1、应用统计课程简介课程英文名Applied Statistics课程代码Q0501Z37学分2.5总学时40理论学时28实验/实践学时12先修课程无适用专业公共事业管理内容简介 (中文)应用统计是本专业的一门基础课程,是关于如何获取、整理数据和分析客 观现象数量规律的一门方法论的学科*,为后续专业课程提供统计分析的工具、手段 和技能。掌握本课程的知识及其软件运用技能,对提高学生运用统计分析方法解决 实际问题的能力、提高毕业论文的质量和今后的职业发展将会有极大帮助。具体知 识涉及:理解和掌握统计学的基本概念、统计调查方法、统计分组和频数分析、常 用统计图形及其软件绘制、反映数据集中趋势的平均指标、
2、度量离散程度的变异指 标;了解时间数列的构成和基本的测定方法;了解抽样调查的基本概念和基本原理; 会用软件实现简单随机抽样;掌握两个独立总体均值、成对样本均值、相关与回归 等各种推断统计分析。内容简介 (英文)Applied statistics is a basic course for Public Relations,This course is about how to get and disposal data,and analyze the number of objective phenomenon provides the means of statistical analys
3、is tools and skills for further professional course.Grasping the knowledge and software application skills can improve students1 ability of applying statistical methods to solve practical problems,and very helpful for improving the quality of papers and future career development.Including understand
4、 and grasp the basic concepts of statistics,survey methods, statistical grouping and frequency analysis,statistical graphics and software rendering,data reflecting the average indicator of central tendency,discrete degree of variation index of measure; understand structure of time series,grasp the m
5、ethod for determination of long-term trends and seasonal variation,the basic concept and principle of sample surveys;can use the software for simple random sampling;master varieties of inferential statistical analysis,for example two independent population mean, paired sample, Correlation and Regression.执笔人审定人制定时间2019年3月