1、2023年描写城市生活 描写城市生活 城市中人们的冷漠及孤独感 Confusion, though, does not make for good news copy. So the press as well as the other media—several papers, TV stations, and magazines were pursuing follow-up stories by now—emphasized the only explanation available at the time: The witnesses, no differen
2、t from the rest of us, hadn’tcared enough to get involved.We were becoming a nationofselfish,insensitive people.The rigors of modern life, especiallycity life, werehardeningus. We were becoming ;The Cold Society,;unfeeling and indifferent to the plight ofour fellow citizens. In support of this
3、 interpretation, news stories began appearing regularly in whichvarious kindsofpublic apathywere detailed. The Times actually appears to have developed an apathy ;beat; for a period following the Genovese revelations. Also supporting such an interpretation were the remarks of a range of armchair soc
4、ial commentators, who, as a breed, seem never to admit tobafflementwhen speaking to the press. They, too, saw the Genovese case as having large-scale social significance.All used the word ;apathy,; which, it is interesting to note, had been in the headline of the Times ’s front-page story,alth
5、ough they accounted for the apathy differently. One attributed it to the effects ofTV violence, another to repressed aggressiveness, but most implicated the ;depersonalization; of urban life with its ;megalopolitan societies; and its ;alienation of the inpidual from the group.; Even Rosenthal, the n
6、ewsman who first broke the story and who ultimately made it the subject of a book,subscribed to the city-caused apathytheory. 标记黄色的部分是我认为重要的词伙,可以尝试着写一段话: The rigors of modern lifemake it difficult for citizens to know each other. Unlike those people in the countryside,city dwellersare not soclose to
7、each other, theylive a busy lifein the pursuit of material success, which can help themmeet daily expenses and enjoy a decent quality of life, and subsequently, at the expense ofsacrificing their family life or social life. 大城市中的现代生活被认为是严峻的,对彼此的了解很少,不像乡村中的人一样关系很近。大家都追求物质生活的胜利,为了获得高质量的生活水平,他们会牺牲家庭生活和
8、人际交往。 In addition, theurban populationis mobile and people know it is hard tomake lifelong friends, so they are unwilling toinitiate a strong relationship, and because of this, these urban dwellers experiencea sense of loneliness. When they want tohave a social life, land in cities is primarily used
9、 for housing or business development, leaving little open space for parks, gardens, and city squares where people can do outdoor or community activities, some of the people do nothave a sense of community, and thisaccountsfor thepublic apathyinmegalopolitan society. For example, if there were a car
10、accident, people in the city might less likely toget involved and offer favor,unfeeling and indifferent to the plight ofour fellow men. 城市人口的流淌性比较大,人们知道找一辈子的伴侣很难,所以不情愿和别人建立关系。这就导致了人们的孤独感,当人们想去社交,许多户外场地被占用,交伴侣的场地较少,人群之间没有社区感,这使得人们变得冷漠。比方说,人们不那么情愿关心身边的人,假如发生了一件车祸,大家都不情愿卷入其中,面对同胞的逆境,他们表现的无情而麻木。 以上观点部分来自书籍顾家北观点库) TAG标签:城市生活 PREV ARTICLE描写秀丽城市的句子NEXT ARTICLE描写襄阳的诗词