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1、20202020 届杭州天目外国语学校高三英语下学期期中考试试题及答案解析届杭州天目外国语学校高三英语下学期期中考试试题及答案解析第一部分第一部分阅读(共两节,满分阅读(共两节,满分4 40 0 分)分)第一节(共第一节(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分分,满分 3030 分)分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项A AA Lifelong Devotion to Keeping People FedYuan Longping is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator,known fo

2、r developing the hybrid rice varieties.Yuan graduated from the Southwest Agriculture Institute in 1953 andbegan his teaching career at anagriculture school.In the 1960s,when a serious food shortage sweptChina,Yuan decided to devote himself to studying how toincrease the yields of rice.He then began

3、a lifelong connection with rice.Yuan succeeded in growing the worlds first high-yielding hybrid rice varieties in 1973,which could reach ayield of over 500 kg per mu(about 0.067 hectares),rising from the previous yield of only 300 kg per mu.For thenext four decades,he continued to work on research a

4、nd development of hybrid rice,achieving increasinglyhigher outputs.In 2020,hybrid rice developed by Yuans team achieved 1,500 kilograms per mu in two growingseasons,a new world record.InChina,where rice is the main food for the majority of the 1.4 billion people,the planting area of hybrid ricehas r

5、eached 16 million hectares,or 57%of the total planting area of rice,helping feed an extra 80 million peoplea year.Hybridricehasalsobeengrowninover40countries,includingtheU.S.,Brazil,India,Vietnam,thePhilippinesandMadagascar.The total planting area of the hybrid rice has reached 8 million hectares ov

6、erseas.Even after a great success,Yuan never held himself back from making new breakthroughs.In 2017,his teamstarted to grow seawater rice inQingdao.The rice was designed to grow in saline-alkaline land and survive evenafter being completely in seawater.His team planned to develop a type of seawater

7、 rice that could be planted in6.67 million hectares of saline-alkaline land acrossChinato boost the countrys rice harvest by about 20%.In 2018,Yuans team was invited to plant the saline-alkaline tolerant rice in experimental fields inDubai,which achievedhuge success.In June 2020,his team started to

8、grow seawater rice on a farm at an altitude of 2,800 meters innorthwestChinasQinghaiProvince.The experiment succeeded.Yuan had two dreams to“enjoy the cool under the rice crops taller than men”and that hybrid rice couldbe grown all over the world to help solve the global food shortage.1.What made Yu

9、an Longping decide to study rice?A.A serious food shortage.B.Agriculture development.C.His interest in the rice experiment.D.His wish to plant the tallest rice in the world.2.From the passage,we know that Yuan Longping _.A.developed a variety of hybrid riceB.worked as a scientist after graduationC.s

10、tarted to grow seawater rice inDubaiin 2017D.grew the first high-yielding hybrid rice varieties in 19533.We can infer from the passage that Yuan Longpings most outstanding qualities are_.A.modest and outgoingB.honest and creativeC.generous and optimisticD.responsible and devotedBOne of the greatest

11、challenges in caring for such intelligent animals as chimpanzees(猩猩)is providing themwith enriching experiences.Every day,the chimpanzees at Project Chimps receive morning and eveningfood-based enrichment devices,but caregivers are always looking for more ways to keep the chimps mentallyengaged.With

12、 79 chimpanzees,each with their distinctive personality,care staff often find that different chimpsreact differently to new enrichment.Last year,we began inviting musicians to perform for chimps to see what they may respond.A violinperformance received quite the response.Additional musicians were li

13、ned up to visit but the coronavirus hasstopped the activities,which we hope toresumein the near future.This past week,we brought an electric piano for the chimps to investigate.Some chimps,like twins Buttercupand Clarisse,were immediately interested and could not wait to tap out a few notes.Others,l

14、ike Emma,weremore interested in trying to take it apart.29-year-old Precious has very little tolerance for the piano.She sat off to the side for a few minutes,buteventually she decided that was enough.She called an end to the enrichment session by throwing a handful ofwaste at the piano.Receiving he

15、r message loud and clear,we removed the piano.We could never have guessed how 33-year-old Luke would react to it.As with many retired lab chimpanzeesLuke has some anxiety issues.He seems particularly distrustful of anything new,including people,food,andenrichment.But when we presented the chimps wit

16、h the piano,Luke was the first to investigate.We could notbelieve our eyes this usually anxious chimpanzee bravely chose to explore something new!To us at Project Chimps,this is what it is all about:giving chimpanzees the freedom to choose.We arehonored to be part of their journey.4.Why do chimpanze

17、es respond differently to new enrichment?A.They are of different genders.B.They have natural curiosities.C They are as intelligent as humans.D.They have their unique characters.5.What does the underlined word“resume”in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Continue.B.Suspend.C.Monitor.D.Regulate.6.Who showed the least

18、 interest in the piano?A.Buttercup and Clarisse.B.Emma.C.Precious.D.Luke.7.What is the text mainly about?A.How caregivers care for the retired chimpanzees.B.What care staff do to enrich chimpanzees daily life.C.How chimpanzees are trained through various enrichment.D.What Project Chimps does to obse

19、rve and study wild chimps.CHave you ever imagined that your simple T-shirt could cool you down by up to5on these hot summer days?Thanks to a recent discovery,the possibility is getting closer.While there are many alternatives that manage tokeep the body warm,this amazing invention aims to offer real

20、 relief for those who are eager to feel comfortableand fresh in the outdoors on extremely hot days.Its inventors,engineers Ma Yaoguang of Zhejiang University and Tao Guangming of Huazhong University ofScience and Technology in China,look a completely innovative approach.They designed a special texti

21、le dial canabsorb body heat and re-emit its energy into space as mid-infrared radiation(MIR).This textile cools both theobjects and their surroundings through a technique that is known as radiative cooling,Science reveals.This meansthat even when it looks like you are wearing a regular shirt,you are

22、 actually wearing a device that works like amirror.Research conducted at Stanford University in 2017 had already managed to cool the wearer by 3,but thisprevious trial was limited.So researchers still need to test the new approach to determine how effectively the newfabric cools while the wearers ar

23、e standing or walking,and not directly facing the sky,like in their trials.They alsoneed to examine and measure how well it works when T-shirts are not in close contact with the skin.Inventors Yaoguang and Guangming are now looking out for textile manufacturers and clothing brands thatare interested

24、 in using their fabric.They estimate that the new material will increase clothing manufacturing costsby just 10 percent.“We can make it with mass production which means everybody can get a T-shirt and the cost isbasically the same as theirs,”old Yaoguang said.So if you are an athlete or simply someo

25、ne that has to deal with the extremely high temperatures,be patientbecause your days of feeling hot and bothered may be corning to an end!8.What is the purpose of the new invention?A.To warm up peoples body.B.To cool people off in hot weather.C.To detect the wearers temperature.D.To protect clothes

26、from becoming wet.9.How does the special product work?A.By turning sunlight into energy.B.By sending out absorbed heat.C.By keeping heat out completely.D.By using light color1 s to reflect sunlight.10.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A.The invention needs further testing.B.The previous studies l

27、ack evidence.C.The new fabric has a good cooling effect.D.The new fabric applies to various situations.11.The invention of the T-shirt may hean example of _.A.barking up the wrong treeB.robbing Peter to pay PaulC.killing two birds with one stoneD.pulling the cart before the horseDWhile space travel

28、still gets lot of attention,not enough attention has been paid to the exploration of oceans,about which we know much less than the dark side of the moon.Ninety percent of the ocean floor has not even been recorded and while we have been to the moon,thetechnology to explore the oceans floors is still

29、 being developed.For example,a permanent partially-underwatersea exploration station,called the Sea Orbiter,is currently in development.The oceans play a major role in controlling our climate.But we have not learned yet how to use them to coolus off rather than contribute to our overheating.Ocean or

30、ganisms are said to hold the promise of cures for a wideof the unique eyes of skate(ray fish)led to advances in conquering blindness,the horseshoe crab was important indeveloping a test for bacterial pollution,and sea urchins helped in the development of test-tube fertilization(人工授精).The toadfishs a

31、bility to regenerate its central nervous system is of much interest to neuroscientists.Arecent Japanese study concluded that the drug Eribulin,which was taken from sea sponges,is effective in fightingwith breast,colon,and Urinary cancer.Given the approaching crisis of water insufficiency,we badly ne

32、ed to improve current methods,ofdesalinating(淡化)ocean water and make them more efficient and less costly.By 2025,1.8 billion people areexpected to suffer from severe water shortage,with that number jumping to 3.9 billion by 2050-well over a thirdof the entire global population.If the oceansdo not ma

33、ke your heart go beating faster,how about engineering a bacterium that eats carbondioxide and thus helps protect the world from overheating and produces fuel which will allow us to drive ourcars and machines,without oil?I cannot find any evidence that people young or old,Americans or citizens ofothe

34、r nations would be less impressed or less inspired with such a breakthrough than with one more set of photosof a faraway galaxy or a whole Milky Way full of stars.12.What does the author think about the ocean exploration?A.It is equal to the space exploration.B.It is well developed.C.It deserves mor

35、e attention and devotion.D.It is beyond our knowledge.13.What technology has been developed to make use of the oceans?A.Curing human diseases with ocean organisms.B.Preventing the world getting warmer.C.Mapping the global ocean floor.D.Removing salt from sea water.14.What does the author imply in th

36、e last paragraph?A.The temperature rise will be overcome by a bacterium.B.Solving the existing problems is more significant.C.The space exploration is worth the efforts.D.The ocean exploration is not inspiring.15.What is the best title of the passage?A.Oceans,the Last Hope.B.Oceans,the Hidden Treasu

37、re.C.Space,the Final Frontier.D.Space,the Faraway Dream.第二节(共第二节(共 5 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分分,满分 1 10 0 分)分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项Pain is usually connected to a nervous system.When you put your hand too close to a hot stove,nerve cells send awarning of danger to your brain._16_Tha

38、t,in turn,causes you to pull your hand away beforeany seriousdamage is done.Plants dont have nerves or brains,so they cant feel pain like you do._17_And since they cant escape a potentially dangerous situation,they need other ways of fighting back.The biggest threat to a plants life is getting eaten

39、.Some plants discourage plant-eaters from chewing on them bygrowing thorns or sharp little hairs,like a rose or a cactus does.Other plants produce bad-tasting or even toxicchemicals._18_But a plant called bittersweet nightshade does something even more smartly.When a slug,a small creature,chews hole

40、s in a nightshades leaf,a kind of sweet juice begins dripping out of the edges of the wound,almost as ifthe plant were bleeding._19_In their quest to collect the juice,the ants gather all over the injured nightshadeplant and attack anything that stands in their way-including the slug that damaged th

41、e plant in the first place.Inshort:Slug attacks plant;plant calls army of ants to come closer to kill slug.Thus,the plant can help itself by callingthe enemies of its own enemies._20_But they have armies of cold-blooded killers always ready to obey their orders.A.Plants may look like passive victims

42、.B.Your brain recognizes that signal as pain.C.This sweet juice successfully drives the slug away.D.Your brain is definitely a complex nervous system,E.The sweet juice happens to be a favorite food of ants.F.These force potential attackers to abandon their meals.G.But plants definitely do recognize

43、when something is hurting them.第二部分第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分语言运用(共两节,满分4545 分)分)第一节(共第一节(共 2020 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分分,满分 3030 分)分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Back starting from my fourth grade,I was in low spiritsfor about four and a half years.I never really hadany_21_during that time.My only

44、 one had just_22_at the end of third grade.What was worse,Ifelt_23_as my dog and my cat had just died.It almost seemed as if my life was slowly_24_for me.Ialways felt_25_,with no one and not even my family to talk to.I didnt think they knew what I was_26_.It was a really_27_time for me.Id always_28_

45、my feelings and just put a nice,fake smile for them.Thatsall they_29_,right?During the end of my seventh-grade year,I started to make a friend or two.Thats when my depression(消沉)state started_30_.But I was still_31_myself,calling myself fat or ugly,and my friends knew this.Theytried their bestto hel

46、p and it did_32_in some ways but not fully.It was a_33_that I found what Iwas_34_:music.I found this song called“Beautiful”.There was one line that said,“You are beautiful in everysingle way.Yes words cant bring you down.”I now_35_that we are all beautiful and no guy or girl can tell usotherwise._36

47、_,some people cant see that.Now I_37_believe that even a song can_38_a persons life just because of the lyrics(歌词)you hear.I just hope they find this_39_and listen to it.I also hope it has the same_40_it had on me when I wassuffering.21.A.friendsB.holidaysC.ideasD.troubles22.A.walked awayB.moved awa

48、yC.run awayD.driven away23.A.hopelessB.breathlessC.helpfulD.comfortable24.A.continuingB.endingC.beginningD.passing25.A.angryB.confidentC.regretfulD.lonely26.A.learningB.acceptingC.experiencingD.expecting27.A.hardB.freeC.greatD.wonderful28.A.expressB.hideC.hurtD.share29.A.orderedB.triedC.wantedD.sugg

49、ested30.A.going upB.looking roundC.dying outD.dying down31.A.behavingB.praising.C.dislikingD.ignoring32.A.disappearB.existC.workD.suffer33.A.surpriseB.questionC.signD.relief34.A.missingB.wonderingC.followingD.developing35.A.insistB.doubtC.admitD.realize36.A.ImportantlyB.NaturallyC.SadlyD.Happily37.A

50、.fiercelyB.stronglyC.brieflyD.regularly38.A.changeB.saveC.controlD.take39.A.mottoB.songC.lessonD.voice40.A.effectB.chanceC.choiceD.feeling第二节(共第二节(共 1 10 0 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分分,满分 1515 分)分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式Dreaming of singing together with others while you are at home alone,you c


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