1、误差理论与数据处理课程简介课程英文名Error Theory and Data Process课程代码06M00499学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计适用专业工业工程内容简介 (中文)误差理论与数据处理是工业工程专业的学科基础选修课。本专业以机电产 品制造行业为依托,要求能够针对生产、物流、管理等领域的实际问题进行分析、 设计、优化,因此,误差理论与数据处理作为本专业的基础技术是必不可少的。 本课程主要学习内容包括:误差的基本性质与处理;误差的合成与分配;测量不确 定度;线性参量的最小二乘法处理等。误差理论与数据处理能使学生清楚理解和 辨
2、析有关测量数据处理的一系列的术语、定义、概念和含义,同时在撰写论文及撰 写鉴定评审文件时,能正确、全面地完成某一测量过程的测量数据的分析和评定, 并能完整、正确地给出最后的实验测量结果表达。内容简介 (英文)Error theory and data processing is an elective course of industrial engineering. Based on the mechanical and electrical products manufacturing industry, this major requires to be able to analyze,
3、 design and optimize the actual problems in production, logistics, management and other fields. Therefore, “error theory and data processing as the basic technology of this specialty is essential.The main learning contents of this course include: the basic properties and processing of errors; the co
4、mposition and distribution of errors; the uncertainty of measurement; the least square method processing of linear parameters. In the course of writing a paper, students can understand the meaning of a series of measurement and measurement errors, and correctly describe the data processing and data processing.执笔人审定人制定时间2020年11月