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1、商务英语实训教程(下册)(部分商务活动环节作业,未经编辑,仅供参考)(虚拟商务活动教学环节是本教材基本特色,目的是在学校环境下培养同学商务活动动手能力。部分英语教师对各单元所列商务活动作业的目的,方法,要点等可能存在不熟悉的情况。本教材编写者之一,李荣庆老师愿与诸位教师同仁共同讨论,交换意见,推动商务英语教学的不断提高与创隆QQ:903791657 Email:)第1单元1)库存软件介绍2)库存软件实用3)我们的仓库OurcompanyusestheHongDamanagementsoftwaretomanagethewarehouse.Wecanusethissoftwaretoalloca




5、元 1)人力资源招聘面试题目设计2)招聘广告设计1.Whatisyourgreateststrength?When Im working on a project,I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule rather than to meet the deadlines.My time management skills are excellent.Im organized,efficient.I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to re

6、solve what could be difficult situations.2.Howwillyourgreateststrengthhelpyouperform?My greatest strength is my ability to work with many different people.I enjoy learning from everyone I meet,and in this position I believe that will enhance my ability to perform on the team.Interview Questions3.Wha

7、tisyourgreatestweakness?Being organized wasnt my strongest point,but I implemented a time management system that really helped my organization skills.4.Howdoyouhandlestressandpressure?The appropriate way to deal with stress is to make sure I have the correct balance between good stress and bad stres

8、s.I need good stress to stay motivated and productive.I react to situations,rather than to stress.I actually work better under pressure and Ive found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment.Interview Questions5.Whyareyouleavingorhaveleftyourjob?I found myself bored with the work and lookin

9、g for more challenges.I am an excellent employee and I didnt want my unhappiness to have any impact on the job I was doing for my employer.6.Whyshouldwehireyou?In my fifteen years of experience as a sales manager,I have developed strong motivational and team-building skills.If hired,I will bring my

10、leadership abilities and strategies for achieving profit gains to this position.Interview QuestionsKey Responsibilities:1.Meetsales/financialgoals2.Buildaneffectivesalesteam3.Individualrepdevelopment:skillandbehavior4.Expressclearcommunication5.ProvideleadershipanddirectionJobRequirements:1.Morethan

11、2yearsworkexperienceaboutsales2.Adequateknowledgeaboutmarketingandrelevantcertification3.Abilitytoleadateamandexpandmarket4.Interpersonalandcommunicationskills5.Bachelordegreeorabove6.Offergoodservicetocustomers第4单元 1)人力资源管理软件介绍2)人力资源管理软件使用AH Human Resources Management Software1.DevelopedbyBeijing2.


13、belowisdegreedistributiongeneratededbysoftware15633第5单元 1)工作流程设计StartKnow customers requirementsDesign a planCustomer confirm itThis is the companys productive process.YesNoProduceDesign againStopIs it satisfactory?第6单元 1)资产负债报表TheBalanceSheet 2013 2012ASSETSASSETS¥000¥000FinancialAssets Cash 56,434

14、 55,398Receivables 5700 4100Total Financial Assets 62,134 59,498St.Mary tino European Creative Crafts Co.,Ltd.Trade Balance SheetNon-FinancialAssetsLand and buildings 1,983,280 1,527,892Infrastructure,plant and equipment 8,390 8,294 Assets held for sale 1,892 1,780 Intangibles 9,320 9,080Inventories

15、 2,410 2,308Other non-financial assets 4,820 4,390Total Non-Financial Assets 2,010,112 1,553,744Total Assets 2,072,246 1,613,242LIABILITUESPayables Suppliers 68,010 55,057 Other payables 11,000 8,057 Total payables 79,010 63,114InterestBearingLiabilities Leases 2401 3010 Total Interest Bearing Liabi

16、lities 2401 3010Provisions Employees 10,300 10,200 Other Provisions 800 750 Total Provisions 11,100 10,950 Total Liabilities 92,511 77,074NEWASSETSEQUITY Contributed equity 185,000 165,000 Reserves 82,500 63,800 Retained surpluses 80,800 60,500(accumulated deficit)TOTALEQUITY 348,300 289,300 Current

17、 assets 79,500 68,000 Non-current assets 350,400 307,500 Current liabilities 18,100 13,400 Non-current liabilities 9,850 8,950第7单元 1)会计软件介绍WecanusethisSuDaaccountingsoftwaretomanagedataandinformationofourcompany.IntroductionItisthePurchaseReceipt.Youcanentersomeinformationaboutyourpurchasing.Afteryo


19、youtthemoneyandhowmuchofthemoney.dataentryThisisthebalancesheet.Wehaveenteredtheassertsofourcompanyintoit,fromwhichwecananalyseourfinancialsituation.dataentry第8单元 电子商务 隔过第9单元1)国外竞争对手2)自己企业的涉外部门Herrschners Advanced handcraft Co.,Ltdl Address:137WSanBernardinoRd.GardenalCountry:AmericalTel:1-800-441-0

20、838lWebsite:http:/ Interweave Storel StoreHours:Mon-Thur10:00-18:00lAddress:126MainStRoundup,MT,50972lTel:(406)323-2077lFax:(406)323-2417lE-mail:InterweaveSMarketingDepartmentInourcompany,MarketingDept.isplayinganimportantroleinthebusinesswithforeigncompanies.Itstheirdutytogetintouchwithforeignclien



23、TheExchangeRateTrendBetweenRMBandUSDollarsTheExchangeRateTrendBetweenRMBandJapaneseYenTheExchangeRateTrendBetweenRMBandEuropeanDollars第11单元1)不道德商业行为举例2)同行业不道德行为举例The so-called“old yogurt”is denser than common yogurt,because geiatine is used in the production process.This is also how jelly is made.Bu

24、t,some businessmen use industry gelatine instead of food-use gelatine for higher profits.CaseOne:abusinessthatisnotethical Some of the industry of gelatine use leatherwear as production material.This is hazardous to human health because it contains heavy metal.The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a foo

25、d safety incident in China,involving milk and infant formula,and other food materials and components,adulterated with melamine.By November 2008,China reported an estimated 300,000 victims,with six infants dying from kidney stones and other kidney damage,and an estimated 54,000 babies being hospitali

26、sedCaseTwo:ChineseMilkScandal Due to quality problems,the new Silk Road,Ltd.Suzhou which has developed to a scale silk craft business entities was complained by customers and criticized by CCTV consumer advocate column in 2012.In May 2013,the Suzhou Industrial and Commercial Bureau confiscated its i

27、llegal income because it sold inferior quality products,false advertising,etc.AcaseincraftsbusinessthatisnotethicalThe so-called“old yogurt”is denser than common yogurt,because geiatine is used in the production process.This is also how jelly is made.But,some businessmen use industry gelatine instea

28、d of food-use gelatine for higher profits.CaseOne:abusinessthatisnotethical Some of the industry of gelatine use leatherwear as production material.This is hazardous to human health because it contains heavy metal.The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a food safety incident in China,involving milk and i

29、nfant formula,and other food materials and components,adulterated with melamine.By November 2008,China reported an estimated 300,000 victims,with six infants dying from kidney stones and other kidney damage,and an estimated 54,000 babies being hospitalisedCaseTwo:ChineseMilkScandal Due to quality pr

30、oblems,the new Silk Road,Ltd.Suzhou which has developed to a scale silk craft business entities was complained by customers and criticized by CCTV consumer advocate column in 2012.In May 2013,the Suzhou Industrial and Commercial Bureau confiscated its illegal income because it sold inferior quality

31、products,false advertising,etc.Acaseincraftsbusinessthatisnotethical第12单元1)logo 设计知识产权 St.MarytinoEuropeanCreativeCraftsCo.,Ltd.圣玛帝诺欧式创意工艺品有限公司圣玛帝诺欧式创意工艺品有限公司第13单元1)商务会议筹备PreparatoryWorkforaConference ProjectTimeContentWhoBookingthemeetingroon5.145.14ReservetheroomonthebasisofthestyleandnumberZhang.




35、atoryWork ProjectTimeContentWhoGuestsandsign9:009:009:309:30GuidetheattendeestothemeetingroomZhang.Playingvideo9:309:3010:4510:45playerproductsvideoYu.Prologue9:459:459:509:50ThemoderatorannouncestheopeningoftheconferenceFang.Introductionofguests9:59:50 09:559:55Themoderatorgiveaintroductionofthegue


37、0011:001111:10:10“Howmuchweight?”Yu.QA11:1011:1011:4011:40MediaReporterQuestionsZhang.Lottery11:4011:4011:5011:50Yu.Interview11:5011:5012:3012:30ReporterInterviewFang12:30 12:30 Making Lunch arrangements for them Zhang.13:00 13:00 Endofthelunch and closing the conferenceYu.DuringtheConferenceSummari

38、zation5.285.28CalculatethecostandsettletheaccountsZhang.5.295.29Tidyuptheminutesofthemeeting,andcheckthemistakesYu.5.305.30SunmarizetheworktoimproveFang.第14单元1)虹桥机场介绍Shanghai Hongqiao International AirportShanghai Hongqiao International Airport-The night scenery of the airport-The night scenery of t

39、he airportBasic InformationBasic InformationChinese Name:Chinese Name:上海虹上海虹桥桥机机场场Airport Code:SHAAirport Code:SHAWebsite:Website:Address:Shanghai Hongqiao Address:Shanghai Hongqiao Airport,Changning District,Airport,Changning District,Shanghai,China.Shanghai,China.Telephone:86-021-62683682Telephone

40、:86-021-62683682Brief IntroducionBrief Introducion Location:Location:situated in the western situated in the western outskirts of Shanghai,about 13 outskirts of Shanghai,about 13 kilometerskilometers from downtown area and from downtown area and about 60 kilometers from Pudong about 60 kilometers fr

41、om Pudong International Airport.International Airport.Age:Age:more than eighty years oldmore than eighty years old -After a series of renovations it has become one of After a series of renovations it has become one of the three international air transit centers in China.the three international air t

42、ransit centers in China.Aitlines:Aitlines:91 airlines currently fly here to 91 airlines currently fly here to both domestic and international cities.both domestic and international cities.Terminals:2Terminals:2Terminal NO.1Terminal NO.1Terminal 1 is comprised of Zone A and Zone B cover Terminal 1 is

43、 comprised of Zone A and Zone B cover about 82,000 square meters(about 20.3 acres)with 15 about 82,000 square meters(about 20.3 acres)with 15 waiting halls,18 VIP lounges and 15 baggage transfer waiting halls,18 VIP lounges and 15 baggage transfer beltsbelts.It is currently serving 7 airlines.It is

44、currently serving 7 airlines.Terminal NO.2Terminal NO.2Terminal 2 is completed and open into public use on March 16,Terminal 2 is completed and open into public use on March 16,2010,which is a support to Shanghai Expo.After extension,in 2010,which is a support to Shanghai Expo.After extension,in add

45、ition to a new terminal,there is a new runway of 3300 meters addition to a new terminal,there is a new runway of 3300 meters and a new set of assistant facilities.The newly built runway is and a new set of assistant facilities.The newly built runway is applicalbe for the largest aircrafts,including

46、A380.It is currently applicalbe for the largest aircrafts,including A380.It is currently serving 11 airlines.serving 11 airlines.第15单元1)鸡尾酒勾兑AngelsKissmaterials:cremedecacao-4/5Freshcream-1/5cherry-1makingmethod:PourcremedecacaointoLiqueur.Pourintothecreamslowlyandmakeitsuspendedabovethecremedecacao

47、.Stringthecherrywithacocktailneedle,placeitontherimhorizontally.BrandyAlexanderCocktailmaterials:Brandy-45mlSweet dark cocoa liquor-45mlone to one-45mlmakingmethod:Put all the ingredients with crushed ice into shake.After the fully shake,filter into the cooling cocktail glass.whatisonetoone?made by

48、half of the cream and half of the full-fat milk.scorpionmaterials:Brandy-30mlColorless rum-45ml lemon juice-20ml orange juice-20ml Oz Lime Juice-15ml lemon slice-1 lime slice-1 red cherry-1makingmethod:1.Put the ice and materials into a shake in sequence and shake it.2.Pout it into a glass cup full

49、of finely ice.3.Decorate it with lemon slice,lime slice and red cherry.4.Add a straw.Bellinimaterials:Foamability wine-2/3 Peach nektar-1/3 Grenadine-a littlemakingmethod:Pour the cold peach nektar and grenadine into a glass cup and mix them up.Pour into the cold Foamability wine and mix it up slowl

50、y.SexyBeautymaterials:TequilaBanana liqueurTriple SecGrenadinPineapple juice orange juice Makingmethod:Put materials into the shake pot,add ice,after shaking,pour into a glass.Margeritamaterial:Tequila-40mlCointreau-20ml Lime juice-20ml Makingmethod:Take a cocktail dish,wet the cup with lemon,wipe o


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