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1、is oneis one of the praof the practical form of valuectical form of value s.s.The so-called valThe so-called values refers to theues refers to the objective thiobjective thi ngs arengs are of no value and the value of fundamental perspeof no value and the value of fundamental perspe ctive.Different

2、values,peoples behavictive.Different values,peoples behavi our,attitudes,ways are different.People-orienteour,attitudes,ways are different.People-oriente d focus on human value and reality,wed focus on human value and reality,weneeneed the brd the broadeoadest masses as valuest masses as values.As.A

3、dhere todhere to pepeopleople-orie-oriented valnted values,is tues,is to make the economy more develo make the economy more devel opmeopment,improvent,improve democracy,cultdemocracy,cultural prosperitural prosperit y,and live a happiy,and live a happi er;iser;is deepdeeply concerly concerned tned t

4、hat humahat human deven developmelopment and human valuent and human value s,devels,developmeopment of social ant of social a nd humannd human development of rational unified,idevelopment of rational unified,i nsisted insisted in the material civilin the material civili zation,politicalzation,politi

5、cal civilizaticivilization aon and spiritualnd spiritual civilizaticivilization ion in the ovn the overall advancementerall advancement of Socialiof Socialist civilizatist civilization to aon to a higher lhigher level.Also want toevel.Also want to see thatsee that persons value is not only meet your

6、 needs,also is to meet thepersons value is not only meet your needs,also is to meet theneeneeds of otds of others and thehers and the community.Acommunity.Adhere tdhere to peo peopleople-or-oriented,to strongly advocate everyiented,to strongly advocate every community member,community member,serve o

7、thers,beneficiserve others,benefici al to theal to the community of people.Tcommunity of people.T he so-callehe so-calle d Outld Outlookookattitude is on the reattitude is on the re corcord,including wd,including w ho,how toho,how to create a record of achievementcreate a record of achievement s,how

8、 to evaluates,how to evaluate performance,aperformance,a nd so on.What values,what kind of Outlook.Adhere tond so on.What values,what kind of Outlook.Adhere topeoplepeople-orie-oriented Outlook,is on thented Outlook,is on the premise of respectipremise of respecti ng the ing the interests and power

9、of penterests and power of pe oplople,creatie,creating a populng a popular,warm hear,warm he arts,steady heart performaarts,steady heart performa nce,nce,creating serve forcreating serve for oneone officer,the beofficer,the benefit of achievementnefit of achievement s,and overall constructis,and ove

10、rall constructi onon of well-off society and prof well-off society and pr omoting the all-romoting the all-r ound development of peound development of pe oploples performaes performa nce.Achince.Achievement evaluatievement evaluati on ion in botn both economic ah economic a ccomplishments,take accom

11、plishments,take a nother look at the effectivenenother look at the effectivene ss of social prss of social progress;chaogress;changes inges in botn both urh urban aban and ruralnd rural chachange;nge;bothboth hard ehard environmenvironment to strengtnt to strengthen ahen and take another lnd take an

12、other l ook at theook at the soft environment imprsoft environment impr ovement momentovement moment um of develum of devel opmeopment at present,nt at present,dedepending on thepending on the potepotential for sustaintial for sustainablnable devele developmeopment.Leavent.Leave people to talk apeop

13、le to talk a bout values are worthless and leave pebout values are worthless and leave pe ople tople to talk about Outlo talk about Outl ook isook is not what tnot what the performahe performance.nce.4.people responde4.people responded to thed to the starting point of the questarting point of the qu

14、e stion,and repliestion,and replie d to questid to questionsons poipoint.Mant.Man is the sum of social reln is the sum of social rel ationshiationships.We caps.We cannot leavnnot leave the chichuae the chichua nyongdu,housinyongdu,housi ng,tourism and entertaing,tourism and entertai nment,enment,ent

15、ertainintertaining,and evenng,and even certaincertain politipolitical,ecal,economic,cultconomic,cult ural and social eural and social e nvironmenvironment,and sont,and so on.on.Due toDue to humahuman neen needs,all wds,all walks of life will calks of life will c ome intome into beio being.Peng.Peopl

16、eople create for theircreate for their survival,asurvival,andnd conticontinuenue enjoying the resultsenjoying the results of the constrof the constr uctiuction.on.ColColorful in torful in the transformation of thehe transformation of the peoplepeople of the worlof the world,community vitality in td,

17、community vitality in t he creatihe creationon of man.Thereforeof man.Therefore,any work,any work we do,the startiwe do,the starti ng point isng point is human,what arehuman,what are people.Us speed up development,thepeople.Us speed up development,thecorecore of whiof which is tch is to meet the nee

18、dso meet the needs of peof people,iople,inclncludiuding survival neeng survival nee ds,emotids,emotionaonal neel needs ads and send self-actualization nelf-actualization ne eds.It shouleds.It shoul d bed be notenoted that ped that peoplople are not machie are not machi nes,nes,not thenot the slave o

19、f anslave of an object,object,not to be contnot to be cont rollerolled.Ped.Peoplople have theire have their ownown personality,has itspersonality,has its owown personaln personality,haity,has its own digs its own dig nity.nity.Person inPerson in neeneed of care,yd of care,you need toou need to under

20、stand,understand,needneedto meet.It is said tto meet.It is said t hat in the agriculturalhat in the agricultural society,society,people plpeople plant;in industrialant;in industrial society,masociety,man is an an is an animal;nimal;the information societthe information societ y,returny,return护坡、浆砌片石

21、施工方案护坡、浆砌片石施工方案一、工程概况1.工程简述本分项工程为路基防护、浆砌片石施工,范围是K1+288K10+247,道路全长约 10Km。2.施工时间计划工期:3 个月计划开工时间:2010 年 2 月 20 日计划完工时间:2010 年 5 月 20 日4.组织机构建设单位:安徽交通投资集团设计单位:安徽省公路勘测设计研究院监理单位:安徽科信监理公司施工单位:安徽路桥集团有限公司二、配备施工机械1。机械设备序号123456设备名称运行车挖掘机装载机压路机压路机胶轮压路机型号东风EX200ZL50徐工 YZ18 振动3YJ21/25XP301数量15 辆3 台3 台3 台1 台1 台N

22、owNow,we are i,we are i n an a new historical stage of allnew historical stage of all-round constr-round constr uction of a wuction of a w ell-off societell-off societ y.y.In perform dutieIn perform duties,and carrieds,and carried out wout work of prork of proceocess in tss in the,whe,we to put pee

23、to put pe oplople as a ge as a g uideuide principles,a principles,a nd a tend a test standard,efforts from masses mostst standard,efforts from masses mosthope do of thingshope do of things dodo up,from masses most careup,from masses most careof hotof hot probleproblem grabbed,from masses most notm g

24、rabbed,from masses most notsatisfaction ofsatisfaction of place mplace modifieodified up,not make nomid up,not make nomi nal of formalism,nal of formalism,notnot do grandstado grandstandinding of cosmetic,tng of cosmetic,t o seeko seeking of styleing of style,hel,help massep masses share,iss share,i

25、s pepeopleople benefit.(C)the investeebenefit.(C)the investee pe people iople is not only an is not only an i dea,it idea,it is a job res a job re quirement.Philosophy thrquirement.Philosophy thr ough to theough to the pepeopleople-oriented thoug-oriented thoug ht in tht in the workhe work of theof

26、the Office,mustOffice,must be clbe clear workear work objectives.Party Office iobjectives.Party Office i n then the city thicity this year remains:Advas year remains:Adva ncenced civd civil strife,local brail strife,local bra nd.nd.TheThe County(City)Party CCounty(City)Party C ommittee offices and u

27、nitsommittee offices and units directlydirectly under theunder the Office toOffice to holhold higd high theh the bannerbanner of first to excellence,of first to excellence,peoplepeople-orie-oriented rented requirequirements,strengtments,strengt hen then the constructihe constructi on aon and mand ma

28、nagementnagement of the Office tof the Office t owards the wowards the w ork a higork a hig her level.Investee 1.her level.Investee 1.political participolitical participation based on conspiracy tpation based on conspiracy t o adhere to people-orienteo adhere to people-oriente d,willd,will be around

29、 to prbe around to pr omote coordiomote coordinationDevelnationDevel opmeopment events,great sent events,great se archiarchings.Tngs.The 16he 16 sessisessionon of the partys scieof the partys scie ntific Outlookntific Outlook onon development,idevelopment,i s the nes the new Cew Central collntral co

30、llective leaective leadershidership to the develp to the devel opmeopment of connotation,nt of connotation,devdevelopmeelopment essent essentials,furtntials,further deeher deepepen the essence of development and innovation,isn the essence of development and innovation,isour partyour party s ruling i

31、s ruling idea a leadea a leap.At presep.At present,establint,establishishing and implemeng and impleme nting thenting the sciescientific concept of development hantific concept of development ha s bes become thecome the partys important work.Apartys important work.A s thes the Office of party Commit

32、tee,wOffice of party Committee,w orking partyorking party shouldshould serviservice cece center,inter,initiative to claim leanitiative to claim lea dership of thedership of the decision,thedecision,the currecurrent focus is to focusnt focus is to focus onon promotipromoting comng compreheprehensive,

33、nsive,coordinated and sustainacoordinated and sustaina ble development with mble development with m ore suggestiore suggestions,dons,do more researo more research,summarized tch,summarized t he typical.One ishe typical.One is drafted to raise the levdrafted to raise the lev el of yourel of your pres

34、entatipresentation.on.our preour pre sentation isentation i s the main Offices the main Office of products,is tof products,is t he bahe basic carrier staff service,is imsic carrier staff service,is im portant to meaportant to measure service levesure service leve ls.Tls.The qualityhe qualityof your

35、preof your presentation,maisentation,mai nly denly dependspends onon how mhow much we drafted auch we drafted a documedocument recognizent recognized by the leadershid by the leadershi p,how many are lp,how many are l isteniistening to the peng to the pe ople iople in favourn favour of the report,ho

36、w manyof the report,how many paidpaid dividends in tdividends in t he prahe practical wctical work.Imork.Improve preprove presentatisentationon drafting level,requirementdrafting level,requirement s we as we accurate grasp leccurate grasp le d intent,General led intent,General le d cared care of wor

37、k are tof work are t o as understand,Geo as understand,Ge neral ledneral led consiconsider of prder of problem are toblem are t o ino in-depth t-depth thinkihinking;reng;requirementquirements we highlights we highlight place features,place features,put superiput superior approaor approachch polipoli

38、cy and local acy and local a ctualctual combicombined up,put presened up,put prese ntation of theme tntation of theme t hrust ahrust and massesnd masses of by thoughtof by thought by wants tby wants t o combineo combined up;rd up;requiremeequirements we seeks tonts we seeks to streamlinestreamlined

39、clead clear,witr,with simpleh simple of langof language expression deuage expression de ep of tep of thoughought,with short of lengtht,with short of lengt h hosted rih hosted richch of connotation.Second,theof connotation.Second,the survey results more.Investigatisurvey results more.Investigati onon

40、 of the baof the base,the road tse,the road t o success io success is somets something,hing,is our for theis our for the Party CommitteesParty Committees polipolicy decy decisicision a gon a good idea,an importantood idea,an important partpart of a good staff.This yeaof a good staff.This yea r,to fo

41、cus arr,to focus around iound industrialndustrial XING city,and farmers increXING city,and farmers incre ase,aase,and and andndmanpowmanpower develer developmeopment,and seekint,and seeki ng,majorng,major problproblem and foster aem and foster a dvantage industry,advantage industry,a nd adjustmend a

42、djustment agricultnt agricultural structure,aural structure,a nd carriednd carriedis oneis one of the praof the practical form of valuectical form of value s.s.The so-called valThe so-called values refers to theues refers to the objective thiobjective thi ngs arengs are of no value and the value of

43、fundamental perspeof no value and the value of fundamental perspe ctive.Different values,peoples behavictive.Different values,peoples behavi our,attitudes,ways are different.People-orienteour,attitudes,ways are different.People-oriente d focus on human valud focus on human valu e and reality,wee and

44、 reality,we neeneed the brd the broadeoadest masses as valuest masses as values.As.Adhere todhere to pepeopleople-orie-oriented valnted values,is tues,is to make the economy more develo make the economy more devel opmeopment,improvent,improve democracy,cultdemocracy,cultural prosperitural prosperit

45、y,and live a happiy,and live a happi er;iser;is deeply concerdeeply concer ned tned that humahat human deven developmelopment and human valuent and human value s,devels,developmeopment of social ant of social a nd humannd human development of rational unified,idevelopment of rational unified,i nsist

46、ed insisted in the material civilin the material civili zation,politicalzation,political civilizaticivilization aon andnd spiritualspiritual civilizaticivilization ion in the ovn the overall advancementerall advancement of Socialiof Socialist civilizatist civilization to aon to a higher lhigher leve

47、l.Also want toevel.Also want to see thatsee that persons value is not only meet your needs,also is to meet thepersons value is not only meet your needs,also is to meet theneeneeds of otds of others and thehers and the community.Acommunity.Adhere tdhere to peo peopleople-or-oriented,to strongly advoc

48、ate everyiented,to strongly advocate everycommunity member,community member,serve others,beneficiserve others,benefici al to theal to the community of people.Tcommunity of people.T he so-callehe so-calle d Outld Outlookookattitude is on the reattitude is on the re corcord,including wd,including w ho

49、,how toho,how to create a record of achievementcreate a record of achievement s,how to evaluates,how to evaluate performance,aperformance,a nd so on.What values,what kind of Outlook.Adhere tond so on.What values,what kind of Outlook.Adhere topeoplepeople-orie-oriented Outlook,is on thented Outlook,i

50、s on the premise of respectipremise of respecti ng the ing the interests and power of penterests and power of pe oplople,creatie,creating a populng a popular,warm hear,warm hearts,steadyarts,steady heart performaheart performa nce,nce,creating serve forcreating serve for oneone officer,the beofficer


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