1、影视概论课程简介课程英文名Introduction to Film and Television课程代码S0503Z62学分3总学时48学分3总学时48先修课程无适用专业广告学内容简介 (中文)影视概论是广告学专业的基础课程,从影视艺术发展历史、影视剧本创作 流程(人物设定、情节铺设、结构编排、对白写作)、影视语言创作(镜头角度、 景别、蒙太奇、色彩、构图)、影视前后期设备操作(剪辑、配音、配乐)等方面 培养学生的知识和技能。通过本课程的学习,使学生了解影视艺术的基本原理,树 立正确的影视艺术观念,增加人文修养,拓展其艺术思维空间。课程内容包括世界 电影流派、中国电影的历史步履、影视艺术语言、
2、类型电影写作、电视艺术与文化 等。内容简介 (英文)Introduction to film and television* is a basic course in advertising, with the cultivation of students knowledge and skills from perspectives of the development history of film and television art, film and television script creation process (character setting, plot setting
3、, structure arrangement and dialogue writing), film and television language management (camera angle, scene, montage, color and composition), equipment operation before and after (editing, dubbing and background music). Through the study of this course, students can better understand the basic princ
4、iples of film and television art, establish the correct concept of film and television art, increase humanistic accomplishment and expand their artistic thinking space. The content of the course includes the world film genre, the historical movement of Chinese film, film and television art language, genre films writing, television art and culture, etc.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年10月21日