1、专业见习课程简介课程英文名Professional Internship课程代码R0501Z60学分2总学时2W理论学时0实验/实践学时先修课程对外汉语教学概论语言教师职业发展适用专业汉语国际教育内容简介 (中文)专业见习是汉语国际教育专业教学计划中的一个重要的实践性教学环节。实践 教学环节是高等学校教育的重要组成部分,是培养合格大学生的重要环节,是高等 院校学生必修的一门综合实践课程。实习内容包括:课程设计,给留学生授课,课 外一对一辅导,留学生课外答疑,制作教案等。通过教学实践中的摸索与探讨,专 业教师的协助与指导,使学生逐步获得实践工作的能力,同时对巩固所学知识,加 深对本专业的理解.,
2、提高专业思想起着重要作用。内容简介 (英文)Professional internship is an important practical teaching link in TCSL . Practice teaching is an important part of higher education. It is an important link to train qualified students. It is a required comprehensive practical course for students in Colleges and universities.
3、The contents of practice include: curriculum design, teaching for overseas students, one-to-one tutoring after class, overseas students answering questions, making lesson plans, etc. Through the exploration and exploration of teaching practice, the assistance and guidance of professional teachers make students get the ability to practice work step by step, at the same time, it plays an important role in consolidating the knowledge, deepening the understanding of the major and improving the professional thought.执笔人审定人制定时间2022年3月