1、世界贸易组织法课程简介课程英文名WTO Law课程代码N0301ZA1学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程国际法、国际经济法适用专业法学、知识产权及其他内容简介 (中文)WTO法是国际法和国际经济法的重要组成部分,通过对WTO法的学习可以帮 助学生深化对国际法基础理论以及对外贸易管理法律制度的掌握和运用能力,有利 于企业和政府运用WTO规则保护我国和企业的利益,减少因不熟悉规则或不善于 运用规则导致的不必要损失。本门课程的学习内容包括:WTO的历史起源及其与GATT1947的渊源关系; WTO的组织结构、决策机制以及成员资格的管理;WTO争端解决机制;WTO具体 法律制度,如国
2、民待遇规则、最惠国待遇规则、关税制度,两反一保等贸易救济制 度等。内容简介 (英文)WTO law constitutes an indispensable part in international law and international economic law. This course can help students strengthen their learning of international law theories and the rules governing foreign trade administration. WTO rules9 studying can
3、 also beneficial for enterprises and government staffs protecting Chinas interests and reducing unnecessary losses due to unfamiliarity with rules or poor use of rules.The content of this course includes: the historical origin of WTO and its relationship with GATT 1947; its structure and decision-making mechanism; its membership; WTO dispute settlement mechanism; WTOs specific legal systems, such as National treatment rules, MFN treatment rules, tariff rules and trade remedy rules etc.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年4月