1、Extreme Sportsl Do you like Do you like runningrunning,bicycle-riding,skidding,bicycle-riding,skiddingor street-dancingor street-dancing?l Did you ever have an adventure Did you ever have an adventure experience?Such asexperience?Such as,exploration,exploration,DIY tour.DIY tour.Compared to such ord
2、inary activities,Compared to such ordinary activities,have you ever participated in some fierce sports or have you ever participated in some fierce sports or games?what are those?games?what are those?lExtreme Sports is a challenging entertainment and gym sports formed from the interaction between na
3、ture and human,which let us developing our full body and spirital potential at a big extent by modern technology and instruments.“Higher,faster and stronger”“Participation,entertainment and bravery”lCompared with the traditional sports(including Olympic events),extreme sports is abundant of abundant
4、 of self-challenge,Entertainment,technical content self-challenge,Entertainment,technical content and commercial operation.and commercial operation.Extreme sports brings us not only crazy,but also more enjoyment of life!Freedom DreamPassion HealthNature StimulationDangerous Surfing Rock climbing Bun
5、gee jumping Air slide.Bungee JumpingRock ClimbingDriftingSurfingALICE AdventureSkidding of the wheel Bicycle RidingParkourZhang Jian cross over Qinghai lake Hu Beilei hitch-hiking homelDo you think it is very exciting?Do you want to have a try?CXChinas extreme sportsThe full name of CX is“CHINA X-GA
6、ME”,which first organized by the Chinese Extreme Sports Association in 1999.It is the authority of extreme sports event in China.It can be called the carnival event of the extreme sports professionals and enthusiast.WHAT ARE FIELD SURVIVAL Field Survival is one of the most dangerous Extreme Sportsit
7、 means survival in the wild such as mountains,jungle,desert,islands by personal skill instead of external support.Courage&Healthy BodyVICTORYEquipment&SkillKnowledge&Clear MindWHAT IT TAKESNecessary EquipmentKnapsackQuick-dryclothesRopeGlovesHiking shoesMore:Knife Flashlight Tent Watch Compass Jug 1
8、.How to identify directionBasic Skill2.How to find water or food(catch fish)How to identify the direction1.According to the track of the sun,we can set a wooden stick into the earth vertically in a open area,the shadow of the stick will point to the northwest in the morning,the northeast in the afte
9、rnoon and due north at noontime.How to identify the direction2.Usually the branches and leaves in the south side of the tree are leafy than the north side because of the sun.3.Usually the traditional Chinese buildings have windows and doors facing the south.茂盛的为南面中国建筑通常坐北朝南How to collect water1、Coll
10、ect rain:the rain water is safe to drink,use every container you can get to collect rainwater:umbrella,big leaves are advisable.2、Collect the steam:when temperature is high,dig a hole(50cm*50cm*50cm)near your tent and put a cup within it.Cover the hole with a piece of plastic cloth,you may get half
11、a cup of water in the next morning if you are lucky.Steam Water Cool downTips on plant food1.Here present some edible wild plants2.Some plants are not edible or even poisonous.Plants bright in color are more likely to be poisonous,especially fungi(菌类).In the wild,fish is a great choice as food suppl
12、y and often available once we get a proper tool,I would like to present a way to make such a tool for you!How to make a fish spear in the wild1.Find a hard,medium-size wooden stick.2.Make a cross with a knife.3.Sharpen the stick with your knife and insert 2 smaller sticks in the bigger one as shown
13、below.Step 1Step 3Step 24.Find a longer stick as the handle of the fish spear.5.Tighten every part of the fish spear,job is done.Now,you are able to catch fish with your hand made fish spear!To know more about this guy,please google “Man vs Wild”,you will learn more about field survival from him.Art
14、 of Movement ParkourWhat is Parkour?Originated in France 1980sDevelopment By the French David belle was foundedParkour come from the French word parcourir.The origin of Parkour MeaningDanger is not going to disappear,the risk is everywhere,and we are nowhere to escapeCease to challenge and you cease to liveJump On Wall Monkey jumping(猴跳)Monkey JumpingLazy VaultCat Leap(猫扑)Moonstep Parkour Community Mark