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1、2023年王源联合国青年论坛2023年演讲 第一篇:王源联合国青年论坛2023年演讲 王源联合国青年论坛2023年演讲 敬重的 各位阁下、挚友们,同事们: 作为联合国儿童基金会青年教化使者,我亲身感受到教化能够给儿童带来快乐,接受良好的教化对他们的自信息和适应实力的培育起到无比关键的作用。五年,我访问了两所在广西省三江侗族自治县的爱生学校,在那里,和他们一起学习,一起劳作,一起上体育课的我,看到学习成为了一种快乐的体验。学生不仅仅能在学习上收获进步,还能驾驭着将来所需要的重要生活和生存技能。 然而,并非全部的儿童都能够享受这样的教化,教化公允是当今世界需要解决的重要问题,也是我尤其关注的议题。

2、 基于这样的相识,我决心今年和联合国儿童基金会一道提倡呼吁更多的人管制普及优质教化的重要性,让每一名儿童都能从中受益。 1.我支配再次参加联合国儿童基金会组织的实地探访,深化到一些贫困地区体验孩子们的生活与教化环境,了解当地学校在改善教化环境与质量的切实需求,并会投身参与到联合国儿童基金会下半年支配筹备的工艺宣扬片中,传播爱生学校的理念。我盼望能够在中国让更多人相识到,特别需要在提高教化质量方面加大投入,并且能够发动更广泛的支持。 2,今年,我还预备支持联合国儿童基金会利用媒体的传播手段,让中国的儿童和青少年关注到可持续进展目标的实际意义,让宽阔的年轻人对可持续进展目标更好的了解,并充分相识到

3、实现这些目标对孩子的将来乃至全世界的将来都有着重要的影响。 3,作为一名年轻的艺人和学生双重身份,我很幸运能够在中国的社交媒体平台上得到超过3500万网友的关注,这也成为了我的一份责任,我要通过我自身的影响力服务于儿童和青少年的公益事业,参与到我们的2030,爱生学校等话题探讨中,引发社会群众对教化事业,和持续进展的思索和关注。 4,最终,我会在由自己所创立的公益项目上发挥更大的实际作用,让更多需要关心的弱势儿童和老人能够干脆受益。 因此,我盼望用自己的声音和行动,带动更多的年轻人参与到社会公益事业中,发挥年轻人的创新精神和能动性,共同创建更奇妙的社区,携手为实现可持续进展目标奉献自己的力气。

4、 感谢各位的倾听。 其次篇:王源联合国青年论坛英文发言双语全文 王源联合国青年论坛演讲 Dedr excellencies;friends and colleagues: 王源联合国青年论坛英文发言双语全文 TFBOYS组合成员王源受邀在纽约联合国总部出席联合国经社理事会2023青年论坛(ECOSOC Youth Forum 2023)并发表英文演讲,以下是英文发言稿全文。 论坛的主题是:“The role of youth in poverty eradication and promoting prosperity in a changing world(在不断转变的世界中青年对消退贫困和

5、促进旺盛所起的作用) 会上,王源作了2分钟左右的英文发言,呼吁关注优质教化,自信淡定,向世界传达中国青年的声音,赢得了与会者的掌声。 双语全文: Dear excellencies, friends and colleagues,敬重的各位阁下、挚友们、同事们: First, I would like to thank all speakers and panelists for the enlighting speeches.首先,我要感谢全部代表和嘉宾,感谢他们引人深思的发言。 My name is Roy Wang.Im a young singer and actor from Chi

6、na, the country that hosts 278 million young people, and the second largest youth population in the world.我叫王源,是来自中国的年轻歌手和演员。中国有两亿七千八百万青年人,是世界上青年人口其次多的国家。 Until yesterday , I only saw the UN building on TV.so, this is the very first time that I am honored to participate in the youth forum to raise m

7、y voice.在昨天之前,我只是在电视上见过联合国大楼。我特殊荣幸能够参加本届青年论坛,并代表中国青年发出声音。 Im grateful for this unique opportunity.I was fortunate to work with the United Nations China sub-group on use to advocate for the image 2030 Campaign, which aims at encouraging the young generation in China to reflect and think about the wor

8、ld we want to see in 2030, the year the Sustainable Development Goals(SDG)are expected be achieved.我特殊感恩能有这样一个机会,有幸能与联合国驻华系统的青年问题工作小组合作,共同提倡“畅想2030活动。这个活动旨在激励中国年青一代反思并思索,到2030年我们要将世界建设成什么样子。2030年是可持续进展目标有望达成的一年。 This campaign, meaningfully engaged a large number of young people, including millions o

9、f left-behind children, and other marginalized young people, and provided them with an opportunity to express their views and share their imagination to inspire our world.这个富有意义的活动,吸引了大量年轻人参加,其中包括多数留守儿童和其他边缘群体,为他们供应机会来表达他们的观点和想法,也让他们能够共享对于将来的畅想,以鼓舞我们的世界。 I submitted a cartoon-drawing project.My pass

10、ion for 2030 is that every young person can access good quality education, girls have the same potential to achieve amazing things as boys.我提交了一幅漫画作品。我期望在2030年,每个年轻人都能获得优质教化。女孩和男孩一样,都有潜力创建精彩。 With the support from many young people across the country, the campaign, which has been running for a few m

11、onths since October 26th, recorded over 500 million views online.Inspired by the campaign, understanding SDGs has become a fashion among the young people.在全国大量年轻人的支持下,这项2023年10月26日起先的活动,在几个月里就获得了超过5亿的网络阅读量。在这次活动的影响下,了解可持续进展目标已成为年轻人的时尚。 Dear excellencies, friends, and colleagues, taking this opportun

12、ity, both as a leader and a young person myself, I want to reassure you of Chinese young peoples motivation to advance and realize SDGs wherever you are.I truly believe that our youth power can influence the world we live in, and hope that our determination can make a difference.敬重的阁下、挚友们、同事们,借此机会,作

13、为青年人以及青年头表,我向各位保证,无论您身在何处,都将看到中国的年轻一代主动推动和实现可持续进展的决心。我坚信,青年人的力气能影响我们所生活的世界,并且盼望我们的坚决决心能够为变更世界供应助力。 Thank you very much.感谢。 第三篇:联合国秘书长安南在世界经济论坛的演讲 联合国秘书长安南在世界经济论坛的演讲(2023年) 马丁总理(加拿大总理保罗马丁),各位贵宾,斯瓦布教授,女士们,先生们: 五年前在这里,在达沃斯,我请你们-世界商业界的领导人加入联合国的一个进程。 在通向全球化的进程中,你们已经踏上了自己的旅途。 在那个时侯,许多人认为全球化是个自然力气。它无情地指向一个

14、方向:市场前所未有的一体化,经济规模前所未有的大,创建利润和旺盛的机会前所未有的多。 但在西雅图浪潮的爆发的十个月前,我感到必需发出警告:全球化只有建立在它依靠的社会支柱上才能持续。全球贫困引起担忧。不公正和边缘化的问题起先到达危险点。令我感到忧虑的是:假如全球市场不能实现利润均享,不能实践负责任的行为,全球经济将会变得脆弱,并简洁出现倒退。 这就是我为什么曾敦促你们,把自己的利益和公共利益结合在一起,与我们一道共同建设和稳固那些社会支柱。我特别强调,在人权、劳动标准和环境等领域,你们的行为有着干脆和主要的影响。 我曾呼吁建立一个全球一体化建议。它不是合同,不是行为准则,不是一系列的规则,也不

15、是新的监督系统,而是对全球公民权的具体表达。我期盼着那些会加强经济开放度的事情发生。商业胜利需要经济的开放。经济开放同样会为那些需要改善生活的人创建机会。 令我如今感到兴奋的是,你们中有那么多人上前迎接了这一对领导实力的挑战。你们在商业运作中加入了全球一体化建议的原则。今日已经有来自70多个国家的1200多个大公司参与了这一建议。这些公司来自南北两个半球,来自经济生活的各个方面。人权组织和全球劳工运动也加入进来了,这使这一建议得以落实。各国政府均支持这一努力。 在全球一体化建议的激励下,生产管理了几十个与我们时代主题亲热相关的可操作的建议:从警惕爱滋病至反腐败,从电子学习到经济效益等领域。它为

16、联合国自身打开了新的合作之门。 我们还有许许多多的事情可做,我们必需去做。本着这一精神,为了取得更大的成就,今年六月,我将在联合国总部召开全球一体化建议峰会,重新评估和支配我们的工作。尊敬的挚友们,在我们深化和扩大全球一体化建议使命的时候,合理的形势也正发生着深刻的转变,在有些方面是负面的。 今日,不仅全球经济环境变得不利,就连全球的平安环境也变得不利了。它们对保持一个稳定、公正、建立在规则基础上的世界秩序是不利的。这就是为什么我来到你们面前,请你们接受一个更大的挑战。你们是赢利的企业领导人,也是拥有着巨大利益的全球公民。 经济上,我们看到对最需要投资的进展中国家的投资在萎缩。而为扭转对进展中

17、国家卑视性政策的贸易谈判已经失败。 平安上,国际恐怖主义不仅对和平和稳定构成了威胁,它也将使文化、宗教和种族分别更加恶化。反恐斗争有时会加剧这些惊慌,也会引起人们对人权爱惜和个人自由的担忧。 不仅如此,就连联合国自身的作用、联合国宪章所规定的联合国的效力、集体平安体系目前都面临着严峻的挑战。在短短的几年里,人们已从坚信全球化的不行避开转变为对现有全球秩序能否生存下去的深深怀疑。 这是联合国面临的一大挑战,也是商界面临的任务。它要求商界考虑该如何订正现状。在此请允许我向你们提出一些建议: 在经济领域,你们的利益和国际社会实现新千年进展目标的实力有着干脆的联系。新千年进展目标对我们为和平和人类尊严

18、所作的斗争特别重要。在过去年两年中,伊拉克斗争和其他的一些事务使我们偏离了对目标的留意力。如今是重新平衡国际进程的时候了。 新千年进展目标为商业参与供应了一个强制性的平台。例如,我们目标在2023年前将全世界缺少清洁饮用水的人口削减一半。这意味着我们每天就为27万人连接清洁的水源。这是政府、非政府组织和进展署所不能独立完成的。我还可以举出许多同样的例子。为了在实现这些目标,就需要在从能源到通信的各领域进行更广泛的投资。 目标的设立首先是为了关心人民。但它们对商界也是有利的。首先,关心建立基础设施是个巨大的商业机会;其次,基础设施一旦建成,就会形成一个巨大的、急迫的市场。 我想强调的是全球一体化

19、建议不是联合国目前仅有的动员私营部门的实力反贫困的建议。去年七月,我请联合国进展署创立了“私营部门与进展委员会。 马丁总理,我要感谢你和墨西哥总统哲迪罗。作为委员会的两主席,你为该委员会进展所带来的动力。我知道,你和你在商界和政策界的挚友们始终在努力工作,你们涉及了全部关键性的问题。特别是,多国商务如何成为本地企业的合作伙伴,如何关心进展中国家建立独立的私营部门。 我信任,你将为我们供应牢靠的建议,这将关心我们这一关键性的挑战。我期盼着几个月后看到委员会的报告。 商界在贸易领域有着巨大的潜在影响力。商界能够也应当运用这一影响力来打破目前的谈判僵局。其中最重要的是,我们需要在农业问题上达成一个协

20、议,这将关心那些穷国。 没有比农业问题更能破坏现行的多边贸易体系了。而你们从中获益颇丰。农业补贴使市场力气发生了倾斜。它们破坏了市场环境。它们阻挡了穷国向国际市场出口,使他们难以获得税收,使它们不行能得到进一步的投资和救济。为了我们大家的利益,为了保证现行体系的可信度,必需取消农业补贴。 我们也需要你们关心限制和平与平安所面临的威胁,特别是通过你们在战乱国家的商业运作。商界必需找到方法以削减对冲突的奉献。有的时候,公司有意无意地在为冲突加油,目的是为了争夺对自然资源的限制权。提高商业透亮度,加强反腐败有利于防止冲突的发生。 商业在重建我们的集体平安体系方面有着强大的利益,它能防止世界重新陷入弱

21、肉强食的残酷竞争中去。 你们特别清楚,商业的信念特别信任政治的稳定和平安。我盼望,你们能支持高级别名人小组的工作。我要求高级别名人小组在应对21世纪世界面临的威胁和挑战方面提出建议。 人们把这一小组称为联合国改革小组。它可能确实会在联合国规则和机制方面提出改革的建议。这些建议应当取得结果,而不能无果而终。这样做的目的是为我们时代面临的挑战找到集体的、令人信服的答案。 联合国宪章特殊清楚地说明,假如遇到攻击,国家有权防卫和互卫。但诚如联合国宪章第一款所言,联合国自身存在的目的就是:实行集体行动防止和除去对和平构成的威胁。 我们必需向世人说明,联合国有实力实现这一目的。但不是为了那些享有特权的成员

22、。这些成员国目前正忙于应付恐怖主义和大规模杀伤性武器。联合国必需为千百万人消退贫困、饥饿和疾病的威胁。我们必需明白,对一些人的威胁就是对全部人的威胁。我们必需实行相应的措施。 我敦促你们告知你们的政府这对你们作为商业领导人是如何重要。你们应试着劝服他们支持名人小组提出的建议。这些建议将在今年晚些时候公布。 联合国还没有走入末路。联合国是我们依靠正义、敬重国际法、和平协商解决冲突等普遍原则建设更加奇妙的世界的工具。联合国通过一每天的工作把这些原则转化为行动。 为了胜利地完成这一使命,政治领导人需要充分相识他们担当的双重角色。每个政府都要对它自己的社会负责。同时,各国政府集体地管理我们这个星球上的

23、生活。这是各国公民的共同生活。我们每一个人都要加强这一相识,并为此共同努力。 我向世界经济论坛创建了一个新的领导实力的概念表示庆贺。这一概念把公众利益和个人利益结合到了一起。我也向世界社会论坛表示庆贺,因为它留意到了人类家庭中的弱势群体。他们最缺少也最需要物质,却没有发言权。 我盼望我们能尽快找到一种方法使贫富间建立联系。尽管存在着分歧,但应在全球秩序的共同利益基础上团结起来。全球秩序应当是公正的、法制的,能反映出全世界人的需要。让我们每一个人,让我们全部人以此作为超越一切的目标。 特殊感谢。 联合国秘书长安南在世界经济论坛的演讲英 Special Address by Kofi Annan

24、On 23 January 2023, Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General(profile), spoke at the Annual Meeting.The transcript of his full remarks is below.Prime Minister Martin, Excellencies, Professor Schwab, Ladies and Gentlemen,Five years ago, here in Davos, I asked you, the worlds business leaders, to join the Unit

25、ed Nations on a journey.You were already well embarked on a journey of your own on the road to globalization.At the time, globalization appeared to many to be almost a force of nature.And it seemed to lead inexorably in one direction: ever-closer integration of markets, ever-larger economies of scal

26、e, ever-bigger opportunities for profits and prosperity.And yet even then ten months before the Seattle protests burst onto the scene I felt obliged to warn that globalisation would be only as sustainable as the social pillars on which it rested.Global unease about poverty, equity and marginalizatio

27、n was beginning to reach critical mass.I was concerned that unless global markets were embedded in shared values and responsible practices, the global economy would be fragile, and vulnerable to backlash.That was why I urged you, as a matter of enlightened self-interest as well as the common interes

28、t, to work with us to build and fortify those social pillars.I emphasized, in particular, the areas of human rights, labour standards and the environment, on which your activities have such a direct and major impact.And I called for a compact-not a contract;not a code of conduct;not a set of regulat

29、ions, or new system of monitoring, but a concrete expression of global citizenship.I was looking for something that would strengthen the economic openness that business needs to succeed, while also creating the opportunities that people need to build better lives.I am pleased that so many of you ste

30、pped forward to embrace that leadership challenge, and to internalise the Compacts principles into your operations.Today, more than 1,200 corporations are involved, from more than 70 countries, North and South, and from virtually every sector of the economy.Civil society organizations and the global

31、 labour movement have joined in the effort to make the Compact work.Governments are supporting the effort.The Compact has inspired dozens of practical initiatives on some of the key issues of our times, from AIDS awareness to anti-corruption, from e-learning to eco-efficiency.It has generated invest

32、ment in some of the worlds poorest countries.And it has opened the doors of the United Nations itself to new forms of partnership, with many different stakeholders.Yet much more can be accomplished and it must.With that in mind, I am convening a Global Compact Summit at UN Headquarters in June, to r

33、eassess and reposition our efforts, aiming at even higher levels of achievement.Dear friends,Even as we deepen and expand the Compacts mission, the global landscape around us is shifting profoundly, and in some respects adversely.Today, not only the global economic environment, but also the global s

34、ecurity climate, and the very conduct of international politics, have become far less favourable to the maintenance of a stable, equitable and rule-based global order.So I come before you again, asking you to embrace an even bigger challenge-as leaders of profit-making enterprises, to be sure, but a

35、lso as global citizens with enormous interests at stake.Economically, we see dwindling investment in those parts of the developing world where it is most needed, coupled with trade negotiations that have failed so far to eliminate the systems egregious biases against developing countries.On the secu

36、rity front, international terrorism is not only a threat to peace and stability.It also has the potential to exacerbate cultural, religious and ethnic dividing lines.And the war against terrorism can sometimes aggravate those tensions, as well as raising concerns about the protection of human rights

37、 and civil liberties.As if all that were not enough, the role of the United Nations itself, the efficacy of its Charter, and the system of collective security are now under serious strain.In just a few short years, the prevailing atmosphere has shifted from belief in the near-inevitability of global

38、ization to deep uncertainty about the very survival of our global order.This is a challenge for the United Nations.But it obliges the business community, too, to ask how it can help put things right.Allow me to suggest some ways that you might do your part.In the economic realm, there is a direct co

39、nnection between your interests and the international communitys ability to meet the Millennium Development Goals.The Goals are central to our struggle for peace and human dignity.Yet in the past year or two, the war in Iraq and other events caused our attention to drift dangerously away from them.I

40、t is time to re-balance the international agenda.The Goals offer a compelling platform for business involvement.The target for water, for example, is to cut in half, by the year 2023, the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water.That requires making 270,000 new connections per day

41、until then something that Governments, NGOs and development agencies alone simply cannot do.I could give you similar numbers for many of the other targets, and for the broader development investments needed to achieve them, from energy to telecommunications.The Goals are intended, first and foremost

42、, to help people.But they can be good for business: first, because helping to build the infrastructure is an enormous business opportunity;and second, because, once it is built, business will find larger, eager markets in place.I should stress that the Global Compact is not the only current United N

43、ations initiative which aims to mobilise the great capacity of the private sector in our fight against poverty.Last July, I asked the United Nations Development Programme to convene a Commission on the Private Sector and Development.Prime Minister Martin, I would like to thank you for the dynamism y

44、ou have brought to the Commissions work, along with your co-chair, former President Zedillo of Mexico.I know that you and your colleagues from the business and policy-making communities have been working hard at all the key questions in particular, how multinational business can become a supportive

45、partner for local entrepreneurs, and help developing countries to build up their own independent private sectors.I am sure you will give us solid recommendations that will help us tackle this key development challenge and I look forward to the Commissions report in the months ahead.Business also has

46、 great potential influence in the arena of trade.Business can and should use that influence to help break the current impasse in talks.More than anything else, we need a deal on agriculture that will help the poor.No single issue more gravely imperils the multilateral trading system, from which you

47、benefit so much.Agricultural subsidies skew market forces.They damage the environment.And they block poor-country exports from world markets, keeping them from earning revenues that would dwarf any conceivable level of aid and investment flows to those countries.For all our sakes, and for the credib

48、ility of the system itself, they must be eliminated.We also need your help in efforts to manage threats to peace and security, particularly through your operations in countries afflicted by conflict.Businesses must find ways of reducing the contribution-sometimes conscious, sometimes inadvertent-that firms make to fuelling conflicts, which are often related to factional competition for control of natural resources.Busin


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