1、ANSYS流固耦合计算实例Oscillating Plate with Two-Way Fluid-Structure InteractionIntroductionThis tutorial includes:,Features,Overview of the Problem to Solve,Setting up the Solid Physics in Simulation(ANSYS Workbench),Setting up the Fluid Physics and ANSYS Multi-field Settings inANSYS CFX-Pre,Obtaining a Sol
2、ution using ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager,Viewing Results in ANSYS CFX-PostIf this is the first tutorial you are working with,it is importantto review the following topicsbefore beginning:,Setting the Working Directory,Changing the Display ColorsUnless you plan on running a session file,you should copy t
3、hesample files used in this tutorial from the installation folder for your software(/examples/)to your working directory.This prevents you fromoverwriting source files provided with your installation.If youplan to use a session file,please refer to Playing a Session FileSample files referenced by th
4、is tutorial include:,OscillatingPlate pre,OscillatingPlate agdb,OscillatingPlate gtm,OscillatingPlate inp1.FeaturesThis tutorial addresses the following features of ANSYS CFX.Component Feature DetailsUser Mode General ModeANSYS CFX-Pre TransientSimulation TypeANSYS Multi-fieldComponent Feature Detai
5、lsFluid Type General FluidDomain Type Single DomainTurbulence Model LaminarHeat Transfer NoneMonitor Points Output ControlTransient Results FileWall:Mesh Motion=ANSYS MultiFieldBoundary Details Wall:No SlipWall:AdiabaticTimestep TransientAnimationANSYS CFX-Post Plots ContourVectorIn this tutorial yo
6、u will learn about:,Moving mesh,Fluid-solid interaction(including modeling solid deformation using ANSYS),Running an ANSYS Multi-field(MFX)simulation,Post-processing two results files simultaneous!y.2.Overview of the Problem to SolveThis tutorial uses a simple oscillating plate example to demonstrat
7、e how toset up and run a simulation involving two-way Fluid-Structure Interaction,wherethe fluid physics is solved in ANSYS CFX and thesolid physics is solvedtwo solvers is requiredbetween fluid and solidcoupling is provided byin the FEA package ANSYS.Coupling between thethroughout the solution to m
8、odel the interactionas time progresses,and the framework for theusing the MFXthe ANSYS Multi-field solver,setup.The geometry consists of a 2D closed cavity A thin plate isAn initial pressure of 100 Pa is applied to one side of the thin plate for 0.5 seconds in order to distort it.Once this pressure
9、is released,the plateoscillates backwards and forwards as it attempts to regain its equilibrium(vertical)position.The surrounding fluid damps the oscillations,whichtherefore have an amplitude that decreases in time The CFX Solver calculateshow the fluid responds to the motion of the plate,and the AN
10、SYS Solvercalculates how the plate deforms as a result of both the initial applied pressureand the pressure resulting from the presence of the fluid Coupling between thetwo solvers is required since the solid deformation affects the fluid solution,and the fluid solution affects the solid deformation
11、.The tutorial describes the setup and execution of the calculation includingthe setup of the solid physics in Simulation(within ANSYS Workbench)and thesetup of the fluid physics and ANSYS Multi-field settings in ANSYS CFX-Pre Ifyou do not have ANSYS Workbench,then you can use the provided ANSYS inpu
12、t fileto avoid the need for Simulation.3.Setting up the Solid Physics in Simulation(ANSYS Workbench)This section describes the step-by-step definition of the solid physics inSimulation within ANSYS Workbench that will result in the creation of an ANSYSinput file OscillatingPlate inp If you prefer,yo
13、u can instead use theprovided OscillatingPlate inp file and continue from Setting up the FluidPhysics and ANSYS Multi-field Settings in ANSYS CFX-Pre.Creating a New Simulation1 If required,launch ANSYS Workbench.2 Click Empty Project The Project page appears displaying an unsavedproject3 Select File
14、 Save or click Save button.4 If required,set the path location to a different folder The defaultlocation is your workingdirectory.However,if you have a specific folder that you want to use tostore files createdduring this tutorial,change the path3.Under File name,type OscillatingPlate6 Click Save7.U
15、nder Link to Geometry File on the left hand task bar clickBrowse Select the providedfile OscillatingPlateagdb and click Open.8.Make sure that OscillatingPlateagdb is highlighted and click Newsimulation from theleft-hand taskbarCreating the Solid Material1.When Simulation opens,expand Geometry in the
16、 project tree at the lefthand side of theSimulation window.2 Select Solid,and in the Details view below,select Materia1.3.Use the arrow that appears next to the material name Structural Steel toselect NewMaterial.4.When the Engineering Data window opens,right-click New Materialfrom the tree viewJ5.E
17、nter 2 5e06 for Young s Modulus,0.35 for Poissons Ratio and 2550for DensityNote that the other properties are not used for this simulation,andthat the units for thesevalues are implied by the global units in Simulation.6 Click the Simulation tab near the top of the Workbench window toreturn to thesi
18、mulation.Basic Analysis SettingsThe ANSYS Multi-field simulation is a transient mechanical analysis,with atimestep of 0 1 sand a time duration of 5 s.1 Select New Analysis Flexible Dynamic from the toolbar2 Select Analysis Settings from the tree view and in the Details viewbelow,set Auto TimeSteppin
19、g to Off.3.Set Time Step to 0.14.Under Tabular Data at the bottom right of the window,set EndTime to 5.0 for theSteps=1 settingInserting LoadsLoads are applied to an FEA analysis as the equivalent of boundary conditionsin ANSYS CFX In this section,you will set a fixed support,a fluid-solidinterface,
20、and a pressure load Fixed SupportThe fixed support is required to hold the bottom of the thin plate in place1 Right-click Flexible Dynamic in the tree and select Insert FixedSupport from theshortcut menu.二2 Rotate the geometry using the Rotate button so that the bottom(low-y)face of thewsolid is vis
21、ible,then select Face and click the low-y faceThat face should be highlighted to indicate selection.3.Ensure Fixed Support is selected in the Outline view,then,in the Detailsview,selectGeometry and click 1 Face to make the Apply button appear(if necessary)Click Applyto set the fixed supportFluid-Sol
22、id InterfaceIt is necessary to define the region in the solid that defines the interfacebetween the fluid in CFX and the solid in ANSYS Data is exchanged across thisinterface during the execution of the simulation.1.Right-click Flexible Dynamic in the tree and select Insert Fluid SolidInterface from
23、the shortcut menu.2 Using the same face-selection procedure described earlier,select thethree faces of thegeometry that form the interface between the solid and the fluid(low-x,high-y and high-xfaces)by holding down to select multiple faces Note that this loadisautomatically given an interface numbe
24、r of 1Pressure LoadThe pressure load provides the initial additional pressure of 100 Pa.for thefirst 0.5 seconds of the simulation.It is defined using a step function.1.Right-click Flexible Dynamic in the tree and select Insert Pressure fromthe shortcutmenu.2 Select the low-x face for Geometry.3.In
25、the Details view,select Magnitude,and using the arrow that appears,select Tabular(Time)4.Under Tabular Data,set a pressure of 100 in the table row corresponding toa time of 0s and Pa.,Note:The units for time and pressure in this table are theglobal units of respectively.5 You now need to add two new
26、 rows to the table This can be done by typingthe new timeand pressure data into the empty row at the bottom of the table,andSimulation willautomatically re-order the table in order of time value Enter a pressure of100 for a timevalue of 0 499,and a pressure of 0 for a time value of 0.5T$bulai DataT$
27、bulai DataaSleps Time I pT 10.100.2 10.499 100.3 10.504 15.a.This gives a step function for pressure that can be seen in the chart to theleft of the table Writing the ANSYS Input FileThe Simulation settings are now complete An ANSYS Multi-field run cannot belaunched from within Simulation,so the Sol
28、ve buttons cannot be used to obtain asolution.1 Instead,highlight Solution in the tree,select Tools Write ANSYS InputFile andchoose to write the solution setup to the file OscillatingPlate inp.2.The mesh is automatically generated as part of this process If you wantto examine it,select Mesh from the
29、 tree3 Save the Simulation database,use the tab near the top of the Workbenchwindow to returnto the Oscillating Plate Project tab,and save the project itself4.Setting up the Fluid Physics and ANSYS Multi-field Settings inANSYS CFX-PreThis section describes the step-by-step definition of the flow phy
30、sics andANSYS Multi-field settings in ANSYS CFX-Pre.Playing a Session FileIf you want to skip past these instructions and to have ANSYS CFX-Pre set up the simulation automatically,you can select Session Play Tutorialfrom the menu in ANSYS CFX-Pre,thenrun the session file:OscillatingPlate.pre After y
31、ou have playedthe session file as described in earlier tutorials under Playing the Session Fileand Starting ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager,proceed to Obtaining a Solution using ANSYSCFX-Solver ManagerCreating a New Simulation1.Start ANSYS CFX-Pre.2 Select File New Simulation.3.Select General and click OK.
32、4 Select File Save Simulation As.3.Under File name,type OscillatingPlate6 Click SaveImporting the Mesh1 Right-click Mesh and select Import Mesh2.Select the provided mesh file,OscillatingPlategtm and click Open.Note:The file that was just created in Simulation,OscillatingPlate inp,will be used as an
33、input file for the ANSYS Solver.Setting the Simulation TypeA transient ANSYS Multi-field run executes as a series of timesteps TheSimulation Typetab is used both to enable an ANSYS Multi-field run and to specify the time-related settings for it(in the External Solver Coupling settings).The ANSYSinpu
34、t file is read by ANSYS CFX-Pre sothat it knows which Fluid Solid Interfaces are availableOnce the timesteps and time duration are specified for the ANSYS Multi-fieldrun(coupling run),ANSYS CFX automatically picks up these settings and it is notpossible to set the timestep and time duration independ
35、ently.Hence the onlyoption available for Time Duration is CouplingTime Duration,and similarly for the related settings Time Step and InitialTime1.Click Simulation Type2.Apply the following settingsTab Setting ValueExternal Solver Coupling Option ANSYS MultiFieldOscillatingPlate inpExternal Solver Co
36、upling ANSYS Input FileaCoupling Time Control Coupling Time Duration Total 5 sj TimeBasicCoupling Time Control Coupling Time Steps Option TimestepsSettingsCoupling Time Control Coupling Time Steps Timesteps 0 1 sSimulation Type Option TransientSimulation Type Time Duration Option Coupling Time Durat
37、ionSimulation Type Time Steps Option Coupling Time StepsSimulation Type Initial Time Option Coupling Initial TimeLaZ This file is located in your working directory.3.Click OK.Note:You may see a physics validation message related to the difference in theunits used inANSYS CFX-Pre and the units contai
38、ned within the ANSYS input file.While it is important toreview the units used in any simulation,you should be aware that,in thisspecific case,themessage is not crucial as it is related to temperature units and there is noheat transfer in this caseTherefore,this specific tutorial will not be affected
39、 by the physics messageCreating the FluidA custom fluid is created with user-specified properties 1 ClickMaterial遏2 Set the name of the new material to Fluid 3.Apply the followingsettingsTab Setting ValueOption Pure SubstanceBasic Settings Thermodynamic State(Selected)Thermodynamic State Thermodynam
40、ic State LiquidMaterial Properties Equation of State Molar Mass 1 kg kmoP-lZTab Setting ValueEquation of State Density 1 kg nT-3Transport Properties Dynamic Viscosity(Selected)Transport Properties Dynamic Viscosity Dynamic 0.2 Pa sViscosity4.Click OK.Creating the DomainIn order to allow the ANSYS So
41、lver to communicate mesh displacementsto the CFX Solver,mesh motion must be activated in CFX1.Right click Simulation in the Outline tree view and ensure thatAutomatic DefaultDomain is selected A domain named Default Domain should now appearunder theSimulation branch2.Double click Default Domain and
42、apply the following settingsTab Setting ValueFluids List FluidGeneral Options Domain Models Pressure Reference Pressure 1 atmDomain Models Mesh Deformation Option Regions of MotionSpecifiedHeat Transfer Option NoneFluid ModelsTurbulence Option None(Laminar)3.Click OK.Creating the Boundary Conditions
43、In addition to the symmetry conditions,another type of boundary conditioncorresponding with the interaction between the solid and the fluid is required inthis tutoria1.Fluid Solid External BoundaryThe interface between ANSYS and CFX is defined as an external boundary in CFXthat has its mesh displace
44、ment being defined by the ANSYS Multi-field couplingprocessWhen an ANSYS Multi-field specification is being made in ANSYS CFX Pre,it isnecessary to provide the name and number of the matching Fluid Solid Interfacethat was created inSimulation.Since the interface number in Simulation was 1,the name i
45、nquestion is FSIN_1(If the interface number had been 2,then the name would havebeen FSIN_2,and so on.)On this boundary,CFX will send ANSYS the forces on the interface,and ANSYSwill sendback the total mesh displacement it calculates given the forces passed fromCFX and the otherdefined loads1.Create a
46、 new boundary condition named Interface 2 Apply the followingsettingsTab Setting ValueBoundary Type Wall Basic SettingsLocation InterfaceMesh Motion Option ANSYS MultiFieldMesh Motion Receive From ANSYS Total Mesh DisplacementBoundary DetailsMesh Motion ANSYS Interface FSIN_1Mesh Motion Send to ANSY
47、S Total Force3.Click OK.Symmetry BoundariesSince a 2D representation of the flow field is being modeled(using a 3D meshwith oneelement thickness in the Z direction)symmetry boundaries will be created onthe low and high Z2D regions of the mesh1 Create a new boundary condition named Sym12.Apply the fo
48、llowingsettingsTab Setting ValueBoundary Type SymmetryBasic SettingsLocation Syml3.Click OK.4.Create a new boundary condition named Sym2 5 Apply the followingTab Setting ValueBoundary Type Symmetry Basic SettingsLocation Sym26.Click OK.Setting Initial ValuesSince a transient simulation is being mode
49、led,initial values are required for1 Click Global Initialization2 Apply the following settings:Tab Setting ValueInitial Conditions Cartesian Velocity 0 m sT_ Components UInitial Conditions Cartesian Velocity 0 Lm sT Components V GlobalSettings Initial Conditions Cartesian Velocity 0 Em sT_ Component
50、s WInitial Conditions Static Pressure Relative 0 Pa.Pressure3.Click OK.Setting Solver Controlsettingsall variablesVarious ANSYS Multi-field settings are contained under SolverControl under the ExternalCoupling tab Most of these settings do not need to be changed for thissimulation.Within each timest