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1、K2MG-E专业技术人员绩效管理与业务能力提升练习与答案中学高级职称职评考试英语试题2007 年教师职务评审考核一、填空题(每空一、填空题(每空 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分。)分。)1 1、教师这个角色从根本上来说,就是、教师这个角色从根本上来说,就是“作为人的教师作为人的教师”和和“作为教师的人作为教师的人”的(的()。)。2 2、教师的爱是以对学生的(、教师的爱是以对学生的()为前提的。)为前提的。3 3、教育究其实质是一种生命对(、教育究其实质是一种生命对()的相互对接与交融。)的相互对接与交融。4 4、教师具有科学精神与人文素养具体表现为一个完善合理的素质结构:高尚优良的人格、

2、不断完善的(、教师具有科学精神与人文素养具体表现为一个完善合理的素质结构:高尚优良的人格、不断完善的()结构和不断完)结构和不断完善的能力结构。善的能力结构。5 5、今后信息技术教育的主流教学方式是(、今后信息技术教育的主流教学方式是()。)。6 6、教师发展规划的第一步是(、教师发展规划的第一步是()。)。7 7、建立良好的师生关系要靠师生双方共同努力,而教师起着(、建立良好的师生关系要靠师生双方共同努力,而教师起着()作用。)作用。8 8、教师个体在无能力解决自己的心理问题时,应求助于专家进行心理(、教师个体在无能力解决自己的心理问题时,应求助于专家进行心理()、心理咨询、心理治疗。)、心

3、理咨询、心理治疗。9 9、教师自主发展有三条可行性路径:反思、合作、(、教师自主发展有三条可行性路径:反思、合作、()。)。1010、教师发展和学生发展之间要有某种桥梁,这桥梁就是(、教师发展和学生发展之间要有某种桥梁,这桥梁就是()。)。二、选择题(下列各小题的二、选择题(下列各小题的 4 4 个备选项中只有个备选项中只有 1 1 项是正确的,请选出填入括号内。每小题项是正确的,请选出填入括号内。每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 2020 分。)分。)1 1、下列诸项中不属于教师职业特点的一项是(、下列诸项中不属于教师职业特点的一项是()。)。A A、艺术性、艺术性B B、创造性、创造性C C、

4、示范性、示范性D D、速效性、速效性2 2、教师工作的核心是(、教师工作的核心是()。)。A A、教书育人、教书育人B B、广博学习、广博学习C C、教育科研、教育科研D D、精心备课、精心备课3 3、热爱学生是教师职业道德的(、热爱学生是教师职业道德的()。)。A A、方法、方法B B、途径、途径C C、本质、本质D D、形式、形式4 4、有德之人,在无人监督时,总是非常小心谨慎地不做任何不道德之事,这叫做(、有德之人,在无人监督时,总是非常小心谨慎地不做任何不道德之事,这叫做()。)。A A、慎微、慎微B B、慎重、慎重C C、慎独、慎独D D、诚实、诚实5 5、“其身正,不令而行;其身不

5、正,虽令不从其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从”。说这句话的中国古代教育家是(。说这句话的中国古代教育家是()。)。A A、孔子、孔子B B、孟子、孟子C C、荀子、荀子D D、老子、老子6 6、我国的中小学教师职业道德规范颁布于(、我国的中小学教师职业道德规范颁布于()。)。A A、19951995B B、19971997C C、19991999D D、200120017 7、影响教师教育教学活动成效的最直接因素是(、影响教师教育教学活动成效的最直接因素是()。)。A A、语言表达能力、语言表达能力B B、非语言表达能力、非语言表达能力C C、教育技术运用能力、教育技术运用能力D D、管理

6、学生能力、管理学生能力8 8、校园文化属于哪一类课程资源(、校园文化属于哪一类课程资源()。)。A A、素材性资源、素材性资源B B、条件性资源、条件性资源C C、隐性资源、隐性资源D D、显性资源、显性资源9 9、在心理咨询中,咨询者和来访者之间是一种(、在心理咨询中,咨询者和来访者之间是一种()关系。)关系。A A、医患、医患B B、伙伴、伙伴C C、师生、师生D D、主从、主从1010、在教学反思过程的诸阶段中,反思最集中地体现在(、在教学反思过程的诸阶段中,反思最集中地体现在()。)。A A、具体经验阶段、具体经验阶段B B、观察分析阶段、观察分析阶段C C、重新概括阶段、重新概括阶段

7、D D、积极验证阶段、积极验证阶段三、判断题(请判断下列各小题对或错,并在括号内填上三、判断题(请判断下列各小题对或错,并在括号内填上 或或。每小题。每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 2020 分。)分。)()1 1、在新课程背景下,教师的、在新课程背景下,教师的“知识传授者知识传授者”角色仍然是值得肯定的。角色仍然是值得肯定的。()2 2、今天,在我国、今天,在我国“教师是专业工作者教师是专业工作者”尚未得到法律的认可。尚未得到法律的认可。()3 3、教师的劳动是一种集体劳动。、教师的劳动是一种集体劳动。()4 4、教师职业道德可以产生直接的功利效益。、教师职业道德可以产生直接的功利效益。()5

8、 5、要树立学生是消费者,就是教育服务的顾客的观念。、要树立学生是消费者,就是教育服务的顾客的观念。()6 6、实施新课程,我们要彻底否定教师的权威。、实施新课程,我们要彻底否定教师的权威。()7 7、把教师对学生的爱与、把教师对学生的爱与“母爱母爱”并列起来,不免掩盖了教师职业情感的专业化特征。并列起来,不免掩盖了教师职业情感的专业化特征。()8 8、科学精神与人文精神具有本质上的同一性。、科学精神与人文精神具有本质上的同一性。1 1K2MG-E专业技术人员绩效管理与业务能力提升练习与答案()9 9、教师的职业倦怠是其教师生涯发展历程中的一个自然现象。、教师的职业倦怠是其教师生涯发展历程中的

9、一个自然现象。()1010、“教学相长教学相长”是必然的,无条件的。是必然的,无条件的。四、简答题(每小题四、简答题(每小题 6 6 分,共分,共 3030 分)。分)。1 1、“教师专业化教师专业化”的基本含义是什么?的基本含义是什么?2 2、新课程改革背景下,为什么教师要有多元学科知识结构?、新课程改革背景下,为什么教师要有多元学科知识结构?3 3、新课程的实施需要教师强化哪些能力?、新课程的实施需要教师强化哪些能力?4 4、教师和谐融洽的人际关系有什么意义、教师和谐融洽的人际关系有什么意义?5 5、教师心理健康的标准是什么?、教师心理健康的标准是什么?五、论述题(每小题五、论述题(每小题

10、 1010 分,共分,共 2020 分)。分)。1 1、请结合自己的切身体会谈谈新课程对教师素质发展提出了哪些新的要求?、请结合自己的切身体会谈谈新课程对教师素质发展提出了哪些新的要求?2 2、结合实际说明教师能力培养与发展的有效途径与方式。、结合实际说明教师能力培养与发展的有效途径与方式。新课程与教师素质发展试题参考答案新课程与教师素质发展试题参考答案一、填空题一、填空题1 1、统一体、统一体2 2、尊重、尊重3 3、生命、生命4 4、知识、知识5 5、信息技术与学科教学整合、信息技术与学科教学整合6 6、自我认识、自我认识7 7、主导、主导8 8、诊断、诊断9 9、共生(在、共生(在与学生

11、的互动过程中实现教学相长)与学生的互动过程中实现教学相长)1010、教学、教学二、选择题二、选择题1 1、D D2 2、A A3 3、C C4 4、C C5 5、A A6 6、B B7 7、A A8 8、C C9 9、B B1010、B B三、判断题三、判断题1 1、2 2、3 3、4 4、5 5、6 6、7 7、8 8、9 9、1010、四、简答题四、简答题1 1、(、(1 1)既包括学科专业性,也包括教育专业性;()既包括学科专业性,也包括教育专业性;(2 2)国家有教师教育的专门机构、教育内容和措施;()国家有教师教育的专门机构、教育内容和措施;(3 3)国家有对教师资)国家有对教师资格

12、和教师机构的认定制度和管理制度;(格和教师机构的认定制度和管理制度;(4 4)教师专业发展是一个持续不断的过程。)教师专业发展是一个持续不断的过程。2 2、(、(1 1)新课程内容的社会化,要求教师具有多元学科知识结构;()新课程内容的社会化,要求教师具有多元学科知识结构;(2 2)新课程的综合化要求教师必须具备多元知识结构和学)新课程的综合化要求教师必须具备多元知识结构和学科知识的整合能力。科知识的整合能力。3 3、(、(1 1)教育科研能力;()教育科研能力;(2 2)交往与合作能力;()交往与合作能力;(3 3)课程资源开发与整合能力;()课程资源开发与整合能力;(4 4)信息技术与学科

13、教学整合能力。)信息技术与学科教学整合能力。4 4、(、(1 1)有利于教师身心的健康;()有利于教师身心的健康;(2 2)增加教师之间互帮互学的机会;()增加教师之间互帮互学的机会;(3 3)促进教与学的活动;()促进教与学的活动;(4 4)有利于学校组织效能)有利于学校组织效能的发挥。的发挥。5 5、(、(1 1)热爱教师职业,认同自己的教师职业角色;()热爱教师职业,认同自己的教师职业角色;(2 2)和谐的人际关系和正确的自我意识;()和谐的人际关系和正确的自我意识;(3 3)坚韧与自制;()坚韧与自制;(4 4)有效)有效调节不良情绪;(调节不良情绪;(5 5)好学与创新。)好学与创新

14、。五、论述题五、论述题1 1、(、(1 1)关注专业化理论发展;()关注专业化理论发展;(2 2)关注教师的情意和职业道德素质的发展;()关注教师的情意和职业道德素质的发展;(3 3)关注教师的人文知识素养和多元知识结构)关注教师的人文知识素养和多元知识结构的发展;(的发展;(4 4)关注教师专业技能和研究能力的发展;()关注教师专业技能和研究能力的发展;(5 5)关注教师心理素质的发展;()关注教师心理素质的发展;(6 6)关注教师学习意识的提高和自主发展)关注教师学习意识的提高和自主发展能力的提高。能力的提高。2 2、(、(1 1)各种形式的培训、交流与研讨;()各种形式的培训、交流与研讨

15、;(2 2)多渠道获取信息;()多渠道获取信息;(3 3)行动研究;()行动研究;(4 4)建立开放的教师教育体系。)建立开放的教师教育体系。二、课程标准(共二、课程标准(共 1010 分)分)1 1 英语课程的性质和任务是什么?英语课程的性质和任务是什么?2 2在教学实践中,你是如何评价学生英语学习成绩?为什么?在教学实践中,你是如何评价学生英语学习成绩?为什么?三、教材教法(共三、教材教法(共 3030 分)分)1 1请根据所给材料设计出一个简案。(材料见附页,计分请根据所给材料设计出一个简案。(材料见附页,计分 2020 分)分)2 2K2MG-E专业技术人员绩效管理与业务能力提升练习与

16、答案2 2请你简述:(计分请你简述:(计分 1010 分)分)1 1)你的设计依据和意图;你的设计依据和意图;2 2)你的设计有什么特点;你的设计有什么特点;3 3)对教学中有可能出现的问题进行反思,并提出应措施。对教学中有可能出现的问题进行反思,并提出应措施。四、基础知识(共四、基础知识(共 5050 分)分)(一)听力部分(一)听力部分(10%10%)第一节(共第一节(共 5 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分)分)1.What can the woman be?1.What can the woman be?A.A teacher.A.A teacher.B.A doctor.B.

17、A doctor.C.A student.C.A student.2.What can we learn from this conversation?2.What can we learn from this conversation?A.A.Lucy is probably sick.Lucy is probably sick.B.B.Lucy is actually a warm person.Lucy is actually a warm person.C.C.Lucy always feels cold.Lucy always feels cold.3.Why did the wom

18、an go to the hospital?3.Why did the woman go to the hospital?A.A.To have a physical examination.To have a physical examination.B.B.To see a doctor.To see a doctor.C.C.To see her sick mother.To see her sick mother.4.When does the last bus usually leave?4.When does the last bus usually leave?A.At 6:00

19、.A.At 6:00.B.At 6:30B.At 6:30C.At 5:30.C.At 5:30.5.Who spoke to Helen?5.Who spoke to Helen?A.Her teacher.A.Her teacher.B.Her father.B.Her father.C.Her boss.C.Her boss.第二节(共第二节(共 5 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分)分)听第听第 6 6 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 6 6 至至 7 7 题题6.Which part did the old lady hurt?6.Which part did the old

20、lady hurt?A.Her head.A.Her head.B.Her leg.B.Her leg.C.Her arm.C.Her arm.7.How should they deal with the old lady?7.How should they deal with the old lady?A.A.Carry her to the hospital.Carry her to the hospital.B.B.Carry her in the shade of the tree.Carry her in the shade of the tree.C.C.Leave her wh

21、ere she is.Leave her where she is.听第听第 7 7 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 8 8 至至 1010 题题8.What are the two speakers talking about?8.What are the two speakers talking about?A.A.A visit to their relatives.A visit to their relatives.B.B.A call to their close friends.A call to their close friends.C.C.A plan for the par

22、ty.A plan for the party.9.Why was the woman thinking of calling on Ann?9.Why was the woman thinking of calling on Ann?A.A.Because Ann just got out of the hospital.Because Ann just got out of the hospital.B.&nbp;B.&nbp;Because she hasnt seen her since Ann moved to a new house.Because she hasnt seen h

23、er since Ann moved to a new house.C.C.Because Ann just got a new house.Because Ann just got a new house.10.They will have a little party at Ricks,wont they?10.They will have a little party at Ricks,wont they?A.A.Yes,as they are very happy together.Yes,as they are very happy together.B.B.No,as Rick d

24、oesnt feel well.No,as Rick doesnt feel well.C.We dont know.C.We dont know.(二)(二)完型填空(完型填空(20%20%)Acting is such an overcrowded profession that the only _11_ that should be given to a young _12_ thinkingActing is such an overcrowded profession that the only _11_ that should be given to a young _12_ t

25、hinkingof going on to the stage is“Dont!”But it is useless to try to _13_ someone who feels that he must act,althoughof going on to the stage is“Dont!”But it is useless to try to _13_ someone who feels that he must act,althoughthe chances of his becoming famous are slight.The _14_ way to begin is to

26、 go to a drama school._15_ onlythe chances of his becoming famous are slight.The _14_ way to begin is to go to a drama school._15_ onlystudents who show promise and gift are accepted,and the course lasts two years._16_ the young actor or actressstudents who show promise and gift are accepted,and the

27、 course lasts two years._16_ the young actor or actress3 3K2MG-E专业技术人员绩效管理与业务能力提升练习与答案takes up work with a theatrical company,usually as an assistant stage manager.This _17_ doing everything thattakes up work with a theatrical company,usually as an assistant stage manager.This _17_ doing everything

28、thatthere is to do in the _18_:printing very _19_ work indeed-the hours are long and the pay is tiny.there is to do in the _18_:printing very _19_ work indeed-the hours are long and the pay is tiny.Of course,some people have unusual _20_which lead to fame and success without this long and hard _21_.

29、Of course,some people have unusual _20_which lead to fame and success without this long and hard _21_.Connie Pratt,for example,was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory.A film producer happened to catchConnie Pratt,for example,was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory.A fil

30、m producer happened to catchsight of her one morning _22_at a bus stop,as he drove past in his car.He stopped and got out to speak to the girl.sight of her one morning _22_at a bus stop,as he drove past in his car.He stopped and got out to speak to the girl.He asked _23_ she would like to go to the

31、film studio to do a(n)_24_,and she thought he was _25_.ThenHe asked _23_ she would like to go to the film studio to do a(n)_24_,and she thought he was _25_.Thenshe got _26_ and said she would call the police.It _27_ the producer twenty minutes to make Connie believeshe got _26_ and said she would ca

32、ll the police.It _27_ the producer twenty minutes to make Connie believethat he was _28_.The test was successful.And within a few weeks she was playing the _29_ part opposite onethat he was _28_.The test was successful.And within a few weeks she was playing the _29_ part opposite oneof the most famo

33、us actors of the day._30_ chances like this happen once in a blue moon.11.A.of the most famous actors of the day._30_ chances like this happen once in a blue moon.11.A.warningwarningB.adviceB.adviceC.answerC.answerD.help 12.A.manD.help 12.A.manB.womanB.womanC.C.personpersonD.actor 13.A.discourageD.a

34、ctor 13.A.discourageB.distrustB.distrustC.disappointC.disappointD.prevent 14.A.D.prevent 14.A.simplesimpleB.familiar&nsp;B.familiar&nsp;C.standardC.standardD.normal 15.A.PossiblyD.normal 15.A.PossiblyB.UsuallyB.UsuallyC.C.FortunatelyFortunatelyD.Equally 16.A.WhenD.Equally 16.A.WhenB.ThenB.ThenC.Till

35、C.TillD.Finally 17.A.D.Finally 17.A.containscontainsB.includesB.includesC.meansC.meansD.needs 18.A.stageD.needs 18.A.stageB.companyB.companyC.C.schoolschoolD.theatre 19.A.difficultD.theatre 19.A.difficultB.hardlyB.hardlyC.easyC.easyD.comfortable 20.A.D.comfortable 20.A.conditionsconditionsB.methodsB

36、.methodsC.giftsC.giftsD.chances 21.A.workingD.chances 21.A.workingB.studyingB.studyingC.C.trainingtrainingD.exercising 22.A.talkingD.exercising 22.A.talkingB.waitingB.waitingC.singingC.singingD.playing 23.A.D.playing 23.A.whywhyB.whenB.whenC.ifC.ifD.how 24.A.testD.how 24.A.testB.jobB.jobC.performanc

37、eC.performanceD.D.actress 25.A.mistakingactress 25.A.mistakingB.joking nbsp;B.joking nbsp;C.strangeC.strangeD.funny 26.A.worriedD.funny 26.A.worriedB.B.surprisedsurprisedC.nervousC.nervousD.angry 27.A.lastedD.angry 27.A.lastedB.wastedB.wastedC.tookC.tookD.used 28.A.D.used 28.A.seriousseriousB.sorryB

38、.sorryC.rightC.rightD.curious 29.A.interestingD.curious 29.A.interestingB.leadingB.leadingC.C.importantimportantD.small 30.A.SuchD.small 30.A.SuchB.ThoughB.ThoughC.SoC.SoD.ButD.But(三)阅读理解(三)阅读理解(2020 分)分)A AIn the United States,teaching is very important.If teachers do not teach well,students compla

39、in.If manyIn the United States,teaching is very important.If teachers do not teach well,students complain.If manystudents do not understand,people think that the teacher does not do a good job.The teacher has big responsibilitystudents do not understand,people think that the teacher does not do a go

40、od job.The teacher has big responsibilityto make sure students understand.In a sense,students are consumers and the teacher is offering services.to make sure students understand.In a sense,students are consumers and the teacher is offering services.Students have the right to evaluate their teachers,

41、and they usually do so at the end of each course.ThatStudents have the right to evaluate their teachers,and they usually do so at the end of each course.Thatevaluation includes lots of aspects of teaching,such as explanation,preparation,using good examples,answeringevaluation includes lots of aspect

42、s of teaching,such as explanation,preparation,using good examples,answeringquestions,and organization of classes.questions,and organization of classes.Students are supposed to read required textbooks and recommended books before class.Without readingStudents are supposed to read required textbooks a

43、nd recommended books before class.Without readingthem,they will find it very difficult to understand the class.Basic courses on doing research and writing papers arethem,they will find it very difficult to understand the class.Basic courses on doing research and writing papers aretaught at the begin

44、ning of the program.They teach things very concretely and clearly.Students are expected totaught at the beginning of the program.They teach things very concretely and clearly.Students are expected toapply what they have learned to their studies.apply what they have learned to their studies.Classes a

45、re usually divided into lectures and seminars.There are some lecture classes,where the teacher justClasses are usually divided into lectures and seminars.There are some lecture classes,where the teacher justgives a lecture,and students ask questions at the end.Most graduae level classes are lectures

46、 and discussions.gives a lecture,and students ask questions at the end.Most graduae level classes are lectures and discussions.Participating in discussions is very important.Higher level classes involve very little lecturing.They emphasizeParticipating in discussions is very important.Higher level c

47、lasses involve very little lecturing.They emphasizediscussion and presentation by the students.discussion and presentation by the students.31.According to the passage,good teachers should_.31.According to the passage,good teachers should_.A.try to please their studentsA.try to please their studentsB

48、.treat their students as consumersB.treat their students as consumersC.understand their students wellC.understand their students wellD.make sure their students understandD.make sure their students understand32.Teachers are evaluated by students mainly on_.32.Teachers are evaluated by students mainly

49、 on_.A.how well they perform in classA.how well they perform in classB.how carefully they prepare their lessonsB.how carefully they prepare their lessons4 4K2MG-E专业技术人员绩效管理与业务能力提升练习与答案C.how fluently they express themselves in classC.how fluently they express themselves in classD.how hard they work i

50、n and after classD.how hard they work in and after class33.What are students expected to do before attending a class?33.What are students expected to do before attending a class?A.Go over the lessons thoroughly.A.Go over the lessons thoroughly.B.Understand the textbooks well.B.Understand the textboo


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