1、艺人商业演出合同(中英文合同范本)CONTRACT OF DANCING SHOW PERFORMANCE BY FOR日GN ARTIST甲方名称:Party A:联系地址:Address:.公司注册代码:Company registration code:乙方演员名称Party B artist name:护照号码 Passport number:国籍 Nationality:联系方式Tel:紧急情况联系方式/联络人Emergency Contact / Contact Person:联系地址:Contact Address:邮箱地址:Email Address:有无病史:Sick his
2、tory or not:根据中华人民共和国合同法,甲、乙双方基于互惠互利及双赢的合作原则,经友好协商, 就双方合作由乙方在甲方指定的经营场所进行演出等事宜达成一致,并签订本协议以资双方 共同遵守。In accordance to “The Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China ,based on the principles of mutual benefit and win-win situation, Party A and Party B reach an agreement on both sides through friendl
3、y negotiation, whereby it is agreed as follow:That Party A agrees to engage, Party B accepts the engagement and both sides recognize and agree to the terms and conditions herein set forth.第一条:合约期限 Article 1: Period of Engagement 年月 日至一年一 月 日。总计 个月;合约开始日期按照实际 开始工作日期计算,续约须在本合同结束前的日内与甲方协商确定。Party A sha
4、ll be engaged for a period from to , totally months, the start date of thecontract will be determined by the actual working date.The parties can extend this contract through both sides consultation days before the expiration of this contract.第二条:演出内容 Article 2: Performance Content.演出节目:歌唱表演,乙方需要服从甲方
5、的安排进行节目的配合演出。The performance programs: SINGING show, Party B should cooperate with the arrangement of the club to make the show, need to work with other artists in the club.1 .每天工作时间为,包括休息,化妆和换装的准备时间。每位艺人需化妆且着好演出服于演 出前30分钟就位。Party B is to work at/from , including call times and prep time. All artist
6、s must ready with makeup and costumes and standby minutes before the performance.2 .乙方每天演出,每天演出时长总计30分钟内;必须配合甲方演出形式的安排; Party B should work , Should cooperate with the work arrangement of Party A.3 .演出现场待命(最终演出时间取决于场地方的具体情况)。The time for performance standby will be determined by location specific si
7、tuation.4 .排练时间:需服从甲方安排,甲方将会提前通知乙方彩排时间。Rehearsal time: Party B need to follow Party A s arrangements, Party A will notice Party B in advance.5 .乙方在入境中国前必须准备不同的演出服装和符合酒吧演出需求的演唱曲目,包括编舞, 音乐,道具等,演员需自备演出高跟鞋,要求黑色同款,需自备黑色丝袜,内衣裤等。Party B should provide different costumes and songs which needed at Clubs befo
8、re come to China (including Finished choreographer, costumes, music, props and etc) and shall ensure sexy and hot shinning stage costumes, Party B artists shall prepare the high heels, black long socks, underwear for show, which must match with the costumes.6 .签约后3日内,乙方须将办理工作签证所需的资料(45分钟排练视频,彩色护照及签证
9、 扫瞄件)及高清宣传照片传至甲方.Within the 3 days after sign the contract, Party B must send all the material needed for work permit to Party A (including 20 min rehearsal video, colored passport and visa scanned copies) and High quality promotional photos to Party A.7 .演出地点:全国,乙方需要配合工作地点的调动。The working cities of
10、Party B: The working places may be all over the China, The artists should be able to accept transfer to different cities during the contract period.第三条:付款及薪酬Article 3: Remuneration()、演出报酬 Performance salary:1、演出报酬:甲方同意支付乙方表演费人。Party A shall pay Party B a total net fee .2、乙方每月带薪休息一天。休息日不会为周五或周六及中国的重大
11、节假日。每月的休息 日不可沿用至下个月使用。计薪时间从演出之日起计算(如果没有演出,第五天起都应当计 薪),到达中国当天为休息日,无薪;Party B has Days off per month with salary, If the artists not take the day offs, daily salary will be refund for the day offs not take as compensation. Day off will not be Friday, Saturday or major holidays in China. Unused day off
12、s can not be continued to the next month. The salary will be counted from the first working day, if not work, the salary will be counted on the fifth day after arrival. The first day of arrival is for rest, no salary.3、员工做满一年可以享受6天带薪休假。After one year work in HZ agency, Party B will have 6 days vacat
13、ion with salary.4、付款方式如下Method of Payment:A.每月15号发放上月整月演出报酬,最后一个月的工资由合约最后一天发放。Salary will be paid on the 15th of the following calendar month. Payment for the final month will be paid on the last day of the contract.B.银行转账 Bank transfer乙方账号 Party B s artist Bank account number:开户行名称Bank Name:开户名 Acc
14、ount name:(二)、行程安排 Schedule Arrangement1 演出日行程:Schedule for Performance days:(1)甲方向乙方提供并支付所有演出相关的国际、国内经济舱机票,轮渡,大巴或火车票, 乙方必须严格按照甲方预订的行程准时到达指定场所,否则视为乙方违约。甲方需要负责乙 方艺人国际往返机票费用,乙方的双程机票为:A to B.Party A provides Party B all performance related domestic and international economy class air transport, Boat, b
15、us or train tickets, Party B must strictly follow the schedule arranged by Party A, and arrive at the assigned location on time, otherwise Party B will be regarded have an action of breach of contract. Party A shall cover all costs and flights from and to home. The round trip tickets for Party B are
16、:(2)甲方允许乙方来华及在华演出期间携带一个属于私人的正常尺寸行李箱和一个装服装 的行李箱,因私人原因产生的行李超重费用由乙方自行承担。Party A allow Party B bring one personal non-overweight suitcase and one performance/costume suitcase during the period of performance in China. Party B is responsible for any excess baggage charges on personal bags/suitcase.2、非演出日
17、行程:非演出日,乙方进行与演出无关的旅行、游玩等活动的,乙方应当提前 2周征得甲方同意,并确保能及时返回参加甲方安排的彩排和演出,以便甲方对演出安排做 出合理调整。同时,在此期间,乙方发生任何意外事件,若涉及其应当承担法律责任的,由 乙方自负,与甲方无关。导致甲方负连带责任的,甲方有权向乙方追偿。Schedule for Non-performance days: Party B shall notice Party A two weeks in advance in case of going out for activities unrelated with performance, su
18、ch as traveling and etc, Party B can go only with the approval of Party A. Party B shall assure to come back on time for the rehearsals and performances arranged by Party A. In the mean time, in case Party B has any accident, fines, police levies, legal related issues or other financial hardships in
19、curred during this time, its Party B s responsibility, and thus caused Jointly and Severally Liable For Party A, Party A has the right to recover the loss from Party B.(三)、饮品福利Drink benefitParty B can get(四)、演出住宿 Performance accommodation1、此协议期间如乙方为驻场演出时,甲方提供一间单间的符合标准的宿舍,每间房住1人; 住房配套齐全,包括洗衣机、电视机、等家电
20、.甲方支付公寓的租金和物业管理费,公用事 业费用:电费,水费,煤气费,公司给予200元/人标准,超出部分费用将由乙方与室友平摊。 乙方必须合法使用该住房,任何在住房内的人身、财产安全、扰民投诉均由乙方承担负责, 由此造成甲方损失的,甲方有权向乙方追偿。During this agreement period, when party B work as resident performance, Party A will provide one standard apartment (1 person share one room) with complete facilities, inclu
21、ding washing machine, TV, other electronic appliances for duration of stay. Party A pay for apartments rent fee and property management fees, as for public fees: Electricity, water, gas, the company offer 200RMB/person for free as standard usage, over used fees Party B need to share with roommates.
22、Party B must legitimate use this apartment, Party B is responsible for any personal and property safety within the apartment, No disturb to the neighbors. In case any loss caused, Party A has the right to recover from Party B.2、此协议期内如派乙方于除集团内娱乐场所以外的演出,甲方为乙方提供双人间酒店,除 预先核准的正餐外,其他服务项目所产生的费用由乙方自行承担。住宿酒店
23、期间乙方需自行 支付的项目包括但不限于:迷你酒吧,收费电视,客房服务,电话,互联网,传真,按摩, 健身俱乐部,美容美发厅,KTV,香烟,洗衣房,小费等.During this agreement period, if Party B perform in clubs which not belong to HZ club groups, Party A need to provide Party B with standard hotel rooms (one room with 2 beds), accept for pre-approved meals, Party B need to b
24、ear other service fees. During live in hotel period, Party B need to pay for projects but not limited to: mini bars, Pay TV, room service, telephone, Internet, fax, massages, gym, beauty salon, KTV, cigarettes, laundry, tips etc.(五)、签证& 护照 Visa & Passport1、为保证演出按时进行,乙方应于离他们所在城市最近的中国大使馆自行获得中国单次或 多次入境
25、签证(旅行签证),甲方承担乙方首次入境中国签证(旅行签证)的费用。乙方入 境中国后,甲方支付乙方签证费用.乙方须提供甲方中国大使馆开据的发票方可进行实报实 销.(甲方不承担任何签证加急费和旅行社中介费)。乙方来华后办理工作签证由甲方负责。 To ensure the performance is held on time, Party B shall get China single or multiple entry visa (tourist L visa) in the nearest Chinese embassy. Party A will reimburse Party B for
26、 Visa application fees for the first time entering China from the mother country of the Artist upon presentation of the official receipts from Chinese Embassy after Party B s arrival to China. Party A will pay according to the amount on the invoices. (Party A will not bear any urgency visa fee or tr
27、avel agency fee). Party A will be responsible for issuing the work visa for Party B after their arrival to China.2、乙方入境中国后,此协议期间甲方协助乙方获得中国演出许可证及此协议相关的后续续 签所需材料.After Party B s arrival to China, during the contract period, Party A shall assist Party B to get the required materials for Chinas performa
28、nce license and work permit.3、乙方必须保证所持护照在有效期之内并且能在出入中国时使用.Party B must ensure their passports are within the validity period and can be used to enter and leave China.4、如在巡演旅行期间,乙方如遗失护照或其他旅行证件,补办费用自理,并承担一切其他 后果。During the tour performance period, in case Party B lost the passport or other traveling c
29、ertificates, Party B need to handle it by oneself and bear all costs and consequences.(六)、通讯方式 Communication Method1、乙方在此协议期间必须保持手机/网络通讯畅通,保证甲方能够随时与乙方联系During the contract period, Party B need to keep mobile /network communication work, to ensure Party A is able to contact with Party B in time.2、合同期
30、内,双方确认工作指令通常以电子邮件方式发出,乙方指定收取工作指令的途径 为:电子邮件、短信、微信及手机,甲方一旦发出指令,即视为乙方知晓并遵守该指令,该 等工作指令均为本合同之附件,与本合同具有同等法律效力.During the contract period, both sides acknowledged that work instruction is usually made via E-mail, mobile messages, wechat messages and phone call. As long as Party A issue an order through the
31、 communicate methods listed above, Party B will be regarded as received and will comply with the instructions, these instructions are the annex to this contract and has the same legal effects as this contract.第四条:甲方责任 Article 4: Responsibility of Party A1.甲方负责依本合同约定安排乙方前往指定的演出场所演出。甲方有权为乙方制定整体演出 规划,进
32、行有关安排和实施,甲方对此具有最终决策权;Party A is responsible to arrange the performances for Party B. Party A has the right to make the overall performance plan ,make related arrangement and implementation for Party B, Party A has the right to make the final decision.2、本合约期间,甲方为乙方中国境内唯一合作对象,甲方有权安排乙方所有的演出,未经 甲方书面同意,乙
33、方不得与任何第三方进行任何形式的演出。During the contract period, Party B shall only work with Party A, Party A has the right to arrange all the performances for Party B, Party B must not perform with any other third party without the written consent of Party A.3、甲方有权对乙方的表演质量进行监督,并提出建议和整改要求,对暂不符演出质量要求 的可以给予暂离合作岗位进行培训的
34、处理,如培训后仍不能履行本协议约定的合作事项,甲 方有权解除本协议;Party A has the right to control the performance quality of Party B, give suggestions and requirements if needed. For the artists whose performance quality can not meet the requirement, Party A has the right to stop the work and start a training process for the arti
35、st. In case Party B still unable to perform as required after training, Party A has the right to terminate this agreement.4.确保乙方在正常演出中的人身及财产安全,如因演出过程中演出场所的治安管理造成乙方 演职人员受伤,甲方应负责支付相关费用(因乙方自身的过错造成的伤害除外)。Party A ensures to provide safe and healthy working environment, which accord with state regulations
36、, to ensure the personal and property safety of Party B to work without harmful environmental conditions. In case Party B has physical injury due to the security management issue of the venue, Party A is responsible to cover the costs. Except the injuries caused by the mistake of Party B.5乙方艺人自身身体能力
37、有限达不到甲方场地需要的基本工作要求,经过调整仍然无法正常 满足演出要求的。乙方艺人长时间不提高自身业务水平与演出质量,水平停留不动,表演质 量处于同一种状态或不能达到要求无法满足客户与时俱进要求的,甲方有权解除本协议。Because of Party B s own physical limitation that can not meet the basic job requirements of Party A s venue, and after adjustment still can not satisfy the performance requirement; and If P
38、arty B not improve their professional skills and performance quality for a long time, and the performance quality stays in same status and unable to satisfy customers requirements, Party A has the right to terminate this agreement.第五条:乙方责任 Article 5: Responsibility of Party B1、所有演出内容,演出时间,演出行程表,以及可能
39、出现的不可预计临时调整将始终由甲 方负责并最终决定,乙方必须遵守,始终配合并执行甲方制定的演出计划,试音彩排,以及 行程时间表。All performance content, Performance time, performance schedules, and unpredictable temporary adjustment of the show will be at all times arranged by Party A, Party B must comply and cooperate with the performance schedules, interview r
40、ehearsal and all performance related plans made by Party A.2、乙方不得在舞台上抽烟或饮酒,同时乙方必须在舞台上或旅途中及甲方客户面前保持良 好的品行与团队精神,同时,不得在公众场所作出任何有损形象的事情。Party B should not smoke or drink on the stage, meanwhile when Party B accepts this job, professional competence is only half of what the Artiste needs to bring. The ot
41、her half is a good attitude and a willingness to complete his/her agreement to the best of his/her ability. Management agrees to honor all of the terms of this contract and do their best to see that the Artiste is treated in a professional and respectful manner at all times, to the best of their abi
42、lity.3、乙方有义务告知甲方任何第三方企图干涉或预订乙方工作的行为。当甲方确认第三方情 况属实,收到第三方预定确认合同和全额付款后,乙方享有甲方的80美金奖励.Party B has obligation to inform Party A the behavior of any third party attempting to interfere or booking Party B. when Party A confirm the situation is true, and get the booking confirmation contract and full paymen
43、t from the third party, Party B will be rewarded 80USD.5、乙方须遵守中国法律,严禁吸毒,盗窃,色情和暴力活动,不得有任何违法犯罪行为。 否则,甲方有权解除合同.This contract is governed by the laws of the People s Republic of China. Party B must not take drugs, involve in the violent and Pilferage behavior or do the prostitute activities. In this cas
44、e, the contract between the artist and the company will be terminated.6、乙方必须负责在演出开始及结束后的安装,测试,打包所有乙方演出相关的乐器及设备, 如:音乐CD, U盘,服装,乐器,效果器等。如果乙方因操作失误而导致甲方或第三方的 相关物品损坏或遗失,乙方将承担全部责任。同时乙方应自行负责保管好旅途或演出途中所 携带一切私人与演出物品的安全。Party B shall be responsible for the installation, test, packing all the related musical i
45、nstruments and equipment before and after the show. Such as: CD, USB disk, costumes, musical instruments, effects units and etc. If the items are lost or broken by the operational error of Party B, Party B will bear full responsibility. At the same time Party B should keep good care of all the perso
46、nal and performance stuff during traveling period.7、本合同签订之前,若乙方与甲方之外的国内或国外的任何第三方签订有演出合同、经纪 合同、代理合同等,则由乙方自行处理解约事宜及承担上述合同解除的法律责任,与甲方无 关,造成甲方损失的,甲方有权追究乙方的违约责任。Before this contract is signed, if party B has performance/agent/and other contracts with other third party, Party B shall dissolute their contr
47、acts and bear all the legal liabilities with others, Party A has nothing to do with it, in case caused loss to Party A, Party B should bear all the compensation.8、在合约期内,非经甲方书面同意,乙方在非甲方指定的场所演出一次,则属乙方严重违 约,乙方应赔偿甲方损失3000美金/次。During the contract period, in case Party B performs in places not assigned by
48、 Party A without the written consent from Party A, Party B is severely breach the contract, Party B should compensate Party A for 3000USD/show.9、乙方承诺在合约期间,不得自行去合纵文化集团旗下以外的娱乐场所玩耍。违者一经发 现,应支付300美金/次的违约金。如乙方在其他娱乐场所出现意外情况,甲方一概不承担 任何责任。During the contract period, Party B promised not to go to the enterta
49、inment places outside the Alliance Art Group (Truecolor and Soho clubs), offenders will be fined 300USD each time. If party B has any incident in these entertainment places, Party A has no responsibility.第七条 合同的评估,终止和注销 Evaluation, Termination and Cancellation of Contract1 .如果乙方因生病导致不能完成约定的演出任务时,乙方必须提供三甲医院证明。任何无医 院证明的病假甲方将从其当月应当发放的总月报酬中扣除2天工作日报酬。每发生一次,扣 除一次。违反三次及以上的,甲方有权解除本合同.If Part