eit

29、her environment or genes.2)Research on the relative effects of heredity and environment(Para.2-8).A.Studies on identical twins raised together(Para.2)Findings:They are remarkably alike in both appearance and behavior.Implication:Individuals with the same genes,when raised in the sameenvironment,will

30、 respond to it in much the same way.B.Studies on identical twins raised apart in similar environments(Para.34)Findings:They exhibited great psychological and physical likenesses.Implication:This does not inform us of the power of genes and the limitationof the effect of the environment.C.Studies on

31、identical twins raised apart in contrasting environments(Para.58)Findings of a case study on Gladys and Helen:Their similarities:Their weight,height,hair color,and teeth were very similar.Their differences in personality:Helen was confident,graceful,made the mostof her personal appearance,and showed

32、 considerable polish and ease insocial relationships;while Gladyswasshy,self-conscious,quiet andwithout charming or graceful manners.Implication:Genes alone are never absolutely responsible for any trait.3)Conclusion(Para.9)Whatwecan dois set by the genes,but whatweactually dois largelydetermined by

33、 the environment.2.Understanding Specific Information2.Understanding Specific Information1)F 2)F 3)F 4)F 5)T 6)T 7)F 8)TVocabulary PracticeVocabulary Practice1.1.1)C 2)A2.2.1)resemble5)same3.3.1)absolutely 2)eventually3)C4)C5)A6)B7)B8)B2)alike3)Like4)similar6)Identical,same,alike3)obviously4)Similar

34、ly5)remarkably 6)approximately7)exclusively8)actuallyAfter-Class ReadingAfter-Class ReadingPart ThreePart ThreeFurther DevelopmentFurther Development1.Enriching Your Word Power1)B2)A3)A4)A5)B6)B7)B8)C9)B10)A11)B12)C2.What do you know?Step One1)CDNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid(de-oxy-ri-bo-nu-

35、cle-ic acid).DNA is achemical in every cell of your body.It is shaped like a long,twisted ladder.Thisshape is called a double helix.2)CDNA is found in all living things,including you!This amazing chemical tells eachcell what to do and determines what an organism will look like.3)CScientists are stil

36、l debating how nature and nurture work together to make youwho you are,but most agree that both play a role.4)BScientists used to think that humans had about 100,000 genes.Recently,it wasdiscovered that we have about 10,000 to 20,000.We carry two copies of everygene,one copy from each parent.5)CMany

37、 things,such as what you eat,can affect how tall youll grow.Even if youhave talent,making art takes practice.But eye color is a trait passed on throughgenes.6)BBefore Dolly,scientists used different techniques to clone animals.Dolly was thefirst animal to be cloned from a cell of an adult mammal.7)C

38、Believe it or not,humans and chimps have a lot of DNA in common!But as youcan see,even small differences in genetic codes can make big differences in whatan organism looks like.8)BYou cant tell by looking at a fruit fly and a human,but they have a lot of similarDNA.In fact,scientists study the fruit

39、 fly genes to help advance medicalknowledge.9)BThe human genome has a lot of DNA that carries no information and is not activegenetically.Its still a mystery to scientists why this DNA is there and what it does.10)CAlthough they can have very different personalities,identical twins are oftendifficul

40、t to tell apart physically.But the fingerprints of each are unique.Step TwoSample:What Do You Know about DNA?Every day you hear people talking about DNA,but do you know what is DNAand how it is related to our life?Let me tell you briefly.DNA is the short form of deoxyribonucleic acid.It is a chemica

41、l in every cell ofour body,in the shape of a double helix.DNA is found in all living things,includingyou and me!This amazing chemical tells each cell what to do and determines whatan organism will look like.Scientists used to think that humans had about 100,000genes.Recently,it was discovered that w

42、e have between 10,000 to 20,000 humanprotein-coding genes.We carry two copies of every gene,one copy fromeach parent.Living beings depend on genes,as they specify all proteins andfunctional RNA chains.Genes hold the information to build and maintain anorganisms cells and pass genetic traits to offsp

43、ring.All organisms have many genescorresponding to various biological traits,some of which are immediately visible,such as eye color,or number of limbs,and some of which are not,such as bloodtype or increased risk for specific diseases,or the thousands of basic biologicalprocesses that comprise life

44、.Genes,to a large extent,decide who we are,what welook like,and what we can do,but,of course,the environment we live in also plays apart.Believe it or not,humans and chimps,the closest living relatives to humans,have a lot of DNA in common(about 98%)!But as you can see,even smalldifferences in genet

45、ic codes can make big differences in what an organism lookslike.You dont actually act or look like a chimp,right?Presently,only the function of a few percent of the DNA is known,the rest hasbeen believed to be useless garbage,commonly called“Junk DNA”by molecularbiologists.There is now increasing ev

46、idence indicating that this DNA is not“junk”atall.It has been found to have various regulatory roles,which means that thisso-called“non-coding DNA”influences the behavior of the genes,the“codingDNA”,in important ways.However,the knowledge is still incomplete about thisDNA.And there is little knowled

47、ge about the relationship between non-codingDNA and the DNA of genes.I believe scientists will tell us more with the furtheringof their research.For Teachers:For Teachers:Strategies for Giving a speechStrategies for Giving a speechPart OnePart OneThroughout history people have used public speaking a

48、s a vital means ofcommunication.Pericles,the Greek leader,said more than 2,500 years ago,“Onewho forms a judgment on any point but cannot explain it clearly might as well neverhave thought at all on the subject.”The same is true today.The ability to clearly andeffectively communicate your thoughts a

49、nd ideas is important in both yourpersonal and professional life.Personally,it can help you develop deeper and morefulfilling relationships of all types.Professionally,it can help you stand out amongyour colleagues and attain positions of leadership and influence.Following are some basic concepts of

50、 a speech:Organization:Organization:BeginningBeginningDevicesDevicesObjectivesObjectivesGettheattentionandinterestofyouraudience;Reveal the topic of your speech;Establish your credibility(you are qualified tospeak on a given topic)and good will;Preview the body of the speech.Relate the topic to your


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