1、2023年一条通往春天的路作文500字 Sunshine is beautiful, wind He Rili, this afternoon, mr. Wang announces in the classroom: Classmates, ready? Go, we go seeking a way that leads to spring. We go seeking a way that leads to spring. 阳光明媚,风和日丽,今日下午,王老师在教室里宣布:“同学们,预备好了吗?走,我们去查找一条通往春天的路。 Set out, we are discharging or
2、derly team to walk out of school gate mouth, mr. Wang edge walks along an edge to pointing to nearby: Look, these are willow! we look in succession, willow girl some has grown tender bud, some or bald full marks / chief a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent, still had grew a
3、half, leaf is hanged on the tree, greet sb with the world. We continue to wear, a river greet, dark green river still has egret to had flown on water, spindlelegs passes by river side, extremely beautiful. 出发了,我们排着整齐的队伍走出校门口,王老师边走边指着不远处:“瞧,这些柳树!我们纷纷看去,柳树姑娘有的已经长出嫩芽,有的还是光秃秃总分/的长辫子,还有了长了一半,叶子挂在树上,跟世界打招
4、呼。我们继续走着,一条河映入眼帘,碧绿的河水上还有白鹭飞过,细长的腿掠过河面,美极了。 Arrived on the west river road, look far, the yulan magnolia of road both sides resembled stopping countless butterfly on the tree same, have white, white, violet. Abrupt, gentle breeze is blown, Butterfly have dance lightly. At this moment, I noticed a yu
5、lan magnolia is cultivated, it is in dark place, look, resemble accumulating Bai Xue on the tree. Move close to hear, light faint scent blow on the face and come. These jade orchid have pose, some or bud, bottom is lilac, become white slowly; Some is very enthusiastic, bold the flower that opens a b
6、eauty; Some had spread out 34 leaf, smell largely the head receives new world. At this moment, blast is blown, a lot of leaf fall on the ground, swirl, wave facile and graceful is aspersed, went up to big shakedown a fine gauze. Cha Shen of no less than says all right plumage fairy falls in successi
7、on, wear hat of Hua Yangyu path together. Wear hat of Hua Yangyu path together. 到了西河路,远远望去,道路两旁的玉兰树上就像停了很多只蝴蝶一样,有粉的、白的、紫的。突然,微风吹来,“蝴蝶就翩翩起舞。这时,我留意到了一颗玉兰树,它在阴暗处,一眼望去,树上就像积着白雪。凑近闻,淡淡的清香扑面而来。这些玉兰花一朵有一朵的姿态,有的还是花骨朵儿,底部是淡紫色,渐渐变成白色;有的特别热情,大胆开出秀丽的花朵;有的已经展开了三四片花瓣,探出了大半个脑袋迎接新世界。这时,一阵风吹来,很多花瓣落在了地上,纷纷扬扬,飘飘洒洒,给大地
8、铺上了一层轻纱。正如查慎行说的“羽衣仙女纷纷下,齐戴华阳玉道冠。 Went to a park, we begin to rest, I sit in aside, the small grass beside has grown. See this one, still be small tender bud, look look that one, small grass grows what change grows longly. How these ordinary little life are lovely. 到了公园,我们开始休息,我坐在一旁,身边的小草已经长出来了。看看这一片,还是小小的嫩芽,瞧瞧那一块,小草长窜得长长的了。这些不起眼的小生命多么可爱呀。 Good time always is so brief. This all the way beautiful yulan magnolia Hua Kezhen is to be this one old river road is made the same score on the west bought a lot of sights and sounds of spring. 美妙的时光总是那么短暂。这一路秀丽的玉兰花可真是为这一条古老的西河路平添了很多春光。(文/莫林琪)