1、新型职业农民塑造问题研析,继续教育论文【题目】新型职业农民塑造问题研析 【第一章】 【第二章】 【3.1 3.2】 【3.3 3.4】 【第四章】 【第五章】 【结论/以下为参考文献】 摘 要 我们国家是一个农业大国,农业是国民经济的基础。但受工业化和城镇化的影响,农村劳动力构造性失衡,再加上农业效益比拟低,从事农业的人越来越少。且不管农民种植的粮食质量怎样,数量就令人担忧,粮食安全问题日益遭到人们的广泛关注。占世界人口四分之一的中国在任何时候、任何条件下粮食问题都不能依靠进口。 正是在这样的背景下 2020 年初次提出培育新型职业农民。与身份农民向比,他们具有较高的文化素质、技术水平、管理意
2、识和市场意识,而且他们愿意从事农业生产,把农民作为自个的终身职业。河北省是农业大省,是全国十三个粮食主产省之一,担负着 京津菜篮子 的重任。我省面积广,地形地貌复杂,每个地市农业生产条件千差万别,所以我省新型职业农民培育工作开展起来有一定的难度。本文以 河北省新型职业农民培育现在状况 为研究对象,旨在提出适用于我省新型职业农民培育的意见与建议。 首先,本文以人的全面发展理论、人力资本理论和主义农民理论为基础,采用理论分析和实证分析相结合的方式方法,收集河北省新型职业农民培育现在状况的资料。在充分肯定近年来我省新型职业农民培育成效的基础上,根据调查数据和案例分析得出新型职业农民培育发展经过中的主
3、要问题,比方培育内容脱节单一、培育方式老旧低效和培育对象缺乏梯度性等。 其次,通过文献研究法和比照分析法,结合主义哲学内外因理论分析我省新型职业农民培育问题的主要原因。概括起来包括下面三个:第一,作用缺位;第二,二元构造的影响;第三,农民本身原因。 最后,针对河北省新型职业农民培育的问题及成因,借鉴发达国家职业农民培训行之有效的做法,幷结合笔者走访调查中收集到的典型案例,尝试性提出适用于河北省的新型职业农民培育的操作建议,即 3+4 实践原则与建议。 3 是指三个指导原则,包括主导原则、两点论与重点论相结合原则和因地制宜原则。 4 是指四个结合的运行建议,即:培育主体方面: 一主 与 多元 相
4、结合;培育对象方面:传统农民与后备人员培育相结合;培育内容方面:物化教育与精神教育相结合;培育方式方面:传统方式与技术手段相结合。该形式是笔者在阅读大量相关的文献、实际走访和调查问卷的基础上归纳幷提出的,具有一定的实践基础和尝试价值,以期对深切进入推进的新型职业农民培育工作有所裨益。 本文关键词语:河北省;新型职业农民;培育;指导原则;运行建议 Abstract Our country is a large agricultural country. Agriculture is the foundation of thenational economy. However, because o
5、f the imbalance in the structure of labor force andthe low agricultural benefit, fewer and fewer people engage in agriculture. No matterhow good grain quality, grain number is worrying. Food security is widely attention. China accounts for a quarter of the world s population, the food problem under
6、anyconditions at any time can not rely on imports. People can not help but wonder who isgoing to farming and who will feed China? For the first time in 2020, the CPC propose tocultivate the new professional farmers. Compared with the status of farmers, they have ahigh cultural quality, technology, m
7、anagement and market awareness. And they arewilling to engage in agricultural production. They take farmers as a lifelong career. At thesame time the new professional farmers love the land, love of the countryside. They usetheir own abilities to construct their hometown. So the cultivation of new pr
8、ofessionalfamers is a necessary requirement and an effective way to solve the three rural issues under the current situation. Hebei is a major agricultural province. It is one of the thirteen majorgrain-producing provinces, charged with Beijing-Tianjin basket of the task. But theprovince wide area,
9、the complex topography, each city agricultural production conditionsvary widely, so the new professional farmers cultivate the province to work together tocarry out a certain degree of difficulty. In this paper, the object of study is professionalfamers cultivation of Hebei . The aim of this paper i
10、s to propose a model applied toHebei. This model is about how to cultivate professional famersFirstly, this paper is based on the theory of human development, human capitaltheory and Marxism farmer theory. And this paper uses theoretical analysis and empiricalanalysis ways to collect date of Hebei p
11、rofessional farmers cultivate. This paper fullyaffirmed the effectiveness in the cultivation of new professional farmers .On the basis ofcase studies and data, we can see the major problems of new professional farmerscultivate, such as the contents of divorced single nurture, nurturing old inefficie
12、nt andfoster a lack of gradients and other objects. Secondly, through literature research and comparative analysis, the main reasons ofthe new professional farmers cultivating combined with the theory of Marxist philosophyand external causes are summed up the following three. First, the absence of g
13、overnmentaction; second, the impact of the dual structure; third, the farmers for their own reasons. Finally, this paper in view of the problems and the reasons in Hebei provinceprofessional farmers cultivating, try to put forward a new model applied to Hebei. This model reference the foreign profes
14、sional farmers training practice. The model is named 3 + 4 mode. 3 refers to the three guiding principles, including the principle ofgovernment-led, with the focus on two points on the principle of combining theprinciples and local conditions. 4 refers to the four combinations namely: fosteringmain
15、aspects: a master and multiple combine; foster objects: the traditional farmerscombine to cultivate and reserve personnel; foster content: physical-chemical educationand spiritual education; nurturing aspects: the traditional way with a combination oftechniques. Based on lots of literature and pract
16、ice survey, author puts forward the model. This model has a certain practial foundation and worth trying. The author hopes it helpfulto new professional famers cultivate job. Key words: Hebei province; new professional farmers; cultivation; guiding principles;running recommendations 目 录 1.引言 1.1 研究背
17、景及研究意义 1.1.1 研究背景 1.1.2 研究意义 1.2 国内外研究综述 1.2.1 国内研究综述 1.2.2 国外研究综述 1.3 研究内容与研究方式方法 1.3.1 研究内容 1.3.2 研究方式方法 1.4 创新点 2.新型职业农民培育的相关概念及理论基础 2.1 新型职业农民培育的相关概念 2.1.1 传统农民 2.1.2 新型职业农民 2.1.3 身份农民与职业农民的辨析 2.2 新型职业农民培育的理论基础 2.2.1 的人的全面发展理论 2.2.2 舒尔茨的人力资本理论 2.2.3 主义农民理论 3河北省新型职业农民培育的现在状况分析 3.1 调查数据样本情况 3.1.1
18、调查对象选择 3.1.2 调查内容设计 3.2 河北省新型职业农民培育现在状况 3.2.1 培育人次和规模逐年扩大 3.2.2 农民逐步认同、支持新型职业农民培育工作 3.2.3 培育形式全面开花 3.2.4 培育效果显着 3.3 河北省新型职业农民培育的主要问题 3.3.1 农村基础设施较差 3.3.2 农民地位不平等 3.3.3 培训内容脱节单一 3.3.4 培训方式老旧低效 3.3.5 培训对象缺乏梯度性 3.4 河北省新型职业农民培育问题的成因分析 3.4.1 作用不到位 3.4.2 二元构造的存在 3.4.3 农民本身原因 4.新型职业农民培育典型国家的实践与启示 4.1 新型职业农
19、民培育典型国家 4.1.1 美国的 三位一体 培育体系 4.1.2 德国的 双元制 培育形式 4.1.3 韩国的精神教育和 梯队人才 培育 4.2 考虑与启示 5.河北省新型职业农民培育的实践原则与建议 5.1 新型职业农民培育的指导原则 5.1.1 主导原则 5.1.2 两点论与重点论相结合的原则 5.1.3 因地制宜的原则 5.2 新型职业职业农民培育的运行建议 5.2.1 培育主体方面: 一主 与 多元 相结合 5.2.2 培育对象方面:传统农民与后备人员培育相结合 5.2.3 培育内容方面:物化技术与精神教育相结合 5.2.4 培育方式方面:传统方式与技术手段相结合 6.结论 以下为参考文献 附录 作者简历 致谢