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1、大学英语四级考试听力辅导(2)短对话和长对话-稳中求胜的秘诀主要内容v听力考试时需要最佳心理状态v长短对话在听力考试中的重要作用v长短对话出题的主要思路v长短对话的主要场景v长短对话的解题方法v长短对话的应试技巧 v六类需要关注的关键词v长短对话的实战练习调整心理状态 v考试中的心理偏差有两种:v一是过于放松,难以集中注意力。v二是过于紧张,心跳加快,手心出汗,脑子一片空白。解决方式:v一:在平时模拟训练中,一定要集中注意力,把每次考试都当作是正式的四级考试来对待,让自己慢慢适应考试应有的紧张度,逐渐进入状态。v二:对自己的能力估计不足,心中无数,有一种惧怕心理。这就要从自身做起,平时加强听力

2、训练,做到有的放矢,弥补弱项。从而充满自信,保持心理稳定;顺其自然,不要去想一个没听到或一个不熟悉的单词,否则,会漏听更多内容,打乱听力节奏。做好长短对话的重要性v短对话8个题,长对话7个题,共占15%,这是听力里最容易得分的题。如果你能拿到13分左右,那么你听力总分到25分以上就很容易了。v为后面的听力内容奠定良好的思想基础。前面对话部分做的好坏,会直接影响到后面的情绪状态,情绪好的话,很可能会超常发挥。出题思路一v对话所述事情总是向不好的方面发展,不好的事情一般都是最后的答案。v邀请总落空,作业任务都难懂,火车总晚点 vM:How about joining me for a cup of

3、 coffee?vW:Id love to,but Im exhausted.I was up till v 3 this morning,writing a paper for my v literature class.vQ:Why does the woman decline the mans v invitation?(08,12)17出题思路二v同音、近音词句干扰原则v原文:W:Ive got to buy a new car.vM:Really?vQ:What does the woman mean?vA)She purchased a car recently.vB)She kn

4、ew the car was in the lot.vC)She always forgets to clean her car.vD)She really needs a new car.出题思路三v第二句重点原则v短语对话中,第二句永远比第一句重要;答得永远比问得重要。vW:I really like those abstract paintings we saw yesterday.What do you think?vM:I guess its something I havent acquired a taste for yet.vQ:What does the man imply?

5、vA)The woman possesses a natural talent v for art.vB)Women have a better artistic taste than v men.vC)He isnt good at abstract thinking.vD)He doesnt like abstract paintings.出题思路四v同义替换原则v出题者一般不会在选项中用对话里的原词或短语,而总是用同义词来代替。同上(08,12)v原文:M:I just received an Email from one of my former v classmates.I was

6、surprised,I hadnt heard from him v for ages.vW:I have been out of touch with most of my old friends,v only one or two still drop me a line occasionally.vQ:What does the woman mean?v 答案:D)She has lost contact with most of her old v friendsvExample 2:vW:To tell the truth,Tony,it never occurred to me t

7、hat you are an athlete.vM:Oh,really?Most people who meet me,including some friends of mine,dont think so either.vQ:what do we learn form the conversation?vC)The man doesnt look like a sportsman.v 长短对话的主要场景v娱乐场景(看电影、看戏、出游、游泳、打球,网络等)v租房场景(租金、押金及数额、支付方式,咨询)v校园场景(宿舍、图书馆借书、教室上课、实验室等)v求职场景(个人兴趣、教育、工作经历、对应

8、聘职位的期望)v餐馆场景(定座、点菜、结帐、小费、投诉等)v课程、学习、竞赛场景(选修课、必修课、参考书目)v天气场景(天气变化、温度变化、降雨、降雪、沙尘暴等)v宾馆场景(预定房间、填写信息、询问预定和餐饮情况等)v交通场景(出门准备、堵车、晚点、交通工具等)v人际关系场景(熟人、联系、失去联系、相处等)v银行场景(取款、存款、汇款、兑换、汇率、旅行支票)v疾病场景(感冒、扭伤等)娱乐场景(06,12-1;06,12-17;07,12-1;08,6-12vtheatrevdramavopera vgo to a concertvperformance 表演vplay the role of

9、扮演vtoo dramatic to be true 太假了 vaudience 观众 vappreciate 欣赏 vthe greatest hit 大片 vticket va long queue 长队vsold out 卖完了vlog in 登录 vsurfing the net vattachment 附件 vsightseeingvgo on a picnicvhiking vcamping trip vcyclingvrock climbingvSkiing /joggingv play the ball(basketball,football,soccer,badminton)

10、vbasketball season vscenery 风景 vlawn 草地 vmuseum 博物馆 vstatue 塑像 v v 租房场景(06,6-18;08,12-2,13)vreceptionistvapartment(A)/flatvdouble-bedroomvfurnishedvtemporary accommodation vsecurity/damage depositvUtilities(公用设施)vAmenity(便利设施)vcentral air conditioningvdishwasher vWashing machinevspecific location vn

11、ear subway vlandlordvtenantvprice range vrent vheating costs校园场景(06,6)vdormitory vlibrary vlaboratoryvteaching building von/off campusvborrow/return/renew/lose books vfine vshow you around our campusvlecturer 讲师 vprofessor vcomplicated 复杂 vkeep drifting away barely stay awake 几乎不能保持清醒 vextra copies

12、多余的篇子 vinformative 信息量大 vpresentation 陈述求职场景(06,6-1;07,12-2;08,6-2;08,12-18)vinterviewvresumevapplication procedure vcandidatevfinance 金融 vaccounting 会计 vteaching/research/lab administrative assistantvworking experience 工作经历 vdemand physical endurancevimpressive 令人印象深刻的vPersonnel DepartmentvMarket/A

13、dvertising Sectionvpermanent employment vpart-time job vprecareer training(岗前培训)vsalary/wage/stipend薪水vbenefit package vbonus 奖金vallowance 津贴vannual vacation 年假 vmedical insurance餐馆场景06,6-15;06,12-12vwaiter/waitressv reserve/book a tablevmake a reservation vmenuvordervbe on diet 节食vfruit and vegetab

14、levsteak/French fries/dissert/ice cream vsaladvItalian restaurantvgo DutchvIts my treat课程、学习、竞赛场景(06,6-2)vrequired/compulsory,/selective/optional coursevelementary/intermediate/advanced coursevprerequisite course(预修课程)vdrop a course(退修课程)vcontest 比赛 vcontestant 参赛选手 va large audience 一大群观众vnervous 紧

15、张的vshaking all over 浑身发抖vmidterm/finalsvcount for 50%of your scorevclass discussionvseminarvtake attendance(点名)vfull mark 天气场景(06,6-14)vcloud over 天阴起来freezing 非常冷 vfreezing to deathvcoupled with strong wind 伴有强风vhail vhurricane vclear up 天晴起来 vsand storm vSwinging摇摆的,活跃的vweather forecast 天气预报 vtemp

16、erature dropsvextreme weather events 宾馆场景(07,12-12)vreception deskvreceptionist vreservation vregister vfill in the form vcheck in/out vdiscountvporter vluggage vtrunk 交通场景(06,12-18)vflight 航班 vterminal 候机大厅 vgate 登机口 vticket confirm vseat belt 安全带 vgarage 停车场vparking lot 停车场 vbreak down 抛锚 vtraffic

17、 jamvbe held up on the highwayvNo-parking sign 禁止停车标志vsingle lane 单行道vscratches 刮蹭vcar crashvmaintain 保养 vsleeper 卧铺 vview 景色vscenery 景色 v 人际关系场景(06,6-11;08,12-11)vhear from/recognize sb.vget along/on with与相处 vbe mad with 对某人生气 vget in touch with 和联系 vlose contact with vbecome the talk of 成为谈论的焦点 银行

18、场景vopen an account vdeposit/withdraw moneyv traveling checkvcash a check vforeign currency外币vexchange rate 汇率vremittance 汇款vcredit cardvrepayment 疾病场景(07,12-15,11;08,6-11vhave/suffer a cold 感冒 vdizzy 头晕 vrun/have a fever/temperature 发烧 vappetite 胃口 vhigh blood pressure vblood vessel 血管 vphysicianvbe

19、 exhausted 筋疲力尽的 vhave the ankle twisted 扭到脚踝 vsurgeon voperation-room vemergency roomvprescribevpill vvisiting hoursvI have never felt better in my life vout of shape 外国的一些货币v dollar 美国 美元v franc 法国 法郎v lira 意大利 里拉v mark 德国 马克v peso 墨西哥 比索v pound 英国 磅v ruble 俄罗斯 卢布v Yen 日本 日元v另外,还应知道在美元体系中,还有dime(一

20、角银币),nickle(5分镍币),cent(分)等单位及其之间关系。SALT 方法v S-scan 竖对比,一目四行,找出四个选项的相同点,或内在联系,然后圈画起来。排除明显不相干的选项。比如:(07,12-13)vA)Teaching her son by herself.vB)Having confidence in her son.vC)Asking the teacher for extra help.vD)Telling her son not to worry.vA-anticipate v预测问题可能出现的地方,听力重点放在男声还是女声,是注意时间,地点,原因还是目的。本题重点

21、显然是和女士儿子的相关信息。vW:What would you do if you were in my place?vM:If Paul were my son.Id just not worry.Now v that his teacher is giving him extra help and he v is working harder himself,hes sure to do well in v the next exam.vQ:Whats the mans suggestion to the woman?vL-listen 根据预测重点听某部分或某人的话以及intonatio

22、n.v我们对英语中以语调、语气表意的句子不熟悉,从而难以领会说话者要表达的真实意图,结果造成失分,比如:(06,6-13)vW:I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying v another house.vM:Should they be doing that with all the other v expenses they have to pay?vQ:What does the man imply?vA:Itll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.vT-take notes v

23、特别是数字,表达最高级或两者比较时的信息。v短对话的数字需要四则运算,而长对话则是简单的原数字。例如:v W:I only have ten dollars,Is it enough for three v tickets?v M:Well,you can buy three 2 tickets and three 3 v tickets,whichever you like.v W:Ill like the cheaper seats,please.v Q:How much money will the woman have after she buys v the tickets?v 作这

24、个题时,最好记下几个数字:10,3,2,3,分别代表有10元钱,买3张票,有2元一张和3元一张的,当你听到买票者要便宜的一种,你立即可得出她还剩四元钱。长短对话的解题技巧v第一招:相关保留原则v当选项中有两项表达意思相近时,那么正确答案必在这两项之中!例如:vA)He has proved to be a better reader than the woman.vB)He has difficulty understanding the book.vC)He cannot get access to the assigned book.vD)He cannot finish his assi

25、gnment before the deadline.v看原文:v M:Just imagine we have to finish reading 300 pages before Monday.How can the professor expect us to do it in such a short time?v W:Yeah,but what troubles me is that I cant find the book in the library or in the university bookstore.v Q:What does the man mean?v(08,12

26、)12 vA)A painter.B)A mechanic vC)A porter D)a carpenter vM:if you can make up your mind about the color,I can v start on the outside of your house early next week.vW:Well,right now I think I want white for the window v frames and yellow for the walls,but Ill let you know v tomorrow.vQ:Who is the wom

27、an talking to?v第二招:异项保留原则v当选项中出现有意思明显相反的两项时,那么正确答案必在此二项中出现.v08,12)11.vA)Only true friendship can last long.vB)Letter writing is going out of style.vC)She keeps in regular touch with her classmates.vD)She has lost contact with most of her old v friends.v原文:vM:I just received an Email from one of my v

28、 former classmates.I was surprised,I v hadnt heard from him for ages.vW:Ive been out of touch with most of my v old friends,only one or two still drop me v a line occasionally.vQ:What does the woman mean?v(08,12)18vA)He is confident he will get the job.vB)His chance of getting the job is slim.vC)It

29、isnt easy to find a qualified sales v manager.vD)The interview didnt go as well as he v expected.v第三招:同义替换的原则v短对话一般是听到的不是答案,同义替换的才是答案;而长对话则是视听一致,听到的就是答案。vW:To tell the truth,Tony,it never occurred to me that you are an athlete.vM:Oh,really?Most people who meet me,including some friends of mine,dont

30、think so either.vQ:what do we learn form the conversation?vC)The man doesnt look like a sportsman.vD)The woman doubts the mans athletic ability.v第四招:概括、抽象保留原则v当选项中出现比较概括、抽象的句子时,这时我们就要把表述事实的、具体的句子划掉,而去选择表概括、抽象、比较性的句子!v此原则可衍生出一个包含取大的原则,在作题时应用也是十分的广泛,一般当两个选项的意思接近时,表述比较全面的一般为正确选项 vA)The visiting economi

31、st has given several v lectures.vB)The guest lecturers opinion is different v from Dr.Johnsons.vC)Dr.Johnson and the guest speaker were v schoolmates.vD)Dr.Johnson invited the economist to v visit their college v M:The visiting economist is speaking v tonight,but Dr.Johnson doesnt seem v to think mu

32、ch of him.vW:Thats because Dr.Johnson comes from v an entirely different school of thought.vQ:What do we learn from the womans v remark?六类关键词v1。转折性的词汇but,whereas,rather than,other than,to be frank,to tell you the true v2。逻辑性的词汇 原因:because,owing to,due to,in that,now that;因果:therefore,consequently,as a result;递进:furthermore,in addition,apart from,moreoverv3。最高级词汇 the most important,the best v4。事实罗列词汇 actually,in fact,as a matter of f v actv5。序数词 the first,firstlyv6。表示重要的词 crucial,chief,major,vital,the v only,unique


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