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1、主讲人:李荣主讲人:李荣 Review:Put into Englishv1,如果我努力学习,我就会通过考试。如果我努力学习,我就会通过考试。v_ I work hard,I _pass the exam.v2,如果我找到他的电话号码,我将会告诉你。如果我找到他的电话号码,我将会告诉你。v_ I find his phone number,I _ tell you.v3,如果他们今天举行聚会将会发生什么事?如果他们今天举行聚会将会发生什么事?vWhat _ happen _ they have the party today?IfwillIf willwillifv4,如果你去参加聚会,你会玩

2、得很高兴。如果你去参加聚会,你会玩得很高兴。v_ you go to the party,you _ have a great time.v5,如果你看电视,你将会完不成作业如果你看电视,你将会完不成作业。v_ you watch TV,you _ _ finish your homework.v6,如果你出了名,你将会赚很多钱。如果你出了名,你将会赚很多钱。v_ you become famous,you _ make lots of money.If willIf will notIf willEnd of Year PartyI want you to remember the rule

3、s for school parties.Dont wear jeans!If you wear jeans,we wont let you in.Dont bring food to the party.If you do,the teachers will take it away.Dont bring friends from other school.If you do,the teachers will ask them to leave.Dont leave the gym during the party.If you do,the teachers will call your

4、 parents.Dont run or shout at the party.If you do,you will have to leave.Please bring your ID card.If you dont have your ID card,you cant go to the partyRetell the noticev1;Dont wear _,if you do,we wont_.v2;Dont bring_,if you do,the teachers will_.v3;Dont bring_,if you do,the teachers will_.v4;Dont_

5、 the gym,if you do,the teachers will_.v5;Dont _ or _,if you do,you have to_.v6;Bring your ID card,if you dont,you cant _ partyjeanslet you infoodtake it awayfriends from other schoolask them to leaveleavecall your parentsrunshoutleavego to Karen:Are you going to?Mike:Yes,I am.to wear my new jeans!Ka

6、ren:You cant do that!Mike:What will happen if I do?Karen:.You should wear your cool pants.Mike:Thats a great idea.the school partyIm goingThe teachers wont let you in 3b:Pair work For example:A:Im going to the school party.B:Me,too.Lets bring some snacks.A:Oh,we cant do that.B:Really?Why not?A:If we

7、 bring snacks,the teachers will not let you in.snacksID cardMy cousin Dave from another schoolIce creamA:Im going to the school party.B:Me,too.Lets bring A:Oh,we cant do that.B:Really?Why not?A:If we bring,the teachers.4 GROUPWORKvA:What will you do if you go to take part in the school clean-up?vB:If I go there,Ill water the flowers.Water the flowersSchool clean-upClean the blackboardClean the windowClean the floorvA:What will you do if you go to take part in the school clean-up?vB:If I go there,Ill Homework v1,Recite the notice(背诵背诵3a).v2,Copy the notice twice (把把3a抄写抄写两两遍遍)


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