1、2022国庆阅兵英文观后感_国庆阅兵观后感 国庆阅兵英文观后感由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来便利,猜你可能喜爱“国庆阅兵观后感”。 From: Yao Wenqi (Albee) To: Dr.Donald Barnes English Writing C1A J5 Date: 2022-10-18 A Visual Feast October 1st, 2022 was especially a proud day for all of our Chinese people for the reason that this day was the sixtieth birthday
2、of our great motherland.Filled with paion, I waited early in front of the television crowded by my schoolmates of Peking University, waiting for watching the 14th National Day military parade.The parade shows the 56 phalanxes, including teams of 14 square foot phalanxes, 30 equipment force phalanxes
3、 and 12 air echelons.The officers and men marched in the parade square with standard pace, each space between steps was 75 cm, with the speed at 116 steps per minute.Strict requirements and training had made them perform perfectly.56 Square teams, a symbol of unity and harmony of Chinese 56 national
4、ities, united as one, were making big strides along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Flag guard members came from the Peoples Heroes Monument to the base of the flagpole with 169 steps, had the meaning of from 1840 to the present, which is 169 years of extraordinary history, the Ch
5、inese were always full of confidence about the future without hesitation. After the parade was the grand proceion.100,000 people and 36 phalanxes composed of 60 floats, following which 6 theatrical performances phalanxes came acro the central area of the Tiananmen Square.80000 young people presented
6、 at the Tiananmen Square and the Tiananmen Square became the sea of joy. To my great mother and powerful motherland, I give you my best wish to your happy birthday as well as your brighter and wonderful future! (Word count: 265) 国庆阅兵英文观后感 From: Yao Wenqi (Albee)To: Dr.Donald BarnesEnglish WritingC1A
7、 J5Date: 2022-10-18A Visual FeastOctober 1st, 2022 was especially a proud day for all of our Chi. 国庆大阅兵观后感_观看国庆阅兵观后感 今日,我国经过一步步的艰苦奋斗,已经渐渐成为国际各方面的领头羊。当然,国家的旺盛昌盛,是离不开军队的护航。以下是小编整理了关于2022国庆大阅兵观后感_观看国庆阅兵观后感5篇. 国庆阅兵观后感 国庆阅兵观后感五星红旗,我为你傲慢,五星红旗,我为你骄傲!多年来祖国像一只沉睡的雄狮,受人欺凌,我听到祖国母亲在哭泣;但现在这只沉睡的雄狮惊醒了。饱经磨难的中华人民 ,在时
8、间的. 国庆阅兵 观后感 国庆阅兵观后感发展小学五年(4)班梁顺娟当2022年10月1日0时0分起先,祖国妈妈起先了她60华诞的生日旅途。在这个寓意深刻的日子,在首都*实行了隆重而盛大的国庆阅兵。阅兵一. 国庆阅兵观后感 国庆阅兵观后感又是金秋十月,清风送爽。最终,在这一个金桂报喜的特殊日子里,我们迎来了宏大祖国母亲60岁华诞!时钟敲响了,激烈人心的十点钟最终来临了!*广场上早已是人山人海、乐. 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第4页 共4页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页