1、管理文秘课程简介课程英文名Managemen t Secre tary课程代码Q1103Z15学分2总学时32理论学时28实验/实践学时4先修课程无适用专业公共事业管理内容简介 (中文)管理文秘是本专业选修的学科基础课程,是一门理论密切联系实际的新课 程。课程对现代秘书的有关实务和原理的介绍,是完全应时代的需要而产生和发展 的。本课程内容既有理论的阐释,又注重培养实际技能,具有理论性与应用性相统 一的特点。课程教学的具体知识涉及:秘书的涵义、秘书工作的特点和原则、秘书 学的学科对象、特点和研究方法;我国秘书学的发展状况(古代与近、现代秘书工 作的演变)和秘书工作的阶段性特点;秘书工作的宏观、中
2、观和微观环境以及秘书 结构设置的原则和模式;秘书关系协调的要素和程序以及尊重领导、团结同事与媒 体等的方法;秘书事务处理(电话、电报、电子邮件等通讯工作、值班事务、随从 事务、印章管理和接待、保密工与督查工作)的涵义、特点以及工作要求和方法, 特别是秘书的文书、会议以及礼仪工作的程序和要求。内容简介 (英文)Management secretary is a basic course for Public Relations. The course introduces the practice and principle of the modern secretary, which is e
3、ntirely in line with the needs of the times. The content of this course is not only theoretical interpretation, but also practical skills, with the characteristics of unity of theory and application. The specific knowledge of course teaching involves: the meaning of secretary at home and abroad, the
4、 characteristics and principles of secretarial work, characteristics and research methods of secretarial science; The development of secretarial science in China(the evolution of ancient and modern secretarial work) and the characteristics of secretarial work; The macro and micro environment of secr
5、etarial work and the principle and mode of secretarial structure setting; Elements and procedures for coordination of secretarial relations and ways of respecting leadership, uniting colleagues and the media; Secretarial services(telephone, Telegraph, e-mail, etc.) Communications, duty, valet services, stamp management etc, in particular the procedures and requirements for secretarial work, meetings and ceremonial work.执笔人审定人制定时间2019年3月