1、2023年2023年度华商校园通讯社工作总结大会策划书 第一篇:20232023年度华商校内通讯社工作总结大会策划书 广东商学院华商学院校内通讯社 20232023年度 工作总结大会 策划书 广东商学院华商学院校内通讯社 广东商学院华商学院校内通讯社 20232023年度工作总结大会策划书 一、大会背景 新的学年已起先,校内通讯社迎来了20232023年度工作总结大会。 二、大会目的为了进一步加强通讯社干部的综合素养,充分发挥干部的先锋模范作用,提高干部参与通讯社工作的主动性、主动性,刚好为通讯社干部集体补充新力气,让通讯社的工作尽快进入轨道,并工作顺当进行,更有效率的完成学院交给通讯社的任务
2、。 三、大会对象 全体通讯员 四、大会时间 2023年9月6号星期二晚20:00 五、大会地点 励志楼C10 1六、大会议程 一大会起从前十五分钟: 1、秘书处支配好各个部门的座位附:座位表,先播放2023年2023年通讯社活动的相关照片供通讯员们观赏; 2、各个部门的秘书统计到会人数; 3、邀请指导老师、嘉宾、社长、各系组长、部长入会场就坐; 二大会第一部分: 1、主持人致开场白并介绍出席嘉宾秘书长负责主持; 2、主持人邀请指导老师上台致辞; 3、社长上台致辞; 4、通讯员代表上台致辞; 三大会其次部分: 1、社长上台宣读表彰名单,包括优秀通讯员等; 2、主持人邀请指导老师上台为获表彰人员颁
3、发荣誉证书; 3、主持人邀请指导老师上台向通讯员颁发聘书; 四大会结束: 1、主持人结束语,感谢各位嘉宾的到来; 2、请各位嘉宾和通讯社全部成员合影留念; 七、工作支配 一前期准备 1、申请工作:秘书长支配秘书申请课室多媒体课室 2、邀请工作:邀请指导老师、历任社长 3、宣扬部制作好通讯社活动幻灯片 4、材料准备工作: 1宣扬部制作通讯社活动幻灯片2秘书处撰写主持人致辞稿 3场地布置:秘书处负责座位支配、矿泉水摆放、嘉宾牌摆放的工作。信息工程系负责调试操控投影仪和调试话筒。 二后期工作 大会结束后各个部门协调维持退场秩序及收场工作 八、留意事项 1、全部通讯社成员必需佩带工作证; 2、全体成员
4、必需提前10分钟到会,到秘书处签到; 3、请全体成员遵守大会纪律,期间不得窃窃私语,不得玩手机、不得无故退席; 4、全体成员需按座位就坐; 5、秘书处要支配好工作人员维持会场秩序; 广东商学院华商学院校内通讯社编辑部 二一一年九月三日 附: 座位表: 其次篇:通讯社工作总结 工作总结 回望昨天,时间如流水瞬间消逝,我在通讯社的工作很快就要告一段落了。在这短短的工作时间里酸甜苦辣调味让我平淡的生活变得多汁多味起来。它值得我认认真真的再思索和总结一次,理清自己的思绪,找到自己的目标,明确自己的方向,在以后的生活中能更好的开展工作,实现自己的志向。 加入通讯社,我真的很欢乐,因为我在通讯社找的适合我
5、的用武之地,写作。它也让找到更多的信念。很荣幸能在部门中得到重用,所以感谢部长们对我的莫大信任,这让我感到浓浓的责任感。通过在部门中不断的学习、培训、练习,我的新闻稿也有不少的提升。俗话说的好:骄兵必败。一份胜利来源于虚心的学习和许久的坚持。如今对于博大精深的新闻稿,我只能懂得皮毛,但是在我不断的学习之下应会有质的飞跃,因为量的积累总将会形成质的飞跃。在各种培训中也学到不少东西。对于个人而言,在对待部门工作 时是肃穆认真的。在我写稿时是认真斟酌过的。对于这份工作我是宠爱的,所以我必定会将它做好。这是个奇妙的开头!盼望有个同样奇妙的结尾!在通讯社时,我是大错不犯,小错不断。微小环节确定成败!这是
6、慢性毒药!要远离!虽对它宠爱,但是效率不高,有待提高。由于客观与主观条件的影响,我的发稿时间都比较晚,这是个不好的现象,个人觉得这叫“明知故犯。对于部门的有些工作做得不够主动,甚至有时候看法不端正,我们应将这种不好的现象扼杀在摇篮中。本人自我检讨脾性较慢,做事过于淡定,所以看着对工作的热忱很不够。在工作的基本的奉献精神不够,斤斤计较。礼貌性的东西还是不够,怪异心理时常出现。以上的种种问题我将会在以后的工作中慢慢改正,请对我监督和信任。 问我想将工作做到什么程度,我对这个没有太多细致的认知。我只想在部门中学到更多的东西,关心和丰富我的学习和生活。假如可以的话我也想做部长!啊这个不知可以有吗?部长
7、这个职称对于我来说就是这个部门的组织人,领头人,但是和大家一样的伙伴。做不做部长都是其次,我最想做的应当是能够让部门的人感到高傲欢乐的加入这个奇妙的地方,团结温馨一起工作。个人认为这样的工作效率会更高质量会更好。 第三篇:通讯社工作总结 陈克伟的工作总结 刚刚过去的2023年,对我个人而言,是收获的;对我们高校生通讯社而言,是丰收的。我们高校生通讯社召入了一大批新生力气,我在高校生通讯社这样一个大的家庭中,学到了许许多多。 一、主要工作回顾: 2023年3月,高校生通讯社官方微博正式开通。 2023年3、4月,在丁小卫社长的指导下,主动申报、筹备我校2023年社团巡礼节、社团评星辩论,优秀社团
8、申报工作。 2023年5月,我与陈奕橙赴南京高校金陵学院参加第三届中国江苏高校传媒联盟年会,与来自全省46所高校的校内媒体人共同沟通校内媒体的进展。 2023年5月,代表东校区高校生通讯社赴南校区参加高校生通讯社三校区联谊。 2023年7、8月,主动筹备高校生通讯社网络宣扬,起草网络宣扬的规章制度。 2023年9月,主动参加我校高校新生的入学新生导刊的发放,校报征订以及新生入学采访等工作。同时利用新媒体,开展了“#2023江科大的军训#话题的微博。 2023年10月,主动筹备高校生通讯社“对话学生会主席专场展示会,负责活动的外联、场务等工作。协作江苏校媒,在我校开展新媒体的推广。 2023年1
9、1月,赴江南高校参加新媒体宣讲会,主动响应团中心的号召,学习、推广应用新媒体。 2023年12月,赴东南高校参加江苏校媒举办的“江苏高校社团进展论坛,与全省46所高校学生组织共谋社团进展的前景。 2023年12月,顺当完成高校生通讯社财务交接。 二、高校生通讯社一年内所取得的成果: 高校生通讯社活跃在学校学生活动的前沿,为学校的学生新闻报道工作做出了很多奉献。 2023年6月,高校生通讯社连续两年被评为“五星级社团,良俗三年荣获“优秀学生社团。 2023年10月,高校生通讯社在东、西、南、张家港校区等四个校区招新纳贤,经过报名、笔试、面试等程序招入一批新的力气,其中东、西两校区在编社员人数99
10、人,南区在编人数46人,张家港校区在编人数177人。 2023年12月,在江苏高校社团进展论坛开幕式上,高校生通讯社被评为江苏省“微社团项目人气社团“三等奖,镇江地区高校仅我校高校生通讯社获此殊荣。 三、我的工作: 一年以来,我主动协作指导老师的支配,在东区开展一系列的学生活动跟踪报道,刚好反映、报道我校的学生生活,同时与中国青年网校内通讯社达成长期合作的关系,同时,中青网校通社也将我校高校生通讯社作为高校学生记者驻江苏科技高校的一支学生记者团队。 此外,我还在学校主动推广腾讯微博、微博校内等新媒体的应用。刚好、精确、客观反映我校的学生生活。同时,举荐兄弟社团、学生组织共同入驻微博校内。 在完
11、成以上一些工作之外,我还主动向校报、航标灯、中国青年网、校外报刊投稿,其中被校报、航标灯录用稿件35篇,中国青年网20余篇,校外报刊5篇。 四、工作展望: 为了完善我校高校生新媒体的应用,规范新媒体的运用,高校生通讯社将在下一学期增设网络宣扬部简称“网宣部,并由专人负责、定点网络值班制度。负责发学校的一些新闻报道,刚好转载航标灯上的新闻,以及学校所见、所闻、所感,留意学校的言论导向作用。 为了完善我校高校生新闻采写、发布的统一,报校党委宣扬部批准,成立“江苏科技高校高校生新闻中心,充分利用我校高校生记者、通讯员资源,将资源整合、合理利用。 陈克伟 2023年1月16日 第四篇:通讯社工作总结
12、近期工作总结 近期我社参与的主要大型活动有第三十三届校运会和第七届“高校杯暨“校长杯羽毛球竞赛。 在三十三届校运会期间我社成员的主要工作是:校运会期间负责主持运动会开幕式、播颂并统计各院系送交的稿件、采访各位校领导及各个院系各个项目的运动员。每个被分派到任务的社员都尽职尽责,认真的完成了自己的工作。为校运会的圆满举办作出了确定的奉献。但其中也存在着很多问题。 1、在运动会起从前的准备工作中,个别同学向自己所在的部门负责人申请用宣扬部的名义向所在的院系请假,但到部长或社长给分派任务时又以自己的各种理由来推脱,以至于工作短暂不能正常进行。 2、在工作进行中显得比较混乱,纪律松散。以后勤工作为例,每
13、天的后勤人员都不知所终,始终要通过几次电话联系才能赶往现场,在产内工作的人员的饮水问题始终都比较麻烦。 3、社员的专业素养还不够娴熟。一采访组为例,在采访过程中记者不能刚好赶往采访现场,以至于失去很多有效信息。 在我校举办的“高校杯暨“校长杯羽毛球赛中,我社以新闻编辑部为主的人员组成的采访小组对竞赛现场进行了相关的采访报道为我校的信息传送和新闻传播供应了重要的资料,奉献突出。但是其中也出现了一个问题: 个别组长看法不端正,对这次重大活动不够重视。在采访之前根本不去了解采访对象,不作具体的采访支配。在采访的时候即兴发挥或者随便拉一个组员凑合一下就了事。这种现象是级不分责任的表现,严峻影响了我社的
14、工作。对此我在此提出严峻指责。 综上,在近期的活动中,虽然我社奉献突出,但也不乏出现很多问题。究其缘由,重点是社员责任心不强,纪律涣散,专业素养不够所致。盼望在后期工作中,各位社员能够严于律己、尽职尽责,不断加强自身修养,力争把我社打造成一个活力四射,纪律严明的优秀社团。 第五篇:李显龙2023华商大会英文致辞 The Chinese Entrepreneur Diaspora Although the WCEC is only 20 years old, it honours a centuries-old phenomenon.Way back in the 2nd century B.C
15、., during the Han dynasty,Chinese envoys explored the Western Regions the Central Asian lands far west of China, and traders opened the Silk Road to trade with Rome.Later, from the Song dynasty a thousand years ago, overseas Chinese communities sprung up all over Southeast Asia.In the last two centu
16、ries, Chinese emigrated to every continent in the world, often to work as labourers in plantations, railroads, or mines.Wherever they went, Chinese communities thrived.They shared a culture of hard work and thrift, and focused on preserving family ties and educating their children.Many worked their
17、way up from poor beginnings to become successful businessmen.They may not have had good family backgrounds, or much education, but they had native ability and drive, keen business instincts and the resilience to overcome setbacks.Often, prominent businessmen became community leaders and philanthropi
18、sts, helping to organise the local community and contributing to society in many ways.This was especially true in Southeast Asia, where Chinese communities got together to support one another in areas where colonial governments were unable to assist.For instance, in Singapore, successful businessmen
19、 like Tan Kah Kee, Lee Kong Chian and Tan Tock Seng set up schools, hospitals and other public institutions which remain till this day.The same happened in many other countries.Although Chinese settled down around the world, their identities, family ties and loyalties often remained with China.They
20、not only supported families back home, but also political causes in China.For instance, overseas Chinese played an important part in the 1911 Chinese Revolution.In the last years of the Qing dynasty, Chinese communities and businesses all around the Pacific Rim, as far away as Hawaii and San Francis
21、co, supported Sun Yat Sen and the Tong Meng Hui.They set up offices around the world and donated funds to the uprisings.Some overseas Chinese returned to China to fight the hated Manchus and were martyred.These included Chinese from Singapore, whose contributions and those of the Singaporean Chinese
22、 community will be displayed in the Sun Yat Sen Villa when it re-opens on Saturday.In the Sino-Japan war too, overseas Chinese communities raised funds and rallied to support the motherland, which for them was China.Over time, the sense of identity of overseas Chinese communities has changed.The int
23、ernational context has altered.In an age of nation states, overseas Chinese are citizens of the countries they belong to, and see themselves as such;their national loyalties take precedence over ethnic identities.Thus Singaporean Chinese, after decades of nation-building and living in a multi-cultur
24、al society, see themselves as Singaporeans first, and ethnic Chinese second.Singaporean Chinese have become quite different from Chinese from China or other countries.As a result, new immigrants or foreign workers who are ethnic Chinese but who are new to Singapore take a while to adjust to our norm
25、s.But one thing remains unchanged many ethnic Chinese are still successful entrepreneurs, and we are happy to welcome many of you here to this convention.New Global Environment, New Chinese Enterprise, New Impetus The global environment is continuing to evolve.Chinas rapid growth and transformation
26、will continue for many more years.In the three decades since Deng Xiaoping launched his policy of reform and liberalisation in 1978, China has lifted more than 600 million of its people out of poverty, and become the second-largest economy in the world with a GDP of US$5 trillion.Chinas role in the
27、world will continue to grow.As Chinas economy develops, new Chinese enterprises are emerging.More are becoming large established companies with significant international operations.For instance, the number of Chinese companies in the Fortune Global 500 list has increased from 12 to 61 in the last 10
28、 years.Other Chinese companies may not be as international, but they dominate their domestic markets, such as baidu in China.Many other small Chinese companies are starting up, hoping to one day join the ranks of successful MNCs.Chinese entrepreneurs have played an important role in Chinas modernisa
29、tion and development.Ethnic Chinese capital from around the world provided initial investments for new industries.Overseas Chinese linked up international Chinese businesses with contacts in China, perhaps in their ancestral provinces or cities.In the process, they both drew upon and built up guanxi
30、 with their fellow Chinese around the world.US faces major fiscal difficulties and bitter political gridlock.The EUs debt crisis reflects deep structural problems regarding the future of the Eurozone.Japans economic weakness and political problems continue to hamper its development.The large interna
31、tional trade and fiscal imbalances that contributed to the global economic crisis have not gone away.But not everything is doom and gloom.Notwithstanding their present difficulties, the US, EU and Japan are powerful economies, with sophisticated technology, advanced R&D and large markets.It will tak
32、e China many years to catch up with them, and they will remain major players on the global economy for a long time to come.In Southeast Asia, ASEAN member countries are enjoying steady growth.They are conscious of the competition posed by China and India, and are enhancing their competitiveness thro
33、ugh regional integration among ASEAN countries, as well as Free Trade Agreements with their main trading partners.With a combined population of 500 million people and a growing middle-class, ASEAN countries offer many opportunities for businesses.In addition, new technologies are creating new opport
34、unities.They are fundamentally altering the business landscape and restructuring jobs and entire industries.They have increased connectivity, shrunk global supply chains and opened new markets.It is a dynamic environment, which favours nimble and creative companies.Entrepreneurship will be at a prem
35、ium.All entrepreneurs know that the best opportunities are found in the most difficult situations.Thus, it is all the more important for entrepreneurs to stay optimistic, discern hidden possibilities and pursue their business ideas passionately.Your success will not only benefit yourselves, but will
36、 help to rejuvenate economies and create a brighter future for everyone.Within this new environment, Singapore will continue to seek to stand out as a key node in the global marketplace.Entrepreneurs and companies can take advantage of our cultural diversity, world-class business infrastructure and
37、connections as a Global-Asia hub to grow and prosper.We aim to make Singapore a useful partner to Chinese entrepreneurs all around the world and succeed together with all of you.environment? I offer three suggestions enhancing links, modernising companies, and strengthening communities.Firstly, Chin
38、ese entrepreneurs can continue enhancing their links with one another.Chinese entrepreneurs are located all over the world, from US and Australia to Africa and Latin America, and have adapted to their respective local contexts.At the same time, they maintain ties with other Chinese entrepreneurs aro
39、und the world by their common cultures and values.This global network is a strategic resource for Chinese entrepreneurs everywhere, as it is for other diasporas which have been successful in business, such as the Jews and Sindhis.However, Chinese entrepreneurs cannot rely on guanxi alone for success
40、.In China itself, guanxi has been particularly important.But as China opens up more to the world, and as more Chinese travel and operate overseas, they will have a wider choice of partners and networks to work with, be it for funding, business collaborations or access to new markets.This is already
41、happening.Hence, Chinese entrepreneurs have to upgrade themselves and raise their game to remain useful and to keep their market positions.Secondly, Chinese entrepreneurs should strive to build modern and professional businesses.Many Chinese companies start out as family-owned enterprises, but such
42、a basis for a business has its limits.Relying on family members makes it difficult to scale the business, for example to manage subsidiaries or overseas offices.Succession is often an issue, beyond the founding generation.It also makes it hard to compete against global businesses that hire and promo
43、te the best talent from all over the world, regardless of family ties.Beyond a certain point as companies grow and expand, the family structure no longer works.These businesses have to adopt a more systematic and professional structure, including hiring talent from around the world, appointing them
44、to key positions and establishing a more institutionalised HR system.Sometimes the founders are reluctant to do so as they fear “losing control over their business, but this is a necessary step for the company to compete internationally and be truly world-class.One company which has made this leap i
45、s Huawei Technologies.Founded in 1988, Huaweis founders realised that to succeed, Huawei would have to benchmark its processes and systems to world-class companies.It hired IBM Consulting to revamp its HR, IT, Finance and R&D systems when it began to internationalise, and learnt Western management s
46、ystems to enhance its competitiveness.Today, Huawei is a Fortune Global 500 company.That is the way to go.Finally, Chinese entrepreneurs should strengthen links with their local communities.They should go beyond merely growing the business, to share their success with the communities they belong to,
47、 and contribute to the societies that enabled them to succeed.In todays globalised world, when the gap between winners and losers is wider, having a social conscience is particularly important, both for individuals and for firms.Successful entrepreneurs and businesses which help others through philanthropy or community work will enhance their standing with the local community, and help gain them goodwill that is crucial for the long term.Conclusion Conventions like the WCEC are very useful to exploring these issues.I