1、1.absurdity 荒唐荒唐,谬论谬论2.achievement 成绩成绩(score,grade)3.acquaintance 熟人熟人4.adaptation 改写改写,适应适应5.admiration 崇拜崇拜6.adventure 探险探险7.adverse impact 负面影响负面影响(side effect)8.adversity 逆境逆境9.affection 友情友情,感情感情10.alienation 疏远疏远 11.ambition 志向志向12.amusement 娱乐娱乐(entertainment)13.apathy 冷漠无情冷漠无情14.architectur
2、e 建筑建筑(风格风格)15.assessment 评估评估16.association 联想联想,联系联系17.availability 可得到的东西可得到的东西,可用性可用性18.barrier 妨碍妨碍,障碍障碍19.campaign 运动运动20.candidate 候选人候选人,考生考生1.热烈的讨论热烈的讨论/争论争论 a heated discussion/debate2.一个有争议的问题一个有争议的问题 a controversial issue3.有充分的理由支持有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons4.双方的论点双方的论点 argume
3、nt on both sides5.发挥日益重要作用发挥日益重要作用 play an increasingly important role in6.对对必不可少必不可少 be indispensable to sth.7.正如谚语所说正如谚语所说 As the proverb(saying)goes8.对对产生有利产生有利/不利的不利的影响影响 exert positive/negative effects on sth.9.利大于弊利大于弊 The advantages outweigh the disadvantages10.复杂的社会现象复杂的社会现象 a complicated so
4、cial phenomenon International English Language Testing System IELTS,国际英语语言测试系统国际英语语言测试系统 由由英英国国文文化化协协会会(The British Council)、剑剑桥桥大大学学考考试试委委员员会会(CESOL)和和澳澳大大利利亚亚 教育国际开发署(教育国际开发署(IDP Australia)共同举办。)共同举办。考考察察对对象象:申申请请赴赴英英语语国国家家(美美国国、英英国国、澳澳大大利利亚亚、加加拿拿大大、新新西西兰兰等等)留留学学、移移民民的的非英语国家的学生。非英语国家的学生。培训类培训类(Gen
5、eral Training)适用于移民适用于移民 G类类 学术类学术类(Academic)适用于留学适用于留学 A类类 雅思考试包括四个部分:雅思考试包括四个部分:听力、阅读、写作听力、阅读、写作和和口语口语,考试时间,考试时间2小时小时45分钟。满分为分钟。满分为9分分。成绩有效期为两年。成绩有效期为两年。写作部分,时间为写作部分,时间为60分钟。包括两篇作文分钟。包括两篇作文 题目题目 Task 1(150字字)和和 Task 2(250字字)。Task 1 A类类:以以图图片片、表表格格坐坐标标、曲曲线线图图为为基基本本形式,写形式,写150字以上的文章。字以上的文章。G类类:写写一一封
6、封不不少少于于150词词的的英英文文信信,涉涉及及咨咨询询、抱抱怨怨(投投诉诉)、感感谢谢、邀邀请请、道道歉歉、给出建议给出建议或或提出申请提出申请等。等。Task 2 A类类与与G类类非非常常类类似似,考考生生就就考考题题的的主主题题,用用250字写字写议论文议论文。学术类学术类雅思作文的特殊要求雅思作文的特殊要求1.Some teachers dont know how to use computers to help the students.dont do not shouldnt should not cant cannot 不能用缩写不能用缩写2.Historic building
7、s attract lots of visitors and can improve local economy.lots of numerous 或或 a host of 不能用不能用口语化词汇口语化词汇 3、Children in wealthy families are more and more depend on their parents.More and more increasingly 4.The advantages of stopping animal experiments are more than continuing them.more than outweigh
8、5.The impact of tourism on these neighbourhoods should be analyzed.-or,-ze 结结尾尾的的是是美美式式英英语语,-our,-se 结结尾尾的的是是英英式式英英语语,用用英英语语或或美美式式均均可可,但但两者不能混合使用。两者不能混合使用。6.Serious crimes harm peoples lives.serious 高高中中词词汇汇;crime,harm 初初中中词词汇汇;people,life 小学词汇小学词汇 severe criminal acts impair peoples health.词汇充足、准确,
9、能运用非常见词汇词汇充足、准确,能运用非常见词汇7.Today,advertisements are everywhere.There are many ways to advertisements.句句式式多多样样,语语法法准准确确,能能混混合合使使用用简简单单和复合句式,有效使用衔接手段和复合句式,有效使用衔接手段 8.The environment is becoming worse.We must work together to deal with it.句子间加句子间加“therefore,”9.So,we must take steps to deal with the envi
10、ronment problem!So therefore must should !.不不要要用用这这么么有有激激情情的的句句子子,好好的的雅雅思思作作文文是冷静推理来的(是冷静推理来的(不要随便用感叹句不要随便用感叹句)。)。10.We must be friendly to others because the Bible said,treat your neighbours as you would like to be treated.可以有谚语、名言,但可以有谚语、名言,但不能有宗教语言。不能有宗教语言。雅思和考研作文中雅思和考研作文中常见的错误常见的错误一、主语错误一、主语错误1.
11、主语缺失主语缺失 In our country feels very free.People feel free in our country.2.非名词主语非名词主语 Keep two full-time jobs is simply impossible.Keeping two full-time jobs is simply impossible.3.主谓错位主谓错位 Reading books can acquire knowledge.People can acquire knowledge through/by reading books.二、谓语错误二、谓语错误 1.主谓不一致主
12、谓不一致 I will visit the teacher who teach me English.I will visit the teacher who teaches me English.2.多重谓语多重谓语 Poverty makes many people cant study abroad.Poverty makes many people unable to study abroad.Poverty makes it impossible for many people to study abroad.Poverty prevents many people from stu
13、dying abroad.Many people cant study abroad because of poverty.(连动错误连动错误严重错误严重错误)3.非动词谓语非动词谓语 Some people agree,but others against it.Some people agree,but others are against it.4.误用词组误用词组 I am afraid of that its going to rain.I am afraid that its going to rain.三、冠词错误三、冠词错误 The future of bicycle is v
14、ery promising.The future of the bicycle is very promising.四、代词错误四、代词错误 1.偷梁换柱偷梁换柱 If we cheat others,friends will never believe you and they will leave you alone.If we cheat others,friends will never believe us and they will leave us alone.If you cheat others,friends will never believe you and they
15、will leave you alone.2.指代不明指代不明 Teachers should tell the students the heavy burden they have to bear.Teachers should tell the students the heavy burden students have to bear.五、形容词、副词错误五、形容词、副词错误 The change of the weather will make the place look differently.The change of the weather will make the pl
16、ace look different.六、分词误用六、分词误用 Comparing with other countries,China pays little attention to the energy problem.Compared with other countries,China pays little attention to the energy problem.七、修饰语误置七、修饰语误置 Spoken English is an important part for learning English people.Spoken English is an importa
17、nt part for people learning English.八、悬垂修饰语八、悬垂修饰语 To tell my friend the good news,the letter was posted at once.To tell my friend the good news,I posted the letter at once.九、平行错误九、平行错误 While we reduce the number of vehicles,the speed of traffic can be increased.While we reduce the number of vehicle
18、s,we can increase the speed of traffic.十、搭配错误十、搭配错误 The price of meat is so expensive that we could not afford it.The price of meat is so high that we could not afford it.十一、破句十一、破句 If you want to find a job.Then you must pass the job interview.If you want to find a job,you must pass the job intervi
19、ew.其他的常见错误其他的常见错误1.THERE BE 句型:句型:There is a saying goes.There is a saying which goes.或或 As the saying goes,There are many people think that.There are many people who think that.或或 Many people think that.2.语义重复语义重复 In my opinion,I agree with the view that.u agree 本身就表示说话人的观点,与本身就表示说话人的观点,与 view 重复,可
20、去掉重复,可去掉 In my opinion share many common interests u common 与与 share 属同义反复,可改为属同义反复,可改为:have many common interests 或或 share many interests 3.句义严重反复,缺乏变化句义严重反复,缺乏变化 Some people believe that financial disparity(悬悬 殊殊;巨巨 大大 差差 异异)affects friendship.Some believe that financial disparity doesnt affect fr
21、iendship.For my part,I agree with the latter,because financial disparity doesnt affect friendship.4.连词错误连词错误 It is not difficult to imagine the rich people have some poor friends with common interests.It is not difficult to imagine that the rich people have some poor friends with common interests.if