1、 成功成功类话题类话题 People who have learned many different skills are more likely to succeed than those who focus on learning only one skill.A person who plans well and works carefully is more likely to succeed than a person who takes risks.Students who keep their room neat and organized are more successful
2、 than students who do not.People who go outside are more successful and happier than people who stay in villages.Good looks and dresses are more important for success than good ideas.The Keys to Success Action Creativity Persistence&Perseverance Hard-working A person who plans well and works careful
3、ly is more likely to succeed than a person who takes risks.MOVE OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONEMOVE OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONEYou can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.by Brian Tracey 一些非常非常棒的,确是不好预见的机会往往都来自于冒险。Some great,otherwise unforeseen opportunit
4、es often come from risk-taking.我们总是倾向于用一种负面的态度去看待“冒险”,经常认为它是非常危险,甚至是不明智的。但是,虽然有些冒险不能让我们得到回报,但有一些是可以的。因此,把“冒险”当作一次成功的机遇而不是通往失败的道路才是明智之举。We tend to view risk-taking negatively,often regarding it as dangerous and even unwise.But while some risks certainly dont pay off,its important to remember that som
5、e do.It is always wise to reframe risk as an opportunity to succeed rather than a path to failure.Bill Gates Bill Gates 在1973年秋季进入到Harvard University学习,但是仅在两年后就选择从Harvard辍学跟他儿时的伙伴Paul Allen一起建立了Microsoft。虽然在现在的人看来,Bill Gates是一个非常成功的企业家,也是哈弗历史上最有名的辍学者,但当时在他做出要做出这个冒险的决定时,周边的朋友和家人的第一反映是“他应该是疯了”。但如果他当时没
6、有选择这样一个冒险的决策,如果他当时坚持到大学毕业,微软的创始人就很有可能不是他,他也不可能那么成功。Bill Gates entered Harvard in the fall of 1973,only to drop out two years later to found Microsoft with childhood friend Paul Allen.Bill has now becomes one of the most wealthy enterpreneurs and Harvards most successful dropout.But when he made the
7、risky decision about dropping out of Harvard,most of his friends and relatives did not quite understand him and responded that he must be crazy.If Bill had not taken such a risk and chosen to wait until graduation,there might have been others who found the Microsoft and Bill would not have been so s
8、uccssful.Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen,and thinking what no one else has thought.冒险与创新是紧密相关的,而创新又是这个我们在这个世界上获胜的必备武器。Risk-taking is closely related to originality and creativity,which are the two keys to success in this modern society.冒险可以打破我们思维的限制,消除我们固化的思维,创建新的想法,提高我们的能力去实现更高的目标。
9、Taking risks can enpower us to break the limits in our mind.When we take risky decisions,we can eradicate our stereotypical thinking,establish new vision,and improve our ability to achieve on high levels.Elon Musk Elon Musk,作为SpaceX的首席执行官和首席技术官,Tesla motor和Paypal的首席执行官和产品工程师,以及SolarCity的主席,被看做一个爱冒险的
10、代表。当他的团队开始设计Tesla的外观和内部装饰的时候,他和其他成员起了很大的冲突。当其他的人认为Tesla必须要很大,这样才能吸引更多的有钱人来买。但是Musk认为Tesla必须要展现他的高科技,他没有把车身做的很大,相反,他使用很多流线型让车身变得很有活力和动感。他的这一做法当时在其他人看来就是在冒险,但就是他这种大胆的做法让Tesla获得了成功。Elon Musk,the CEO and CTO of SpaceX,CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors and paypal,and chairman of SolarCity,is seen
11、 as a great representative of risk-takers.When Musks group first tried to design the appearance and inner decoration of Tesla,there was a big conflict between Musk and others.Some people believed that Tesla should look grand so that it can attract more rich people to buy this new car.However,Musk th
12、inks that the appearance of Tesla must show the great technology used by it,so he decided to use many streamlines to show that the car is vigorous and energetic instead of making it great.People who go outside are more successful and happier than people who stay in villages.People who hold different
13、 views cannot achieve success as a team.It was easier to be a sucess in the past than it is today.Good looks and dresses are more important for success than good ideas.It is much easier to achieve success without help from ones family than in the past.People who hold different views cannot achieve success as a team.