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1、T Th he ec ch ha as se er r 追追逐逐者者中中英英对对照照 SANY标准化小组#QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#The ChaserJohn CollierAlan Austen,as nervous as a kitten,went up certain dark and creaky stairsin the neighborhood of Pell Street,and peered about for a long time on the dimlanding before he found the name he wanted wr

2、itten obscurely on one of the doors.He pushed open this door,as he had been told to do,and found himself in atiny room,which contained no furniture but a plain kitchen table,a rocking-chair,and an ordinary chair.On one of the dirty buff-colored walls were a couple ofshelves,containing in all perhaps

3、 a dozen bottles and jars.An old man sat in the rocking-chair,reading a newspaper.Alan,without aword,handed him the card he had been given.Sit down,Mr.Austen,said theold man very politely.I am glad to make your acquaintance.Is it true,asked Alan,that you have a certain mixture that has!er!quite extr

4、aordinary effects?My dear sir,replied the old man,my stock in trade is not verylarge!I dont deal in laxatives and teething mixtures!but such as it is,it isvaried.I think nothing I sell has effects which could be precisely described asordinary.Well,the fact is!began Alan.Here,for example,interrupted

5、the old man,reaching for a bottle fromthe shelf.Here is a liquid as colorless as water,almost tasteless,quiteimperceptible in coffee,wine,or any other beverage.It is also quiteimperceptible to any known method of autopsy.Do you mean it is a poison?cried Alan,very much horrified.Call it a glove-clean

6、er if you like,said the old man indifferently.Maybe it will clean gloves.I have never tried.One might call it a life-cleaner.Lives need cleaning sometimes.I want nothing of that sort,said Alan.Probably it is just as well,said the old man.Do you know the priceof thisFor one teaspoonful,which is suffi

7、cient,I ask five thousand dollars.Never less.Not a penny less.I hope all your mixtures are not as expensive,said Alan apprehensively.Oh dear,no,said the old man.It would be no good charging that sortof price for a love potion,for example.Young people who need a love potion veryseldom have five thous

8、and dollars.Otherwise they would not need a love potion.I am glad to hear that,said Alan.I look at it like this,said the old man.Please a customer with onearticle,and he will come back when he needs another.Even if it is more costly.He will save up for it,if necessary.So,said Alan,you really do sell

9、 love potions?If I did not sell love potions,said the old man,reaching for anotherbottle,I should not have mentioned the other matter to you.It is only when oneis in a position to oblige that one can afford to be so confidential.And these potions,said Alan.They are not just!just!er!Oh,no,said the ol

10、d man.Their effects are permanent,and extend farbeyond casual impulse.But they include it.Bountifully,insistently.Everlastingly.Dear me!said Alan,attempting a look of scientific detachment.Howvery interesting!But consider the spiritual side,said the old man.I do,indeed,said Alan.For indifference,sai

11、d the old man,they substitute devotion.Forscorn,adoration.Give one tiny measure of this to the young lady!its flavor isimperceptible in orange juice,soup,or cocktails!and however gay and giddy sheis,she will change altogether.She will want nothing but solitude,and you.I can hardly believe it,said Al

12、an.She is so fond of parties.She will not like them any more,said the old man.She will be afraidof the pretty girls you may meet.She will actually be jealous cried Alan in a rapture.Of meYes,she will want to be everything to you.She is,already.Only she doesnt care about it.She will,when she has take

13、n this.She will care intensely.You will beher sole interest in life.Wonderful!cried Alan.She will want to know all you do,said the old man.All that hashappened to you during the day.Every word of it.She will want to know what youare thinking about,why you smile suddenly,why you are looking sad.That

14、is love!cried Alan.Yes,said the old man.How carefully she will look after you!She willnever allow you to be tired,to sit in a draught,to neglect your food.If you arean hour late,she will be terrified.She will think you are killed,or that somesiren has caught you.I can hardly imagine Diana like that!

15、cried Alan,overwhelmed with joy.You will not have to use your imagination,said the old man.And,bythe way,since there are always sirens,if by any chance you should,later on,slip a little,you need not worry.She will forgive you,in the end.She will beterribly hurt,of course,but she will forgive you!in

16、the end.That will not happen,said Alan fervently.Of course not,said the old man.But,if it did,you need not worry.She would never divorce you.Oh,no!And,of course,she herself will never giveyou the least,the very least,grounds for!uneasiness.And how much,said Alan,is this wonderful mixture?It is not a

17、s dear,said the old man,as the glove-cleaner,or life-cleaner,as I sometimes call it.No.That is five thousand dollars,never a pennyless.One has to be older than you are,to indulge in that sort of thing.One hasto save up for it.But the love potion?said Alan.Oh,that,said the old man,opening the drawer

18、in the kitchen table,andtaking out a tiny,rather dirty-looking phial.That is just a dollar.I cant tell you how grateful I am,said Alan,watching him fill it.I like to oblige,said the old man.Then customers come back,later inlife,when they are better off,and want more expensive things.Here you are.You

19、will find it very effective.Thank you again,said Alan.Good-bye.Au revoir,said the man.弖帜宀John CollierAlan Austen,诸嫖仇幸弌竪汇劔恠贫阻Pell 瞬汇官惣促椎菜圧议促杢椎促杢家贫肇捷隼珊氏食屹。麿压菜圧崭宠沫阻载海扮寂适荐掩范彭心音赔议仇中嶮噐栖欺阻汇只坛念!宸只坛贫咨咨埃埃嗤汇幸麿豚李心欺议兆兎。麿容蚀坛屎泌瓜御岑仇椎劔。昧轴麿窟麿附侃压汇幸弌型寂崭膨巓短嗤社醤率镜汇嫖高雄雄议釜彑汇嫖辧厠才汇嫖吨宥厠徨。压凪崭汇中壜揩揩议致弼能中贫嗤叱幸尺徨贫中嗤寄古12 幸匿合。汇幸析游恫压辧厠

20、贫响彭乌崕。Alan 汇鞘三胁珊短傍枠弓贫阻汇嫖艶繁公麿议触。恫和杏 Alan 枠伏析游撰叹仇傍。厘载蕃侑咽低范纷。宸页寔议Alan 谅低寔议嗤椎乂丼惚妾繁议蒙歩劳质厘牌握议枠伏亜析游指基厘将唔议袈律页载鸿议!厘音恂从劳才伏两劳岻窃议!徽页屎泌圻云汇劔袈律珊页载鸿刑。厘厘沢竃议劳质短嗤汇周辛参酒汽仇喘峠群栖侘否。駆并粪页!Alan 傍。宸隅嬉幸曳圭析游嬉仅阻麿冥附贯尺徨贫镇软汇幸匿徨。宸页汇岳邦汇劔涙弼议匣闷叱窄涙龙慧压色携、焼才凪麿咬创戦辛僚佃参状贺。遇拝万压贩采议分殊和叱窄胁音氏羽其。低议吭房页万页荞劳Alan 寄蕗出只谊载妾讯。出万返耗赔准质泌惚低浪散议三析游町音购伉议傍。匆俯万辛参喘栖

21、赔准返耗。厘页贯栖短编狛。嗤繁匆俯珊出万伏试赔准宀。伏凋嗤扮昨俶积汇乂赔准。厘音积椎汇窃议叫廉Alan 傍。匆俯宸匆页杏析游傍。低岑只万议勺鲤宅汇画革议宸螺吭隅厘议吭房页祥厮将怎校恂贩采并阻厘积勺 5000 翠。贯音受勺。汇幸徨匆音受。厘錬李音页侭嗤议劳质胁宸担酷Alan 嗤泣音芦仇傍。玳牌握议音氏析游傍。邪谱握秤劳质页宸幸勺了椎万祥汇泣隅匆音帘哈繁阻嬉幸曳圭。椎乂俶积握秤劳质议定煤繁载富嗤镇谊竃5000 翠议。倦夸麿断祥音俶积握秤劳质阻。厘载互佶油欺宸幸Alan 傍。厘页宸劔心议析游傍。喘汇幸斌瞳函埣纲人椎担麿氏压俶积凪麿议扮昨指栖孀低。轴闻宸扮麿侭积议载酷。嗤駅积议三麿封崛氏贋热栖択议。侭

22、参Alan 傍低寔议沢握秤劳质泌惚厘音沢析游傍彭冥附肇镇総汇匿劳厘音氏低戻欺椎乂议。峪嗤压汇幸繁嗤嬬荐寓旨艶繁议念戻和麿嘉页综繁佚正议。椎乂劳质Alan 傍万断音叙页!页!駆!填音析游傍。万断议劳丼页喟消议遇拝劳来垓垓音峭吨宥议喝强。徽万断鸠粪淫根阻宸劔议丼惚宸劔値仓议、隔偬议丼惚。填爷陈Alan 傍编彭廾竃汇険音峡亲侥议劔徨。宸凑嗤箸阻徽页心娼舞蚊中议恬喘析游傍。厘鸠粪阻Alan 傍。椎乂云栖斤低町音购伉议繁析游傍宸乂劳质氏缩公慢断月。椎乂絶凛心诘低议繁夸页括维。公定煤溺顷汇泣宸幸!万议龙只压拡岫、明才痔硫焼戦円功云涙隈贺状!隼朔涙胎宸幸溺繁圻云谨担煤検谨担斤槻繁音压吭、音廨汇慢氏頼頼畠畠仇

23、个延议。慢氏进李沟镜珊嗤低。厘音糊佚Alan 傍慢页汇幸椎担浪散涂斤议溺顷。慢壅匆音氏浪散阻贯书参朔析游傍。慢氏伏殿低肇需椎乂涂斤溺顷。慢寔议氏宍曲Alan 髄浪仇寄出。葎阻厘页议慢氏积撹葎低议畠何。慢壼厮将页厘议畠何阻。慢峪页功云音压吭遇厮。慢氏压吭议。辉慢喘阻宸幸劳慢氏掲械独俳仇压吭。低繍撹葎慢伏凋崭率汇议赤箸。凑挫阻Alan 妾出。慢氏积岑只低议汇俳析游傍。汇爷戦中侭嗤椎乂窟伏压低附贫议并秤。耽汇幸忖。慢氏积岑只低压焚担葎采低融隼窟丶葎采低心贫肇喃彬。宸祥页握亜Alan 寄出。页议析游傍。慢繍氏谨担闷薮仇孚纲低亜慢壅匆音氏斑低藤斥、斑低恫压宥欠笥、赐宀音郭倾。泌惚低岳欺阻1 幸弌扮慢氏讯

24、仕议积棒。慢氏参葎低瓜姫阻赐宀瓜溺剂娼拳资阻。寔页佃参椎劔议 DianaAlan 瓜浪埣野诺仇出只。低繍音喘壅肇析游傍。遇拝珊嗤咀葎弊顺贫弌剂娼悳页载谨泌惚低甜隼压参朔嗤侭陶伉匆頼畠音喘毅伉。慢恷朔汇协氏圻疎低议雑伉。辉隼阻慢氏瓜彬谊载嶷徽页慢涙胎泌采匆氏圻疎低议!压恷朔。宸岳并秤音氏窟伏议Alan 佚闭稀稀仇傍。辉隼音氏析游傍。徽页岚汇窟伏阻低短駅积毅伉。慢蒸斤音氏嘘虹低。填音珊嗤辉隼慢云附祥喟垓音氏公低汇泣汇某汇坐议芦逓议。椎担积谨富热Alan 傍宸幸胆虫议劳质。牌握议万音返耗赔准质赐宀傍伏试赔准宀厘嗤扮昨宸担出万。音。椎幸积5000 翠汇谷胁富音谊。汇幸繁积试欺曳低寄谨阻嘉氏肇深打択椎劔议叫廉。椎颖捷页积繁贋汇粁扮寂热议。椎担崛噐握秤劳质Alan 傍。玳宸幸亜析游傍彭嬉蚀阻釜彑议渇夜镇竃汇幸嗽弌嗽壜议肾劳匿徨。宸幸汇匿峪积1 翠热。厘酒岷涙隈侘否厘议湖尔Alan 傍心彭析游宜诺劳匿。厘浪散月才寓旨析游傍。隼朔纲人断祥氏指栖压麿断议汇伏崭辉麿断厚纱源嗤议扮昨欺椎扮麿断氏积厚虻酷议叫廉。公低。低氏窟万载砿喘议。壅肝湖仍低Alan 傍。壅需。Au revoir析游傍。


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