1、解除协议书解除协议书解除协议书甲方:xxxxxxx 房地产开发有限公司乙方:鉴于:乙方在甲方以银行按揭贷款方式购买了“逸景盛熙城”项目号商品房(以下简称该房屋)事实和乙方没有能力按时偿还其银行按揭贷款实际情况。甲、乙双方本着平等自愿原则,经协议一致,就解除双方签订商品房买卖合同 及补充协议 事宜,签订协议如下:一、甲、乙双方一致同意解除双方签订商品房买卖合同、商品房买卖补充协议及相关附属所有文件,且一致同意乙方支付购房首付款,赔偿因乙方违约给甲方造成损失和支付违约金后剩余 10 万元人民币,甲方按本协议约定退还给乙方。二、本协议签订后三日内,甲、乙双方共同到贷款银行协商还款事宜。甲方同意按贷款
2、银行要求偿还乙方剩余贷款本金元、利息元、罚息元,乙方同意按贷款银行要求配合甲方办理还款事宜。三、乙方同意在偿还完银行剩余贷款本息当日,最迟不得晚于下一个工作日与甲方共同到房产登记部门办理撤销 商品房买卖合同 备案登记手续,撤销 商品房买卖合同备案登记。四、如果因乙方原因,在甲方按贷款银行要求偿还完乙方剩余贷款本息后,没有及时办理 商品房买卖合同 撤销备案登记或因乙方其它债务造成该合同项下房屋被司法机关查封,则乙方负责赔偿甲方偿还乙方银行贷款本息全部损失,并向甲方支付万元违约金。五、乙方保证本协议约定时间,按贷款银行、甲方及商品房买卖合同登记备案部门要求办理偿还剩余贷款本息、撤销商品房买卖合同相
3、关手续,乙方如有延迟,每延迟一日自愿向甲方支付元违约金,如因此给甲方造成损失,除支付违约金外,还应当赔偿甲方全部损失。六、乙方与甲方共同到房产登记部门,办理了商品房买卖合同撤销登记备案后,且登记部门确认商品房买卖合同撤销备案登记后日内,甲方解除协议书退还乙方剩余拾万元购房首付款。七、乙方保证在其完全履行本协议约定义务情况下,且未再给甲方造成任何损失情况下,甲方有义务按本协议约定退还给乙方拾万元购房首付款外,对乙方不再承担任何义务。八、甲、乙双方除本协议约定外,无其他任何纠纷,此前签订任何合同协议及相关文件均作废,对双方不再具有法律约束力。九、本协议自甲、乙双方共同到房产登记部门办理完撤销 商品
4、房买卖合同登记备案之日或甲方按贷款银行要求偿还乙方剩余贷款本息之日起生效,生效日期以较早日期为准。十、本协议一式份,具有同等法律效力,由甲、乙双方各持份。甲方:乙方:签订日期:解除协议书Termination of Contract AgreementParty A:New Victory(Shenyang)Real Property Development Co.Ltd.Party B:Whereas,the actual facts of the situation that Party B purchase the housingnumber ADlocated at Grand She
5、nyang International City project with bankmortgage loan(hereinafter referred to as the Housing),and Party B does not have theability to repay the bank mortgage loans.Party A and Party B(hereinafter referred to as“both parties”),through friendlyconsultations and in line with the principal of equality
6、,voluntariness,reach thefollowing agreement on terminating the and of the housing at Grand Shenyang International City.1.Both parties agree to terminate the and of Grand Shenyang International City and agree toterminate all the other contracts,agreements and documents which related to the sale.2.Wit
7、hin three days after the conclusion of this agreement,Party B shall vacatethe house under the and return it to Party A forpossession.3.Party B agrees to go to the real estate registration department to cancel theregistration of the with Party A and to cooperatewith Party A for the repayment of the r
8、emaining mortgage loan process.4.Both parties agreed,after Party A completing the revocation of registration(BeiAn),after Party A repayment of bankmortgage loan and interest on Party Bs behalf,Party A will refund RMB one hundredthousand of the housing purchase payment to Party B.Any other fund that
9、Party Bhad pay for the purchase shall be consider the compensation to Party A,Party B shallnot asking for any other refund of the fund.5.In addition to this Agreement,Party A and Party B have no other disputes.6.This Agreement shall come into effect immediately after the Party A and PartyB sign or seal.解除协议书Party A:Party B:Date: