外贸英语口语900句之 佣金 Commission.pdf

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1、 2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 本文档由实惠网外贸平台提供,仅供外贸学习交流,商业目的请联系版权所有者本文档由实惠网外贸平台提供,仅供外贸学习交流,商业目的请联系版权所有者 实惠网实惠网-http:/ 欢迎大家加外贸群,群内讨论,我们的群号是:欢迎大家加外贸群,群内讨论,我们的群号是:9185150 博客交流:博客交流:http:/ 外贸英语外贸英语口语口语 900 句之句之 佣金佣金 Commi

2、ssion He came to China to hold a talk about the commission for his new business.他来中国是洽谈有关生意中的佣金问题。Usually a 1%commission is given to our agent.一般情况下,我们给代理商百分之一的佣金。Well give you a 3%commission on every transaction.每笔交易我们都付给百分之三的佣金。We expect a 5%commission,of course.当然,我们希望能得到百分之五的佣金。Were usually paid

3、 with a 5%commission of the amount for every deal.对每笔交易的成交量,我们通常付给 5%的佣金。Our agents in other areas usually get a 3-5%commission.我方其他地区的代理通常得到 3-5%的佣金。We can get 4.5%commission if 10,000 cases are ordered.如果订 1 万箱,我们可以得到 4.5%的佣金。The commission from our corporation is very favourable.我们公司给的佣金很优惠。The a

4、bove price includes your commission of 2%.上述价格包括百分之二的佣金在内。The above price excludes your commission.上述价格不包括佣金在内。This amount includes all commission.这一数字包括所有佣金在内。What about the commission?佣金是多少?Our quotation is subject to a 4%commission.我方报价包括百分之四的佣金在内。Generally speaking,commission depends on the quan

5、tity of goods ordered.一般来说,佣金多少由订货量决定。You can get a higher commission rate if you order a bigger quantity.如果你们订货量大,佣金率就会高。Its better for us to start business on commission basis first.对我们来说,最好能在给佣金的基础上开展交易。We dont pay any commission on our traditional products.对我们的传统产品,概不付给佣金。Commission is allowed t

6、o agents only.我们只对代理付佣金。commission on a sliding scale 递加佣金 We dont pay commission to firms dealing with us on principal-to principal basis.对于不通过中间商直接往来的商号,我们一概不付给佣金。commission(com.)佣金,手续费 two or several items of commission 两笔或几笔佣金 all commissions 所有佣金 to pay the commission 支付佣金 rate of commission or

7、 scale of commission 佣金率 commission transaction 付佣金的交易 2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 commission agent 代理商;代办人;代理贸易商 commission charges 佣金;手续费 overriding commission 追加佣金 The commission has been increased to 5%in your

8、 favour.贵方佣金已增至百分之五。You can grant us an extra commission of 2%to cover the additional risk.你们可以获得另外百分之二的佣金,以补偿你受的额外风险。Well get 0.5%more in commission for our effort.经过努力,我们可以多谋到百分之零点五的佣金。For every additional 10 pieces of pianos sold,well give you 0.2%more commission.每笔交易若能多卖出 10 架钢琴,你们可以多得百分之零点二的佣金。

9、We cant agree to increase the rate of commission.我们不能同意增加佣金率。A 5%commission means an increase in our price.百分之五的佣金就等于价格提高了。buying commission 代购佣金 A higher commission means a higher price.如果佣金提高了,价格也要提高。A 4%commission is the maximum.我们最多给百分之四的佣金。selling commission 代销佣金 Is it possible to increase the

10、commission to 4%?能不能把佣金提高到百分之四呢?Even a 6%commission is not high.甚至百分之六的佣金都不算高。2%commission is not enough,is it?百分之二的佣金是不是少了点?The present commission isnt enough.现有的佣金不够。There are three items of commission left unpaid.只剩三笔交易的佣金未付。commissions earned 佣金收入 commissions received in advance 预收佣金 commission

11、for collection 代收帐款佣金 commission insurance 佣金保险 commission system 佣金制 commission agency 代理贸易 外贸英语外贸英语 900句之句之 销售销售 Sale Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的 T 恤在我国东部市场很畅销。We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of the

12、ir superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近 1 年了。There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。Your bicycles find

13、 a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。They are doing their utmost

14、to open up an outlet.他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.我们对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing cond

15、itions at your end.根据你地的市场情况,我们确信今年你们有望销得更好。Packing has a close bearing on sales.包装对产品的销路有很大关系。We are trying to find a market for this article.我们正在努力为此项商品找销路。We regret we cannot find any market for this article.我们很抱歉不能为此项商品找到销路。According to our experience,these handicrafts can find a ready market in

16、 Japan.根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products.等你们全面了解我们产品销售可能性之后,我们再进一步细谈。According to your estimate,what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill?据你估计,你能完成的最大年销售量是多少呢?The market situation is not

17、known to us.我们还不了解市场情况。Your market still has great potential.你们的市场仍有很大潜力。There are only a few unsold pieces.只有几件商品未售出。Words and Phrases salable 畅销的 popular 有销路的 find a market 销售 selling line 销路 trial sale,test sale,test market 试销 salable goods 畅销货 popular goods 快货 the best selling line(the best sell

18、er)热门货 to find(have)a ready market 有销路,畅销 to have a strong footing in a market 很有销路 good market 畅销 poor(no)market 滞销 goods that sell well 畅销货 sell like wild fire 畅销,销得很快 2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 (二)Promoting th

19、e sale of your suits has proved successful.推销你们的西装还很顺利。There appear to be no difficulty in marketing these products.在市场上推销这些产品似乎没有什么困难。We learn that you have years of experience in pushing the sale of porcelain products.我们得知你们在推销瓷器方面很有经验。Meanwhile,we should like to know your plan to push the sale of

20、 our products.同时,我们很想了解你方推销我们产品的计划。You are experienced in promoting the sale of our craft paper.你方在推销我们的牛皮纸方面很有经验。I can assure you weve spared no effort and spent quite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your products.我可以向你保证在推销你方产品时,我们从没放松努力,并且动用了大量的资金。Weve spared no effort in promoting the sal

21、e of your products.我们为推销你们的产品是竭尽全力的。Our salesmen have worked hard to push the sale of your products here,there and everywhere.我们几个推销员努力工作,四处奔走。Thanks for all the work youve done to promote the sale of our products.感谢您为推销我们的产品所作的努力。Words and Phrases selling techniques 推销技术 selling and administrative

22、expense 推销及管理费用 selling concept 推销观点 Additional Words and Phrases selling 卖的;出售的;销路好的 sell 卖;销售;有销路 sales agent 代销人;销售代理商 sell at a bargain,sell at a profit 廉价出售 sell goods at a high figure 高价出售 sellers market 卖方市场 buyers market 买方市场 selling price 售价,时价 selling season 销售季节 marketing mix 销售综合方法,销售策略

23、marketing establishment 销售企业,销售公司 consumer media 销售方面的宣传工具 sales person 推销员,售货员(包括男、女)2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 salesman 售货员 saleslady,salesgirl,saleswoman(口语)女售货员 sales clerk 男(女)售货员(美国口语)marketing managers 推销经

24、理 market test 销售实验 dumping 倾销 sporadic dumping 偶尔倾销,非持久性倾销 predatory dumping 掠夺性倾销 International Dumping Code 国际反倾销法 marketing system 销售体系 a companys marketing program 一家公司的销售计划 sales promotion 促销 marketing strategies 销售策略 market segmentation 市场分割 selling cost 销售成本 selling expense 销售费用 selling opera

25、tion 销售业务 selling profit 销售利润 主动跟新买家建立联系主动跟新买家建立联系 Dear Mr.Jones:We understand from your information posted on A that you are in the market for textiles.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products,with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future

26、.We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles.We have enclosed our catalog,which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present.You may also visit our online company introduction at Http:/ which includes our latest product line.Sho

27、uld any of these items be of interest to you,please let us know.We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.Sincerely,John Roberts 2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实

28、惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 回复对某个产品的查询回复对某个产品的查询 Dear Mr.Jones:Thank you for your inquiry of 16 March.We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our product toaster.Weve enclosed the photo and detailed information of the product for your reference:Product:toaster Specification:xxxxxxxxx

29、xxxxxx Package:1pcs/box Price:10usd/pcs Payment:L/C For purchase quantities over 1,000pcs of individual items we would allow you a discount of 1%.Payment is to be made by irrevocable L.C at sight.We look forward to receiving your first order.Sincerely,向老客户介绍公司的最新产品信息向老客户介绍公司的最新产品信息 Dear Mr.Jones:We

30、have refreshed our online catalog at http:/,and now it covers the latest new products,which are now available from stock.We believe that you will find some attractive additions to our product line.Once you have had time to study the supplement,please let us know if you would like to take the matter

31、further.We would be very happy to send samples to you for close inspection.We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,对新买家要求建立业务联系的回复对新买家要求建立业务联系的回复 Dear Mr.Jones:2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实

32、惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 We have received your letter of 9th April showing your interest in our complete product information.Our product lines mainly include high quality textile products.To give you a general idea of the various kinds of textiles now available for export,we have enclosed a catalogue

33、 and a price list.You may also visit our online company introduction at Http:/ which includes our latest product line.We look forward to your specific enquiries and hope to have the opportunity to work together with you in the future.查询对方公司的产品查询对方公司的产品 Dear Sir or Madam:We know that you are exporter

34、s of textile fabrics.We would like you to send us details of your various ranges,including colors and prices,and also samples of the different qualities of material used.We are volume dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind men

35、tioned.When quoting,please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 1000 meters of individual items.Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to San Francisco.几种报盘几种报盘(a.)Dear Mr.Jones:We thank you for your email enquiry for both g

36、roundnuts and Walnutmeat CNF Copenhagen dated February,21.In reply,we offer firm,subject to your reply reaching us on or before February 26 for 250 metric tons of groundnuts,handpicked,shelled and ungraded at RMB2000 net per metric ton CNF Copenhagen and any other European Main Ports.Shipment to be

37、made within two months after receipt of your order payment by L/C payable by sight draft.Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.As you are aware that there has lately been a large demand for the above commodities.Such growing demand wil

38、l likely result in 2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 increased prices.However you can secure these prices if you send us an immediate reply.Sincerely,(b.)Dear Mr.Jones:We thank you for your letter dated April 8 inquirin

39、g about our leather handbags.As requested,we take pleasure in offering you,subject to our final confirmation,300 dozen deerskin handbags style No.MS190 at$124.00 per dozen CIF Hamburg.Shipment will be effected within 20 days after receipt of the relevant L/C issued by your first class bank in our fa

40、vor upon signing Sales Contract.We are manufacturing various kinds of leather purses and waist belts for exportation,and enclosed a brochure of products for your reference.We hope some of them meet your taste and needs.If we can be of any further help,please feel free to let us know.Customers inquir

41、ies are always meet with our careful attention.Sincerely,(c.)Re:SWC Sugar Dear Sirs,We are in receipt of your letter of July 17,2002 asking us to offer 10,000 metric tons of the subject sugar for shipment to Japan and appreciate very much your interest in our product.To comply with your request,we a

42、re offering you the following:1.Commodity:Qingdao Superior White Crystal Sugar.2.Packing:To be packed in new gunny bag of 100kgs.each.3.Quantity:Ten thousand(10000)metric tons.4.Price:US dollars one hundred and five(US$105.00)per metric ton,Fob Qingdao.5.Payment:100%by irrevocable and confirmed lett

43、er of credit to be opened in our favor through A1 bank in Qingdao and to be 2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 drawn at sight.6.Shipment:Three or four weeks after receipt of letter of credit by the first available boat s

44、ailing to Yokohama direct.Please note that we do not have much ready stock on hand.Therefore,it is important that,in order to enable us to effect early shipment,your letter of credit should be opened in time if our price meets with your approval.We are awaiting your reply.(a.)Dear Mr.Jones:We thank

45、you for your email enquiry for both groundnuts and Walnutmeat CNF Copenhagen dated February,21.In reply,we offer firm,subject to your reply reaching us on or before February 26 for 250 metric tons of groundnuts,handpicked,shelled and ungraded at RMB2000 net per metric ton CNF Copenhagen and any othe

46、r European Main Ports.Shipment to be made within two months after receipt of your order payment by L/C payable by sight draft.Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.As you are aware that there has lately been a large demand for the abov

47、e commodities.Such growing demand will likely result in increased prices.However you can secure these prices if you send us an immediate reply.Sincerely,(b.)Dear Mr.Jones:We thank you for your letter dated April 8 inquiring about our leather handbags.As requested,we take pleasure in offering you,sub

48、ject to our final confirmation,300 dozen deerskin handbags style No.MS190 at$124.00 per dozen CIF Hamburg.Shipment will be effected within 20 days after receipt of the relevant L/C issued by your first class bank in our favor upon signing Sales Contract.We are manufacturing various kinds of leather

49、purses and waist belts for exportation,and enclosed a brochure of products for your reference.We hope some of them meet your taste and needs.If we can be of any further help,please feel free to let us know.Customers inquiries are always meet with our careful attention.2010 年中国最火热的外贸平台 中国最大的外贸平台-实惠网

50、实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 实惠网实惠网 Sincerely,(c.)Re:SWC Sugar Dear Sirs,We are in receipt of your letter of July 17,2002 asking us to offer 10,000 metric tons of the subject sugar for shipment to Japan and appreciate very much your interest in our pro


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