1、相关翻译实例公式语实例禁止携宠物进入教学区小心地滑请上楼继续参观专用车位服务投诉电话失物招领贵重物品,请勿触摸。冬春草木黄,防火记心上。公式语实例Animals Not AllowedCaution:wet floorUpstairs:more exhibitsReserved ParkingService Complaint PhoneLost and FoundPlease keep off the precious commodities!Please guard against fire!文学实例可知老祖宗从小儿的福寿就不小,神差鬼使 地碰出那个窝来,好盛福寿的。寿星老儿头上原是一个窝
2、儿,因为万福万寿盛满了,所以倒凸高出些来了。既托了我,我就说不得要讨你们嫌了。我可比不得你们奶奶好性儿,由着你们去。再不要说你们“这府里原是这样”的话,如今可要依着我行,错我半点儿,管不得谁是有脸的,谁是没脸的,一例现清白处治。文学实例Obviously our Old Ancestress was destined from birth to good luck and a long life:thats why the gods dented her head-to hold her good luck!The God of Longevity originally had a dent
3、in his head too,but it was so stuffed with good fortune it swelled up instead into a bump.文学实例Since Ive been put in charge here I dare say I shall make myself unpopular.Im not as easy-going as your own mistress who lets you do as you please;so dont tell me how things used to be managed here,but just
4、 do as I say.The least disobedience will be dealt with publicly,no matter how much face the offender may have.文学实例结果,范小姐今天赴宴擦的颜色,就跟美洲印第安人上战场擦的颜色同样胜利地红。未婚妻并没见面,只瞻仰过一张半寸照相,也 漠不关心。文学实例 In the end Miss Fan went to the party looking as triumphantly red as American Indians on the war path.He had never met
5、 his fiance;merely viewing a bust photograph of her had left him feeling indifferent.电影片名IAmerican Beauty这部影片以黑色幽默的笔触犀利地揭示了美国日常生活的“众生相”。它以一个典型的美国中产阶级家庭生活为例,展示了深藏于美国社会内的种种病态。影片中多次出现红玫瑰,它们时而代表欲望,时而代表血腥,是男主人公脑中不断浮现的幻象。这具有隐喻意味的红玫瑰,学名正是American Beauty,影片的名称也由此得来。电影片名II Jane EyreJane Eyre CasablancaCasabl
6、anca BrokebackBrokeback Mountain Mountain Harry PotterHarry Potter The GraduateThe Graduate Schindlers ListSchindlers List Star WarsStar Wars Saving Private RyanSaving Private Ryan The English PatientThe English Patient The Deer HunterThe Deer Hunter the Broadway Melodythe Broadway Melody电影片名II 简简 爱爱 卡萨布兰卡卡萨布兰卡 断背山断背山 哈利哈利 波特波特 毕业生毕业生 辛德勒名单辛德勒名单 星球大战星球大战 拯救大兵瑞恩拯救大兵瑞恩 英国病人英国病人 猎鹿人猎鹿人 百老汇的旋律百老汇的旋律电影片名IIIHamlet出水芙蓉风月俏佳人Sister Act这个杀手不太冷电影片名III王子复仇记Bathing BeautyPretty Woman修女也疯狂The Professional电影片名IVThe TerminalTarzan(主人公名字,而且主人公半人半猿)Forrest Gump电影片名IV幸福终点站人猿泰山阿甘正传