1、湖北省湖北省 20232023 年教师招聘之中学教师招聘练习题年教师招聘之中学教师招聘练习题(一一)及答案及答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、张寒晖创作的歌曲松花江上表现的题材是()。A.大革命失败B.抗日救亡C.红军长征D.第二次围剿【答案】B2、导弹只能用来打击敌人吗 我国一家航天研究所研制的“高层楼宇导弹灭火系统”改变了人们原有的想法。科研人员研制的导弹装有高效灭火剂,可以远距离发射到火场的着火点,尤其适用于城市高层建筑物或其他危险场所。导弹灭火系统的研制()。A.B.C.D.【答案】B3、“一切以自我为中心”的思维特征出现在()。A.感知运动阶段B.具体运算阶段C.前运算
2、阶段D.形式运算阶段【答案】C4、“井蛙不可以语于海者,拘于虚也;夏虫不可以语于冰者,笃于时也。”这句名言蕴含的哲学道理是()。A.意识具有相对独立性B.意识的产生受客观条件的制约C.认识对实践有指导作用D.意识对物质具有推动作用【答案】B5、Theres _ expression inChinese,Im afraid.A.no soB.no such anC.no suchD.not such【答案】C6、关于学校教育在人的发展中的作用,下列表述正确的是()。A.在人的发展中起决定作用B.在人的发展中起主导作用C.在人的发展中起塑造作用D.在人的发展中起定型作用【答案】B7、甘美兰是亚洲某
3、国最具代表性的音乐,这个国家是()。A.印度B.泰国C.印度尼西亚D.马来西亚【答案】C8、比较某一癌症患者体内的癌细胞、造血干细胞和神经细胞,这三种细胞()。A.细胞核中 DNA 含量始终相同B.始终在进行蛋白质的合成C.具有长短不一的细胞周期D.核基因的脱氧核苷酸排列顺序是相同的【答案】B9、桑代克提出的学习迁移理论是()。A.形式训练说B.经验泛化说C.共同要素说D.关系转换说【答案】C10、1829 年指挥了巴赫的马太受难曲,继而推动欧洲巴赫研究复兴的作曲家是()。A.柴可夫斯基B.舒曼C.门德尔松D.舒伯特【答案】C11、从 1887-1897 年,英国内阁占用议会会议的时间平均达到
4、 845,议员个人很少有提出议案的机会;在许多重大问题上,议会只规定一般原则,而由内阁去制定具体的实施细则,而且议会通过投不信任票来监督和控制内阁做法的有效性也变得极其微弱了。上述现象表明()。A.议会的权力和作用被削弱B.议会的立法权力正在丧失C.英国的政治制度正在发生变化D.议会对内阁起到了限制作用【答案】A12、渔光曲是中国电影 20 世纪 30 年代的代表作品之一,它的曲作者是()。A.马思聪B.贺绿汀C.黎锦晖D.任光【答案】D13、()是由李春主持在隋代大业年间修建,是隋代艺术石刻的珍品。【本题选项 AB 都可以】A.赵州桥B.安济桥C.卢沟桥D.十七孔桥【答案】A14、根据练习时
5、间分配的不同,练习分为()。A.整体练习和部分练习B.模拟练习、实际练习和心理练习C.集中练习和分散练习D.适度练习和过度练习【答案】C15、2016 年 11 月,在伦敦地铁上由电影女星艾玛沃森发起的“丢书大战”在我国北上广上演。“丢书大战”本是为了推广公众阅读,但北上广地铁上所“丢”书籍却屡屡遭遇尴尬,要么无人问津,要么被地铁保洁人员当作遗落物品收走,捡起书来认真阅读的也寥寥无几。这一遭遇表明()。A.B.C.D.【答案】B16、下列最能体现运动员有氧耐力水平的是()A.5 千米跑B.花样游泳C.100 米跑D.三级跳远【答案】A17、C A decline in memory as a
6、result of ageing can be temporarilyreversed using a harmless form of electrical brain stimulation,scientists have found.The study focused on a part of cognitioncalled working memory,the brain system that holds information forshort periods while we are making decisions or performingcalculations.Worki
7、ng memory is crucial for a wide variety of tasks,such as recognising faces,doing arithmetic and navigating a newenvironment.Working memory is known to steadily decline with age.One factor in this decline is thought to be a disconnection betweentwo brain networks.In the study,published in the journal
8、 NatureNeuroscience,42 people aged 20-29 and 42 people aged 60-76 wereassessed in a working memory task.The older group were slower andless accurate on the tests.The scientists then subjected them all to25 minutes of non-invasive brain stimulation.This aimed to make thetwo target brain regions work
9、together by passing gentle pulses ofelectricity through the scalp(头皮)and into the brain.After thetreatment,working memory in the older adults improved to match theyounger group and the effect appeared to last for 50 minutes afterthe stimulation.Those who had scored worst to start with showed thelarg
10、est improvements.While these results were exciting and promising.Dardo Tomasi,a scientist at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism in Bethesda,who was not involved in the work saidthat larger studies would be needed to confirm the findings andassess how they might be applied clinical
11、ly.D.James Picket e headof research at the Alzheimers Society,said,“We cant cure,prevent or even slow down dementia(痴呆),so it vital we exploreall possible areas for treatments.Altering and correcting thecircuitry of the brain with technology is a new exciting avenue ofresearch for dementia.Deep-brai
12、n simulation a surgical procedureused in Parkinsons,is proof of principle that this approach mayone day be fruiA.The approach is successful for slowing down the decline in memoryB.Those who had worst memory demonstrated fewer improvementsC.More researches are needed before the results are applied to
13、patientsD.Preserving the circuitry of brain is a direction of research fordementi A【答案】C18、在马丁?路德宗教改革中,宗教音乐也出现了新形式的圣咏合唱()。A.众赞歌B.尚松C.猎歌D.牧歌【答案】A19、下面对古琴描述不正确的是()。A.古琴也叫“七弦琴”B.古琴的演奏方式主要有琴歌、独奏两种C.著名的古琴曲有广陵散十面埋伏流水等D.古琴被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录【答案】C20、各种不同的武术动作的迁移属于()。A.同化性迁移B.顺应性迁移C.重组性迁移D.特殊性迁移【答案】C21、下面曲目与它们的演奏
15、难度加大D.纵向生产能力难以平衡E.自制原料或自行销售的效率往往低于专业公司【答案】B26、反映思想政治教育本质的根本原则是()。A.方向原则B.求实原则C.民主原则D.激励原则【答案】A27、教师的批评与不赞扬,与学生的学习成绩()。A.存在正相关B.关系不明显C.存在负相关D.有利有弊【答案】C28、用脚背正面踢球时,()A.后中部,B.后下部,C.左后侧,D.右后侧【答案】D29、最早实施义务教育的国家是()。A.美国B.英国C.法国D.德国【答案】D30、The translator must have an excellent,up-to-date knowledge of his1
16、1 languages,full facility in the handlingof his target language,which will be his mother tongue or language of habitualuse,andknowledge and understanding of the 12 subject-matter in his fieldofspecialization.This is,as it were,his professional equipment.Inaddition tothis,it is desirable that he shou
17、ld have an 13 mind,wideinterests,a good memory and the ability to grasp quicklythe basicprinciples of new developments.He should be willing to work onhisown,often at high speeds,but should be humble enough to 14othersshould his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the taskin hand.He shouldbe a
18、ble to type fairly quickly and accurately and,if he is working mainly forpublication,should have more than anodding 15 with printing techniques andproof-reading.If he isworking basically as an information translator,let ussay,for anindustrial firm,he should have the flexibility of mind to enablehimt
19、o 16 rapidly from one sourcelanguage to another,as well as from onesubject-matter to another,since thisability is frequently requiredof him in such work.Bearing in mind the natureof the translatorswork,i.e.the processing of the written word,it is,strictlyspeaking,17 that he should be able to speak t
20、he languages heisdealing with.If he does speak them,it is an 18 rather than ahindrance,but this skillis in many ways a luxury that he can do awaywith.It is,however,desirablethat he should have an approximateidea about the pronunciation of his sourcelanguages even if this isrestricted to 19 how prope
21、r names and placenames are pronounced.Thesame applies to an ability to write his sourcelanguages.If he can,well and good;if he cannot,it does not matter.Thereare many otherskills and 20 that are desirable in a translator.A.lastB.laterC.latestD.latter【答案】C31、根据国际货币基金组织的决定,人民币从 2016 年 10 月 1 日起成为“可自由使
22、用货币”。这是该组织“历史上首次”扩大作为特别提款权基础的货币篮子。此举体现的宗旨和使命是()。A.打破关税壁垒B.稳定国际汇率C.促进自由贸易D.消除贫困根源【答案】B32、1972 到 1978 年我国排球处在恢复阶段,、()的打法。A.后排进攻B.手拉扣球C.快速反应D.拉三拉四【答案】D33、教育心理学的研究和其他科学研究都应遵循的基本原则是()。A.客观性原则B.主观性原则C.教育性原则D.自发性原则【答案】A34、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book.I justwanted to see how it
23、ended 11 I was still in the middle of it.Thishabit 12 first my morn,then my friends,and 13 even my own daughter.Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also towhat others were 15 as well.Then one day my daughter told me inanger,Dad,please just read a book one 16 at a time like ev
24、eryoneelse!A.contributeB.devoteC.applyD.limit【答案】D35、Parents and toddlers who read paper books together speak andinteract more when compared with those who read e-books,researchersfoun D.Reading with a child is a hugely important developmentalactivity as it helps youngsters learn new words,broadens
25、theirknowledge and provides time to bond with loved ones.So scientistswanted to see if parents and children acted differently when theyread books together using traditional media versus electronic deviceslike tablets.To investigate,the researchers found 37 pairs ofparents and healthy toddlers betwee
26、n two and three years ol D.Theyasked them to read from three different types of media:enhancedelectronic books with sound effects or animation,a basic electronicbook,and a print books Researchers found parents and toddlers spokemore when interacting with a paper book rather than a story on anelectro
27、nic tablet.Whats more,parents used richer language whenusing print books compared with tablets,and collaborated more withtheir children.But parents were less responsive and children wereless engaged with their parents when reading e-books,said Dr.Tiffany Munzer,corresponding author of the study at t
28、he Universityof Michigan C.S.Mott Childrens Hospital.The findings werepublished in the journal Pediatrics.Munzer pointed out.however,thatthe study was limited in several ways,including that the team didnot test the toddlers reading comprehension.It was also limited bythe small sample size,and the fa
29、ct that the team used only onecommercially-available app for the e-books.That isnt to say thereis no benefit to electronic book reading compared with doing nothing.Just less compared with print books.Print books are just better forpromoting rich language from their parents and more conversationsbetw
30、een parents and children,said Munzer.Munzer said that parentsalways know their children best,so they should feel empowered toadjust the reading experience to what they know their children areA.Using electronic booksB.Using commercial appsC.Using print booksD.Using electronic devices【答案】C36、制度化教育的标志是
31、()。A.教育实体B.学校C.学校教育系统D.终身教育【答案】C37、为切实改进工作作风,优化发展环境,某政府决定在 2017 年开展政府机关政风建设民主评议工作,同时对部分公共服务行业行风建设进行网上民主评议。这有利于()。A.B.C.D.【答案】B38、对于数学、物理、化学等主要包含有高度、有结构的知识和技能的教学宜采用()。A.师生互动策略B.以教师为中心的讲授策略C.合作学习策略D.以学生为中心的发现策略【答案】B39、习近平在 2016 年 11 月召开的文代会上提出:改革开放近 40 年来,我们党领导人民所进行的奋斗,推动我国社会发生了全方位变革,这在中华民族史上是前所未有的,在人
32、类发展史上也是绝无仅有的。面对这种史诗般的变化,我们有责任写出中华民族新史诗。史诗是人民创造的,不论多么宏大的创作,多么高的立意追求,都必须从最真实的生活出发,从平凡中发现伟大,从质朴中发现崇高,从而深刻提炼生活,全景展现生活。根据材料回答题。A.B.C.D.【答案】C40、我国到本中世纪中叶的奋斗目标是()。A.解决温饱问题B.实现社会主义现代化C.消除贫富差别D.全面建成小康社会【答案】B41、C A decline in memory as a result of ageing can be temporarilyreversed using a harmless form of ele
33、ctrical brain stimulation,scientists have found.The study focused on a part of cognitioncalled working memory,the brain system that holds information forshort periods while we are making decisions or performingcalculations.Working memory is crucial for a wide variety of tasks,such as recognising fac
34、es,doing arithmetic and navigating a newenvironment.Working memory is known to steadily decline with age.One factor in this decline is thought to be a disconnection betweentwo brain networks.In the study,published in the journal NatureNeuroscience,42 people aged 20-29 and 42 people aged 60-76 wereas
35、sessed in a working memory task.The older group were slower andless accurate on the tests.The scientists then subjected them all to25 minutes of non-invasive brain stimulation.This aimed to make thetwo target brain regions work together by passing gentle pulses ofelectricity through the scalp(头皮)and
36、 into the brain.After thetreatment,working memory in the older adults improved to match theyounger group and the effect appeared to last for 50 minutes afterthe stimulation.Those who had scored worst to start with showed thelargest improvements.While these results were exciting and promising.Dardo T
37、omasi,a scientist at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism in Bethesda,who was not involved in the work saidthat larger studies would be needed to confirm the findings andassess how they might be applied clinically.D.James Picket e headof research at the Alzheimers Society,said,“We c
38、ant cure,prevent or even slow down dementia(痴呆),so it vital we exploreall possible areas for treatments.Altering and correcting thecircuitry of the brain with technology is a new exciting avenue ofresearch for dementia.Deep-brain simulation a surgical procedureused in Parkinsons,is proof of principl
39、e that this approach mayone day be fruiA.To emphasize the importance of various tasksB.To introduce the decisions of the brain systemC.To describe the connection of brain networksD.To present the functions of working memory【答案】C42、明朝范濂的云间据目抄记载:“松江旧无暑袜店,暑月间穿毡袜者甚众。万历以来,用尤墩布(一种细密、柔软的棉布)为单暑袜,极轻美,远近争来购之。
40、故郡治西郊,广开暑袜店百余家。合郡男妇皆以做袜为生,从店中给筹取值,亦便民新务。”下列各项对材料理解正确的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】C43、在马克思主义发展史中,明确阐述未来社会的发展分为共产主义第一阶段和共产主义高级阶段的经典文献是()。A.共产党宣言B.哥达纲领批判C.关于费尔巴哈的提纲D.论合作社【答案】B44、意象艺术不以纯客观再现为目的,()精神世界。A.抽象B.主观C.丰富D.理性【答案】B45、下列关于立法的说法中,正确的是()。A.我国现行的立法体制是一种“一元、两级、多层次”的立法体制B.全国人大代表 50 人以上或一个代表团可以提出立法议案C.全国人大常委会委员 5
41、人以上可以向全国人大委员会提出立法议案D.宪法的修改由全国人民代表大会以全体代表的二分之一以上的多数通过【答案】A46、王老师在讲授八年级爱在屋檐下一课时,确立了下列教学目标,其中属于能力目标的是()。A.感受父母对自己的爱心抚养,尊重父母的决定、劳动和情感B.树立家庭中的正确观念,增强履行家庭义务的责任观念C.逐步掌握交往与沟通的技能,把握与父母交往的策略和方法D.懂得与父母沟通的基本要领,知道逆反心理造成的实际危害【答案】C47、用显微镜观察洋葱表皮细胞时,视野中看到细胞数目最多的镜头组合是()。A.目镜 15x.物镜 10 xB.目镜 10 x.物镜 10 xC.目镜 10 x.物镜 4
42、0 xD.目镜 15x.物镜 40 x【答案】B48、用普通光学显微镜观察叶表皮细胞的临时装片过程中,所观察的叶表皮细胞位于其视野右下方。若要调整使物像位于视野正中央,正确的方法应该是()。A.把装片向右上方移动B.把装片向右下方移动C.把装片向左上方移动D.把装片向左下方移动【答案】B49、艺术欣赏只有融入(),才能获得审美感动和审美体验。A.作品情境B.真实感情C.艺术实践D.社会生活【答案】B50、按照精神分析学派的观点,()的需要才是初中生真正的需要。A.意识B.前意识C.前意识D.潜意【答案】C多选题(共多选题(共 2020 题)题)1、单选题 只有实现(),才是咨询效果的直接体现。
48、.自我同一性对角色混乱【答案】ABD18、研究发现,在学生中常见的心理障碍主要有()A.攻击B.恐怖C.焦虑D.退缩E.自杀【答案】ABCD19、单选题 社会学理论中,“观察学习”又称为()。A.直接学习B.内隐学习C.替代学习D.实践学习【答案】C20、下列因素中,能够促进问题发现和有价值问题提出的是()A.丰富的知识经验B.高活动积极性C.强好奇心和求知欲D.思维的高依赖性【答案】ABC大题(共大题(共 1010 题)题)一、在一节小学音乐欣赏课玩具兵进行曲(人音版)教学中,教师带领学生欣赏第一段音乐时引导学生用自己喜欢的方式把对音乐的理解表现出来,如合着音乐做律动练习,想象玩具兵的样子。