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1、上汽五菱汽车股份有限公司质量管理体系程序文件上汽五菱汽车股份有限公司质量管理体系程序文件上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量管理体系程序文件SGMW Quality Management System ProcedureQP/SGMW 8。5。06-2005版本号 Version#:A产品安全管理程序Product Safety Management Procedure200512-27 发布 2005-1230 实施Issued on December27,2005 Implemented on December30,2005上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 发 布Issued by SAIC GM

2、 Wuling Automobile Co。Ltd前 言 Foreword本文件是上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量手册章节 8。5 的支持性文件,目的在于通过对公司产品质量问题进行评估及产品追溯系统、问题预警系统的建设和维护,以确保产品安全问题得以快速、有效的解决和处理,并满足国家关于缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定的要求.The procedure is the supporting file of SGMW“Quality ManualChapter 8.5 It is intended to ensure that the product safety issues areresolved fa

3、st and effectively and meet therequirements of national recall management regulations on defectautomotive products,throughthe evaluations on the product quality issues as well as thedevelopment and maintenance of theproduct traceability system and prealarm system.本程序由上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司提出.This is put for

4、ward by SGMW。本程序由上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量部归口。This is managed by SGMW Quality Dept。本程序由上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量部负责组织起草.This is drafted by SGMW Quality Dept。本程序主要起草人:支 芝Major draftsman:Zhi Zhi本程序如出现文字理解歧义,以中文为准.If there is any different understanding to the words of thisprocess,please refer to its Chinese version.审核

5、Audited by:黄春笋会签 Sign off:梅胜军 杨剑勇 袁竑 方世群 袁智军邓湘宁 李丽明 粟鸿斌 蒋桂华 陈成批准 Approved by:姚佐平上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 200512-27 发布 200512-30 实施1上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量管理体系程序文件SGMW Quality Management System Procedure 产品安全管理程序Product Safety Management Procedure QP/SGMW 8.5。062005(0/A)1.Compiling and applicable scope,编制和适用范围 Qualit

6、y Dept。This The procedure compiled by本程序由质量部负责编制,适用于公司批量生产 document applies to allthe evaluation,disposal andcontrol activities under the situation of possible defects 的所有整车产品和所销售配件可能存在缺陷情况时 existing in the complete vehicleproducts produced bythe company and its branch。的评估、处理和控制工作。2。Quoted standards

7、 2 引用标准 2.1 National Quality InspectionBureau2004,No。60“Defect Automobile Product Recall 2.1 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 2004 年 60 号令缺Management Regulation 陷汽车产品召回管理规定 2。2 NationalQuality Inspection Bureau(2004)No。245“Defect Automobile Product Recall Information System 2.2 国家质量检验检疫总局文件国质检质(2004)245Management Metho

8、ds”。号缺陷汽车产品召回信息系统管理办法 3。Terms3。1 Defect:unreasonable danger violating the peoples,术语body and property safety and commonly existing in a 3。1 缺陷:是指由于设计、制造等方面的原因在某一 batch of the complete vehicles in thesame type or modeldue to design,manufacturing and other reasons,or 批次、型号或类别的整车中存在具有同一性的危及人 situation

9、not conforming to the nationalautomotive 身、财产安全的不合理危险,或者不符合有关汽车安 safetystandards.3.2 Product safety issue:quality issue caused by the 全的国家标准的情形。possible defect,that is,suspect defect issue.3。2 产品安全问题:可能属于缺陷的质量问题,即疑 3.3 Field action:maintenance and service activities forthe owners.There are three typ

10、es of the actions:field 似缺陷问题。service activities,special maintenance activities,3。3 市场行动:即对车辆用户开展维修服务的活动,automobile recallactivities3.4 Field service activity:after-sales service market 分为市场服务活动、特殊维修活动、汽车召回活动三 activities for the nonsafetyquality issue in the samebatch of the vehicles 种类型.3。5 Special

11、 maintenance activity:special maintenance 3。4 市场服务活动:对同批次车辆存在的不涉及安全 conducted by the service stations forthe vehicle duringits regular maintenance because of the nonsafety quality 性的质量问题,采取售后服务市场活动.issue causing little dissatisfaction in the same batch of 3.5 特殊维修活动:对同批次车辆存在的不涉及安全 the vehicles。3。6 A

12、utomobile recall:processes of eliminating the 性的、不易引起用户不满意的质量问题,在车辆进行defect automotive products in the ways of repair,正常保养及维护时,服务站给予特殊维修。replacement or callback,ect3.7 FPT:Field Performance Team 3.6 汽车召回:对缺陷汽车产品采取修理、更换或收 3.8 FPE:Field Performance Evaluation回等方式消除其缺陷的过程.4 Responsibilities4.1 The comp

13、any ExCom is responsible to make 3。7 FPT(FieldPerformance Team):市场表现评估小组 decision for the field action forthe company product 3.8 FPE(Field Performance Evaluation):市场表现评估 safety issue and to lead the overall company automobilerecall work.4 职责 4。2 Quality Department is the responsibledepartment for 4

14、。1 公司执委会负责对公司产品安全问题进行市场行 theproduct safety management work,taking care of thedevelopment and maintenance of the product traceability 动决策,并全面领导公司汽车召回工作.system and pre-alarm system as well as theproduct上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 200512-27 发布 20051230 实施2QP/SGMW 8。5。06-2005(0/A)safety issue evaluation and manageme

15、nt work flow,4.2 质量部是产品安全管理工作的归口部门,负责对 organizing the recall plan and coordinatingits 产品追溯系统和预警系统的建立与维护,产品安全问 implementation,contacting the national superintendentministry in terms of recall,SAIC supervision dept and 题评估及处理工作流程的建立与维护,必要时,组织 GM Asia Pacific,and organizing theevaluation on theeffectiv

16、eness of the recall work.制定召回计划并协调计划的实施,负责就召回工作与4.3 TDC Department is responsible to identify and 国家主管部门、上汽集团主管部门、通用亚太(GMAP)maintain the product traceability level,scope andmethod,involved in the product safety issue field 联系,并负责组织对召回工作效果的评估.performance evaluation and to propose the technical 4.3 技术

17、中心负责确定产品追溯等级、范围、方式并 resolution for the quality issue oreliminating the productdefects.维护,参与产品安全问题市场表现评估并提出处理质4.4 Purchasing Supply Chain Management 量问题或消除产品缺陷的技术方面的解决方案。Department is responsible to implement the traceablitymanagement in the processes of purchasing and 4.4 采购及供应链管理部负责在采购和物流过程实施 logis

18、tics,define the amount and scope of thedefect 可追溯性管理,负责确定缺陷物料的数量及范围,在 materials,proposethe resolution and budget in terms ofthe parts in the specific product safety action and ensure 具体产品安全问题处理行动中提出零配件方面的解 the supply of the parts required bythe action.决方案及预算,确保行动所需零配件的供应。4.5 ManufacturingDepartment

19、is responsible toimplement the traceability management in the processes 4.5 制造部负责在产品制造过程实施可追溯性管理,of the product manufacturing and topropose and负责提出对公司内(含库存)车辆消除缺陷的行动方 implement the schemeand budget for eliminating thedefects of the vehicles produced in company(including 案及预算并组织实施。inventory)4。6 Sales

20、 Company is responsible for the collection and 4.6 销售公司负责客户信息及售后车辆质量信息的feedback of the customers information and after-sales 收集和反馈,负责提出对用户方面、媒体方面的市场 vehicle quality information,andpropose and implementthe field action implementation scheme and budget 行动实施方案及预算并组织实施。related to users and media。4.7 总经理

21、办公室负责市场行动中对客户和媒体方面 4。7 President Office is responsible for the legal audit tothe proposal for the field action in terms of customers 实施方案的法律审核。and media。4.8 人力资源部负责实施市场行动人力资源方面的 4.8 HumanResources Department is responsible tocoordinate the human resources for the field action。协调.4.9Finance Dept。impl

22、ements the funds deployment4。9 财务部负责实施市场行动所需资金的配置。required in the fieldaction。5 Work content 5 工作内容 5.1 See diagram 1 for the product safetymanagementflow process 5。1 产品安全管理流程见附件一。5.2 Establish andcontrol the implementation of the 5.2 建立与控制实施产品追溯系统 producttraceability system.5.2。1 TDC defines the pr

23、oduct traceability scope,and 5。2。1 由技术中心制定产品追溯范围,将汽车零部件 clarify the automotive parts intotwo traceability levels:accurate traceability and common traceability。See 分为“精确追溯”、“一般追溯”两个追溯等级,具体 details in Traceability Part Listreleased by TDC。见技术中心发布的“追溯零部件清单”。5.2.1。1 Accurate traceabilityparts are identi

24、fied in partbar code。Implement the detailed requirements in 5.2。1.1 精确追溯零件采用零件条形码标识,具体要 accordance with Bar Code ManagementCriteriareleased by TDC.求执行技术中心发布的“条形码管理规范”。5.2.1。2Common traceability parts are identified in5.2.1。2 一般追溯零件采用包装箱批次标识,具体要 container batch。Implement the detailed requirements int

25、he Batch Identification Criteria Notice released by 求执行采购和供应链管理部发布的“批次标识规范的 Purchasing Supply Chain ManagementDept。5。2.2 Purchasing&Supply Chain Management Dept 通知.monitors thesuppliers product traceability system,上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 200512-27 发布 200512-30 实施3QP/SGMW 8.5.062005(0/A)implements First In an

26、d First Out management in 5.2。2 采购和供应链管理部对供应商的产品追溯系统 logistic processes,and keeps records on thecommon 进行监控,在物流过程进行先进先出管理,实施一般 parts receivingtime,amount and batch,which will becorresponding in the batch to WLMIS system complete 零件出入库时间、数量、批次的记录,实现与 WLMISvehicle information。系统整车信息的批次对应关系。5。2。3 Manuf

27、acturing Dept。managesand controls thetraceability of the in house parts and the manufacturing 5.2.3 制造部对自制件、制造过程可追溯性进行管理 processes,implements FIFO partusage,and sticks the 和控制,实施先进先出使用零件,并将精确追溯零件bar code to the corresponding vehicle inspection ticketwhile keeping it in clear and complete form。的条形码一一

28、对应粘帖在随车检测卡上,并保持条形 5.2.4 In CARE inspection,Quality Dept recordsthe part 码信息的清晰、完整。bar code information into the producttraceabilityinformation system,realizing the accurate traceability 5.2。4 质量部在对车辆进行入库检验时,将零件条形 parts correspondence。码信息录入到产品追溯信息系统,实现精确追溯零件 5。3 Improve thecustomer information system

29、.AfterSales Dept。collects the customer information every 与的一一对应关系。month and passes it to Quality Dept whose designated 5。3 完善客户信息系统,售后服务部每月汇总客户信 personnel will report that to thenational defect productrecall management center for keeping in the archives 息传递至质量部,质量部指定人员按国家关于缺陷 based on the countrys r

30、equirementsfor Defect汽车产品召回信息系统管理办法的要求将信息报国 Automobile ProductRecall Information SystemManagement Methods。家缺陷产品召回管理中心存档。5。4 Improvequality information collection and feedback 5.4 完善质量信息收集和反馈系统,疑似缺陷问题的 system。Implement the Quality Information ManagementProcedure for the feedback of the suspect defect

31、s 反馈按 QP/SGMW 8。4.02-2005质量信息管理程序5.5 Quality Dept organizes the relatedpersonnel from执行。TDC,Aftersales Service Dept,Manufacturing Dept,etcto form the FPT for investigating the suspect product 5。5 质量部质量工程科组织技术中心、售后服务部、defect quality issue and finishing theFPE Investigation 制造部等相关人员成立 FPT,对疑似产品缺陷的质量 S

32、ummary.5。6 If the FPE investigation result indicates that its 问题进行调查,完成“FPE 调查摘要”。necessary to take field action,Quality Deptwill organize 5.6 对 FPT 调查的结果表明有必要采取市场行动时,theresponsible people from TDC,Sales Company,Manufacturing Dept,Purchasing and Supply Chain 质量部部长组织技术中心、销售公司、制造部、采购 Management Dept,t

33、o review the FPEInvestigation 及供应链管理部负责人对“FPE 调查摘要进行评审,Summary,propose the field action suggestion andsubmit ExCom for decision。提出市场行动建议,提交执委会决策。5。7In the defect product recall implementation process,5。7 在实施缺陷产品召回过程中,质量部负责与集团 Quality Dept is responsible to contactthe groupsuperintendent department,n

34、ational recall 主管部门、国家召回主管部门、国家召回监督部门的 superintendent department,and national recall 联系及材料上报工作,具体按缺陷汽车产品召回管 monitoring department,also submit correlativematerials。Implement the specific work based on the 理规定附件二、附件三、附件五的要求执行。attachment 2,3 and 5 of the DefectAutomobile Product 5.8 制造部、采购及供应链管理部分别在其完成

35、召回 RecallManagement Regulation.5。8 Manufacturing Dept and Purchasing and Supply 职能范围内工作后七个工作日内提交实施情况的书 Chain Management Dept respectively submit itswritten 面报告。implementation status reports within seven workdaysafter fulfilling its recall functions。5.9 销售公司在召回实施过程中,负责提供召回进展 5.9 Sales Company is resp

36、onsible to offer the recalldevelopment reports in the recall implementation 情况报告,并在召回实施完成后七个工作日内提交实process and submit the written implementation status 施情况的书面报告。reports within seven workdays after finishing the recallimplementation.6 相关表式 6 Related sheet6。1 表 8。5。0601 市场表现评估调查报告 6。1 Sheet 8.5。06-01

37、FieldPerformance EvaluationInvestigation Report上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 200512-27 发布 2005-12-30 实施4QP/SGMW 8。5。06-2005(0/A)产品安全管理流程产品安全问题来源:质量表现评估工程师销售公司、质量部、技术中心、生产现按问题解决程 FPT 组织调查,填写 FPE 调查报告 场、媒体、政府部门 序处理必要时质量部组织相关部门负责人评审 FPE 调 查报告,提出市场行动建议执委会决策实施特殊维修活动 实施市场服务活动 实施汽车召回行动质量部组织编制产品缺陷报告,报送售后服务部组织编制售后服务部组织编制市

38、国家、集团主管部门 特殊维修活动方案 场服务活动计划质量部组织制定召回计划 执委会批准活动方案 执委会批准市场服务活 动计划 执委会批准召回计划售后服务部向质量部售后服务部向质量部备向国家召回主管部门备案召回计划备案活动方案并组织案活动计划并组织计划 方案的实施 的实施 公司各部门实施召回计划质量部跟踪、检查实施情况 售后服务部向公司报售后服务部向公司报告告方案实施进展情况,计划实施进展情况,并抄并抄送质量部备案 送质量部备案 质量部向公司(必要时向国家、集团主管部门)报告工作进展情况行动结束后,质量部组织效果评估 活动结束后,售后服务活动结束后,售后服务部召回有效 未达效果 部向公司提交最终

39、报向公司提交最终报告,并告,并抄送质量部备案 抄送质量部备案质量部向公司、国家、集团主管部门提交最终报告问题关闭,质量部保存记录 图一上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 20051227 发布 2005-12-30 实施5QP/SGMW 8.5。062005(0/A)Product Safety Management ProcessProduct safety issue Quality performance evaluation engineeroriginates from:Sales Company,Quality Dept,TDC,production floor,Per Problem

40、Solving Procedure FPT organizesthe investigation,fills in FPE the media,government investigationreport departmentsAs necessaryQuality Dept organizes related dept responsible personnel to reviewthe FPE investigation report and proposes the field action suggestionsExCom decisionsImplement special main

41、tenance Implement field service Implement thevehicle recall actionQuality Dept compiles the product defect report and AftersalesDept organizes to develop Aftersales Dept organizes to develop submitto the national and group superintendent dept the special maintenanceproposal the field service activit

42、y planQuality Dept organizes to develop the recall planExCom approves the proposal ExCom approves the field serviceactivity plan ExCom approves the recall planSend the recall plan to the national Aftersales Dept sends theproposal to After-sales Dept sends the proposal to supervision depts。for filing

43、 Quality Dept for filing and organize Quality Dept for filingand organize its implementation its implementationImplement the recall plan by the deptsQuality Dept tracks and checks the implementation Aftersales Deptreports the proposal Aftersales Dept reports the implementation statusto the company a

44、nd proposal implementation status to send a copy toQuality Dept for filing the company and send a copy to Quality Deptreports(the national/SAIC Quality Dept for filing supervision depts.if necessary)on the work statusQuality Dept organizes effectiveness evaluation after the recall isfinished When th

45、e activity is over,After-sales After-sales Dept submitsthe final report to Dept submits the final report to the Effectiverecall Not achieving the company and sends a copy to Quality company andsends a copy to Quality Dept for filing。Dept for filing。Quality Dept submits the final report to the compan

46、y,thenational and SAIC supervision deptsDiagram 1 Close the issue,Quality Dept saves the records上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 2005-12-27 发布 2005-1230 实施6表 Sheet 8.5。0601市场表现评估调查报告Field Performance Evaluation Investigation Report1 问题报告 Condition report 2 问题发现 Condition discovery 3 问题分析 issue 怀疑或已知的原因 doubt or known

47、 issueanalysis 问题可能造成的后果 likely result问题的技术解释 technic explain问题的技术解决方案 technic settle plan 4 问题的相关情问题存档报告的数量 quantity file report况 issue related 可疑车辆车型 doubt vehicle type status可疑车辆数(包括 VIN 清单)doubtvehicle count(Inc。VIN list)可疑车辆制造车间 doubt vehiclemanufacture shop可疑车辆生产时间(包括断点号)doubtvehicle produce t

48、ime可疑车辆分布 doubt vehicle distribution可能发生问题的概率 issue occurprobability5 零件供应商名称 nameparts 零件标识及可供区别的特征 part mark supplier and character6 问题解决行动应急修理 urgent mendingissue settle 生产修理 produce mending action可能的市场修理 likely market mending 7 预防性行动分程序不存在(或不充分、失败)procedure析 preventability inexistence(or insuffi

49、ciency)action analysis 责任方 owner预防性行动 preventability action 8 问题存在于其它生产区域的可能性possibility of issue inother production area9 FPT 市场行动建议及计划(可附页)FPT market act proposaland plan10 市场行动成本估计 market action cost estimate 11 进行市场行动的理由market action reason 12 行动日志 action log注:FPE 调查报告应包括但不仅限于上述内容。Note:FPE investigationreport shall include but not limit tothe above content.上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 2005-1227 发布 2005-12-30 实施


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