1、同传入门课程简介课程英文名Introducing SimultaneousInterpretation课程代码R0502Z67学分2总学时32理论学时0实验/实践学时32先修课程陪同口译,交替传译适用专业翻译内容简介 (中文)本课程旨在使学生了解同声传译的工作模式,系统介绍口译中同传的训练技巧, 是同传的入门介绍课程,以材料练习,演练和观摩为主向学生介绍同声传译的特点 与技能,着重训练同声传译有关技巧,如:多任务训练,顺句驱动,预测,视译等 使学生能了解一般外事活动的同声传译工作,并为部分学生将来有机会进一步接受 同声传译的系统训练奠定基础。内容简介 (英文)This course requi
2、res students to understand the basic knowledge and skills of simultaneous interpretation after learning the basic theories and training skills of simultaneous interpretation. Students can primarily learn multi-tasking, linearity, anticipation and sight interpreting so to interpret between Chinese an
3、d English in an accurate and fluent way. This course uses our simultaneous training lab so that students can have a better understanding of how simultaneous interpretation really works in real life. This course requires students to accomplish certain interpretation tasks using skills and lay a foundation for further simultaneous interpretation.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年4月