1、第一章老年第一章老年护护理学概理学概论论1 1*第1页,本讲稿共12页Images of Agingn nWhat does the term“old”mean in todays society?n nWhat are the realities of aging?n nWhat are the myths and stereotypes of aging?n nWhat is successful aging?n nNurses need to educate older adults about wellness and healthy functioning.2*第2页,本讲稿共12页
2、Descriptions of Wellnessn nHigh-level wellness:Halbert L.Dunnn n“Healthy maturity”n nRelationship between mind,body,and spiritn nNursings role in promotion of wellness for the older adult3*第3页,本讲稿共12页Definitions of Agingn nObjective versus subjective definitionn nNegative connotations of agingn nAge
3、 identityn nChronologic agen nFunctional age4*第4页,本讲稿共12页Descriptions of Successful Aging n nThree componentsn nActive engagement with lifen nHigh cognitive and physical functionn nLow probability of disease and disabilityn nSuccessful aging is multifaceted.n nOlder adults define successful aging ba
4、sed on personal values and experiences.5*第5页,本讲稿共12页Attitudes Toward Agingn nHistorical attitudesn nAgeismn nMyths and stereotypesn nMultiple jeopardyn nImplicit ageismn nCultural influences and ageism6*第6页,本讲稿共12页Ageism Survey7*第7页,本讲稿共12页Attitudes Toward Aging(contd)n nEffects of ageismn nInfluenc
5、e on health-related behaviorsn nPerceptions of older adults Perceptions of older adults n nPerceptions of health care providers Perceptions of health care providers n nAging anxiety and anti-aging8*第8页,本讲稿共12页Addressing Attitudes of Nursesn nExperiential educational activitiesn nListening to older a
6、dultsn nAccurate information9*第9页,本讲稿共12页Taking care of the elderlyn nDetrimental effects of myths and stereotypes of agingn nHealth care providers goals for caren nOlder adults may experience unnecessary decline.n nProvision of accurate information may reduce negative stereotypes and improve attitu
7、des.10*第10页,本讲稿共12页Characteristics of the Older Adult Populationn nDemographics of agingn nHealth characteristics of older adultsn nSocioeconomic characteristicsn nFamily relationships of older adultsn nTrends in family caregivingn nLiving arrangements of older adults11*第11页,本讲稿共12页Projected Percentage of Those Aged 65 and Older:2000 to 205012*第12页,本讲稿共12页