1、Approval Guide无线设备FCC认证认识(官网直译)OverviewRadio Frequency(RF) devicesare required to be properly authorized under47 CFR Part 2prior to being marketed orimportedinto the United States. The Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) administers the equipment authorization program under the authority dele
2、gated to it by the Commission. This program is one of the principal ways the Commission ensures that RF devices used in the United States operate effectively without causing harmful interference and otherwise comply with the Commissions rules. All RF devices subject to equipment authorization must c
3、omply with the Commissions technical requirements prior to importation or marketing.无线射频认证遵循47条例Part 2章节Equipment that contains an RF device must be authorized in accordance with the appropriate procedures specified inPart 2, Subpart Jas summarized below (with certain limited exceptions). These requ
4、irements not only minimize the potential for harmful interference, but also ensure that the equipment complies with the rules that address other policy objectives such as human RF exposure limits and hearing aid compatibility (HAC) with wireless handsets.设备含无线装置认证流程遵循Part 2.Subpart JThe Commission h
5、as three different approval procedures for equipment authorization, and the specific procedure to be followed is based on the type of equipment being authorized. Certification Declaration of Conformity (DoC) Verification共计三种认证类别,Verification(自我认证)、Declaration of Conformity(符合性声明)、Certification(证书认证)
6、Obtaining an Equipment AuthorizationThe following steps summarize the process to obtain the required equipment authorization for your product (device):Step 1 Determine if device is aRadio Frequency (RF)device subject to theFCC rules. If a device is subject to FCC rules, determine the specific type o
7、f equipment authorization that applies to the device. Become familiar with all the basic marketing, equipment authorization, and importation rules. In some instances, a device may have different functions resulting in the device being subject to more than one type of approval procedure.Step 2 Determ
8、ine all applicable technical and administrative rules that apply to the device requiring an equipment authorization.The technical requirements are generally specified in the applicable FCC rule parts and the administrative rules are specified inPart 2, Subpart J.NOTE Determining all applicable techn
9、ical and administrative rules requires a technical understanding of the electrical functions of the device and an understanding of the FCC rules. For assistance, we recommend that you work with one of theAccredited Testing LaboratoriesorTCBs. Questions can also be submitted through theKnowledge Data
10、base (KDB).Step 3 Perform the required tests to ensure the device complies with the applicable technical requirements(as determined in Step 2).The type of testing facility (laboratory) used to demonstrate compliance is based on the required approval procedure.VerificationEquipment approved using the
11、 Verification procedure is required to be tested, however, it is not required to use a FCC Recognized Testing Laboratory. The test laboratory used is required to maintain a record of the measurement facilities as specified in Section 2.948.自我认证无需FCC认可实验室出具报告,但需要有样品测试数据。Declaration of ConformityEquip
12、ment approved using the DoC procedure is required to be tested by an FCC Recognized Accredited Testing Laboratory. The Commission maintains a list of the FCC RecognizedAccredited Testing Laboratories.目前大陆实验室无FCC认可资质,无法出具报告。CertificationEquipment approved under the Certification procedure is required
13、 to be tested by an FCC Recognized Testing Laboratory as follows: Prior to July 13, 2017, either an FCC Listed Testing (Section 2.948 Listed) Laboratory or an FCC Recognized Accredited Testing Laboratory. After July 13, 2017, all equipment approved under the Certification procedure is required to be
14、 tested by an FCC Recognized Accredited Testing Laboratory.2017年.6月.13日之后,只能在FCC认可实验室认证。Step 4 After the testing is complete and your device is found to be in compliance, finalize the approval process based on the applicable approval procedure:Verification The responsible party, as specified in the
15、rules, warrants that each unit of equipment complies with the applicable FCC rules. The responsible party maintains all of the required documentation demonstrating compliance with the applicable FCC rules.责任方必须递交并保存符合FCC法规的声明文件Declaration of Conformity The responsible party prepares a compliance inf
16、ormation statement to be supplied with the product at the time of marketing. The responsible party maintains all of the required documentation demonstrating compliance with the applicable FCC rules.除了声明文件外,产品说明书上必须有FCC标签与陈述语Certification The responsible party, typically the manufacturer, obtains an
17、FCC Registration Number (FRN) for a device requiring Certification. The FRN is a 10-digit number used to identify the individual or organization doing business with the FCC. The same FRN will be used for future approvals. After obtaining an FRN, the responsible party obtains a Grantee Code from the
18、Commission by applying at theGrantee Registrationwebsite. A grantee code is required the first time a party applies for certification, and can be used for all future approvals. The responsible party files with a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) an application for a grant of certification.
19、An application for equipment authorization requires submission of information about the product, as listed inSection 2.1033. The applicant must submit the required information to aTCBfor review as part of the certification process.厂商需注册一个有10位数字组成的FRN,表明个体或组织与FCC机构有商业关系。注册好FRN后,你会获得一个由委员会发给你的保证码Grant
20、ee Code,该码在后续认证需要用到。同时厂商还需要向TCB机构递交,方框图、原理图、标签及标签位置,Boom表,PCB layout等资料(具体在Part2 1033章节)。Step 5 Label the product and provide the required customer information. For more information see Labeling Guidelines KDB Publication 784748.KDB 784748用于标签指引Step 6 Maintain all documentation as part of the respon
21、sibility for retention of records and ensure that the manufactured products are in compliance. Section 2.938 General requirements for the retention of records of equipment subject to FCC approval. Section 2.955 Specific requirements for the retention of records of equipment subject to the Verificati
22、on procedure. Section 2.1075 Specific requirement for the retention of records of equipment subject to the Declaration of Conformity procedure.Step 7 When importing products into the United States, follow theimportationrequirements and complete/file FCC Form 740. Importation Frequently Asked Questio
23、ns.填写740表格用于出口认证。Supporting Information FCC Rules Knowledge Database (KDB) Grantee Code Information KDB Publication 204515 Guidelines for labeling and User Information for RF devices KDB Publication 784748 FCC Registration Number (FRN) CORES Home Page Directions to FCC Laboratory in Columbia, Maryla
24、nd KDB Publication 522082Testing Laboratories Search for accredited/listed testing laboratories Accredited Laboratory Roles and Responsibilities KDB Publication 974614 Accredited Testing Laboratory Technical Assessment Checklist KDB Publication 853844Telecommunications Certification Bodies (TCB) Sea
25、rch for Telecommunication Certification Bodies Telecommunication Certification Body Page Telecommunication Certification BodyRoles and Responsibilities KDB Publication 641163 TCB Technical Assessment Checklist KDB Publication 668797 TCB Designated to Approve Telephone Terminal Equipment (TTE - Part 68) - Scope C KDB Publication 784838Equipment Authorization Databases Certified equipment Search database with the FCC ID Search tool Equipment Authorization Knowledge Database (KDB)