1、 Lesson Lesson 8 8:Canada:Canada Do you know what country this is?Listen and answer:What country is this?Who knows about Canada?Who lives in Canada?What do they speak in Canada?What is the capital city of Canada?What colour isCanada?Its green.They speak English and French.What do they speak in Canad
2、a?What is the capital of Canada?Its Ottawa.Do you know what this is?Yes,its Canadas flag.It is red and white.It has a leafThis is Niagara Falls.Whats this?Niagara Falls is a famous waterfall in Canada.This is the CN Tower.It is very tall.Say something about Canada.work in groups:根据下列各句提示介绍加拿大Learn t
3、o speak English:I know about Canada.This is.They speak and in Canada.The capital city of Canada is Canadas flag is It has a.I know some interesting places in Canada.They are I know about Canada.CountryLanguage(语言语言)Capital city Location(位置位置)FlagInteresting places(名胜名胜)CanadaEnglish and FrenchOttawa
4、 north of the U.S.red and white a leaf Niagara Falls CN Tower拓展资料:加拿大(Canada)为北美洲最北的国家,西抵太平洋,东迄大西洋,北至北冰洋,东北部和丹麦领地格陵兰岛相望,东部和法属圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛相望,南方与美国本土接壤,西北方与美国阿拉斯加州为邻。领土面积达998万平方千米(),位居世界第二。加拿大素有“枫叶之国”的美誉,首都是渥太华(Ottawa)。加拿大政治体制为联邦制、君主立宪制及议会制,是英联邦国家之一,英王伊丽莎白二世为国家元首及国家象征,但无实际权力。加拿大是典型的英法双语国家。加拿大得益于丰富的自然资源和高度发达的科技,同时也是世界上拥有高生活品质的国家之一,是全球最富裕(2012年排名第14位)、经济最发达的国家之一。加拿大也是世界上最大最重要的钻石生产国之一1、对家人讲述加拿大概况。、对家人讲述加拿大概况。2、每人制作一个加拿大国旗。、每人制作一个加拿大国旗。3、收集美国信息。、收集美国信息。