1、浙江省浙江省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识综合检年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识综合检测试卷测试卷 A A 卷含答案卷含答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S.spaceshuttle._ it,astronauts will be able to fly into space andreturning many times.A.WithB.ByC.OnD.In【答案】A2、资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on s
2、upply and demand.Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer andto prime destinations like European capitals.So if a flight to Romecosts more than a flight to Milan,youd think that demand for Romemust be higher or supply lower.A.$752 for a one-way,economy ticketB.$1,655 for a rou
3、nd-trip,economy ticketC.$827 for a one-way,economy ticketD.$903 for a round-trip,economy ticket【答案】D3、夏天干旱,甲、乙两家请人来挖井,阴天时,甲家挖井需要 8 天,乙家需要10 天,晴天时,甲家工作效率下降 40%,乙家工作效率下降 20%,两家同时开工并同时挖好井,问甲家挖了几个晴天?()A.2 天B.8 天C.10 天D.12 天【答案】C4、“床前明月光,疑是地上霜。”在人们的心目中,月亮是圣洁和美丽的化身。然而,俄罗斯科学家研究认为,月球是地球上很多自然灾害的祸源。于是,科学家们呼吁,
4、加强对月球的研究,为人类造福。科学家们的呼吁说明()。A.B.C.D.【答案】A5、当流通领域中存在两种本位币流通时,容易出现“格雷欣法则”现象,这种现象是指()。A.良币把劣币赶出流通领域B.劣币把良币赶出流通领域C.良币与劣币在流通领域平等流通D.良币与劣币同时退出流通领域【答案】B6、资料:We are pleased to invite you to attend the 14th CanadianCollaborative Mental Health Care Conference(14th CCMHCC)to be heldon Thursday,June 27th and Fri
5、day,June 28th,2013.Montreal has beenselected as the host city.This annual event will take place at theDelta Centre Vile Hotel,a downtown location within easy walkingdistance of the Old City.You will be charmed by the unique characterof the city of Montreal,the metropolis of the province of Quebec.Fo
6、r those of you who wish to extend your stay,you can combinebusiness and pleasure by attending the 34th International JazzFestival of Montreal that will begin on Friday,June 28th andcontinue for the next 10 days.A.The innovative potential of clinical operations is yet to berealizedB.Collaborative car
7、e should be viewed from a strategic perspectiveC.Clinical operations shouldnt conform to postmodern societal modelD.None of the above【答案】B7、_is well known,data under-determines theories.A.AsB.ThatC.WhatD.Which【答案】A8、资料:“I wouldnt be here today if not for the generosity ofstrangers,”said Michael Mori
8、tz,while announcing a major donationto Oxford University.A former Time Magazine reporter,Mr.Moritzleft journalism to become one of the most successful venturecapitalists in Silicon Valley.Through Sequoia Capital,the firm hejoined in 1986 and has led for many years,Mr.Moritz was an earlyinvestor in G
9、oogle,Yahoo,PayPal and LinkedIn.His personal fortuneis estimated at well over$1 billion.Oxford University announcedlast Wednesday that he and his wife,the novelist Harriet Heyman,donated 75 million,or$115 million,to fund a new scholarshipprogram aimed at providing financial aid to students from low-
10、incomebackgrounds.Behind the headlines about the size of the gift was afamily story of immigration,education and a sense of obligation thattranscended generations.A.graduated from Oxford University with an MBA degree in 1986B.wanted to do something to repay the help he had once receivedC.showed his
11、interest and talent in venture capitalism as ajournalistD.bought early stocks of Google,Yahoo,PayPal and LinkedIn【答案】B9、资料:American Airlines CEO takes blame for maintenance errors,disrupted flightsA.American Airlines is trying to meet the FAA regulationsB.American Airlines is canceling 570 flights t
12、odayC.American Airlines is blaming its CEO Gerard ArpeyD.American Airlines is making internal inspections【答案】A10、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handedher a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her futurefinancial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartm
13、ent,and applyfor a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock marketgame,investing the hypothetical earnings from their hypotheticaljobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Our pretendinvestments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how itfelt to lose money.A.better
14、 studentslearning methodsB.prevent students going into debtC.help students get accepted by collegesD.make students become very wealthy【答案】B11、下列能够计入我国当年 GDP 的是()。A.制衣厂购入的 10 万元棉花B.某人买了一辆价值 10 万元的旧房C.某企业当年生产而没有卖掉的 10 万元产品D.一个在美国工作的华人收入 10 万元【答案】C12、Lets face it.Gardening fanatics like nothing better
15、than to havetheir hands stuck in the soil or to be trimming,pruning,or harvestingthe fruits of their labors.But for once,here is an obsession whichbenefits the whole community by beautifying the environment andproducing cooler,more fragrant,and cleaner air.To recognize thatfact,the Tampa City Counci
16、l has decided to award generous prizes tothe most beautiful displays this spring.A.The condition of the flowersB.The arrangement of the gardenC.The appearance oil the gardenD.The scent of the flowers【答案】D13、货币形式亦称“货币价值形式”它是固定地由充当一般等价物的特殊商品来表现其他所有商品价值的价值形式,它发展最原始的形式为()。A.实物货币B.电子货币C.金属货币D.代用货币【答案】A14
17、、Guess,how much does it cost?A.fromB.betweenC.amongD.with【答案】B15、同业拆借()。A.是一种特殊的存款形式B.最长不得超过 6 个月C.参与者包括银行、非银行金融机构与中介机构D.属于担保信用【答案】C16、下列叙述正确的是()A.字长为 16 位表示这台计算机最大能计算一个 16 位的十进制数B.字长为 16 位表示这台计算机的 CPU 次能处理 16 位二进制数C.运算器只能进行算术运算D.SRAM 的集成度高于 DRAM【答案】B17、根据商业银行法的规定,商业银行可以()。A.从事信托投资和股票业务B.代办保险C.向非银行金
18、融机构和企业投资D.从事股票业务【答案】B18、银行编制财务报表的依据是()。A.会计凭证B.会计科目C.会计账户D.会计账簿【答案】D19、资料:As a startup founder,my daily tasks include everythingfrom long-term strategic planning to approving team outings andcompany culture initiatives.Day after day,things inevitably come upthat need to get handled ASAP.But Ive also
19、 learned that if youdont have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions andyour truly lofty goals,theyll simply never get done.And thatmeans you wont make the progress thats really going to move yourbusiness forward.A.When you are most focusedB.When there is no distractionsC.Late at nigh
20、tD.Bright and early in the morning【答案】A20、生产者的短期成本一定()长期成本。A.高于B.低于C.等于D.都有可能【答案】A21、资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the worldsleading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing,the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said onWednesday.A.RussianB.UKC.B
21、razilD.US【答案】B22、Passage 7A.No particular reasonsB.For a better reputationC.For the social equalityD.As the law said【答案】C23、()就是取得或制造某项财产物资时所实际支付的现金或者其他等价物。A.历史成本B.公允价值C.可变现净值D.现值【答案】A24、资料:Did your childs brain shrink last summer?Probably not,but it may have shifted into reverse,according to a stud
22、y by Dr.Harris Cooper,professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia.The study found that when students return to school after along summer vacation,theyve lost one to three months worth oflearning.A.Doing some special planning to have math-related activitiesB.Signing up for programs
23、 like“Shakespeares Theater”C.Having less reading activities over the summerD.Going to the libraries more often【答案】A25、Which of the following is or was an example of representativefull-bodied money?()。A.Debt moneyB.ATS accountC.Gold certificateD.Demand deposit【答案】C26、资料:Its so common to hear people s
24、ay,“Im stressed out,”almost as a badge of honor,as if this is a symptom only of ourfast-paced modern life.But in her book,“Exhaustion:AHistory,”Anna Katharina Schaffner writes that the syndrome ofmental exhaustion has existed almost since the beginning of humanhistory.A.praiseB.sarcasmC.arixietyD.an
25、ger【答案】B27、丹霞地貌是指由陆相红色砂砾岩构成的具有陡峭坡面的各种地貌形态。以下景观属于丹霞地貌的是()。A.新疆克拉玛依魔鬼城B.江西龙虎山C.广东肇庆七星岩D.湖南张家界【答案】B28、()how difficult the situation may seem,it is very importantto remember that there are others who are in worse situations.A.As ifB.Even soC.As thoughD.No matter【答案】D29、西欧中世纪庄园与东汉后期庄园的共同点是()。A.主人和农民之间有雇佣
26、关系B.具有商品货币关系C.有自营地和份地的区分D.自给自足的经济体【答案】D30、从()起北美自由贸易区开始运转。A.1998 年 5 月 1 日B.1989 年 1 月 1 日C.1992 年 12 月 7 日D.1994 年 1 月 1 日【答案】D31、资料:When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought isfaulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturersclaims,the first step is to present the warrant
27、y,or any otherrecords which might help.at the store of purchase.In most cases,this action will produce results.However,if it does not,thereare various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction A simpleand common method used by many consumers is to complain directly tothe store manager.In gener
28、al,the“higher up”his or hercomplaint,the faster he or she can expect it to be settled.In sucha case,it is usually settled in the consumers favor,assuming heor she has a just claim.A.Complain again politelyB.Threaten to take further measuresC.Complain in a rude wayD.Report it to the management of the
29、 company【答案】B32、Only when humanity began to get its food in a more()way wasthere time for other things,like sports games and entertainmentactivities.A.predictiveB.provocativeC.protectiveD.productive【答案】D33、承担法律责任的主要形式是()。A.民事制裁B.刑事制裁C.行政制裁D.法律制裁【答案】D34、下列表述中不符合因事设职和因人设职相结合原则的是()。A.任何组织首先是人的集合,而非是事和物
30、的集合B.组织中的工作最终要靠人完成,不能完全招聘社会上的人员来满足企业的所有需要C.即一个上级直接领导与指挥下属的人数应该有一定的限制,并且应该是有效的D.组织设计往往不是全新的,进行再度调整时,要考虑“事事有人做”而非“人人有事做”【答案】C35、规定外国公使可以进驻北京的不平等条约是()。A.天津条约B.北京条约C.马关条约D.辛丑条约【答案】A36、在中央银行资产负债表中,属于负债项目的是()。A.财政部门的借款B.中央银行发行债券C.外汇储备D.待收款项和固定资产【答案】B37、4 辆车运送货物,每辆车可运 16 次;7 辆车运送,每辆车只能运 10 次。设增加的车辆数与运送减少的次
31、数成正比,且每车次运送货物相等,运送货物总量最多是多少车次?()A.72B.74C.64D.68【答案】A38、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handedher a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her futurefinancial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and applyfor a credit card.Then,she and her classmate
32、s played thestock marketgame,investing(投资)the hypothetical(虚拟的)earnings from theirhypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Ourpretend investments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got toknow how it felt to lose money.A.ways to teach students to earn moneyB.how Diane Ray lear
33、ns to value moneyC.the push to teach personal finance in schoolD.how students choose a proper financial class【答案】C39、资料:Desktop Support for Private Equity Firm in MidtownA.Supporting PC hardwareB.Installing and upgrading hardwareC.Bringing repaired PCs to customersD.Imaging and configuring desktops
34、and laptops【答案】C40、人民法院对非诉案件的审査标准是()。A.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否违法B.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否明显违法C.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否会损害被执行人的合法权益D.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否明显违法且损害被执行人的合法权益【答案】D41、资料:How did Tencent take WeChat so far ahead of its rivals?Theanswer lies partly in the peculiarities of the local market.Unlikemost Westerners,many Chinese p
35、ossessed multiple mobile devices,andthey quickly took to an app that offered then an easy way tointegrate them all into a single digital identity.In Americamessaging apps had a potent competitor in the form of basic mobile-phone plans,which bundied in SMS messaging.But text messages werecostly in Ch
36、ina,so consumers eagerly adopted free messaging app.Ande-mail never took off on the mainland the way it has around the world,mainly because the internet came late;that left an opening formessaging apps.A.On the mainland,mobile devices cost a lotB.Text messages are less expensive than messaging app i
37、n AmericaC.Chinese people like messaging apps more than text messagesD.American messaging apps are not free【答案】C42、企业事业单位可以自主选择银行开立的用于日常转账结算与现金收付的账户是()。A.一般存款账户B.临时存款账户C.专用存款账户D.基本存款账户【答案】D43、_ we have finished the course,we shall take a new one.A.Ever sinceB.Now thatC.As soon asD.By now【答案】B44、Pass
38、age 3A.Using too much packagingB.Recycling too many wastesC.Having more material than is neededD.Making more products than necessary【答案】C45、在我国,对于项目型管理的企业来说,会优先采取哪一种运作模式?()A.事业部制B.矩阵制C.直线职能制D.职能制【答案】B46、多路复用技术通常分为时分多路复用、()和波分多路复用。A.村分多路复用B.频分多路复用C.幅分多路复用D.空分多路复用【答案】B47、下列内容中,不属于记账凭证的审核内容的是()。A.凭证是否符
39、合有关的计划和预算B.会计科目使用是否正确C.凭证的金额与所附原始凭证的金额是否一致D.凭证的内容与所附原始凭证的内容是否一致【答案】A48、春秋战国时代,诸子百家讲政治时,大多站在民众一边,替天下百姓打算;唯一一家与其他各家不同,为君主作参谋,专替君主打算,这一家是()。A.儒家B.法家C.道家D.墨家【答案】B49、生产成本上升会使得商品供给量()。A.下降B.上升C.不变D.均有可能【答案】A50、TCPIP 体系结构中的 TCP 和 IP 所提供的服务分别为()。A.链路层服务和网络层服务B.网络层服务和运输层服务C.运输层服务和应用层服务D.运输层服务和网络层服务【答案】D多选题(共
40、多选题(共 2020 题)题)1、下列行为中,容易导致终端损坏的有()。A.关掉电源后马上再开B.电源严格按照规定标准C.不注意防尘D.市电有小幅度波动【答案】AC2、企业的下列所得,可以免征、减征企业所得税的有()。A.从事农、林、牧、渔业项目的所得B.从事国家重点扶持的公共基础设施项目投资经营的所得C.从事符合条件的环境保护、节能节水项目的所得D.符合条件的技术转让所得【答案】ABCD3、以人为本是科学发展的本质和核心。以人为本中的“人”是指()。A.具体的现实的人B.广大人民群众C.作为个体的人D.社会全体成员【答案】ABD4、人民币汇率形成机制改革坚持主动性、可控性、渐进性的原则,20
41、05 年 7月 21 日,人民币汇率形成机制改革启动,开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币政策进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度。自汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币汇率弹性逐步扩大,并形成双向波动的格局,呈现稳中有升的态势。A.国际收支持续双顺差B.我国的通货膨胀率高于美国C.预期本国利率水平相对下跌D.外汇储备下降【答案】AC5、盈利能力指标有()。A.每股收益率B.主营业务利润率C.资产负债率D.净资产收益率【答案】ABD6、2007 年以来,由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机迅速在全球蔓延。在危机面前,人民应积 极主动应对,化“危”为“机”。下列名言中符合意识能动性原理的有()。A.信心比黄金更重
43、应付职工薪酬时,借方可能涉及的科目有()。A.制造费用B.销售费用C.在建工程D.应付职工薪酬【答案】ABC11、商业银行结算的原则有()。A.恪守信用,履约付款B.谁的钱进谁的账,由谁支配C.银行不垫款D.单位和个人办理结算业务.不准出租账户【答案】ABC12、下列选项中属于以工作为基础的系统性工作分析方法的是()。A.临界特质分析系统B.关键事件法C.工作要素法D.管理职位分析问卷法【答案】BD13、某企业 2008 年相关收人及支出情况如下:营业收入 600000 元,营业成本350000 元,销售 费用 15000 元,管理费用 20000 元,财务费用 18000 元,投资收益 50
44、000 元,营业外收入 35000 元,营业外支出 12000 元,资产减值损失25000 元。下列关于该企业 2008 年的营业 利润总额,错误的是()元。A.222000B.197000C.247000D.245000【答案】BCD14、根据审计工作底稿的性质和作用,可将其分为()。A.综合类工作底稿B.业务类工作底稿C.备查类工作底稿D.明细类工作底稿【答案】ABC15、树立和落实科学发展观,同大兴求真务实之风之间的关系是()。A.树立和落实科学发展观,同大兴求真务实之风,是内在统一的B.各级党委、政府和领导干部都要把树立和落实科学发展观作为求真务实的着力点C.用求真务实的作风来树立和落
46、C19、在直接融资领域中,直接金融机构的服务对象主要是()。A.存款人B.投资者C.企业D.筹资者E.银行金融机构【答案】BD20、我国货币政策的中介目标是货币供应量,下列对 M1 的表述正确的有()A.从数量上看,M0 M1 M2B.M1 是现实购买力C.(M1-M2)是准货币D.M1 反映未来通货膨胀的压力状况【答案】ABC大题(共大题(共 1010 题)题)一、2007 年 7 月 1 日,人民法院裁定受理债务人甲公司的破产申请,并指定某律师事事务所担任破产管理人。(1)破产案件的诉讼费用为 100 万元,管理、变价和分配债务人财产的费用为 20 万元管理人的报酬为 30 万元。(2)甲
47、、乙公司签订了 200 万元的买卖合同,人民法院受理破产申请时,双方均未履行。管理人请求乙公司继续履行合同,乙公司依约发货。(3)2007 年 5 月,甲公司财产遗失,无因管理人王某要求甲公司支付必要的费用 10 万元。2007 年 7 月1013,甲公司财产再次遗失,无因管理人张某要求甲公司支付必要的费用 20 万元。(4)人民法院受理破产申请后,管理人决定甲公司继续营业,应支付的劳动报酬和社会保险费用合计 180 万元。要求:根据破产法律制度的规定,分别回答下列问题:(1)破产费用合计为多少万元?(2)共益债务合计为多少万元?(3)如果债务人财产只有 200 万元,乙公司可以获得清偿多少万
48、元?【答案】(1)破产费用合计为 150 万元。(2)共益债务合计为 400 万元。因管理人请求对方当事人履行双方均未履行完毕的合同所产生的债务 200 万元属于共益债务。债务人财产因无因管理所产生的债务 20 万元属于共益债务。应注意的是,在人民法院受理破产申请之前,无因管理人的费用偿还权只能作为破产债权受偿。因此王某的 10 万元费用偿还权只能作为破产债权受偿,不属于共益债务。债务人为继续营业而应支付的劳动报酬和社会保险费用以及由此产生的其他债务 180 万元属于共益债务。(3)乙公司可以获得清偿的金额为 25 万元。债务人财产不足以清偿所有破产费用和共益债务的,先行清偿破产费用。因此。债
49、务人财产 200 万元先行清偿破产费用 150 万元,剩下的 50 万元再清偿共益债务;债务人财产不足以清偿所有破产费用或者共益债务的,按照比例清偿。因此,乙公司可以得到清偿的金额:50200400=25 万元。二、结合中国实际,写一篇 1000 字以上的商业评论。零利率是货币经济学里面的一个神话,即是说利率不可能达到零以下,如果达到零以下,人们都会囤积现金。这个理论被称为零开氏度货币利率的一个极限。瑞典央行在 2009 年曾下调了存款准备金利率。使得存款准备金利率在负值。此举引发了两个问题:是否应该这样做?能否做到?请谈谈你的看法。【答案】我认为是能够做到的。首先,现代央行管理下的利率不止一
50、个。瑞典央行没有把所有的利率都降至零以下,调整的只有存款准备金利率,即各银行存放在央行的存款利率。施行存款负利率是为了阻碍银行以央行准备金的形式囤积过剩的流动性而不贷款给客户。该央行实行负利率,是为了一种目的性很强的操作。因此,负利率并不是一个非此即彼的命题。其次,即便我们接受一个下限的存在,它也可能不是零。零下限的传统论据是:人们肯定会把存款变成现金,但他们必须把现金存放在某个地方并加以保护。这是要花钱的。美联储一位官员曾说,他估计实际存储的成本介于现金价值的 1至 2之间。这意味着,-1或-2的利率,可能不会引发人们大规模的提现行为。在这个利率水平上,人们和银行还是愿意把多余现金作为存款,