1、第2章原子结构和原子间的第1页,此课件共136页哦nWhy Study Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding?nAn important reason to have an understanding of interatomic bonding in solids is that,in some instances,the type of bond allows us to explain a materials properties.第2页,此课件共136页哦nFor example,consider carbon,which may exist
2、 as both graphite and diamond.Whereas graphite is relatively soft and has a greasy(滑腻)feel to it,diamond is the hardest known material.第3页,此课件共136页哦nThis dramatic disparity in properties is directly attributable to a type of interatomic bonding found in graphite that does not exist in diamond(see Se
3、ction 3.9).第4页,此课件共136页哦Learning Objectives After careful study of this chapter you should be able to do the following:n3.(a)Schematically plot attractive,repulsive,and net energies versus interatomic separation for two atoms or ions.(b)Note on this plot the equilibrium separation and the bonding en
4、ergy.第5页,此课件共136页哦n4.(a)Briefly describe ionic,covalent,metallic,hydrogen,and van der Waals bonds.(b)Note what materials exhibit each of these bonding types.第6页,此课件共136页哦2.1 INTRODUCTIONnSome of the important properties of solid materials depend on geometrical atomic arrangements,and also the intera
5、ctions that exist among constituent atoms or molecules.第7页,此课件共136页哦nThis chapter,by way of preparation for subsequent discussions,considers several fundamental and important concepts,namely:atomic structure,electron configurations in atoms and the periodic table,第8页,此课件共136页哦nand the various types
6、of primary and secondary interatomic bonds that hold together the atoms comprising a solid.These topics are reviewed briefly,under the assumption that some of the material is familiar to the reader.第9页,此课件共136页哦原子结构 ATOMIC STRUCTURE2.2基本概念2.2 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTSn每个原子是由很小的原子核和环绕原子核运动的电子构成,原子核由质子和中子构
7、成。电子和质子均带电荷,电荷的大小为1.610-19C,质子带正电,电子带负电,中子是电中性的。这些亚原子粒子的质量极 小,质 子 和 中 子 质 量 差 不 多,为1.6710-27kg,远大于电子质量9.1110-31kg。第10页,此课件共136页哦n每一个化学元素是由原子核中的质子数大小定义的,我们把它叫做原子序数(Z)。对于电中性即完整的原子,原子序数也等于核外电子数。原子序数为整数从最小的原子序数氢原子的1到自然界存在的最大的原子序数铀原子的92。n每个原子的原子质量(A)可以用原子核里质子和中子质量的和来表示。虽然对于所有给定元素的质子数是相同的,但中子数(N)可以变化。因此有些
8、元素的原子有两种或更多的的原子质量,这样的物质我们把它们叫做同位素。第11页,此课件共136页哦n原子量是自然界现存的包括同位素在内的原 子 质 量 的 平 均 值。原 子 质 量 单 位(amu)可用于计算原子量。一个原子质量 单 位 被 定 义 为 最 普 通 的 碳 同 位 素12(A=12.00000)原子质量的1/12。用这样一个计量单位,质子和中子的质量略大于1。n A Z+N (2.1)第12页,此课件共136页哦n元素的原子量或化合物的分子量可以用每个原子或分子的原子质量或每摩尔材料的质量来表示。一摩尔物质有6.0231023个原子或分子(阿弗加德罗常数)。这两种原子量之间的关
9、系为如下方程:n1amu/atom(or molecule)=1g/moln例 如 铁 的 原 子 量 为 55.85amu/atom,或55.85g/mol。有时用1amu/atom(or molecule)比较方便。有时用g/mol(或kg/mol)则更好。本书用的是后者。第13页,此课件共136页哦n2.3 原子中的电子 n2.3 ELECTRONS IN ATOMSn原子模型 nATOMIC MODELSn19世纪末期,人们发现在涉及到固体材料中的电子的许多试验现象的时候,无法用经典力学解释。支撑原子和亚原子这个物质世界的运动规律的就是后来人们建立的一系列的称之为量子力学的原理和法则。
12、话说,位置通过概率分布和电子云描述。图2.3 比较了波尔和波动力学的氢原子模型。本教材这两种理论都在使用,具体选择哪一种取决于用那一种更能够简单的说明问题。第18页,此课件共136页哦第19页,此课件共136页哦n量子数 QUANTUM NUMBERSn原子中的每个电子可以用波动力学中的四个参数即量子数描述。电子概率密度的大小,形状和空间取向均由该量子数中的三个量子数决定。而且波尔能级可以分裂成能级,量子数给出了每一个次能级层的数量。主量子数 n为 整 数,从 1开 始,分 别 可 以 取n=1,2,3,4,5,;有时这些能级也可以用字母K,L,M,N,O等分别表示n=1,2,3,4,5,时的
15、,例如,3d能级高于4s能级。第24页,此课件共136页哦第25页,此课件共136页哦n电子构型nELECTRON CONFIGURATIONSn前面主要讨论了电子态-允许电子填充的能级。为了决定电子填充这些能态的方式,我们要应用另一量子力学概念-包利不相容原理。该原理说明每个电子能级态只能容纳不超过两个电子,且必须是自旋相反的。于是,s,p,d,f轨道可以分别容纳2,6,10和14个电子。表2.1总结了可以占据头4层轨道中每一层的最大电子数。第26页,此课件共136页哦n当然,原子中不是所有的能级都填充满了电子。对大多数原子,电子只占据尽可能低的能级态和次能级态,每个能态只容纳两个自旋相反的
16、电子。遵从能量最低原理从低到高填充,两个自旋方向相反的电子占据一个能态。图2.5说明了钠原子的能态结构。按照前述的限制,当所有电子占据了能量最低的状态,该原子叫做处于基态。可是,电子是可以跃迁到较高能态的,正如12章所讨论的。电子构型即原子结构表示这些能级被电子填充的方式。每个次能级上的电子数用次能级字母上标的数字表示。例如 氢、氦、钠 的 电 子 构 型 分 别 为:1s1,1s2,1s22s22p63s1。一些常见元素的电子构型列在表2.2中。第27页,此课件共136页哦第28页,此课件共136页哦n考查原子的电子构型通常是很有用处的。首先,价电子是占据原子最外层轨道的电子。这些电子是极其
18、,分别可以取1,2,3。周期表(图2.6)中3A,4A,和5A族元素最可能形成杂化轨道。形成杂化轨道的驱动力是由于这样做可以降低价电子的能量。对于碳元素,sp3杂化在有机和聚合物化学中具有很重要的意义。聚合物中可以发现(第四章)sp3杂化轨道的形状是四面体结构,每两条链的夹角为109o。第30页,此课件共136页哦2.4 周期表2.4THE PERIODIC TABLEn元素周期表(图2.6)是按照电子构型对所有元素进行的分类排列。在这里元素按原子序数从小到大进行排列,共有7行每一行为一个周期。每一列或族上的元素具有相似的价电子结构,以及相似的化学和物理性质。在每个周期水平方向,这些性质呈现周
20、素,它们容易失去外层较少的价电子变为正离子。而位于周期表右边的是电负性元素,它们容易获得电子变为负离子。有时它们也与其他原子共用电子。图2.7列出了按照元素周期表中的各元素电负性的值。电负性大小的一般规律是从左到右,从下到上增加。如果原子最外电子层的电子接近饱和,它们更容易接受电子,外层电子距离原子核越近,受到的“屏蔽”越小,接受电子的能力越强。第34页,此课件共136页哦第35页,此课件共136页哦nATOMIC BONDING IN SOLIDS n2.5 BONDING FORCES AND ENERGIESnAn understanding of many of the physica
21、l properties of materials is predicated on a knowledge of the interatomic forces that bind the atoms together.第36页,此课件共136页哦nPerhaps the principles of atomic bonding are best illustrated by considering the interaction between two isolated(分离的)atoms as they are brought into close proximity(接 近)from a
22、n infinite separation.第37页,此课件共136页哦nAt large distances,the interactions are negligible;but as the atoms approach,each exerts forces on the other.These forces are of two types,attractive and repulsive,and the magnitude of each is a function of the separation or interatomic distance.第38页,此课件共136页哦nTh
23、e origin of an attractive force FA depends on the particular type of bonding that exists between the two atoms.Its magnitude varies with the distance,as represented schematically in Figure 2.8a.第39页,此课件共136页哦nUltimately最后,the outer electron shells of the two atoms begin to overlap,and a strong repul
24、sive force FR comes into play.The net force FN between the two atoms is just the sum of both attractive and repulsive components;that is,n FN=FA+FR (2.2)第40页,此课件共136页哦第41页,此课件共136页哦nwhich is also a function of the interatomic separation,as also plotted in Figure 2.8a.When FA and FR balance,or become
25、 equal,there is no net force;that is,FA+FR=0 (2.3)第42页,此课件共136页哦nThen a state of equilibrium exists.The centers of the two atoms will remain separated by the equilibrium spacing r0 ,as indicated in Figure 2.8a.For many atoms,r0 is approximately 0.3 nm(3).第43页,此课件共136页哦nOnce in this position,the two
26、atoms will counteract(抵消)any attempt to separate them by an attractive force,or to push them together by a repulsive action.第44页,此课件共136页哦nSometimes it is more convenient to work with the potential(势)energies between two atoms instead of forces.Mathematically,energy(E)and force(F)are related asn (2.
27、4)第45页,此课件共136页哦Or,for atomic systems,(2.7)in which EN,EA,and ER are respectively the net,attractive,and repulsive energies for two isolated and adjacent atoms.第46页,此课件共136页哦nFigure 2.8b plots attractive,repulsive,and net potential energies as a function of interatomic separation for two atoms.The n
28、et curve,which is again the sum of the other two,has a potential energy trough or well around its minimum.第47页,此课件共136页哦nHere,the same equilibrium spacing,r0,corresponds to the separation distance at the minimum of the potential energy curve.第48页,此课件共136页哦nThe bonding energy for these two atoms,E0,c
29、orresponds to the energy at this minimum point(also shown in Figure 2.8b);it represents the energy that would be required to separate these two atoms to an infinite separation.第49页,此课件共136页哦nAlthough the preceding treatment has dealt with an ideal situation involving only two atoms,a similar yet mor
30、e complex condition exists for solid materials because force and energy interactions among many atoms must be considered.第50页,此课件共136页哦nNevertheless,然 而a bonding energy,analogous to E0 above,may be associated with each atom.The magnitude of this bonding energy and the shape of the energy versus-inte
31、ratomic separation curve vary from material to material,and they both depend on the type of atomic bonding.第51页,此课件共136页哦nFurthermore,a number of material properties depend on E0,the curve shape,and bonding type.For example,materials having large bonding energies typically also have high melting tem
32、peratures;第52页,此课件共136页哦nat room temperature,solid substances are formed for large bonding energies,whereas for small energies the gaseous state is favored;liquids prevail when the energies are of intermediate magnitude.第53页,此课件共136页哦nIn addition,as discussed in Section 7.3,the mechanical stiffness硬
33、 度(or modulus of elasticity)of a material is dependent on the shape of its force-versus-interatomic separation curve(Figure 7.7).第54页,此课件共136页哦第55页,此课件共136页哦nThe slope for a relatively stiff material at the r=r0 position on the curve will be quite steep陡 峭 的;slopes are shallower for more flexible ma
34、terials.第56页,此课件共136页哦nFurthermore,how much a material expands upon heating or contracts upon cooling(that is,its linear coefficient of thermal expansion)is related to the shape of its E0-versus-r0 curve(see Section 17.3).第57页,此课件共136页哦nA deep and narrow trough,槽形which typically occurs for materials
35、 having large bonding energies,normally correlates with a low coefficient of thermal expansion and relatively small dimensional alterations for changes in temperature.第58页,此课件共136页哦nThree different types of primary or chemical bond are found in solidsionic,covalent,and metallic.For each type,the bon
36、ding necessarily involves the valence electrons;furthermore,the nature of the bond depends on the electron structures of the constituent atoms.第59页,此课件共136页哦nIn general,each of these three types of bonding arises from the tendency of the atoms to assume stable electron structures,like those of the i
37、nert gases,by completely filling the outermost electron shell.第60页,此课件共136页哦nSecondary or physical forces and energies are also found in many solid materials;they are weaker than the primary ones,but nonetheless虽然如此influence the physical properties of some materials.The sections that follow explain
38、the several kinds of primary and secondary interatomic bonds.第61页,此课件共136页哦n2.6 PRIMARY INTERATOMIC BONDS nIONIC BONDINGnPerhaps ionic bonding is the easiest to describe and visualize想象.It is always found in compounds that are composed of both metallic and nonmetallic elements,elements that are situ
39、ated at the horizontal水 平 的extremities of the periodic table.Atoms of a metallic element easily give up their valence electrons to the nonmetallic atoms.第62页,此课件共136页哦nIn the process all the atoms acquire stable or inert gas configurations and,in addition,an electrical charge;that is,they become ion
40、s.nSodium chloride(NaCl)is the classical ionic material.第63页,此课件共136页哦nA sodium atom can assume the electron structure of neon(and a net single positive charge)by a transfer of its one valence 3s electron to a chlorine atom.After such a transfer,the chlorine ion has a net negative charge and an elec
41、tron configuration identical to that of argon.In sodium chloride,all the sodium and chlorine exist as ions.第64页,此课件共136页哦This type of bonding is illustrated schematically in Figure 2.9.第65页,此课件共136页哦nThe attractive bonding forces are coulombic;that is,positive and negative ions,by virtue of their ne
42、t electrical charge,attract one another.For two isolated ions,the attractive energy EA is a function of the interatomic distance according ton EA=-A/r (2.8)第66页,此课件共136页哦nAn analogous equation for the repulsive energy isn ER=B/rn (2.9)nIn these expressions,A,B,and n are constants whose values depend
43、 on the particular ionic system.The value of n is approximately 8.第67页,此课件共136页哦nIonic bonding is termed nondirectional,that is,the magnitude of the bond is equal in all directions around an ion.It follows that for ionic materials to be stable,all positive ions must have as nearest neighbors negativ
44、ely charged ions in a three dimensional scheme,and vice versa.The predominant主要的bonding in ceramic materials is ionic.第68页,此课件共136页哦nSome of the ion arrangements for these materials are discussed in Chapter 3.nBonding energies,which generally range between 600 and 1500 kJ/mol(3 and 8 eV/atom),are re
45、latively large,as reflected in high melting temperatures.Table2.3 contains bonding energies and melting temperatures for several ionic materials.第69页,此课件共136页哦nIonic materials are characteristically hard and brittle and,furthermore,electrically and thermally insulative.As discussed in subsequent cha
46、pters,these properties are a direct consequence of electron configurations and/or the nature of the ionic bond.第70页,此课件共136页哦第71页,此课件共136页哦nCOVALENT BONDING nIn covalent bonding stable electron configurations are assumed by the sharing of electrons between adjacent atoms.Two atoms that are covalentl
47、y bonded will each contribute at least one electron to the bond,and the shared electrons may be considered to belong to both atoms.第72页,此课件共136页哦Covalent bonding is schematically illustrated in Figure 2.10 for a molecule of methane(CH4).第73页,此课件共136页哦nThe carbon atom has four valence electrons,where
48、as each of the four hydrogen atoms has a single valence electron.Each hydrogen atom can acquire a helium electron configuration(two 1s valence electrons)when the carbon atom shares with it one electron.第74页,此课件共136页哦nThe carbon now has four additional shared electrons,one from each hydrogen,for a to
49、tal of eight valence electrons,and the electron structure of neon.The covalent bond is directional;that is,it is between specific atoms and may exist only in the direction between one atom and another that participates in the electron sharing.第75页,此课件共136页哦nMany nonmetallic elemental molecules(H2,Cl
50、2,F2,etc.)as well as molecules containing dissimilar atoms,such as CH4,H2O,HNO3,and HF,are covalently bonded.第76页,此课件共136页哦nFurthermore,this type of bonding is found in elemental solids such as diamond(carbon),silicon,and germanium and other solid compounds composed of elements that are located on t