1、软件工程课程简介课程英文名Software Engineering课程代码J0701Z00学分3总学时48理论学时40实验/实践学时8先修课程计算机程序设计适用专业信息与计算科学专业内容简介 (中文)“软件工程”指导学生理解软件工程基本概念的重要性,介绍软件过程模型、 方法与工具、以及软件管理这三大基础,讨论传统方法学与面向对象方法学,并介 绍Web工程的基础知识。通过模拟案例,使学生在实践中体会软件的生命周期,包 括需求分析、总体设计、详细设计、编码、测试、维护、以及团队合作。在实践中 学生将学习使用传统工具,如数据流图、实体-关联图、系统层次图;还有面向对象 工具如脚本、事件跟踪图、状态迁
2、移图、CRC卡等。内容简介 (英文)“ Software Engineering ” guides the students to understand the significance of some fundamental concepts of software engineering. The frame works are introduced, such as software process models, software engineering methods and tools, and software management. Both conventional meth
3、ods and object-oriented methods are discussed, together with fundamentals of Web Engineering. Projects are assigned to help students experience the life-cycle of a software during practice, including requirement analysis, system design, component-level design, coding, testing, maintenance, and team work. Students will learnt to use conventional tools such as data flow diagrams, entity-relation diagrams, and system hierarchy; as well as object-oriented tools such as use-cases, even trace diagrams, state transition diagrams and CRC cards.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年5月