1、A History of British ArchitectureA History of British ArchitectureBuildings of the 17th centuryBuildings of the 17th centuryThe Queens HouseThe Queens House,Greenwich,was begun for QueenAnne between 1616 and 1619 and completed forHenrietta Maria between 1630 and 1635.GreenwichHospital was built from
2、 1696 onwards.The QueensHouse is by Inigo Jones and the Hospital is largely Christopher Wrens.St Pauls CathedralSt Pauls Cathedral,London,(1675-1710)is not only one of the most perfect expressionsof the English Baroque,but also one of the greatest buildings anywhere in England.It wasdesigned by Wren
3、 to replace the old cathedral which had been devastated during the Fireof London in 1666.Although built in the 18th century,the ideology behindBlenheim PalaceBlenheim Palace in Oxfordshire lies firmly in the 17thcentury.Conceived as a monumental homage to theDuke of Marlborough,whose victory over Lo
4、uis XIVsarmy at Blenheim in Bavaria gives the palace its name,it was designed by John Vanbrughand is the nearest thing Britain has to a VersaillesStyles of the 18th century-rules cramp the geniusStyles of the 18th century-rules cramp the geniusTo the Whigs who came to power on the accession of Georg
5、e I in 1714,the Baroque wasinextricably linked with the authoritarian rule of the Stuarts.A new style was needed for a new age,and the new ruling class,which aspired to build a civilisation that would rival that of ancientRome,looked for a solution in antiquityOr so it thought.Actually,the solution
6、was found in an antiquity which had been heavilyre-interpreted by the 16th century Italian architect Andrea Palladio(1508-80).Palladios FourBooks of Architecture methodically explored and reconstructed the buildings of ancient Rome.They also provided illustrations,in the form of its authors own desi
7、gns for villas,palaces andchurches,of a way in which the early Georgians might adapt those rules to create an architectureof the classical tradition-the yardstick by which all civilised activity was measured.By the end of the 18th century,the idea of a single national style of architecture had had i
8、ts day.But architects soon found the Palladian search for an ideal architecture pointlessly limiting.Whilstthe buildings of the ancients should serve as models which we should imitate,and as standards bywhich we ought to judge,a more eclectic approach was called for.In the words of the later 18thcen
9、turys greatest architect,Robert Adam,Rules often cramp the genius and circumscribe the ideaof the master.By the end of the 18th century,the idea of a single national style of architecture had had its day.Austere neo-classical masterpieces were still being produced;but so too were huge mock-abbeys,ba
10、ttlemented castles,picturesque sixteen-bedroomed cottages and even,as the 19th centurydawned,oriental palaces such as John Nashs Royal Pavilion at Brighton.The Cult of Styles hadarrived.Buildings of the 18th centuryBuildings of the 18th centuryLoosely modelled on Palladios Villa Capra,Lord Burlingto
11、nsChiswick HouseChiswick House was one of the first shots fired in the war wagedby the Georgians against the Baroque.In case anyone was slowto appreciate where Burlingtons architectural allegiances lay,hehad Michael Rysbrack design two statues to flank the entrance stair with Palladio on theleft,and
12、 his earliest English disciple Inigo Jones on the right.Kedleston HallKedleston Hall,Derbyshire(1758-77),is a high point of Britishneo-classicism.ThePalladianlayouthadalreadybeenestablished when the up-and-coming Scottish architect RobertAdam was asked to take over the project in 1760 by the owner,S
13、ir Nathaniel Curzon.The austere,delicate interiors,with their remarkably unifieddecoration,show Adam at the height of his powers.Kedleston,the Glory of Derbyshire,was one of the most consistently praised of all Georgian houses.I am going to build a little Gothic castle atStrawberry HillStrawberry Hi
14、ll,announced Horace Walpole in 1750.Over the next three decadesWalpole transformed the uninteresting villa he had bought by theThames at Twickenham into one of the landmarks of the GothicRevival in Britain.Strawberry Hill aroused enormous interest-Walpole had to issue ticketsto restrict the number o
15、f visitors coming to see it-and demonstrated that native medievalarchitecture could be every bit as valid as classicism.Styles of the 20th century-conservatism and changeStyles of the 20th century-conservatism and changeThe most important trends in early 20th century architecture simply passed Brita
16、in by.Whilst Gropius was working on cold,hard expanses of glass,and Le Corbusier wasexperimenting with the use of reinforced concrete frames,we had staid establishmentarchitects like Edwin Lutyens producing Neo-Georgian and Renaissance country housesfor an outmoded landed class.In addition there wer
17、e slightly batty architect-craftsmen,theheirs of William Morris,still trying to turn the clock back to before the Industrial Revolutionby making chairs and spurning new technology.Only a handful of Modern Movementbuildings of any real merit were produced here during the 1920s and 1930s,and most ofth
18、ese were the work of foreign architects such as Serge Chermayeff,Berthold Lubetkinand Erno Goldfinger who had settled in this country.Local authorities,charged with the task of rebuilding city centres,became importantpatrons of architecture.After the Second World War the situation began to change.Th
19、e Modern Movementsbelief in progress and the future struck a chord with the mood of post-war Britain and,asreconstruction began under Attlees Labour government in 1945,there was a desperateneed for cheap housing which could be produced quickly.The use of prefabricatedelements,metal frames,concrete c
20、ladding and the absence of decoration-all of whichhad been embraced by Modernists abroad and viewed with suspicion by the British-wereadopted to varying degrees for housing developments and schools.Local authorities,charged with the task of rebuilding city centres,became important patrons of archite
21、cture.This represented a shift away from the private individuals who had dominated thearchitectural scene for centuries.Since the War it has been corporate bodies like these local authorities,together withnational and multinational companies,and large educational institutions,which havedominated Bri
22、tish architecture.By the late 1980s the Modern Movement,unfairly blamedfor the social experiments implicit in high-rise housing,had lost out to irony and spectaclein the shape of post-modernism,with its cheerful borrowings from anywhere and anyperiod.But now,in the new Millennium,even post-modernism
23、 is showing signs of age.What comes next?Post-post-modernism?Buildings of the 20th centuryBuildings of the 20th centuryCardiffs imposing Civic CentreCivic Centre is a vast complex including aCity Hall and Law Courts by Lanchester&Richards,and theUniversity College by W D Caro.It was hailed as one of
24、 the mostmagnificent examples of civic planning in Britain but,in retrospect,its deeply conservative architecture also seems both arrogant and strangely out of touchwith contemporary building in the rest of Europe.The De le Warr PavilionThe De le Warr Pavilion at Bexhill-on-Sea,Sussex,is a superb ex
25、pression of all that isbest about the Modern Movement.Commissioned by Lord De La Warr,mayor of Bexhill,and built by Eric Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff between 1933 and 1936,it was anattempt to make Bexhill as attractive as exotic French and Italian resorts.It goes withoutsaying that it failed,but
26、the recent restoration of the Pavilions clean,sweeping lines is acause for national celebration.The Royal Festival HallThe Royal Festival Hall (Sir Leslie Martin and the ArchitectureDepartment of the London County Council,1951)is all thatsurvives of the complex laid out on Londons South Bank for the
27、1951 Festival of Britain.The festival buildings were important forthe opportunity they afforded of presenting a showcase for good modern architecture andMartins concert hall,while not exactly earth-shattering,is a timely reminder of what goodfestival architecture looks like.英国建筑的历史英国建筑的历史1717 世纪的建筑世
28、纪的建筑女王议院,格林威治,开始于女王 Anne 在 1616 年和 1619 年统治之间和完成了为Henrietta 玛丽亚 1630 年到 1635 年统治期间。格林威治医院修造于1696 年之前。女王议院是由 Inigo 琼斯主持修建并且医院主要是克里斯托弗。St 保罗的大教堂,伦敦,(1675-1710)不仅是英国巴落克式样的最完善的表示的当中一个,而且是英国最伟大的建筑之一。在 1666 伦敦火中 它由 Wren 设计的用于替换被摧残了在伦敦的老大教堂。虽然修造在18世纪,牢牢地珍藏于17世纪的Oxfordshired的 Blenheim 宫殿之后的思想体系。作为对 Marlboro
29、ugh 公爵巨大的尊敬,他在巴伐利亚的 Blenheim 战利了路易十四的军队。宫殿以它为名字,它由约翰Vanbrugh 设计了和该宫殿是离凡尔赛最近的不列颠的建筑物。1818 世纪的风格世纪的风格-规则限制天才规则限制天才对于那些辉格党党员他们在 1714 年乔治一世上台时开始执政。那些巴罗克风格与斯图尔特一家独裁主义者规章不可分开地联系。一种新样式需要一个新时代,以及新统治阶级,立志争取建造将与古罗马的竞争的一种文化,在古代寻找一个解决办法或如此它想法。实际上,解答由 16 世纪意大利建筑师 Andrea Palladio 在(1508-80)沉重重新解释了人的上古时期发现了。建筑学 Pa
30、lladio 的四本书从方法上探索了和重建了古老罗马大厦。他们并且提供了例证,以作者自己设计的别墅,宫殿和教会形式以及早期的 Georgians 也许采取那些规则创造古典传统-码尺建筑学而为所有文明的活动测量的所用。在 18 世纪末,单一的民族建筑风格已经盛极一时了。严格的新古典杰作依然不断地出现,但是大型的模拟修道院,城垛型城堡,别致的有 16 间客房的避暑屋,甚至在19 世纪最早出现的东方宫殿如在布赖顿约翰.纳什建的皇家阁楼。对这些风格的狂热崇拜时期已经来临.1818 世世 纪纪 建建 筑筑在乔治反对巴洛克发起的战争中,以帕拉第奥设计的别墅Capra 为模型建造的波灵顿男爵的,Chiswi
31、ck 宫是第一批被击中建筑物之一。如果有人无法立即领会波灵顿建筑的忠诚度所在,于是他请 Michael Rysbrack 在入口阶梯两侧设计了两座雕像。帕拉第奥像位于左边,最早期的英国信徒 InigoJone 像立于右边。德比希尔的 Kedleston 大厅是英国新古典主义的要点所在。在 1760 年,当房主 NathanielCurzon 爵士要求刚崭露头角的苏格兰建筑学家罗伯特亚当掌管这个工程时,帕拉第奥式的大宅已经建立起来了。严格精美的室内布景,带有他们卓越的统一装饰显示出亚当的实力正处颠峰时期,Kedleston,yerbyshire 的骄傲,是乔治时代所有房子中受到一惯性表扬最多的房
32、子之一。我打算在草莓山上建造一所小型的哥特式城堡Horace Walpole 在 1970 年宣称道。在节下来 30 多年时间里,Walpole将他所有购买的位于 Twickenham 泰晤河边不令人感兴趣的别墅转变成在英国哥特式建筑风格复兴的纪念碑之一。草莓山上引起了大众兴趣,Walpole不得不以售票形式来限制前来观光的游客,并且表明当地中世纪建筑学和古典主义一样在每一时段都有效。2020 世纪的风格世纪的风格-保守主义和变动。保守主义和变动。在 20 世纪初期建筑学上最重要的趋向未在英国停留,whilstGropius 从事玻璃冷硬玻璃业。Le Corbusier 在利用加强的混凝土框架
33、做试验,我们有固定的创立建筑师Edwin Lutyens 为不流入的阶层建造设计了新英王乔治时代和文艺复兴时期房屋的Edwin Lutyens。另外有轻微古怪的建筑工匠,威廉 Morris,的继承人试图通过制造椅子和摒弃新技术而将时间转回到工业革命之前。唯一一些有真实优点的现代运动建筑是在20 年代和 30 年代之间建立的,且它们中的大部分是外国建筑师的作品,像Chermayeff,Berthold Lubetkin 以及已经在英国定居的 Erno Goldfinger。当地负责重建市中心的政府部门成为了建筑学的主要建筑赞助者,在第二次世界大战后形势发生了改变,当重建工作于 1945 年在 A
34、ttlee 的工党劳动政府指导下开始现代运动在进程和未来中的信念,同战争时期英国人的情绪相和谐,人们急切需要那种能迅速建立起来的廉价房。预制的元素的应用,金属框架、混凝土的保护层和装饰缺乏,因为住房发展和学校被采用来改变地位而所有这些被国外现代主义者看好,但却受到了英国人的质疑,这个代表了一种几世纪以来由私人统治建筑风景的改变。因为战争使得像政府部门这样的机构同那些管辖英国建筑的国内公司,跨国公司和大型的教育机构结合起来,在 20 世纪 80 年代后期,因为社会实验受到不公平的责备含蓄地显露在高层建筑上。现代运动随同以人任何时段借来事物甚至于后现代注意在正在表现出过时的迹象,接下来是什么呢?后
35、后现代主义在后现代主义的外形失去了意义。2020 世世 纪纪 的的 建筑建筑加的夫的给人的印象深刻的市中心是一个巨大的复合体工程。其包括由郎切斯特和理查德建的市政万和法院,由 W D Caroe 建的大学,它被认为是英国市规划中最宏伟的建筑之一,但是回顾过去,它的保守建筑风格看起来同样具有傲慢性且与欧洲其他国家的当代建筑显的格格不入。位于苏克塞斯 Bexhill 海边的沃尔亭子最能表现出现代运动,受 Bexhill 市长De La Warr委任,由 Eric Mendelsohn 和 SergeChermayeff 在 1936 年之间建立起来的沃尔亭沃尔亭子子试图使 Bexhill 同法国和意大利的名胜一样有吸引力。很显然它失败了,但是最近因国庆,对亭子整体线条进行修复。皇家节日大厅(Leslie Martin 爵士,伦敦县委会的建筑部门,1951)是复合体建筑的幸存部分,为了庆祝 1951 英国节日,它是以伦敦南银行为模型而设计出来的。这些节日建筑是重要的,因为他们为好的现代建筑和马丁音乐万提供了一个展览的机会,那次展示,虽说没有震撼全球的效应,但是却时刻在提醒人们何为一个好的节日建筑。