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1、河南省河南省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识提升训年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识提升训练试卷练试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、国办印发意见,要求 2021 年底前,各地相关政务服务便民热线归并统一为“()政务服务便民热线”。A.12304B.12345C.12045D.12205【答案】B2、下列是由综合型银行改革为单一职能的中央银行的是()。A.中国人民银行B.法兰西银行C.美国联邦储备体系D.英格兰银行【答案】A3、资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they

2、can blur together.These credit statuses arent one and the same,though.A.teach people how to have credit accountsB.suggest ways for people to keep good credit recordC.present a concern about peoples bad credit nowadaysD.explain the differences between no-credit and bad credit【答案】D4、Buses have routes.

3、They()and()people at differentplaces on the routes.A.take on,get offB.pick up,drop offC.take up;take offD.pick out;drop out【答案】B5、某企业 2019 年的总资产周转次数为 1 次,假设资产由流动资产和固定资产组成;流动资产周转次数为 3 次,如果一年按 360 天计算,则该企业固定资产周转天数为()天。A.360B.240C.120D.860【答案】B6、中国银行的核心价值观是()。A.担当、诚信、专业、创新、平稳、高效B.文明、和谐、自由、平等C.担当、诚信、专业、

4、创新、稳健、绩效D.爱国、敬业、诚信、友善【答案】C7、我国现行劳动争议处理制度为()。A.一调一裁两审制B.两审终审制C.一调一裁制D.调解制度【答案】A8、I prefer to take a plane rather than_a train.A.tookB.takenC.takesD.take【答案】D9、资料:We are pleased to invite you to attend the 14th CanadianCollaborative Mental Health Care Conference(14th CCMHCC)to be heldon Thursday,June

5、27th and Friday,June 28th,2013.Montreal has beenselected as the host city.This annual event will take place at theDelta Centre Vile Hotel,a downtown location within easy walkingdistance of the Old City.You will be charmed by the unique characterof the city of Montreal,the metropolis of the province

6、of Quebec.For those of you who wish to extend your stay,you can combinebusiness and pleasure by attending the 34th International JazzFestival of Montreal that will begin on Friday,June 28th andcontinue for the next 10 days.A.strengthenB.buildC.connectD.decorate【答案】A10、在管理方格理论中,(9,1)对应的是()领导方式。A.团队性B

7、.任务型C.乡村俱乐部型D.中庸指导型【答案】B11、对擅自使用与知名商品相近似的名称、包装、装潢,造成和他人的知名商品相似使购买者误认为是该知名商品的行为判断,所依据的是()。A.商标法B.专利法C.消费者权益保护法D.反不正当竞争法【答案】D12、资料:Children back at school,nights slowly starting to draw inand the weather more changeable.The seasons are turning and after aneerily calm summer for financial markets,there

8、s a whiff ofuncertainty in the air.Bond yields are up from their lows,and therelentless migration of global capital towards any asset,anywhere,with some yield,is slowing.A.After Britain leaving the E.U the investment decision of investorshas been affectedB.After Britain leaving the E.U,the value of

9、the pound will be seenweakened furtherC.After Britain leaving the E.U,the fed takes this opportunity toraise the rateD.After Britain leaving theE.U,the Bank of England has already cut policy rates to 0.25%【答案】A13、下列诗句描述的节日与其他三项不同的是()。A.两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮B.尘世难逢开口笑,菊花须插满头归C.不见穿针妇,空怀故国楼D.天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星【答

10、案】B14、Exce1 的工作表中,通常情况下列标记是(),行标记是()。A.字母、数字B.数字、字母C.汉字、数字D.数字、汉字【答案】A15、资料:(二)A.explosive growthB.the reform of reverse mortgage marketC.little consideration to suitabilityD.aggressive and improper marketing【答案】B16、下列关于审计的说法,错误的是()。A.审计是一种监督机制B.审计是一个系统过程C.按审计活动执行主体的性质分类,审计可分为政府审计和独立审计两种D.按审计内容分类,我国

11、一般将审计分为财政财务审计和经济效益审计【答案】C17、货币市场工具一般具有期限短、流动性强、对利率敏感等特点,有()之誉。A.货币B.票据C.基础货币D.准货币【答案】D18、After the exploration the army got the building()and the()area was also cut off from the outside.A.surrounded;surroundedB.surrounding;surroundedC.surrounding;surroundingD.surrounded;surrounding【答案】D19、资料:Changin

12、g careers is becoming more popular.Not just becausethere are more career options available,but also out of necessity.As new industries arise,others die.Its up to you to figure out ifyour career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years.Somestudies say we could have as many as nine careers i

13、n our professionallifetime.Which begs the question:do you know what it takes tosuccessfully change career lanes repeatedly?A.You need to have more conversations and connections within your newcareer pathB.You need to build a marketing campaign for your business-of-oneC.You need to give the logic and

14、 passion behind your career changeD.You need to make sure everyone knows about it【答案】D20、There is a()difference in meaning between the wordssurroundings and environment.A.sensibleB.subtleC.feebleD.humble【答案】B21、Passage3A.from one side of a dish to the otherB.from the other side of the dishC.with the

15、ir fingersD.with their spoons【答案】C22、Whenever I try to_up what innovation looks like,the sameslideshow of images clicks across my mind.A.comeB.figureC.conjureD.set【答案】C23、Passage 5A.half of the are a will follow a wetter trend,while half a driertrendB.the scientists in North Africa hold different op

16、inions climatemodelsC.it is not easy to predict how the climate change influences thedistrictD.There are different climate models to be built in North Africa【答案】C24、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes partin during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related toreal expe

17、riences and needs in the dreamers life.They seem realwhile they are takingplace.Some dreams are pleasant,others areannoying,and still others are frightening.Everyone dreams,but somepersons never recall dreaming.Others remember only a little about adream they had just before awakening and nothing abo

18、ut earlier dreams.No one recalls all his dreams.A.what kind of benefits dreams bring to peopleB.what dreams areC.how we dream during sleepD.why we dream during sleep【答案】B25、Passage2A.adjustableB.comfortableC.self-evidentD.self-righting【答案】D26、对特定地区的经济发展进行倾向性经营的银行是()。A.国家开发银行B.中国人民银行C.城市商业银行D.中国农业银行【

19、答案】A27、银行汇票持票人在代理付款行开户的处理中,代理付款行收到在本行开户的持票人送交的汇票、解讫通知和进账单,经审核无误后,以汇票作借方传票,第二联进账单作贷款传票。其会计分录为()。A.借:存款一一持票人户贷:存放联行款项(联行往账)B.借:存款一一持票人户贷:银行存款C.借:银行存款贷:存款持票人户D.借:存放联行款项(联行往账)贷:存款一一持票人户【答案】D28、资料:Keeping the Zeal of a Startup as You ScaleA.startup company that maintains its original quality in the proce

20、ssof scaling upB.An insurgent company that turned into an incumbent companyC.An insurgent company that managed to make steady profitsD.startup company that succeeded in scaling up【答案】A29、批复是答复下级请示的文件,是()。A.被动发文B.主动发文C.是对报告的批件D.下级没有请示,用来指导工作的【答案】A30、货币供应量是一国在某时期内为社会经济运转服务的货币存量,它由包括中央银行在内的金融机构供应的存款货币和

21、现金货币两部分构成。中央银行在公开市场上买卖有价证券,最直接影响(),从而影响货币供应量。A.中央银行再贷款B.商业银行法定准备金C.中央银行再贴现D.商业银行超额准备金【答案】D31、中国革命和建设的基本立足点是()。A.艰苦奋斗B.实事求是C.独立自主D.争取外援【答案】C32、资料:It seems simple enough.Take all the line-forming andpaper-filling busy work of the government,and put it all up on theInternet.Now,in order to report a pot

22、-hole,pay your property tax,complain to an official or cast a vote,just log on and hit a fewbuttons.Goodbye bureaucracy,hello e-cracy?A.To show that e-government will add new costsB.To show that the e-government is useless in some casesC.To show that physical stations are not functioning wellD.To sh

23、ow that the e-government will replace physical stations【答案】A33、根据国际货币基金组织的划分,比传统盯住安排弹性还小的汇率安排是()。A.水平区间内盯住B.爬行盯住C.货币局制D.爬行区间盯住【答案】C34、股票增值权模式的适用范围是()。A.现金流量比较充裕的非上市公司和上市公司B.现金流量比较充裕且比较稳定的上市公司和现金流量比较充裕的非上市公司C.业绩稳定型的上市公司及其集团公司、子公司D.业绩稳定的上市公司及其集团公司【答案】B35、通过()逐笔核对,核实入账的支票是否与事实相符,特别应注意账号是否相符。A.银行对账单B.支票

24、存根与对账单C.日记账D.银行余额调节表【答案】B36、资料:Native ads-or ads that take on the look and feel of thecontent surrounding them-are taking over digital advertising.A.a business history bookB.a textbook about advertisementC.a business report websiteD.an introduction of a novel【答案】C37、资料:The movement of consumers from

25、 public social media toprivate messaging has been so rapid that Business Insider reportedthat the combined usage of the top four messaging apps now exceedsthe combined usage of the top four social media apps。Falling dataprices,cheaper devices,and improved features are helping propelthis growth。A.Peo

26、ple are tired of social mediaB.Apps improved featuresC.People are demanding for real communicationD.Cheaper data and devices【答案】A38、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes partin during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related toreal experiences and needs in the dreamers

27、 life.They seem realwhile they are takingplace.Some dreams are pleasant,others areannoying,and still others are frightening.Everyone dreams,but somepersons never recall dreaming.Others remember only a little about adream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams.No one recalls

28、all his dreams.A.Dream involves events that always happen in real lifeB.Dream is an imaginary story which seems real while taking placeC.Dream is related to the dreamers real lifeD.Dream is a confusing story which involves little logic thought【答案】A39、The special deal offered by our supplier will las

29、t only for a()time.A.limitedB.minorC.partialD.lower【答案】A40、我国专利法规定,下列选项中可授予专利权的是()。A.仪器设备B.科学发现C.疾病的诊断和治疗方法D.智力活动的规则和方法【答案】A41、Passage 3A.they think it academically misleadingB.they have a lot of fun to expect in collegeC.it feels strange to do differently from othersD.it seems worthless to take off

30、-campus courses【答案】C42、资料:According to our research,Best Buy in China was perceivedas being too expensive,with many of their products priced higherthan in local markets.Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone atBest Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a localstore?Consumers will

31、 only be willing to pay more,like at the Applestores,if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere.A.Shopping at neighborhood stores are more of Chinese consumersshopping habitB.Large flagship stores are unpopular in ChinaC.Americans do not like small,conveniently located retail outletsD.go

32、vernment ban on free shopping bags has dampened Chinese buyersenthusiasm【答案】A43、远期合约的最大功能是()。A.方便交易B.增加收益C.增加交易量D.转嫁风险【答案】D44、If you want children to work hard,you must()their interestsmore.A.look up toB.look intoC.give rise toD.go in for【答案】B45、Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes p

33、art induring sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related to realexperiences and needs in the dreamers life.A.how we dream during sleepB.what kind of benefits dreams bring to peopleC.why we dream during sleepD.what dreams are【答案】D46、资料:Its easy to trace the evolution of the automobile.Atmos

34、t,were only talking about a few centuries of technologicaldevelopment,and most of the plans,prototypes and models are stillaround.With just a little research,you can easily trace the latestmodel electric hybrid back to its steam-powered ancestors.A.Morpholoical and genetic studies helped scientists

35、to trace unknowncommon ancestor of chimps and humans existedB.Morphological and genetic studies determined exact species ofcommon ancestor of chimps and humans existedC.Genetic studies found hominid fossils to bridge the evolutionaryprogression from unknown common ancestor to modern humansD.Morpholo

36、gical studies helped finding the famous East Africanfossils and set up an milestone in this field【答案】C47、资料:The poverty line is the minimum income that people needfor an acceptable standard of living.People with incomes below thepoverty line are considered poor.Economists study the causes ofpoverty

37、in order to find solutions to the problem.A.poor people are bound to go out of the poverty line if they havechances to do businessB.welfare will enable people to be richC.employment is the best solution to the poverty problemD.better solutions to the poverty problem are not found yet【答案】D48、某公司拟进行一项

38、固定资产投资决策设定折现率为 10,有四个方案可供选择:其中:甲方案的净现值率为-12;乙方案的内部收益率为 9;丙方案的项目计算期为 10 年净现值为 960 万元,(PA,10,10)-61446;丁方案的项目计算期为 11 年,年等额净回收额为 13623 万元。最优的投资方案是()。A.甲方案B.乙方案C.丙方案D.丁方案【答案】C49、下列关于会计账簿管理的说法中,错误的是()。A.各种会计账簿要分工明确,指定专人管理B.会计账簿要妥善保管,任何人不得翻阅査看、摘抄和复制C.会计账簿一般不得携带外出D.会计账簿不得随意交给其他人管理【答案】B50、()是指在一定时期内多次记录发生的同

39、类型经济业务的原始凭证。A.累计凭证B.一次凭证C.汇总凭证D.积累凭证【答案】A多选题(共多选题(共 2020 题)题)1、利率违规行为的表现形式有()。A.擅自提髙存、贷款利率B.擅自降低存、贷款利率C.变相提髙或降低存、贷款利率D.擅自以高利率发行债券【答案】ABCD2、下列各项中属于非关税壁垒措施的是()。A.某进口国和出口国谈判自愿限制某些商品在一定时间内的出口数量B.某国政府给予国内的供应商优先获得政府公共采购订单C.某进口国政府对电子产品设定较高的技术标准D.某国对进口的化妆品采取卫生检疫,限制国外化妆品的进口【答案】ABCD3、下列关于地震说法正确的是()。A.地震波分为纵波和

40、横波,纵波传播速度较慢,能引起地面上下跳动,横波传播速度较快,能引起地面水平晃动B.一般情况下,地震时地面总是先上下跳动,后水平晃动,两者之间有一个时间间隔C.一般情况下,地震时震中附近震动最大.破坏性也最严重D.震级是地震强度大小的度量,它与地震所释放的能量有关,震级每差 1.0级,能量相差大约 32 倍.相差 2.0 级.能量相差约 1000 倍【答案】BCD4、商业银行的现金资产主要包括()。A.活期存款B.库存现金C.在中央银行存款D.存放同业存款【答案】BCD5、关于 CIF 术语()。A.是否包含保险费B.是否包含运费C.是否包含租船订舱D.是否包含信用支付额度【答案】ABC6、我



43、三个方面的压力()A.人口压力B.市场压力C.工业化压力D.人为破坏压力【答案】ACD14、防火墙是一项信息安全的防护系统,依照特定的规则,允许或是限制传输的数据通过。如果你在自己的电脑上安装了防火墙软件,下列说法错误的是()。A.防火墙软件有可能导致你的电脑不能访问特定的 Web 网站B.防火墙软件有可能导致你无法访问自己电脑硬盘上存储的文档C.防火墙软件使得你在网络购物时,不容易被虚假广告所欺骗D.防火墙软件使得你可以翻墙到国外的网站【答案】BCD15、下列各项中判断行业所处生命周期阶段的主要指标有()。A.市场份额B.需求增长率C.产品品种D.竞争者数量【答案】ABCD16、下列各项中,

44、属于使用不正当手段吸收存款的做法是()。A.以散发有价馈赠品为条件吸收储蓄存款B.发放各种名目的揽储费C.利用不确切的广告宣传D.利用各种名目多付利息、奖品或其他费用【答案】ABCD17、OSI 模型有 7 层结构,是一个开放性的系统互连参考模型,其最底下两层是()。A.网络层B.数据链路层C.物理层D.传输层【答案】BC18、反映企业经营成果的会计要素有()。A.利润B.负债C.所有者权益D.收入【答案】AD19、根据使用上的需要,存款人在储蓄单位开设的储蓄账户可以分为不同的类型,主要包括()。A.一般存款账户B.基本存款账户C.专用存款账户D.临时存款账户【答案】ABCD20、根据使用上的

45、需要,存款人在储蓄单位开设的储蓄账户可以分为不同的类型,主要包括()。A.一般存款账户B.基本存款账户C.专用存款账户D.临时存款账户【答案】ABCD大题(共大题(共 1010 题)题)一、关于你校设立新材料研究中心的请示克格县职业学校:你校克格职发20039 号克格县职业学校关于设立新材料研究中心的请示以及克职发:200315 号文收悉,经研究讨论,兹批复如下:(一)不同意在你校设立新材料研究中心,其理由恕不详述。(二)目前可在你校先行设立新材料研究室。(三)拟原则同意在你校修建材料检测实验楼,有关具体事宜待专门批复。专此函复。克格县教育局二零年月日【答案】(1)标题应居中。(2)标题内容叙

46、述不清。(3)标题使用了没有检索价值的代称“你校”字样。(4)发文字号书写不正确,应为职发20039 号,职发200315 号。(5)文稿在引述对方来文时不规范。(6)一文数事。(7)没有回答对方的全部问题。(8)“拟原则同意”语意含混,“经研究讨论”中“讨论”二字多余,“专此函复”不能用做本文的结语。(9)成文日期书写不正确,应为二0年月日。二、已知 ABC 公司的下列库存信息及相关信息:(1)订货数量只能按 100 的倍数;(2)年使用数量为 300000 单位(假定一年有 50 周);(3)库存持有成本是商品购买价格的 30%;(4)购买价格为每单位 10 元;(5)订货成本为 50 元

47、/单位;(6)公司希望的安全存量为 1000 单位(不包括运送期库存);(7)运送期为两星期。要求:(1)计算最优经济订货量水平为多少?(2)若该店以此数量订货,则年平均库存持有成本为多少?(3)每年的订货周期为多少?(4)库存水平为多少时应补充订货?【答案】三、请将下面错误的地方改正过来。关于你校设立新材料研究中心的请示克格县职业学校:你校克格职发20039 号克格县职业学校关于设立新材料研究中心的请示以及克职发200315 号文收悉,经研究讨论,兹批复如下:(一)不同意在你校设立新材料研究中心,其理由恕不详述。(二)目前可在你校先行设立新材料研究室。(三)拟原则同意在你校修建新材料检测实验

48、楼,有关具体事宜待专门批复。专此函复。【答案】(1)标题应居中。(2)标题内容叙述不清。(3)标题使用了没有检索价值的代称“你校”字样。(4)发文字号书写不正确,应为职发20039 号,职发20035 号。(5)文稿在引述对方来文时不规范。(6)一文数事。(7)没有回答对方的全部问题。(8)“拟原则同意”语意含混,“经研究讨论”中“讨论”二字多余,“专此函复”不能用做本文的结语。(9)漏掉成文日期二 0年月日。四、请仔细阅读以下材料:在“建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会”的专题学习中,某中学 5 名同学围绕“废旧电池回收和处理的现状与对策”课题。组成探究小组。他们利用课余时间,通过问卷、走访、查

49、阅文献、上网等方法对废旧电池回收和处理现状进行了调查。同学们发现:第一,废旧电池会污染环境,1 节一号电池烂在地里,会使 1 平方米的土壤永久污染;1 粒纽扣电池可使600 吨水无法饮用,相当于 1 个人一生的饮水量。第二,中国每年消耗电池 70多亿只。中学生使用随身听、复读机、电子词典等,是电池消耗大户,人均年消耗电池 50 节以上。同学们了解到,第一,目前废旧电池回收率不到 2。有近八成的人认为废旧电池回收活动“与自己无关”或“没时间参加”,有 87的人将废旧电池与生活垃圾一起丢弃。第二,目前收集来的废旧电池主要由环保部门集中填埋,但填埋并不能彻底控制废旧电池的污染。同学们还了解到,提取废

50、旧电池中的有用材料加以再利用,不仅符合我国节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,而且有可观的经济效益。据估算,处理 10 万只废旧电池,可获利 2万元左右。但企业对处理废旧电池没有积极性。因为,进 13 处理废 113 电池的机器价格昂贵。并且,一台机器每日可处理几吨废旧电池,本地的废旧电池不够它“吃”几天,导致生产能力闲置,亏本运营。假如你现在加入该探究小组,请继续探究以下问题:运用经济常识,就废旧电池的回收和处理问题,向政府有关部门提出建议。【答案】(1)从实施可持续发展战略的高度,重视废旧电池的回收、处理和再利用。(2)运用财政、金融和税收等经济手段,引导有关企业和消费者的行为,搞好废旧电池的回


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