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1、2023年描写冬天下雪的英语句子 描写冬天下雪的英语句子(1)、洁白的雪花像柳絮,如鹅毛,似棉花,从空中渐渐地飘落到地上。(1) White snowflakes, like catkins, goose feathers and cotton, slowly fall from the air to the ground. (2)、雪花像玉一样润,像柳絮一样轻,被风刮得在空中打着旋儿。(2) Snowflakes are as moist as jade and as light as catkins. They are whirling in the air by the wind. (3

2、)、一阵大风突如其来,布满地下的雪花又飞上了天空。真像白色旋涡在空中飞着。真像一个云雾飘渺的世界,把我引入梦境。(3) A gust of wind came suddenly, and snow covered the ground flew into the sky again. It&39;s like a white vortex flying in the air. It&39;s like a misty world that leads me into a dream. (4)、大地一片银白,一片干净,而雪花仍如柳絮,如棉花,如鹅毛从天空飘飘洒洒。(4) The earth is

3、 silvery white and clean, and the snowflakes are still like catkins, cotton and goose feathers floating from the sky. (5)、雪花像蝴蝶那么优雅,像蒲公英那么洁白,真是太美了!(5) Snowflakes are as elegant as butterflies and as white as dandelions. It&39;s really beautiful! (6)、在这样的雪夜,我也想把自己心灵的窗户打开,让那柔软的雪花滋润我的灵魂,让雪无声地融进心里,把我的内心

4、深处的孤独赶走。(6) In such a snowy night, I also want to open the window of my heart, let the soft snowflakes moisten my soul, let the snow melt into my heart silently, and drive away the loneliness in my heart. (7)、洁白的雪花像翩翩起舞的白蝴蝶,在空中翱翔。(7) White snowflakes, like dancing white butterflies, fly in the air.

5、(8)、不知何时,飘下了第一片雪。接着,是第二片、第三片,直至千片亿片,悠悠地飘落下来,不发出一点声音,静谧,可是优雅而华美。(8) I don&39;t know when the first piece of snow fell. Then, the second film, the third film, until hundreds of billions of films, fall down leisurely without making a sound, quiet, but elegant and gorgeous. (9)、冬天的雪像一位技艺高超的女工,给大地织出了一条厚厚

6、的白毯子。(9) The snow in winter is like a skilled female worker weaving a thick white blanket for the earth. (10)、鹅毛大雪正从天而降,它们像仙女撒下的千万多梨花,争先恐后地飘落下来,还跳着各种各样的舞蹈。(10) Goose feather and snow are falling from the sky. They are like more than ten million pear flowers scattered by fairies, falling down one aft

7、er another, and dancing all kinds of dances. (11)、飞雪象一片片鹅毛,纷纷扬扬飘落下来。(11) Flying snow, like goose feathers, fluttered and fell down. (12)、空中飘着雪花,小小的白羽毛,又像吹落的梨花瓣,零零落落。(12) Snowflakes are floating in the air, and small white feathers are scattered like blown pear petals. (13)、冬天的雪像一位美容师,给大地化了白妆。(13) Wi

8、nter snow, like a beautician, makes up the earth white. (14)、大雪纷纷扬扬,就像纸屑一样。(14) The snow is like scraps of paper. (15)、雪就像奶奶剪的窗花,美丽极了!(15) Snow is like the window cut by grandma. It&39;s very beautiful! (16)、黑夜里的落雪,照旧悄然悠闲,无息无声。风很凉,泠泠有如琴音,渐渐浮上窗棂。(16) The falling snow in the night is still quiet and s

9、ilent. The wind is very cool, Ling Ling is like the sound of a piano, slowly floating up the window lattice. (17)、夜色下的雪景,竟然暖意融融。(17) The snow scene at night is even warm. (18)、雪花纷纷扬扬的飘落下来,像仙女和蝴蝶仙子们的合奏一样。(18) Snowflakes fluttered down like an ensemble of fairies and butterfly fairies. (19)、雪夜依旧,脚下之路伸

10、延在看不到的尽头,路总是要走的。因为下着雪,路增加了内容。(19) The snow night is still, the road under your feet extends to an invisible end, and the road always has to go. Because of the snow, the road added content. (20)、雪花像洁白的花瓣,像满天飞舞的羽毛,像一群小天使在跳舞,我太喜爱下雪天了。(20) Snowflakes are like white petals, like feathers flying all over

11、the sky, and like a group of little angels dancing. I like snowy days so much. (21)、雪花又像珠宝一样亮闪闪,犹如一群活泼可爱的小精灵,在空中跳来跳去,犹如星星般点缀茫茫夜空。(21) snowflakes are shining like pearls, like a group of lively and lovely elves jumping around in the air, dotted with the vast night sky like stars. (22)、深夜,守候雪的降落,雪,来了,

12、我心喜慰;不来,我心无憾。(22) late at night, I waited for the snow to come. When the snow came, my heart was gratified; No, I have no regrets. (23)、像水晶一样的雪飘落在冬季,像飘落的白茶花一样铺在大地。(23) snow like crystal falls in winter and spreads on the earth like falling white camellia. (24)、初冬,像一位秀丽的高贵的矜持的公主,舞动着她那奇妙的面纱,送来阵阵凛冽的寒风。

13、(24) in early winter, like a beautiful, noble and reserved princess, she danced her magic veil and sent bursts of cold wind. (25)、多轻多软的雪花啊,在空中飘舞着,追逐着,像—朵朵精致的白菊。(25) what light and soft snowflakes are fluttering and chasing in the air, like delicate white chrysanthemums. (26)、冬天的雪落在树上,像千万朵盛开的梨花

14、。(26) the snow in winter falls on the trees like thousands of pear flowers in full bloom. (27)、早饭后,雪又下了起来,一朵朵,一簇簇,像银花,似蝴蝶,漫天飞舞。雪花儿忽而向左飘游,忽而向左猛扑,一会儿猛射直下,一会儿冉冉飘落。它们扑向大地,钻入空隙。人站立雪中,就像蹲在轧花机下,只见很多的棉花袭来,给你罩上一身洁白的素装。(27) after breakfast, the snow began to fall again, one after another, like silver flowers

15、and butterflies, flying all over the sky. The snow drifts to the left, pounces to the left, shoots straight down and falls slowly. They jump on the ground and drill into the gap. Standing in the snow is like squatting under a gin. Countless cotton hit and covered you with white plain clothes.(28)、雪花

16、,她洁白晶莹,玲珑剔透,轻快好看,宛如朵朵白莲,从茫茫空中徐徐降落,让我们新的一年充满了新的盼望。(28) snowflakes, which are white, crystal clear, light and beautiful, like white lotus blossoms, fall slowly from the vast sky, filling our new year with new hope. (29)、雪,像柳絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英一般(29) snow, like catkins, like reed flowers, like dandelion

17、s (30)、片片雪花随风飞舞,似乎白色的精灵穿梭于世界各个角落,令大地华光四溢,精彩纷呈。(30) snowflakes are flying with the wind, like white elves shuttling around all corners of the world, making the earth colorful and colorful. (31)、风有些紧了,雪花也在飞速地流转,视线愈发昏暗,但内心却愈渐清楚。该归途休憩了,期盼明天的前行。(31) the wind is a little tight, and the snowflakes are flow

18、ing rapidly. The vision is dimmer, but the heart is clearer. It&39;s time to rest on the way home and look forward to tomorrow. (32)、雪花像那翩翩起舞的白蝶,在冬日中挥动纤弱的翅膀。(32) snowflakes are like white butterflies dancing, waving their delicate wings in winter. (33)、走在雪夜的街头,发觉吾道不孤。总是有人喜爱在飘雪的街头散步,或独行、或结伴,总是自然轻松的走着

19、;散步或是赏析,凝视或是感思,这一刻都在细细的品悟。(33) walking in the streets on a snowy night, I found that my way was not lonely. There are always people who like to take a walk in the snowy street, or walk alone or in company, and always walk naturally and easily; Walking or appreciating, gazing or feeling, this moment

20、is in the careful understanding. (34)、洁白的雪花像一位服装设计师,给大地穿上了圣洁秀丽的白纱裙。(34) the white snowflakes, like a fashion designer, put holy and beautiful white gauze skirts on the earth. (35)、奇妙的小雪花,像只只有空灵和空灵的玉蝴蝶,扇动细细的翅膀,首次降落在世界上。(35) the beautiful little snowflake, like a jade butterfly with only ethereal and

21、ethereal, fluttered its thin wings and landed in the world for the first time. (36)、沙沙,沙沙,若有若无的自然界的冥音,正似潜涌的夜潮滚滚而来。这是冬天的脚步,也是春天的消息。(36) rustle, rustle, the invisible sound of nature, just like the surging night tide. This is the footsteps of winter and the news of spring. (37)、奇妙的小雪花呀,像只只空灵飘逸的玉蝴蝶,扇动着

22、薄翼,初降人间。(37) beautiful little snowflakes, like an ethereal Jade Butterfly, fluttering its thin wings and falling on the earth for the first time. (38)、雪,夺走了我的视野,也夺走了我前行的路,用惨白给我制造了恐怖,星星和月亮被他们劫持,窒息在云层深处,连路灯都失去了血色,被麻醉得睡眼朦胧。(38) snow has taken away my vision and my way forward. It has created terror for

23、 me with pale. They hijacked the stars and the moon and suffocated them in the depths of the clouds. Even the street lamps have lost their blood color and are numbed to sleep. (39)、冬天的雪像柳絮,如鹅毛,似棉花,从空中渐渐地飘落到地上。(39) the snow in winter is like catkins, goose feathers and cotton, falling slowly from the

24、 air to the ground. (40)、雪花像珠宝一样光明,像一群活泼可爱的精灵,在空中跳动,像星星般的夜空。(40) snowflakes are as bright as pearls, like a group of lively and lovely elves, jumping in the air and like the night sky like stars. (41)、雪,是由一朵朵小冰花组成的,每一朵都有六片花瓣,有些花瓣像雪滴花一样放出秀丽的小侧舌,有些是锯齿形的,有些呈格状,却都在范围之内。(41) snow is composed of small ice

25、 flowers. Each flower has six petals. Some petals release beautiful side tongues like snow drops, some are serrated, some are lattice, but they are all within the range. (42)、雪最终停了,茫茫的田野一片洁白,房舍、群山披上了银装。(42) the snow finally stopped, the vast fields were white, and the houses and mountains were cover

26、ed with silver. (43)、冬天的那场雪,就像噩梦般给人们的心灵带来的无法磨灭的伤痕。(43) the snow in winter is like an indelible scar on people&39;s hearts like a nightmare. (44)、满山遍野的雪,就像那仙女头上的白头巾,盖在了大地上。(44) the snow all over the mountains covered the earth like the white scarf on the fairy&39;s head. (45)、雪花像金莹的小精灵一样,飘飘扬扬的从天空落下来。

27、(45) snowflakes fall from the sky like Jinying elves.(46)、洁白的雪花像一朵朵棉花。(46) white snowflakes are like cotton. (47)、大雪纷飞的冬天人们好象来到了一个幽雅恬静的境界,来到了一个晶莹透剔的童话般的世界。(47) in the snowy winter, people seem to have come to a quiet and elegant realm and to a glittering and translucent fairy tale world. (48)、雪花像那簇簇

28、的梨花,一阵风过,簌簌的落到人间。(48) snowflakes are like clusters of pear flowers. After a gust of wind, they fall to the world. (49)、雪,飘起来了,看!一片片洁白的雪花,随风飘舞,摇曳多姿,像鹅毛,像柳絮。雪,真美啊!晶莹光亮,婀娜多姿,像一颗颗小星星降落人间,又像一朵朵六瓣梅花打着旋儿纷纷落下。(49) snow, floating up, look! White snowflakes flutter in the wind, swaying like goose feathers and

29、 catkins. Snow, how beautiful! Glittering and translucent, graceful, like little stars falling on the earth, and like six petaled plum blossoms spinning one after another. (50)、雪花,像一个个可爱的小精灵,在云端漫步着、飞舞着;又像一朵朵蒲公英,在空中旋转着,升腾着。(50) snowflakes, like lovely elves, walk and fly in the clouds; And like dandelions, spinning and rising in the air. TAG标签:句子冬天下雪 PREV ARTICLE描写雪的500字作文范文3篇NEXT ARTICLE小说写作素材:冬天下雪描写


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