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1、2023年偷懒的故事作文600字 Lazy and lazy, the buttock blossoms. 偷懒偷懒,屁股开花。 - preface 题记 One day afternoon, because I walk when ran, be punished to run 15 rounds by the teacher on gym. I am thinking anyway the teacher wont look at me, run 5 rounds to be decreased two rounds, hahaha, am I an elvish ghost? Hey,

2、want me to ran bit slower not to go only? 有一天下午,我因为跑步时走路,在体育课上被老师罚跑十五圈。我想着反正老师不会看着我,跑五圈减两圈,哈哈哈,我是不是一个小精灵鬼呀?嘿,只要我慢点跑不就行了吗? I am then jerry, a book is taken to the classroom rapidly after running, read a book with pleasure. 20 minutes went, I put down a book, the leg carries, swiftly runs to the playg

3、round. My pop eye, saw a station beyond sports teacher, I stay immediately. 于是我偷工减料,跑完之后抓紧到教室拿起一本书,津津有味地看起书来。二十分钟过去了,我放下书,腿一抬,一溜烟跑到了操场。我瞪大眼睛,观察了站在远处的体育老师,我立即呆住了。 Before sports teacher walks up, both hands holds a fist in the arms, placing a pair to want to see my fie-fie about ask: Where do you go t

4、o? Where do you go to? 体育老师走上前,双手抱拳,摆着一副要看我出丑的模样问:“你去哪里了? I go going up. right, the toilet went on. I all over the face aglow, fumble the ground replies. “我去上对,上厕所去了。我满脸通红,支支吾吾地回答。 What? You go up unexpectedly toilet, do you run pace? sports teacher be flushed, loud reprimand this boy, lazy! run. gr

5、ound of my one is assured and bold with justice replies, I run! the teacher should not discover! “什么?你竟然去上厕所了,你跑完步了吗?体育老师面红耳赤,大声斥责道“这小子,又偷懒了吧!“跑完了。我理直气壮地回答,“我跑完十五圈了呢!老师应当不会发觉吧! Sports teacher brows is knitted, eye one horizontal stroke, want: This leveret whelp runs how possibly the pace did not per

6、spire, the back still is done not have after wet, this boy is cheating me certainly. 体育老师眉头一皱,眼睛一横,想:这个小兔崽子怎么可能跑完步没出汗,后背都还没有湿,这小子肯定在蒙我。 Sports teacher asks me aloud: So hot weather, how didnt you perspire? immediately, all surrounded classmates to come over: You run really, your hind how is the back

7、 done not have wet, did not perspire on the body? Did not perspire on the body? 体育老师大声问我:“这么热的天,你怎么没出汗?立刻,同学们全都围了过来:“你真的跑完了,那你的后背怎么没有湿,身上没出汗呢? I one Jing, how does the teacher discover, is the place that the teacher sent one individual someplace to concealment all the time surveillant I? I just go u

8、p went changing a clothes when the toilet. my chicanery path. 我一惊,老师是怎么发觉的,莫非老师始终派了一个人在某处隐藏的地方监视我?“我刚刚上厕所时去换了一件衣服。我狡辩道。 Then I finish class for ages, how to see you are running? sports teacher is accompanied accompany step by step press hard on, continue to ask in reply I: Still lie! See me how trea

9、t you! See me how treat you! “那我下课好久了,怎么没有观察你在跑?体育老师陪陪步步紧逼,继续反问我:“还撒谎!看我怎么治你! I. I. me. good, I admit I did not run, ran 5 rounds only. my shame ground to the teacher honest. Sports teacher charm laughs, reply: Then you count the circle that did not run by with 2. the teacher does not let off me une

10、xpectedly! Old day, 20, full 20 ah! My heart should break! I if fasten,make fun of petty trick at the outset, also should run 15 rounds only! is this lazy brought profit? Call to steal chicken to wont do really turn over corrode rice ah! “我我我好吧,我承认我没有跑完,只跑了五圈。我惭愧地向老师坦白了。体育老师妩媚一笑,回答:“那你就把没跑的圈数乘以二吧。老师

11、竟然不放过我啊!老天啊,二十圈,整整二十圈啊!我的心都要碎了!我当时要是别耍小聪慧,也只要跑十五圈啊!莫非这就是偷懒带来的好处吗?真叫一个偷鸡不成反蚀一把米啊! Can do nothing about it, I am forced ground of at a leisurely pace runninged 20 are encircled greatly, I am determined in the firm in the heart again not lazy also, also hope classmates do not want with lazy the error that will cope with oneself, meet otherwise more troublesome. 没法子,我只好慢腾腾地跑完了二十个大圈呢,我在心里狠下决心再也不偷懒了,也盼望同学们不要以偷懒来对付自己的过失,否则会更麻烦。


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