1、专利信息分析与利用课程简介课程英文名Patent information analysis and utilization课程代码N0301ZG4学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践学时0先修课程无适用专业知识产权内容简介 (中文)本课程是面向本学院知识产权专业学生的选修课,旨在培育学生从事知识产权工 作的实务基础技能。通过本课程的学习,学生应能掌握专利信息分析的基本理论和 专利信息分析的流程、方法与技巧。本课程的内容包括专利文献基本概念、专利著 录项目、专利文献代码与专利号码、同族引文分析方法、中、美、日专利官网的使 用、EPO和WIPO官网的使用、面向分析的专利信息检索方法、专利信息检索
2、的优 化方法、专利信息分析方法。内容简介 (英文)This course is an elective course for students majoring in intellectual property, aiming at cultivating students* practical basic skills in intellectual property work. Through the study of this course, students should be able to grasp the basic theory of patent information a
3、nalysis and the process, methods and skills of patent information analysis. The contents of this course include the basic concept of patent literature, patent descriptive entry, patent literature code and patent number, patent number, citations and patent family, the use of patent official website of China, the United States and Japan, the use of EPO and WTPO official website, patent information retrieval method, optimization method of patent information retrieval, and patent information analysis method.执笔人审定人制定时间2018年05月