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1、2023年情绪词汇英汉对照 第一篇:心情词汇英汉比照 英语情感词汇 兴奋 名词:delight;happiness;laughter;pleasure;joy;形容词: delightful;delighted;happy;pleased;pleasant;cheerful;excited;exciting;amusing;merry;joyful;overjoyed;glad;动词: amuse;cheer;enjoy;laugh; 哀痛 名词: sadness;sorrow;tear;depression;grief;heartbreak(n&v);suffering 形容词:sad;de

2、pressed;depressing;blue;down;bitter;miserable;unhappy;upset;gloomy(愁闷的);discouraged;tearful;heartbreaking 动词: depress;weep;distress;frustrate 感动 形容词:moved;moving;touched;touching 动词: move;touch;affect 惊异 名词:surprise;amazement;astonishment;shock;wonder;形容词:surprising;surprised;amazed;amazing;shocked;

3、shocking;astonished;astonishing;curious;fantastic;动词:surprise;amaze;astionish; 忧虑 名词:anxiety;pressure;stress;tension;worryn&v;concern(n&V)形容词: anxious;worried;tense;nervous;concerned;uneasy(担忧的) 满足 名词:satisfaction;形容词:satisfied;satisfying 动词:satisfy 缺憾 名词:pity;shame; 形容词:ashame;sorry;regretful 动词:re

4、gret; 恐惊 名词:fear;terror;fright;panic(n&v);形容词:frightening;frightened;afraid;horrible;terrible;trembling;scared; terrifying;terrified 动词:frighten;terrify;tremble;scare(n&v)生气 名词:anger;irritation 形容词:angry;annoyed;动词:annoy;irritate 悲观 名词:disappointment;hopelssness;boredom;discouragement;despair(n&v)形容

5、词:disappointing;disappointed;hopeless;boring;bored;desperate; 动词:disappoint;bore; 嫉妒 名词:jealousness 形容词:green-eyed;jealous 动词:envy 其他 形容词:confusing;puzzling;embarrassing;embrassed;guilty(愧疚的); sympathetic怜悯的;rediculous荒谬的;可笑的;disgusting(令人厌烦的);positive(主动的);negative消极的optimistic(乐观的);pessimistic悲观的;

6、subjective(主观的); objective(客观的);approving(赞同的);disapproving反对的;indifferent(冷眼旁观的); considerate(爱惜的;考虑周到的);controversial(有争议的);neutral(中立的); suspicious怀疑的 其次篇:心情词汇英汉比照 嫌隙 rift 嫌憎 悻悻 bitterly 憎恶 hate郁闷苦恼 别扭 awkward 不快 unpleasant 不爽 accurate 心烦 upset 厌烦 tired 郁闷 anguish 难受 uncomfortable 厌烦 hate 烦扰 both

7、er 窝火 窝囊 feel vexed 熬心 boil heart 懊恼 update 憋闷 feel oppressed 憋气 feel suffocated 涔涔 oozes 窝心 sweet 糟心 忧愁:因遭受困难祸不如意的事而苦恼 担忧 worry 担忧 worry 发愁 worry 犯愁 worry 愁闷 gloomy 穷愁 poor and disdress 殷忧 yin worry 忧心忡忡 worried 郁郁寡欢 unhappy 愁眉不展 worried 忧心如焚 distraught抑郁:心中愤怒,不能诉说而郁闷 压抑 depression 郁闷 depressed 沉郁

8、depressed 阴郁 gloomy 抑郁寡欢 melancholy 自尊 self_respect敬重自己,不向别人卑躬屈节无能感 important 自惭形秽 ashamed of 自馁 高傲 proud1、自以为了不得,看不起别人 2、傲慢 得意 proud 傲岸 arrogant 高傲 presumptuous 风光 decent 优越感 superiority 自大 arrogant 自负 conceited 傲慢 proud 怏然自足 discontented 自得 contented then self 自满 complancent 自恃 count on 委屈 wrpnged

9、收到不应当有的职责或待遇,心里难过抱屈 feel wrong 冤枉 wrong 着急 anxious急躁担忧浮躁 impetuous 急迫 urgent 急躁 irritable 焦急 anxious 焦虑 anxiety 心急 impatient 心急火燎 edgy 心急如焚 anxious 心切 eager 焦心 焦躁 impatient 焦灼 anxious 情急 desperate 心焦 anxious 归心似箭 eager to go home 急不择言 andious not to choose words 急不行耐 impatient 不知所措 loss心里 恐慌 panic 意

10、乱 distracted 烦乱 upset 纷扰 turbulence 方寸大乱 inch chaos 坐立担忧 restless 忐忑担心 sixes and sevens 心乱如麻 be terribly upset 神魂颠倒 captivated 火烧火燎 抓耳挠腮 scratching惭愧ashamed 感到惭愧或惭愧,不好意思 惭愧 ashamed 丢脸 shame 丢人 loos face 丢丑 lose face 羞怯 shy 可耻 shameful 亏心 愧疚 guilt 羞涩 shy 难看 ugly 尴尬 embarrassed 怕羞 shy 惭愧 shame 羞辱 humi

11、liation 抱愧 feel ashamed 害臊 ashamed 无地自容 shame 羞人 羞怯 shy懊悔做错了事或说错了话,心里自恨不该这样 悔悟 regret 忏悔 repent 后悔 repret 后悔 remorse 失悔 loss of regret 痛悔 contrite 追悔 regret 自怨自艾 self-pity愧疚sorry 心中担忧,觉得对不住别人 过意不去 sorry 内疚 guilty conscience 负疚 guilty 歉疚 guilty 惊异 surprise觉得很诧异 惊异 surprise 新颖 curious 惊异 surprised 震惊

12、shock 惊诧 surprised 警觉 vigilance对危险或者状况转变den敏锐的感觉 警惕 alert 怀疑 doubt心里不明白,不信任 怀疑 suspected 可疑 suspicious 疑忌 jealousloss 犯难 difficult 困惑 confused 茫然 loss 迷惑 confuse 迷惘 lost 无所适从 loss 彷徨 wandering 怜悯 sympathy对于别人的遭受在感情上发生共鸣 感动 moving 恻隐之心 compassion 可惜 unfortunately 可惜 regret 可怜 poor 怜惜 take pity on 怜悯

13、mercy 哀怜 pity 心疼 destressed 痛惜 deplored 满足 satisfaction满意自己的愿望,符合自己的心愿 宜人 pleasant 满意 comfortble 顺心 liking 如愿 to do so 遂愿 liking 遂心 critical care 随心 heart 圆满 complete 敬佩 admire敬重佩佩服 心悦诚服 convinced 赞佩 admiration 佩服 admire 赞许 appreciation 赞美 praise 赞美 praise 敬重 respect 敬重 respect 敬重 esteem 仰慕 respect

14、敬慕 admiration 钦敬 admire 景仰 admired 崇敬 respect 感谢 grateful因对方的好怀疑关心而对其产生好感 涕零 feel grateful 谢天谢地 thank goodness 感恩戴德 deeply grateful 没齿难忘 will never forget 思念 miss惦念 怀念 miss 牵挂 care 挂念 miss 惦念 miss 渴慕 longing 怀恋 nostalgia 牵肠挂肚 worrying about 贪恋 hate to leave 魂牵梦萦 dreaming 轻视轻视,不放在眼里 轻视 contempt 亵渎 de

15、ny 蔑视 disdain 鄙夷 disdain 鄙视 contempt 侮蔑 contempt 期望 expect对将来的事物或者人的前途有所盼望和等待 期盼 expect 向往 yearn 期求 on demand 望眼欲穿 for ages 殷切 strong 悲观 disappointment1.感到没有盼望失去信念。2.因为盼望为实现而不快乐 悲观 pessimistic 懊丧 despression 茫然 loss 失落感 sense of loss 无望 hopeless 心寒 chiling 失意 frustration 沮丧 depressed 怅然 sense of los

16、s 惆怅 melancholy 寒心 chilling 落魄 objection 垂头丧气 dejected 空洞 empty 走投无路 desperation 麻木 numb 大失所望greatly disappointe 心灰意冷disheartened 自暴自弃 low self-esteem 孤独 lonely单身无靠,感到孤独 孤寂 alone 孤立 isolated 孤独 lonely 孤寂 lonely 落寞 lonely 其他 乐观 optimistic 气急败坏 utterly discomfited 亲切 cordial 头痛 headache 头疼 headache 无奈

17、 helpless 心虚 different 幸运 lucky 孤寂 lonely 忘乎所以 carried away 销魂 ecstasy 愚蠢 silly 感人肺腑 touching 动人心弦 touching 叠加心情 烦躁 irritability 苦闷 depressed 苦恼 distressed 纳闷 wonder 怅惘 wistful 愁苦 anxiety 闷倦 nausea tired 恼人 annoying 忧烦 worry 忧闷 depressed 厌弃 rejected 百抓挠心 artide scratching heart 焦躁 impatient 愁眉紧锁 kni

18、tted brows furrowed 惊喜pleasantly surprised 受宠若惊 flattered 清爽 fresh 欣幸 fortunate 一悲一喜 a sad one hi 悲喜交集 mixed feelings of grief and joy 羞怯 shy 哀思 grief 哀怨 sad 悲愤 grief and indignation 悲郁 sad depression 仇怨 hatred 愤怒 resentment 愤懑 anger 感愤 a sense of anger 惊疑 alarmed 愧痛 ashamed pain 恼恨 hate 威惧 apprehen

19、sive 疑虑 doubt 忧愤 anger 忧惧 fear 怨愤 discontent 爱莫能助 hel 敬畏pless 黯然神伤 feel depressed 缠绵悱恻 full of pathos 捶胸顿足 wringing 敬畏 fear 虔诚 sincere 清静 calm心情没有担忧或者动乱 清静 peaceful 平稳 safely 安详 serene 安心 relieved 劝慰 comfort 冷淡 indifferent 淡然 indifferent 放心 rest assured 冷静 cool 默然 indifferently 漠视 disregard 清静 tranq

20、uil 轻松 easily 踏实 practical 坦然 calm 心安理得 peace of mind 心静 calm 心平气和 calm 冷静 stabilization 冷静 sedation 宽慰 comfort 索然无味 dull 塌心 fallen heart 泰然 calm 闲适 leisure 自由free 不动神色 fixed look 不露声色 quietly 冷若冰霜 frosty 麻木不仁 insensitive 昂扬 high心情向上高起 惊慌 nervous 鼓舞 inspire 振作 cheer 激昂 inspire 激扬 excited 激烈 exciteme

21、nt 昂扬 high-spirited 激越 intense 冲动 impulse 亢奋 excitement 忘情 immersed 朝气蓬勃 vibrant 精力旺盛 energetic 心情高涨 mood 荡气回肠 soul-stirring 高歌猛进 advance triumphantly 精神焕发 spitits 慷慨激扬 impassioned 低落 low心情下降 消沉 low 心灰意冷 disheartened 心灰意懒 rely under all difficulties 黯淡 dim 颓废 decadent 颓靡 fall 颓丧 dejected 萎靡 desertin

22、g our ideas 沉重 heavy重量大,程度深 沉甸甸 heavy 其他 力倦神疲 exhausted 心不在焉 absent-minded 哀而不伤 sad without injury 心甘情愿 willingly 肝脑涂地 take a shot 豪放不羁 uninhibited 桀骜不驯 rebelious 狂奴故态 so mad slave state 豪情壮志 lofiy sentiments and aspirations 眉高眼低 low eye high brow 有恃无恐 emboldened 肆无忌惮 unscrupulous气馁 表示转变的 放松 relax 解

23、气 vent 气馁 be discourage 丧气 disheartened 扫兴 disappointment 扬眉吐气 proud 消气 cool down 泄劲 slack off 泄气 discouraged 厌倦 weary 宽心 heartwidth 如释重负 relieved 释然 relieved 吐气 blow off steam 波涛汹涌 badly 不能自已 not their own 不上不下 flattening 煞风景 unpleasant 转悲为喜 turn sorrow to joy 第三篇:人力资源常用词汇 英汉比照 人力资源常用词汇 英汉比照 原文链接:

24、Acceptability 可接受性 Achievement tests 成就测试 Action plan 行动支配 Action steps 行动步骤 Adventure learning 探险学习法 Adverse impact 负面影响 Agency shop 工会代理制 Alternative dispute resolution(ADR)建设性争议解决方法Analytic approach 分析法 Appraisal politics 评价政治学 Apprenticeship 学徒制 Arbitrary 仲裁 Assessment 评价 Assessment center 评价中心

25、Attitude awareness and change program 看法认知与变更支配Attitudinal structuring 看法构建 Audiovisual instruction 视听教学 Audit approach 审计法 Balanced scorecard 综合评价卡 Basic skills 基本技能 Behavior-based program 行为变更支配 Behavior modeling 行为模拟 Benchmarks 基准 Benchmarking 评判 Benefits 收益 Bonus 奖金 Boycott 联合抵抗 Career 职业 Career

26、 counseling 职业询问 Career curves(maturity curves)职业曲线成熟曲线Career management system 职业管理系统 Career support 职业支持 Centralization 集权化 Coach 教练 Cognitive ability 认知实力 Cognitive outcomes 认知性结果 Collective bargaining process 劳资谈判过程 Community of practice 演练小组 Compa-ratio 比较比率 Compensable factors 酬劳要素 Competency

27、assessment 实力评估 Competitive advantage 竞争优势 Concentration strategy 集中战略 Concurrent validation 同时效度 Consumer price index, CPI 消费者价格指数 Content validation 内容效度 Continuous learning 持续学习 Contributory plan 投入支配 Coordination training 合作培训 Core competencies 核心竞争力 Criterion-related validity 效标关联效度 Critical in

28、cident 关键事务 Critical incident method 关键事务法 Cross-cultural preparation 跨文化准备 Cross-training 交叉培训 Cultural environment 文化环境 Cultural shock 文化冲击 Customer appraisal 顾客评估 Data flow diagram 数据流程图 Database 数据库 Decentralization 分散化 Decision support systems 决策支持系统 Defined-benefit plan 养老金福利支配 Defined-contrib

29、ution plan 资方养老金投入支配 Delayering 扁平化 Depression 懊丧 Development planning system 开发规划系统 Differential piece rate 差额计件工资 Direct costs 干脆本钱 Discipline 纪律 Disparate impact 差异性影响 Disparate treatment 差异性对待 Diversity training 多元化培训 Downsizing 精简 Downward move 降级 Efficiency wage theory 效率工资理论 Electronic perfor

30、mance support system(EPSS)电子绩效支持系统Employee empowerment 员工授权 Employee leasing 员工租借 Employee survey research 雇员调查与探讨 Employee wellness programs(EWPs)雇员健康修炼支配 Entrepreneur 企业家 Equal employment opportunity(EEO)公允就业机会 Essay method 书面方式 Ethics 道德 Expatriate 外派雇员 Expert systems 专家系统 External analysis 外部分析

31、External growth strategy 外边成长战略 External labor market 外部劳动力市场 Factor comparison system 因素比较法 Feedback 反馈 Flexible benefits plans(cafeteria plans)灵敏的福利支配自助福利方案Flextime 灵敏的时间 Forecasting劳动力供求意料 Formal education programs 正规教化支配 Frame of reference 参照系 Functional job analysis, FJA 职能工作分析 Gain sharing pla

32、ns 收益共享支配 Globalization 全球化 Goals 目标 Goals and timetables 目标和时辰表 Graphic rating-scale method 图式评估法 Group-building methods 团队建设法 Group mentoring program 群体指导支配 Hay profile method 海氏剖析法 High-leverage training 高层次培训 High-performance work systems 高绩效工作系统 Hourly work 计时工资制 Human capital 人力资本 Human resour

33、ce information system(HRIS)人力资源信息系统Human resource management 人力资源管理 Human resources planning, HRP 人力资源支配 Indirect costs 间接本钱 Individualism/collectivism 个人主义/集体主义 Input 投入 Instructional design process 指导性设计过程 Internal analysis 内部分析 Internal growth strategy 内部成长战略 Internal labor force 内部劳动力 Internet 互

34、联网 Internship programs 实习支配 Interview 面试 Intraorganizational bargaining 组织内谈判 Job analysis 工作分析 Job classification system 工作分类法 Job description 工作描述 Jobdesign 工作设计 Job enlargement 工作扩大化 Job enrichment 工作丰富化 Job evaluation 工作评价 Job experiences 工作阅历 Job involvement 工作认同 Job posting and bidding 工作张贴和申请

35、 Job progressions 工作提升 Job ranking system 工作重要性排序法 Job rotation 工作轮换 Job satisfaction 工作满足度 Job specification 工作规范 Job structure 工作结构 Key jobs 关键工作 Labor market 劳动力市场 Labor relations process 劳动关系进程 Leaderless group discussion 无领导小组探讨法 Learning organization 学习型组织 Long-term-short-term orientation 长期-短

36、期导向 Maintenance of membership 会员资格维持 Management by objectives, MBO 目标管理 Management forecasts 管理意料 Management prerogatives 管理特权 Manager and / or supervisor appraisal 经理和/或上司评估Managing diversity 管理多元化 Markov analysis 马克夫分析法 Mediation 调解 Mentor 导师 Merit guideline 绩效指南 Minimum wage 最低工资 Motivation to learn 学习的动机 Needs assessment培训需要评价 Negligence 疏忽 Nepotism 裙带关系 Ombudsman 调查专员 On-the-job training, OJT 在职培训 Opportunity to perfor


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