1、英语写作1课程简介课程英文名English Writing 1课程代码R0502Y11学分2总学时32理论学时16实验/实践学时16先修课程综合英语1适用专业英语内容简介 (中文)英语写作1是英语专业学生的必修基础课程。英语写作是本专业的学生必 须掌握的一项重要技能,学生通过一个学期英语写作课程的学习,能初步掌握以下 方面的写作:1、熟悉英语标点符号、词汇、句法、段落特点,能够用比较流畅的英 语正确、准确地表达自己的思想。2、夯实英语写作基本功,提高英语写作能力,使 学生的语言能力得到更为协调的发展,为学习专业课程打下基础。内容简介 (英文)English Writing /is a basi
2、c compulsory course for English majors. As one of the most important skills English majors are supposed to grasp, English writing should, in the course of teaching for this semester, be attached great importance to the aspects as follows. 1.Students are required to apprehend the characters of punctuation marks, diction, sentence and paragraph as well, and apply appropriately them to the practice of English writing. 2. To promote students9 English writing skill and thus to pave the way for their futural specialized courses.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年4月