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1、 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第2页 目目 录录 CATALOGUE 总则总则 4 General4 一轮机部分一轮机部分 Machinery part 1 燃油系统试验程序6 Fuel oil sys.Test6 2 滑油系统试验程序8 Lubrication oil sys.Test 8 3 冷却水系统试验程序10 Cooling water sys.Test 10 4 发电机试验程序12 Diesel generator test 12 5 杂用空压机和压缩空气系统试验程序 17 Serv

2、ice compressor and compress air sys.Test 17 6 供水系统试验程序19 Water supply sys.Test19 7 舱底水系统试验程序21 Bilge water sys.Test 21 8 舱底油水分离器试验程序24 Bilge oily water sys.Test24 9 水消防系统试验程序27 Fire water sys.Test 27 10 污水处理系统试验程序29 Sewage treatment sys.Test29 11 机舱行车试验程序31 E/R crane test 31 12 通风系统及通风机试验程序33 Ventil

3、ation sys.and ventilator test33 13 压载水系统试验程序36 Ballast water sys.Test 36 14 液压阀门遥控系统试验程序38 Remote control valve sys.Test38 15 液位遥测吃水测量系统试验程序 44 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第3页 Level remote sounding and draft sys.Test44 16 快关阀系统试验程序 4

4、6 Quick closing valve sys.Test46 17 防海生物系统试验程序 48 Anti-fouling and corrosion prevention system 48 二电气部分二电气部分 Electric part 18 主配电板 50 Main switchboard 50 19 各类辅助机械、甲板机械、厨房等用设备 51 Electric equipment of all aux.machinery,deck machinery and galley51 20 24V配电系统51 24V power distribution system51 21 船内通讯和

5、报警系统 51 Interior communication and alarm system51 22 航行设备 51 Equipment of navigation51 23 照明系统 52 Illumination System52 24 变压器试验 52 Transformer Test 52 三舾装部分三舾装部分 Outfitting part 25 锚机和自动绞缆机液压系统试验 53 Hyd.Sys.For windlass&automatic tensioning mooring winch test 53 26 电动液压回转起重机试验 57 Electric-Hyd.Provi

6、sion crane test 57 27 舱盖系统试验程序 60 Hatch cover sys.Test60 28 门、窗、盖的冲水试验 64 Hose test of doors,windows and covers 64 29 舷梯强度试验 64 Strength Test of Accommodation Ladder64 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第4页 总 则 GENERAL 1、试验前应备齐所有试验设备装置的产品检验

7、合格证书和相关证书,以及技术文件。The required certifications,production certifications and technical documents of all examined equipment should to be prepared well before tests.2、试验所用的各种测量仪器、仪表应校验合格,仪表的级别应确保被测参数的精度。All kinds of instruments for measuring and gauges used in the tests to be calibrated,which to be with

8、 certification,if necessary.Their grade should insure the precision of the measured parameters.3、各种设备、装置试验前与其相关的辅助设备、系统必须安装完工,方可试验。Before all kinds of equipment were tested,concerned auxiliary equipment,systems to be installed completely.4、试验前,应全面检查各类设备、系统、仪表、铭牌等正确性、完整性,以及各系统管路作好密性、试验畅通性试验,确认投油、吹气清洗

9、等工作完成,确保试验顺利进行。The tightness test and well-fluency test and of piping should to be carried out so that the tests can be got along well.The safety items of equipment and systems should be surveyed at first.5、各种设备和系统安全保护项目应在试验中先行报验,合格后方可做其它项目试验,以确保设备、系统安全。For equipment and systems safety,the safety de

10、vice and safety item shall be tested first,only the safety items are accepted,other tests can be carried out.6、各种泵做运转试验,并调定安全阀。The running test of pumps should to be carried out,and their safety valves to be adjusted.7、所有电气设备在通电之前进行箱内清洁检查。各类用电设备都要检查它们的绝缘电阻,除非另有说明,绝缘电阻值均应1M,还应检查电缆,电器设备的保护接地。All elect

11、rical equipment to be inspected for cleanness before switch on.All kinds of the electrical equipment shall be measured concerning their insulation resistant,and each value of the insulation resistant shall be over 1M,unless otherwise mentioned.Also protective earthing of the cable and equipment shal

12、l be checked.8、如果在系泊试验中无法完成的项目可在航行试验中进行。If some items cannot be carried out during mooring test,they can be done in following sea trial test.9、目的 Purpose 9.1、验证各机械设备和系统安装的正确性及其工作性能。The mooring test is to verify the correctness of installation and to examine the working performances for machinery and

13、 system.9.2、试验数据的记录 Record Of Test Data 凭籍各设备上仪表所显示的参数记录在检查部门准备的表格上。The parameters indicated by the gauges of equipment are to be recorded in the forms prepared by the inspection department concerned.9.3、设定值的允许误差 Tolerance of setting PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITIO

14、N)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第5页 9.3.1、压力设定值的允许误差为0.01Mpa。Tolerance of pressure set value is 0.01Mpa;9.3.2、温度设定值的允许误差为100时为3,100时为5 Tolerance of temperature set value is 3 for 100 and 5 for 100 9.3.3、液位设定值的允许误差为5%(满量程)Tolerance of level set value is 5%of full range.9.3.4、若有特殊规定的允许误差,应按特殊规定 Adopt to

15、the specially tolerance if it need be 9.4、本试验大纲所出的压力值均为表压。The pressure value indicated in the program is gauge pressure.9.5、某些设定值可以由设备服务商现场调整。Some set value can be adjusted by service engineer on board.9.6、船厂在系泊试验时应作各种测试记录,整理后提交验船部门和船东 The tests shall be witnessed by owner supervisor and class and t

16、he test result/data shall be recorded by the yard and submitted to owner and class.PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第6页 一、燃油系统试验一、燃油系统试验 F.O system 根据系统图,系统的完整性,正确性和密性交验完 Completion,correctness,air-tightness of this system should be ok ac

17、cording to system drawing.试验前检查项目 Pre-Test Check Item Check Item 检查项目 Check result(yes/no)检查结果 Owner 船东 RINA 船检 Tank integrity and tightness test 舱室完整性 Piping installation and pressure test 管路安装和压力试验 Mechanical installation 设备安装 Cable termination and power supply 接线和电力供应 1、Measure the cold/hot insul

18、ation resistance of the electrical motor,measure the starting current and working current of the electrical motors.测量燃油泵电动机冷态及热态绝缘电阻,测量电动机起动电流和工作电流。2、An operating test of transfer pump of the fuel oil system is carried out for minimum 30 minutes.Pump relief valve to be checked.各燃油输送泵作效用试验不少于 30 分钟。检

19、查泵的安全阀。3、Effective test for remote control and change switch of fuel oil pump.燃油泵遥控按钮和转换开关作效用试验。4、Simulate check up working reliability of all alarm devices for high and low level of every tank.模拟检查各舱柜高低液位报警装置工作的可靠性。5、Simulate check up working reliability of M.D.O.transfer pump auto start/stop.模拟检查燃

20、油输送泵的自起停泵的可靠性。6、Sort data and fill report.记录试验数据,填写表格。PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第7页 燃油系统试验记录燃油系统试验记录 Fuel sys.Record list Check Item 检查项目 Check result(yes/no)检查结果 左舷 Port side 右舷 Starboard side Fuel pump motor insulation 燃油泵电机绝缘电阻

21、冷态 Cold 热态 Hot Fuel pump start/stop 燃油泵启/停 Motor start current 电动机起动电流 Motor working current 电动机工作电流 M.D.O.T level high alarm(Simulate)燃油舱高位报警 M.D.O.T level low alarm(Simulate)燃油舱低位报警 M.D.O.S.T level high alarm(Simulate)燃油日用柜高位报警 M.D.O.S.T level low alarm(Simulate)燃油日用柜低位报警 M.D.O.S.T level high stop

22、 pump(Simulate)燃油日用柜高位停泵 M.D.O.S.T level low start pump(Simulate)燃油日用柜低位启泵 Fuel pump discharge pressure(bar)燃油泵出口压力 Fuel pump suction pressure(bar)燃油泵吸口压力 结论:结论:检验员检验员 船船 东东 船船 检检 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第8页 二、二、Lubrication oil s

23、ystem 滑油系统试验滑油系统试验 根据系统图,系统的完整性,正确性和密性交验完毕。Completion,correctness,air-tightness of this system should be ok according to system drawing.试验前检查项目 Pre-Test Check Item Check Item 检查项目 Check result(yes/no)检查结果 Owner 船东 RINA 船检 Tank integrity and tightness test 舱室完整性 Piping installation,flushing and press

24、ure test 管路安装,串洗和压力试验 Mechanical installation 设备安装 Cable termination and power supply 接线和电力供应 1、Measure the cold/hot insulation resistance of the electrical motor,measure the starting current and working current of the electrical motors.测量污油泵电动机冷态及热态绝缘电阻,测量电动机起动电流和工作电流。2、An operating test of dirty o

25、il transfer pump is carried out for minimum 30 minutes.Pump relief valve to be checked.污油泵作效用试验不少于 30 分钟。检查泵的安全阀。3、Effective test for remote control of dirty oil pump.污油泵遥控按钮作效用试验。4、Simulate check up working reliability of all alarm devices for high and low level of every tank.模拟检查各舱柜高低液位报警装置工作的可靠性。

26、5、To test the effect of the lub oil filters,its actions should be normal and reliable.滑油滤器的功能应正确可靠。6、To record lub pressure and fill report 记录有关滑油压力,填写试验报告。PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第9页 滑油系统试验记录滑油系统试验记录 Lub.oil sys.Record list Chec

27、k Item 检查项目 Check result(yes/no)检查结果 左舷 Port side 右舷 Starboard side Dirty oil pump motor insulation 污油泵电机绝缘电阻 冷态 Cold 热态 Hot Dirty oil pump start/stop 污油泵启/停 Motor start current 电动机起动电流 Motor working current 电动机工作电流 L.O.T.level high alarm(Simulate)滑油柜高位报警 Dirty oil pump discharge pressure(bar)污油泵出口压

28、力 Dirty oil pump suction pressure(bar)污油泵吸口压力 结论:结论:检验员检验员 船船 东东 船船 检检 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第10页 三、三、cooling water system 冷却水系统试验冷却水系统试验 Completion,correctness,air-tightness of this system should be ok according to system draw

29、ing.根据系统图,系统的完整性,正确性和密性交验完毕 试验前检查项目 Pre-Test Check Item Check Item 检查项目 Check result(yes/no)检查结果 Owner 船东 RINA 船检 Piping installation and pressure test 管路安装和压力试验 Mechanical installation 设备安装 Cable termination and power supply 接线和电力供应 1.Measure the cold/hot insulation resistance of the electrical mot

30、or,measure the starting current and working current of the electrical motors.测量冷却泵电动机冷态及热态绝缘电阻,测量电动机起动电流和工作电流。2.An operating test of sea water cooling water pump are carried out for minimum 30 minutes.海水冷却泵及冷却系统作效用试验不少于 30 分钟。3.Effective test for remote control of cooling water pump.海水冷却泵遥控按钮作效用试验。4

31、.Sort data and fill report.记录试验数据,填写表格。PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第11页 冷却水系统试验记录冷却水系统试验记录 Cooling water sys.Record list Check Item 检查项目 Check result(yes/no)检查结果 左舷 Port side 右舷 Starboard side Cooling water pump motor insulation 冷却水泵

32、电机绝缘电阻 冷态 Cold 热态 Hot Cooling water pump start/stop 冷却水泵启/停 Motor start current 电动机起动电流 Motor working current 电动机工作电流 Cooling water pump discharge pressure(bar)冷却水泵出口压力 Cooling water pump suction pressure(bar)冷却水泵吸口压力 结论:结论:检验员检验员 船船 东东 船船 检检 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOT

33、AL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第12页 四、发电机试验程序四、发电机试验程序 DIESEL GENERATOR TEST PROCEDURE Specification 技术参数 Maker 供应商 Cummins TYPE 型号 CCFJ200-1500DKCMar Generator 发电机 revolution 转速:1500r/min Rated output 额定输出功率:200 KW Rated voltage 额定电压:400V Current 电流:667.5A Frequency 额定频率:50 HZ Power factor 功

34、率因数:0.8(滞后 lagging)No.of phase 相数:3 Number of sets 数量 2 1.动车前的试验、测量 Check Items Before A/E Starting 1.1 为发电机组服务的各系统及设备在发电机组试验前应预先运转,检查其可靠性。All systems and auxiliary equipment serving for A/E to be operated in advance in order to check their reliability.2.测量发电机冷态绝缘电阻。The cold Insulation Resistance of

35、 generator to be recorded completely.3.起动试验 Starting Test 电起动试验,先将起动蓄电池充足,在中途不补充充电的情况下,柴油机从冷态开始连续进行 3起动试验。Battery start test,first full in charge of the battery and then start the engine from cold condition 3 times.机组报警系统和安全装置模拟试验(模拟试验)。Safety and alarm points testing(simulation)用手动液压泵校对并整定报警及停车压力开关

36、或传感器的设定值。Adjust and test the pressure transmitter by portable hand pump.用加热方法校对并整定报警及停车温度开关或传感器的设定值。Adjust and test the thermometer by heating method.人为造成柴油发电机超速,检查超速停车保护功能。Check the over speed function by manually adjusts the governor.4.报警系统 Alarm items See the attached list.4.1 柴油发电机组安全报警试验 Safety

37、 function alarm test of main D/G set 参照监测报警清单,作模拟及效用试验。According to monitoring&alarm list,a simulation test as well as an effect test shall be carried out.PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第13页 序号 No.名 称 Description 设定值 setting 1#发电机组 No.1

38、 D/G set 2 发电机组 No.2 D/G set 1 柴油发电机转速高报警 G/E SPEED HIGH 1650r/min 2 滑油进口压力报警 Low Press.of L.O.inlet alarm 0.1MPa%2 3 柴油发电机冷却水温度报警 High Temp.of cooling water alarm 942 4 柴油发电机启动蓄电池低压报警 Low voltage of start battery alarm 5 柴油发电机公共报警 Commonality alarm 4.2 安全装置模拟试验 D/E Safety Device Test 当发电机达到如下情况(模拟)

39、时应自动停车:D/E should shut down if it falls across the conditions as follows(SIMULATION):序号 No.名 称 Description 设定值 setting 1#发电机组 No.1 D/G set 2 发电机组 No.2 D/G set 1 超速停车保护 D/E high speed stop 1695r/min 2 滑油低压停车 Low Press.of L.O.inlet alarm stop 0.08 MPa%2 3 冷却水出口高温停车 High Temp.of cooling water stop 1002

40、 5.柴油发电机组的负荷实验 Load Test 采用水电阻作为负荷对发电机组进行全负荷试验,单机全负荷试验后,进行并车试验。During the load test using the water resister as load,first tests the each generator then two Diesel Generators Parallel Running load test will be carries out.5.1 单机负荷试验时,测量相关性能参数是否在规定范围内。During the each generator load test,check and rec

41、ord the concerned parameters.5.2 柴油机在 100%负荷试验时应平稳,无异常发热,发电机频率应保证在额定值公差范围内。During the 100%load test the diesel engine should be keep in normal condition and the frequency of the generator in rated value tolerance range.5.3 柴油发电机组负荷试验的工况及试验时间按下表规定:The load test should be carried out in accordance wit

42、h following table:No.序号 转速revolution (r/m)发电机负荷load()试验时间 test time(min.)1 1500 25 15 2 1500 50 15 3 1500 75 30 4 1500 100 60 5 1500 110 15 注:检查并记录各种参数(见下表)。Notice:Check and record the concerned parameters.(See below list)PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整

43、版)JH712-946-02SY 第14页 Test results shall be recorded in table:试验结果记录在表格中:Load 负载 Time 时间 Output(kw)输出功率 Voltage(V)电压 Frequency(Hz)频率 Current(A)电流 R S T Remark 备注 25%50%75%100%110%After the load test,record the temperature of each winding and bearing.负载试验后,记录绕组及轴承温度。Measuring point 测量点()1G 2G Bearing

44、 temp.轴承温度 Ambient temp.环境温度 6.发电机特性试验 generator characteristic test 6.1 稳态调压特性试验 Voltage-Load Characteristic&Governor Characteristic Testing 在负荷试验后,将柴油发电机的负荷和功率因数调整到额定值,柴油机转速调整到额定转速1500 rpm,就可以进行稳态特性试验。试验负荷按下列程序变化:负荷 100%75%50%25%0%25%50%75%100%记录各种负荷状态下,电压、电流、频率。After load test,adjust the voltage

45、and frequency of each main generator to the rating,adjust the load from rating varies as 100%75%50%25%then to zero,then from zero varies as 25%50%75%then to the rating,measure the voltage and frequency at each state after stable Load%负载 1G 2G Output(kw)功率 Volt.(v)电压 Fre.(Hz)频率 Output(kw)功率 Volt.(v)电

46、压 Fre.(Hz)频率 100 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 100 During the above measurement,it shall be verified that the voltage variation rate shall PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 MOORING TEST PROCEDURE(TOTAL EDITION)系泊试验程序册(完整版)JH712-946-02SY 第15页 not exceed 2.5%,the frequency variation rate shall not exceed 5%.在进行以上试

47、验时,电压偏差不应超过额定值的2.5%,频率偏差不应超过额定值的5%。计算稳态调整率 voltage variation rate V%=(V-Vn)/Vn V 是不同功率下电压 Voltage under variation power Vn 是额定电压 400V rated voltage 400V V%2.5%6.2 调速特性试验 Governor Test a.突卸:负荷 100 0,记录瞬时和稳定状态时电压、频率值、转速和稳定所需时间。When the G/E is unloaded suddenly from 100%to 0%(100%0%),measure D/Es momen

48、tary speed and steady speed,restoring time.b.突加:负荷 0 50 100 ,记录突加载荷时瞬时电压、频率、转速值,稳定后电压、频率、转速值和稳定所需时间填写下表。0%of the rated load is suddenly thrown on following applied to the 50%and 100%of the rated load respectively after interval sufficient to restore the speed to steady state.(0 50 100).Instantaneous

49、 frequency variation shouldnt more than 10%.瞬态频率变化不超过 10%。Stable frequency variation shouldnt more than 5%.稳态频率变化不超过 5%。Stable time shouldnt more than 5 seconds.稳定时间不超过 5 秒。Changing 改变 Condition 条件 1G 2G Volt 电压 v Fre.频 率Hz Speed 转速rpm Settled time 稳 定 时间 S Volt 电 压v Fre.频率Hz Speed 转速rpm Settled tim

50、e 稳 定 时间 S 100%0%Momentary 瞬态 Permanently 稳态 0%50 Momentary 瞬态 Permanently 稳态 50%100%Momentary 瞬态 Permanently 稳态 7.操纵试验 Maneuver Test 7.1 机旁起动停车试验。D/G local manually starting should be carried out on local start panel.7.2 集控室遥控起动、停车试验。Test of remotely starting and stopping D/E in MSB.8.检查发电机主开关过载保护延


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