1、江西省江西省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库练年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库练习试卷习试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、资料:Many people think of internal control as a means ofsafeguarding cash and preventing fraud.Although internal control isan important factor in protecting assets and preventing fraud,thisis only a part of its
2、roles.Remember that business decisions arebased on accounting data and the system of internal control providesassurance of the dependability of the accounting data used in makingdecisions.A.internal accounting controlsB.internal financial controlsC.administrative controlsD.external controls【答案】C2、资料
3、:Even as rich countries seek to rid workplaces of subtlegender bias,in many developing ones discrimination remains overt.According to the World Bank,women are barred from certain jobs in104 countries.(1)A.In blanket industry,the work restrictions on women have becomevery strictB.Restrictions on wome
4、n in blanket industry have taken off in somecountriesC.In order to protect womens rights,work restrictions should bebannedD.Work restrictions that claim to protect all women are no longerpopular【答案】C3、资料:Think for a moment of your definition of persuasion.If youare like most business people I have e
5、ncountered,you see persuasionas a relatively staightforward process.First,you strongly stateyour position.Second,you outline the supporting arguments,followedby a highly assertive,databased exposition.Finally,you enter thedeal-making stage and work toward a“close.”In other words,youuse logic,persist
6、ence,and personal enthusiasm to get others to buya good idea.The reality is that following this process is onesurefire way to fail at persuasion.A.When the speaker is very confident and assertiveB.When the speaker is very logic and data-supportedC.When the speaker is open-minded and flexibleD.When t
7、he speaker is knowledgeable and authoritative【答案】C4、2019 年 8 月 12 日,中国银行与()签署战略合作协议。双方将在推进金融业关键信息基础设施国产化、服务“一带一路”建设和助力脱贫攻坚战等方面进行战略合作。根据合作协议,双方将发挥各自优势,秉持互利共赢的原则,建立多领域战略合作,实现共同发展。A.人民网B.新华通讯社C.南方周末D.新浪财经【答案】B5、资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airportin Southern California for Icel
8、and on January 28 to create detailedmaps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter.This will helpscientists around the world better understand some of the most basicprocesses involved in melting glaciers,which are major contributorsto rising sea levels.A.To investigate the climate changeB.To make m
9、aps about moving glaciersC.To measure the rising sea levelsD.To slow the melting process of glaciers【答案】B6、Any equipment that does not arrive in perfect _ may be returnedto MQZ Electronics free of charge.A.developmentB.situationC.problemD.condition【答案】D7、She_as an animal trainer since2003.A.hasworke
10、dB.worksC.willworkD.worked【答案】A8、票据交易价格主要取决于()。A.市场利率B.票面利率C.票面价值D.到期价格【答案】A9、资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the worldsleading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing,the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said onWednesday.A.More efforts will be
11、needed to ensure a sustained economic growthB.Investment from the government contributes most to the worldeconomyC.The market is pessimistic on the world economyD.The world economy is growing rapidly and steadily【答案】A10、如果将 A2 单元格中的公式“=B$1 一$D1”复制到区域 A3:C4 中,则单元格 B3 中的公式为()。A.“=B$1 一$D1”B.“=C$2 一$E2
12、”C.“=C$1 一$D2”D.“=B$2 一 D$2”【答案】C11、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of historythan others.HSBCs History Wall,a striking art installation at thebanks London headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn fromthe banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.The bank has greater
13、 power than other banksB.The bank contributes a lot to the development of LondonC.The bank uses its history more creativelyD.The bank has a different business model than other firms【答案】C12、()the wealth of the country increases,more waste will beproduced.A.WithB.AsC.ForD.Since【答案】B13、We appreciate yo
14、ur patience and hope to serve you in a timeliermanner in the future._,please contact our order department at716-555-0160 with any questions.A.insteadB.meanwhileC.in contrastD.besides【答案】D14、票据丧失的补救措施不包括()。A.停止支付B.挂失止付C.公示催告D.提起诉讼【答案】A15、下列作家和作品对应不正确的是()A.叶圣陶多收了五斗米B.巴金家C.矛盾包身工D.老舍骆驼祥子【答案】C16、资料:Ameri
15、can Airlines CEO takes blame for maintenance errors,disrupted flightsA.is going to have a new chairman and CEOB.only operates from Dalls/Fort Worth International AirportC.is an airline that has 3000 MD-80 airplanesD.is a company that is headquartered in Fort Worth,Dallas【答案】D17、对应付账款进行的分析程序不包括()。A.计
16、算应付账款对存货的比率、应付账款对流动负债的比率,并与以前期间对比分析,评价应付账款的整体合理性B.获取或编制应付账款明细表,复核加计正确,并与报表数、总账数和明细账合计数核对 是否相符C.分析长期挂账的应付账款,要求被审计单位做出解释,判断被审计单位是否缺乏偿债能力或利用应付账款隐瞒利润D.利用存货、主营业务收人和主营业务成本的增减变动幅度,判断应付账款增减变动的合理性【答案】B18、中国人相互见面和离别时,最常见的礼仪是()。A.微笑B.拥抱C.握手D.挥手【答案】C19、20 世纪 20 年代后期,美国遭受了严重的经济危机。为了恢复美国经济,罗斯福总统颁布了被其称为“美国国会历来颁布的最
17、重要和影响最深远的立法”,推动了经济的复苏。这项立法是()。A.国家工业复兴法令B.社会保障法案C.农业调整法D.紧急银行法令【答案】A20、High boots were the _ for women last year.A.vagueB.vainC.vogueD.void【答案】C21、我国首家金融衍生品交易所是()。A.上海期货交易所B.中国金融期货交易所C.大连商品交易所D.深圳证券交易所【答案】B22、随着生产和生活垃圾的急剧增加,垃圾处理已成为一个重要的社会和经济问题。而有关专家却说垃圾是放错了地方的资源。”将垃圾看成是“放错了地方的资源”这段话()。A.坚持了联系的观点,世界上
18、一切事物都是相互联系的B.混渚了矛盾主次方面,看不到矛盾主要方面决定事物性质C.坚持了矛盾的分析方法,看到矛盾双方在一定条件下相互转化D.违背了矛盾普遍性和特殊性辩证关系,看不到矛盾的普遍性【答案】C23、绩效薪金制通过报酬与绩效的挂钩强化了对员工的激励,这种做法与()的原理最为吻合。A.领导一成员交换理论B.双因素理论C.期望理论D.DRG 理论【答案】C24、It is said that this job is open to all,_previous experience.A.regardless ofB.prior toC.because ofD.in case of【答案】A25
19、、某银行向一家小微企业发放一笔期限为 5 年、额度为 100 万元人民币的贷款年利率为 6%。那么,若以单利法计算,5 年后该银行应得的本利总和是()万元。A.120B.118C.138D.130【答案】D26、资料:Taikong City was founded by the dormuns about 50 AD.Itsname is derived from a Cethic worldwhich means the piece of the boldone.After they invaded Bliton in 43 AD the Dormons built a bridgeacr
20、oss the Themas River.They later decided it was an excellent placeto built a port.The water was deep enough for ocean going ships butit was far enough inland to be safe from other raiders.Around 50 ADDormons merchants built a town by the bridge.So Taikong City was born.A.Queen Boudia made great contr
21、ibution to Taikong CityB.It was not until the middle of the 3rd century that the bastionswere built on the stone wallsC.By the end of the 2nd century.most people lived in the woodenhousesD.缺【答案】B27、票据交易价格主要取决于()。A.市场利率B.票面利率C.票面价值D.到期价格【答案】A28、When she returned _ abroad,she told us about her experie
22、ncesas an illegal immigrant.A.byB.backC.fromD.on【答案】C29、资料:Italys next government,a coalition between thepopulistFive Star Movement and the far-right Northern League,isgiving investors plenty to worry about.Leaked plans,hastilyabandoned,suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask theEuropean Ce
23、ntral Bank to forgive 250bn($292bn)of Italian debt.But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italianbanks,and in particular for their biggest burden:non-performingloans(NPLs).Over 185bn of NPLs were outstanding at the end of2017,the most for any country in the European Union.(1)A.Th
24、ey compete with each other in a smooth wayB.They form partnership with each otherC.They have a superior-subordinate relationshipD.They are opponents and fight against each other【答案】B30、资料:Why is Salt Bad for You?A.give up cigarettes and alcoholB.reduce his food intake and salt consumptionC.give up a
25、lcohol and reduce his salt consumptionD.give up cigarettes and reduce his food intake【答案】B31、物价上涨率和失业率是成()。A.有联系但不确定B.正相关C.负相关D.无相关【答案】C32、资料:Are walkers smarter than drivers?A.UrbanizationB.Young peopleC.BothD.Unknown【答案】C33、甲股票的每股税后盈利为 1 元,市盈率水平为 15,估算该股票的发行价格为()元。A.13B.15C.20D.25【答案】B34、The deman
26、d _ will cause an incredible expansion of country.A.for housingB.to be housedC.for being housedD.to house【答案】A35、She often has difficulty expressing her needs,desires and_.A.preparationsB.presencesC.presentationsD.preferences【答案】D36、If English means endless new words,difficult grammar andsometimes s
27、trange pronunciation,you are wrong.Havent you noticedthat you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?A.people who can speak two languagesB.second language learnersC.researchers on language learningD.active language learners【答案】A37、中央银行在市场中向商业银行大量卖出证券,从而减少商业银行超额存款准备金,引起货币供应量减少、市场利率
28、上升,中央银行动用的货币政策工具是()。A.公开市场业务B.公开市场业务和存款准备金率C.公开市场业务和利率政策D.公开市场业务、存款准备金率和利率政策【答案】A38、下列有关中国近代史上重要历史人物与其所做出的贡献,搭配不正确的是()A.左宗棠一收复新疆B.林则徐一虎门销烟C.李鸿章一辛亥革命D.冯子材一镇南关大捷【答案】C39、在 Excel 提供的 4 类运算符中,优先级最高的是()。A.算术运算符B.比较运算符C.文本运算符D.引用运算符【答案】D40、银行汇票持票人未在代理付款行开户的,原持票人需要一次或分次转账支付的,应由其填制支款凭证,并交验本人身份证件。其会计分录为()。A.借
29、:存放联行款项(联行往账)贷:应解汇款一一持票人户B.借:应解汇款一一原持票人户贷:现金C.借:应解汇款一一原持票人户贷:科目一一户D.借:现金贷:应解汇款一一持票人户【答案】C41、甲股票的每股税后盈利为 1 元,市盈率水平为 15,估算该股票的发行价格为()元。A.13B.15C.20D.25【答案】B42、分贝是用来表示声音强弱的单位,根据我国城市环境噪声标准规定,以居住、文教机关为主的区域为一类区,适用这一类区的环境噪声标准是()。A.白天 55 分贝,夜间 40 分贝B.白天 55 分贝,夜间 45 分贝C.白天 60 分贝,夜间 50 分贝D.白天 60 分贝,夜间 55 分贝【答
30、案】B43、Passage 2A.Host familiesB.Foreign studentsC.School staffD.Airline worker【答案】B44、资料:You can not go forward by going backward.Take the currentdebate about trade and globalization,for instance,while the impulseto erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experiencedin recent years,it
31、is not the way to create lasting growth andshared prosperity.A.It is a one-size-fit-all solutionB.It is not helpful to those hurt by trade and globalizationC.It should meet the different needs of affected workforceD.It should not be talked about so often【答案】C45、表外业务与中间业务的最大区别在于()。A.反映的资产不同B.反映的负债不同C
32、.承担的风险不同D.获得的权益不同【答案】C46、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes partin during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related toreal experiences and needs in the dreamers life.They seem realwhile they are takingplace.Some dreams are pleasant,others areannoying,and still others
33、 are frightening.Everyone dreams,but somepersons never recall dreaming.Others remember only a little about adream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams.No one recalls all his dreams.A.deprives people of a good sleepB.makes people always restlessC.disturbs peoples lifeD.is b
34、eneficial to people【答案】D47、资料:Its easy to trace the evolution of the automobile.Atmost,were only talking about a few centuries of technologicaldevelopment,and most of the plans,prototypes and models are stillaround.With just a little research,you can easily trace the latestmodel electric hybrid back
35、 to its steam-powered ancestors.A.how technological development over a few centuries developedB.how the plans,prototypes and models of electric hybrid developedC.how to trace family tree is much the same way astracing electrichybridD.why humanitys evolutionary progression is even more difficult【答案】D
36、48、金融资产管理公司属于()。A.银行机构B.非银行金融机构C.信托机构D.证券机构【答案】B49、Passage 3A.They treat the dollar with a little respectB.They try to win in the weak-dollar gambleC.They treasure their marriages all the moreD.They vacation at home rather than abroad【答案】D50、He has been studying here for three years,by next summer h
37、e_.A.will graduateB.will have graduatedC.will be graduatedD.will be graduating【答案】B多选题(共多选题(共 2020 题)题)1、个人外汇账户按照账户性质可以区分为()。A.现钞账户B.现汇账户C.外汇结算账户D.外汇资本项目账户【答案】CD2、下列关于 Word 修订的说法正确的是()。A.在 Word 中可以突出显示修订B.不同的修订者的修订会用不同颜色显示C.所有修订都用同一种比较鲜明的颜色显示D.在 Word 中可以针对某一修订进行接受或拒绝修订【答案】ABD3、学习型组织的基本特征是()。A.学习意识强烈
39、性工作分析方法的是()。A.临界特质分析系统B.关键事件法C.工作要素法D.管理职位分析问卷法【答案】BD8、大额可转让定期存单最早产生于美国。美国的Q 条例规定商业银行对活期存款不能支 付利息,定期存款不能突破一定限额。20 世纪 60 年代,美国市场利率上涨,高于Q 条例规 定的上限,资金从商业银行流入金融市场。为了吸引客户,商业银行推出可转让大额定期存 单。购买存单的客户随时可以将存单在市场上变现出售。A.结算业务的创新B.信托业务的创新C.自动化服务的创新D.现金管理业务的创新【答案】ABCD9、下面关于行政许可设定的说法,哪些是正确的?()A.行业组织或者中介机构能够自律管理的,可以
42、17、现金日记账的登记依据有()。A.现金收支的原始凭证B.现金收款凭证C.现金付款凭证D.银行存款付款凭证E.现金结余凭证【答案】BCD18、下列各项中,仅引起资产项目一增一减的经济业务有()。A.从银行借款 10 万元B.将现金 500 元存入银行C.以现金 10 万元支付职工工资D.以银行存款 2000 元免税购入固定资产【答案】BD19、单位可以开立以下()用途的专用存款账户。A.基本建设基金B.注册验资C.社会保障基金D.单位银行卡备用金【答案】ACD20、所有者权益通常由()构成。A.股本(或实收资本)B.资本公积C.盈余公积D.已分配利润【答案】ABC大题(共大题(共 1010
43、题)题)一、2006 年 8 月 20 日,A 公司向 B 公司签发了一张金额为 10 万元的商业汇票该汇票载明出票后 1 个月内付款。C 公司为付款人,D 公司在汇票上签章作了保证,但未记载被保证人名称。B 公司取得汇票后背书转让给 E 公司,E 公司又将该汇票背书转让给 F 公司,F 公司于当年 9 月 12 日向 C 公司提示承兑,C公司以其所欠 A 公司债务只有 8 万元为由拒绝承兑。F 公司拟行使追索权实现自己的票据权利。要求:根据上述情况和票据法律制度的有关规定,回答下列问题:(1)F 公司可行使追索权的追索对象有哪些?这些被追索人之间承担何种责任?(2)C 公司是否有当然的付款义
44、务?C 公司如果承兑了该汇票,能否以其所欠 A 公司债务只有 8 万元为由拒绝付款?简要说明理由。(3)本案中,汇票的被保证人是谁?简要说明理由。如果 D 公司对 F 公司承担了保证责任,则 D 公司可以向谁行使追索权?简要说明理由。【答案】(1)F 公司可行使追索权的追索对象包括:E 公司、B 公司、D 公司和 A公司。这些被追索人之间承担连带责任。(2)C 公司没有当然的付款义务。C 公司如果承兑了该汇票,则不能以其所欠 A 公司债务只有 8 万元为由拒绝付款。票据法第 13 条第 1 款规定:“票据债务人不得以自己与出票人或者与持票人的前手之问的抗辩事由,对抗持票人。但是,持票人明知存在
45、抗辩事由而取得票据的除外。”本假设条件中,C 公司以其与出票人 A 公司之间的抗辩事由来对抗持票人 F 公司是不符合规定的。(3)被保证人为 A 公司。票据法第47 条第 1 款规定:“保证人在汇票或者粘单上未记载被保证人名称的,已承兑的汇票,承兑人为被保证人;未承兑的汇票,出票人为被保证人。”本题中,该汇票未经承兑,因此出票人 A 公司为被保证人。如果 D 公司对 F 公司承担了保证责任,则 D 公司可以向 A 公司行使追索权。票据法第 52 条规定:“保证人清偿汇票债务后,可以行使持票人对被保证人及其前手的追索权。”本题中,被保证人为出票人 A 公司,因此保证人 D 公司清偿票据款项后只能
46、向 A 公司行使追索权。(注:考题中汇票金额改为 20 万元,C 公司债务改为 18 万元。不影响解题。)二、材料:我国大学生的创业,始于 1997 年。当时国内大学生发现发达国家的大学毕业生中有不少人选择自己创业,于是引入这个新概念。清华大学于 1998年率先举行大学生创业计划大赛,随后,首届“挑战杯”全国大学生创业计划竞赛于 1999 年举办;清华大学还于 2000 年允许大学生休学创业,由此渐渐掀起大学生创业高潮,不少高校在校内办创业讲座、搞创业计划大赛。但是,教育部 2004 年的一项报告透露,全国 97 家开张比较早的学生企业。赢利的仅占7,学生创办的公司,5 年内仅有 30能够生存
47、下去。2005 年的另一统计则表明创业企业失败率高达 70以上,大学生创业成功率只有 23,远低于一般企业。以上各项调查可能由于种种原因存在误差,但反映出一个共同事实:大学生创业成功率低。为支持大学生创业,各级政府及相关部门纷纷出台优惠政策,大学生自主创业可享受到税费减免、贷款贴息、政策培训,甚至无偿使用办公场地等政策,受到广大高校毕业生的欢迎共青团中央:建立“青年就业创业见习基地”4083 个,提供见习岗位 121646 个:与银监会合作,提供农村小额贷款,以创业带动就业;与团省委合作全面建立促进青年就业创业基地,解决创业资金瓶颈问题。上海:投资 5000 万元,设立“大学生创业投资接力基金
48、”。该项基金将像“接力棒”一样对大学生创业企业进行扶持,帮助企业快速成长。福建:建立 10 个高校毕业生创业培训基地,扶持 100个高校毕业生创业项目。为 1000 名有创业意向的高校毕业生提供系统的创业辅导,组织 1 万名高校毕业生参加创业培训。青岛:拨款 1000 万元,设立“青岛市高校毕业生创业扶持基金”。云南:每年将安排 1 亿元资金支持自主创业。重庆:大学生创业可贷款 100 万元,小额贷款政府全贴息。在各级政府支持大学生创业的优惠扶持政策的推动下,各地出现了多种形式的创业案例:吉林省辽源市的东北袜业纺织工业园最近出台了一个“零投资”的创业计划,为大学生开办袜厂提供场地、资金和设备,
49、有创业就以分期付款的方式偿还投资。这一计划吸引了很多大学生参与,但也有大学生表示,做袜子、卖袜子没有多少知识含量,属于大材小用,自己不会去干。彭良柱大学毕业后,回乡创业当上“猪倌”。3 年时间,他的猪场初具规模。如今资产已达到 400 多万。他说“大学生有知识,接受新事物快,只要放下架子到基层吃苦,总会有回报”。请结合上述资料谈谈怎样才能提高大学生自主创业的成功率。【答案】第一,各级政府及相关部门要积极出台优惠政策,如税费减免、贷款贴息、政策培训等,支持大学生创业。第二,加大财政投入,安排创业专项基金,全面建立促进青年就业创业基地,解决大学生创业资金瓶颈问题。第三,积极对大学生进行创业技能培训
50、,开展各种创业经验交流会,提高大学生创业技能和素质。第四,加强宣传教育,帮助大学生转变观念,鼓励大学生到基层锻炼,从实践中学习创业本领。三、材料:我国大学生的创业,始于 1997 年。当时国内大学生发现发达国家的大学毕业生中有不少人选择自己创业,于是引入这个新概念。清华大学于 1998年率先举行大学生创业计划大赛,随后,首届“挑战杯”全国大学生创业计划竞赛于 1999 年举办;清华大学还于 2000 年允许大学生休学创业,由此渐渐掀起大学生创业高潮,不少高校在校内办创业讲座、搞创业计划大赛。但是,教育部 2004 年的一项报告透露,全国 97 家开张比较早的学生企业。赢利的仅占7,学生创办的公