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1、CAD/CAE系系统统及及应应用用大连交通大学大连交通大学 交通运输工程学院交通运输工程学院李娅娜李娅娜 副教授副教授12第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍1.Hypermesh1.Hypermesh软件及基本功能介绍软件及基本功能介绍 (帮助(帮助HelpHelp)P1-P24P1-P243第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍2.2.练习练习:Manual P7 Opening and Saving Files Step 1:Open the HyperMesh model file, 2:Import

2、the HyperMesh model file,,into the current HyperMesh session.Step 3:Import the IGES geometry file,bumper_end.igs,into the current HyperMesh session.Step 4:Import the RADIOSS Bulk Data input file,bumper_end_rgd.fem,into the current HyperMesh session.Step 5:Save the HyperMesh session as a

3、 HyperMesh model file called 6:Export the models geometry data to an IGES file called practice.igs.Step 7:Export the models mesh data to a RADIOSS Bulk Data input file called practice.fem.3.菜菜单单操作介操作介绍绍面板包含子面板面板包含子面板通通过过左左侧侧的面板按的面板按钮钮可以可以获获的的面板通常是从左到右面板通常是从左到右执执行行例子例子:Project/to pla

4、ne sub-panel 投影投影/平面平面 子面板子面板1)做什么做什么?选择一个子面板选择一个子面板2)适用对象适用对象?选择操作对象选择操作对象3)如何适用如何适用?给出参数、定义给出参数、定义如何执行面板功如何执行面板功能能4)执行操作执行操作4第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍145.5.练习练习:Manual P18 Using the Translate Panel Step 1:Retrieve the HyperMesh model file, 2:In the translate panel,select nodes fro

5、m the graphics area.Step 3:Select and unselect elements from the graphics area.Step 4:Select and unselect elements using the quick window selection method.Step 5:Select and unselect elements by using the extended entity selection menu.Step 6:Shade the elements,reset the selection,and select a few ad

6、jacent elements.Step 7:Specify a direction vector(N1 and N2 only)along which to translate the selected elements.Step 8:Specify a distance to translate the selected elements and then translate them.Step 9:Measure the distance between two nodes.Step 10:Specify a distance to translate the selected elem

7、ents and then translate them.(N1-N2)Step 11:Calculate 5.5*10.5 and specify the resulting value for magnitude=.Step 12:Specify a new vector and translate the elements again.第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍156.6.实体类型及集合介绍实体类型及集合介绍 P25-P32P25-P32第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍167.练习练习:ManualP29 Reorganizing a

8、 Bumper ModelStep 1:Retrieve the HyperMesh model file, 2:Create a component named geometry to hold the models geometry.Step 3:Create two geometry lines and organize them into different components.Step 4:Move all the models geometry surfaces into the component,geometry.Step 5:Move all t

9、he models shell elements(quads and trias)into the component,center.Step 6:Rename the component,center,to shells.Step 7:Identify and delete all of the empty components.Step 8:Delete all the geometry lines in the model.Step 9:Move the component,geometry,to the front in the components list.(reorder)Ste

10、p 10:Renumber the components to be the same as their position in the list.Step 11:Create an assembly containing the components,shells and rigid.Step 12:Create a load collector named constraints.Step 13:Move the models one constraint into the load collector,constraints.第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍17S

11、tep 14:Open the model browser.Step 15:Create a component from the model browser.Step 16:Review the existing assembly elements from the model browser.Step 17:Add the components,geometry and component1,to the assembly,assem_mid,using the model browser.Step 18:Rename the assembly,assem_mid to assem_geo

12、m,from the model browser.Step 19:Delete component1 from the model browser.Step 20:Set the current component from the model browser.第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍Pan Center(C)Rotate Left Rotate RightRotate Up Rotate DownRotate ClockwiseRotate Counter ClockwiseDynamic Rotate(A)Dynamic Spin(R)左键手动旋转左键手动旋

13、转右键相对于鼠标和屏幕中心旋转右键相对于鼠标和屏幕中心旋转左键平移左键平移在屏幕上选择和单击重新设置模型中心在屏幕上选择和单击重新设置模型中心以各自方向增量旋转以各自方向增量旋转第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍20259.练习练习:ManualP39 Viewing a ModelStep 1:Retrieve the HyperMesh model file, 2:Manipulate the model view using the mouse controls.The CTRL+mouse keys are used to rotate

14、 the model,change the center of rotation,zoom,fit,and pan.CTRL key+left mouse 旋旋转转 CTRL key+quick-click the left mouse(on the model)改改变变旋旋转转中心中心 CTRL key+quick-click the left mouse(in the graphics area)旋旋转转中心中心为为屏幕中心屏幕中心 CTRL key+middle mouse button(move the mouse around)沿路沿路经经放大放大缩缩小小 CTRL key+midd

15、le mouse button(spin the mouse wheel)放大放大缩缩小小 CTRL key+quick-click middle mouse button 模型充模型充满满整个屏幕整个屏幕 CTRL key+right mouse button 平移平移Step 3:Manipulate the view of the model using the rotate functions on the toolbar.the left mouse button 旋旋转转 middle mouse button 改改变变旋旋转转中心中心 right mouse button 退出旋

16、退出旋转转Step 4:Manipulate the view of the model by using the zoom in and out functions on the toolbar.第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍2526Step 5:Manipulate the model view using the arrows and view panel on the toolbar.Step 6:Control the display of components using the toolbar.Step 7:Control the display of

17、components using the Visual Attributes panel.Step 8:Control the visibility of various entity categories using the model browser.Step 9:Control the display of entities using the mask panel.Step 10:Control the display of entities using the find panel.Step 11:Change the color of components using the mo

18、del browser.第一第一节节 Hypermesh基本功能介基本功能介绍绍2627第二第二节节 几何清理几何清理1.CAD1.CAD模型的导入与修复模型的导入与修复 P34-P41P34-P41拓扑显示拓扑显示通过下拉工具栏控制拓扑显示通过下拉工具栏控制拓扑显示Auto:面和面和边边以以组组件件颜颜色色显显示或以拓扑示或以拓扑颜颜色色显显示示By Comp:面和面和边边以以组组件件颜颜色色显显示示By 2D Topo:仅仅在在2D 拓扑中以拓扑拓扑中以拓扑颜颜色色显显示示By 3D Topo:仅仅在在3D 拓扑中以拓扑拓扑中以拓扑颜颜色色显显示示Mixed:边边以拓扑以拓扑颜颜色色显显示

19、,面以示,面以组组件件颜颜色色显显示示2828第二第二节节 几何清理几何清理拓扑显示面板拓扑显示面板Topology页页中的工具用于中的工具用于实现实现模型的拓扑模型的拓扑显显示,控示,控制曲面和曲面制曲面和曲面边边的的显显示模式,即控制曲面是示模式,即控制曲面是线线框框显显示示还还是着色是着色显显示,以及自由示,以及自由边边、共享、共享边边、T型型连连接接边边、压缩边压缩边以及硬点可以及硬点可见还见还是不可是不可见见。292.练习练习:ManualP59 Importing and Repairing CAD Geometry DataStep 1:Open and view the mod

20、el file, 2:View the model in topology display toolbar and shaded mode to evaluate its integrity.Step 3:Delete the surface that overhangs the round corner.Step 4:Create surfaces to fill large gaps in the model.Step 5:Set the global geometry cleanup tolerance to.01.Step 6:Combine mu

21、ltiple free edge pairs at one time with the equivalence tool.Step 7:Combine free edge pairs,one pair at a time,using the toggle.Step 8:Combine the remaining free edge pair using replace.Step 9:Find and delete all duplicate surfaces.Step 10:Observe the model again to identify any remaining free edges

22、,or missing or duplicate surfaces.29第二第二节节 几何清理几何清理30第二第二节节 几何清理几何清理3.3.中面提取中面提取 P42-P46P42-P464.练习练习:ManualP70 Generating a MidsurfaceStep 1:Retrieve and view the model file, 2:Generate a midsurface from midsurface panel.Step 3:Review the parts midsurface.5.5.几何特征简化几何特征简化 P47

23、-P49P47-P496.练习练习:ManualP75 Removing Details from a Midsurface ModelStep 1:Open and view the model file, 2(Optional):To easily work with the midsurface,turn off the display of the lvl10 component.Step 3(Optional):Mesh the clip to view mesh quality before defeaturing.Step 4(Opti

24、onal):Review the quality of the mesh.31Step 5:Remove the four small pinholes.Step 6:Remove all surface fillets in the clip.Step 7:Automatically identify and remove rounded corners of surfaces.Step 8:Mesh the defeatured geometry and view the quality.7.拓扑改拓扑改进进 P50-P56P50-P568.8.练习练习:ManualP84 Refinin

25、g Topology to Achieve a Quality MeshStep 1:Open the model file, 2:Create a preliminary mesh.Step 3:Review the mesh quality.Step 4:Remove short edges by combining fixed points.(Replace)Step 5:Remove the fixed points interior to all surfaces.Step 6:Add edges to the surfaces to contr

26、ol the mesh pattern.(surface edit.trim with nodes)Step 7:Add edges to the surfaces to control the mesh pattern.(surface edit.trim with surfs/planes)Step 8:Suppress shared edges causing a small edge.Step 9:Remesh the part.31第二第二节节 几何清理几何清理321.自自动动划分网格划分网格 P57-P64P57-P6432第三第三节节 二二维维网格划分网格划分 各种类型的有限元法


28、shAutomesh功能实现集于几功能实现集于几何表面的二维网格的自动划分,通过交互方式可以方便地控制网格何表面的二维网格的自动划分,通过交互方式可以方便地控制网格划分的参数,得到质量较高的网格。划分的参数,得到质量较高的网格。473.3.练习练习:ManualP101 Meshing a Channel BracketStep 1:Open and view the model file, 2:Mesh all the parts surfaces at once using an element size of 5 and the mixed element

29、type(quads and trias).Step 3:Delete the mesh.Step 4:Mesh the surface having three fixed points interior to its surface.Step 5:Fit only the surface being meshed to the graphics area.Step 6:From the graphics area,specify a new element density along surface edges.Step 7:From the menu panel,specify a ne

30、w element density along surface edges.Step 8:From the menu panel,specify a new element size to adjust element densities along surface edges.Step 9:Change all edge element densities to reflect the initial element size of 5.Step 10:Preview a mesh of the channels rib.Step 11:Check the quality of the ri

31、bs preview mesh.Step 12:Change the ribs mesh pattern by changing the mesh method used for its surface.Step 13:Check the quality of the ribs preview mesh again.47第三第三节节 二二维维网格划分网格划分48Step 14:Change the ribs mesh method back to free(unmapped).Step 16:Change the element type for some surfaces to trias.

32、Step 15:Preview a mesh of all displayed,unmeshed surfaces.Step 17:Adjust the node spacing on surface edge(biasing).Step 18:Remesh the channels bottom two surfaces.48第三第三节节 二二维维网格划分网格划分494.检查检查与与编辑编辑网格网格Edit element 单单元元编辑编辑 Combine 合并网格合并网格 Split 划划线线分割网格分割网格 Cleanup 清理网格清理网格 Split 以以选择选择的模式分割网格的模式分

33、割网格 Replace 替代替代节节点点 Detach 分开分开节节点点 Smooth 提高提高单单元元质质量量 Quality index 质质量指量指标标49第三第三节节 二二维维网格划分网格划分504.检查检查与与编辑编辑网格网格Check Elems 检查单检查单元元质质量量 Jacobian,warpage,angle,min.length,aspect ratio,skew Edges 检查检查自由自由边边 Normals 显显示和示和纠纠正正单单元法元法线线 Penetration 显显示和示和纠纠正正单单元侵入元侵入50第三第三节节 二二维维网格划分网格划分515.5.练习练习

34、:ManualP113 Mesh Clean-up of a Plastic CoverStep 1:Retrieve and view the HyperMesh model file.Step 2:Review the models free edges to identify shell element connectivity problems.Step 3:Correct the shell element connectivity problems using the edges panel.Step 4:Review the models free edges again to

35、confirm that all of the shell element connectivity problems have been corrected.Step 5:Display the element normals and adjust them to point in the same direction.Step 6:Review the quality of the elements using the check elems panel.Step 7:Remesh the elements on the rib using the automesh panel.Step

36、8 Remove the tria elements from the rectangular plane of remeshed elements by first deleting the row of elements containing the trias.Step 9:Stitch the gap that resulted from deleting the row of elements using the replace panel.Step 10:Use the smooth panel to adjust the node placement on the rectang

37、ular plane of remeshed elements.Step 11:Remove tria elements from another area of the model using the edit element panel,split and combine sub-panels.51第三第三节节 二二维维网格划分网格划分52Step 12:Dynamically move nodes on the mesh area modified in the last step to improve element quality.Step 13:For the same area

38、of elements you focused on in the last step,optimize element quality by clicking nodes and elements.Step 14:Add a ring of radial elements around the smaller of the two holes.52第三第三节节 二二维维网格划分网格划分5353第四第四节节 实实体几何模型的体几何模型的创创建、建、编辑编辑与网格划分与网格划分1.实实体几何模型的体几何模型的创创建与建与编辑编辑P1-P7P1-P72.2.三三维维网格划分网格划分(一)四面体网格

39、的划分方法(一)四面体网格的划分方法 直接四面体网格划分直接四面体网格划分Volume Tetra Mesher 标标准四面体网格划分准四面体网格划分 Standard Tetra Mesher(二)六面和五面体网格划分方法(二)六面和五面体网格划分方法 Hypermesh创创建三建三维维网格的基本思想是网格的基本思想是对对已有的二已有的二维维网格网格或或经过经过投影、比例放大或投影、比例放大或缩缩小小处处理后的二理后的二维维网格,网格,经过经过拉伸、拉伸、扫扫掠等方法生成三掠等方法生成三维维网格。网格。Spin Drag Elem Offset Line Drag Linear Solid

40、Solid map5454第四第四节节 实实体几何模型的体几何模型的创创建、建、编辑编辑与网格划分与网格划分3Solid Map 实现实实现实体网格划分体网格划分P8-P18P8-P184练习练习:ManualP143 Creating and editing solid geometryStep 1:Retrieve model file,solid_geom.hmStep 2:Create solid geometry from the bounding surfaces.Step 3:Create a solid geometry cylinder using primitives.(基

41、元)(基元)Step 4:Subtract the cylinders volume from the rest of the part.Step 5:Split the solid geometry using bounding lines.Step 6:Split the solid geometry using a cut line.Step 7:Merge solids together.Step 8:Split the solid geometry with a user-defined plane.Step 9:Split the solid geometry with a swe

42、pt line.Step 10:Split the solid geometry with a principal plane.Step 11:Split the solid geometry by creating surfaces inside the solids.Step 12:Suppress extraneous edges on the part.Step 13:Retrieve model file, 14:Mesh the 1/8th sphere-shaped region.5555第四第四节节 实实体几何模型的体几何模型的创创建、建、编辑

43、编辑与网格划分与网格划分Step 15:Create a shell mesh with the automesh panel to control a mesh pattern.Step 16:Mesh the solid volume on which the surface mesh was created in step 15.Step 17:Mesh the remaining solid volumes.(可加一个例子:不同功能创建实体网格)(可加一个例子:不同功能创建实体网格)5656第五第五节节 四面体网格划分四面体网格划分1.直接直接/标标准四面体网格划分准四面体网格划分P1

44、9-P24P19-P242练习练习:ManualP166 Tetramesh a HousingStep 1:Retrieve model file, 2:Use the volume tetra mesher and equilateral triangles to create a tetra mesh for the cover.Step 3:Use the volume tetra mesher and right triangles to create a tetra mesh for the cover.Step 4:Use the volume te

45、tra mesher to create a tetra mesh with more elements along curved surfaces.Step 5:Use the volume tetra mesher to create a tetra mesh with more elements around small features.Step 6:Prepare the display to tetra mesh the hub component using the standard tetra mesher.Step 7(Optional):Review the connect

46、ivity and quality of the tria mesh to validate its integrity for the standard tetra mesher.5757第五第五节节 四面体网格划分四面体网格划分Step 8:Create a tetra mesh for the hub using the standard tetra mesher.Step 9:Check the quality of the hubs tetra elements.Step 10:Isolate the element with the tetra collapse smaller t

47、han 0.3 and find the elements surrounding it.Step 11:Remesh the hubs displayed tetra elements to improve their tetra collapse.5858第六第六节节 求解器接口与分析求解器接口与分析设设置置1.1.有限元建立有限元建立 P28-P29P28-P292.建立建立载载荷与荷与边边界条件界条件 P30-P33P30-P333.练习练习:ManualP178 Setting up Loading ConditionsStep 1:Retrieve and view the Hyp

48、erMesh model file and set profile.Step 2:Create two load collectors named pressing_load and constraints.Step 3:Apply constraints(RADIOSS SPC)to the channels line geometry.Step 4:Map the constraints(RADIOSS SPC)on the geometry lines to the channel nodes associated to the lines.Step 5:Prepare to creat

49、e forces(RADIOSS FORCE)on the bracket for the pressing load case.Step 6:Create two forces(RADIOSS FORCE)on the bracket for the pressing load case.Step 7:Define the load step for the pressing load case.Step 8:Display the load step on and off(the load collectors defined in the load step).5959第六第六节节 求解

50、器接口与分析求解器接口与分析设设置置4.求解器模板的求解器模板的选选取与取与设设置置P35-P39P35-P39 进进行有限元分析行有限元分析,首先首先应应用有限元用有限元(FE)前前处处理器理器创创建有限元建有限元模型模型,并根据分析并根据分析计计算的要求算的要求选择选择合适的求解器合适的求解器进进行有限元行有限元计计算。算。Hypermesh网格划分功能网格划分功能强强大,并提供多种大,并提供多种FE求解器接口,其求解器接口,其中中OPTISTRUCT是是Hyperwork自自带带的求解器。的求解器。5.练习练习:ManualP187 RADIOSS Linear Statics Setu


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