1、联合国驻日内瓦系列一沙祖康 大使在裁谈会第1000次全会上 的发言主席先生:很高兴有机会再次出席裁谈会,与各位同事一起就事关国际和平与稳定的 安全与军控问题进行探讨。同时,我愿再次祝贺你担任会议主席。中国农历新 年刚至,我愿祝各位代表新春愉快。今年是中国的狗年,这是一个好年份,希 望能给裁谈会带来好运。主席先生,今天召开的是裁谈会第1000次全会,具有特殊意义。裁谈会一路走来,自 身历经变革,同时也见证了国际形势的深刻变化,为维护世界和平与稳定,做 出了重要贡献。无论从哪个意义上讲,裁谈会的重要性都无可质疑。就其权威性而言,裁 谈会作为目前全球唯一的多边裁军谈判机构,是国际多边裁军机制的核心组
2、成 部分。就其职权而言,裁谈会处理的安全与军控问题,事关国际和平与稳定, 责任和意义重大。就其代表性而言,裁谈会成员囊括了当今世界上的主要政治、 军事大国,具有充分的代表性。多年来,裁谈会及其前身,根据形势发展变化,在国际社会共同意志的指 引下,谈判缔结了多项重要的国际军控条约。上世纪六、七十年代,谈判达成 了不扩散核武器条约(NPT)、外空条约、海床条约和禁止生物 武器公约。冷战结束后,又分别谈判达成了具有重要历史意义的禁止化学 武器公约(CWC)和全面禁止核试验条约(CTBT)。如今,NPT、CWC、CTBT等 已成为国际军控条约体系中的“支柱”,为人类实现全面彻底裁军的理想、促 进维护世
3、界和平与稳定,做出了积极贡献,意义深远。主席先生,裁谈会曾经的辉煌并不能掩盖当前的困难。裁谈会已连续多年未能开展实 质性工作。有人抱怨,这是裁谈会“落后的”工作机制造成的,认为它不适应 新的形势。有人抱怨,这是一些成员国缺乏打破僵局的政治意愿造成的,对裁 谈会的前途产生怀疑。事实上,裁谈会的工作机制由来已久,在国际关系紧张的冷战时期,在同 一机制下,我们曾经取得了一系列积极成果。归根结底,造成目前僵局的原因, 是各方对于当前安全形势的看法不同,在维护安全的观念上存在差异,对自身 安全利益优先次序的判断也不同,进而表现在对工作计划的态度迥异。主席先生,一叶障目,不见泰山。裁谈会不在真空中,寻找打
4、破僵局的良方,还需我 们开拓视野,重新审视我们身处的当今世界、我们看待安全的基本理念,以及 军控、裁军和防扩散事业与安全的根本关系。当今世界,全球化飞速发展,安全威胁呈多元化趋势,传统安全和非传统 安全相互交织,各国在安全上的联系日益密切,共同利益不断增多。一国任凭 其拥有何等先进的武库,具备何等强大的实力,都难以凭借一己之力,实现自 身安全。安全从来都是相对的,也就是说,不是绝对的。只有实现了各国的普 遍安全,自身安全才能得以保障。多边军控、裁军和防扩散是一个工具,它本身并不是目的,其根本目的就 是增进各国的安全。历史经验表明,无节制地扩军备战会损害世界的持久和平 与普遍安全。在当前形势下,
5、各国只有尊重各自主权和发展权,本着平等开放 的精神,加强对话与合作,维持团结,才能建设一个持久和平、安全、稳定和 繁荣的和谐世界。中方主张,树立以互信、互利、平等、协作为核心的新型安 全观;大力倡导多边主义,提倡国际关系民主化,并在多边裁军进程中加以实 践,以合作求安全。主席先生,就裁谈会而言,我们对未来工作有以下几点原则主张:第一,开展工作时应充分考虑并尊重联大决议。联大作为最具广泛代表性 的国际多边机制,有关决议反映了国际社会的共同意志,对我们的工作具有重 要指导意义,应予尊重。否则,会使我们的工作南辕北辙。第二,继续坚持多边主义,采取兼容并蓄的工作方式,坚持协商一致。应 充分照顾各方关切
6、,并在具体问题的讨论和谈判中,解决各方关切。不顾他方 利益,强行推动某项主张,甚至不惜造成裁谈会分裂而推动表决的企图都是不 可取的。如前所述,裁军、军控和防扩散的目的是为增进各国和平与安全。各国,包括 大国、强国,更包括小国、弱国。第一届裁军特别联大规定了裁军必须遵守各 “安全不受减损”的原则,为使各国积极、放心地参与谈判,裁谈会确立了 “协商一致”的工作方法。“多数决定”不适合裁谈会。“少数决定”则更糟。“我的就是我的,你的是可以谈判的”,或“我让你干什么,你就干什么”的 做法是不可取的,是不民主的,是只顾自身安全,不顾他人安全的典型表现。第三,珍惜裁谈会这一机制。中国有句古语:精诚团结,金
7、石为开。越在 困难时刻,我们越需要超出以往的团结。动辄威胁抛弃裁谈会另起炉灶的做法, 将严重损害裁谈会威信,是不可取的。事实上,裁谈会目前难以做到的,在其 他已有论坛或新的论坛框架内,也是难以做到或不具实质性意义的。中方一贯支持裁谈会工作,希望裁谈会早日打破僵局,在全面、平衡的基 础上,启动实质性工作。中方将一如既往地支持并积极参与有关工作,与各方 携手努力,推动会议取得进展。谢谢主席先生。Statement by H. E. Ambassador SHA Zukang, Head of the Chinese Delegation, at the 1000th Plenary Session
8、 of the Conference on Disarmament2006-01-31 Mr. President,It gives me great pleasure to attend the Conference on Disarmament (CD) once again in order to exchange views with colleagues on security and arms control issues that bear upon international peace and stability. I would like to take the oppor
9、tunity to congratulate you on your assumption of the CD presidency. As we have just celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year, I would also like to extend my festive greetings to all. This year is the Chinese Lunar Year of Dog, which is believed to be a lucky year. I wish it would also bring luck to the
10、 CD.Mr. President,The meeting today is of special significance because it marks CDs 1000th plenary meeting. The Conference on Disarmament has come a long way, experiencing evolutions and bearing witness to profound changes in international situations. It has made significant contribution to world pe
11、ace and security.No matter through which lens one would like to see the Conference on Disarmament, its importance is undoubtedly beyond questioning. In terms of authority, as the world, s sole negotiating body for multilateral disarmament, the CD constitutes an essential part of international and mu
12、ltilateral disarmament regime. With regard to its mandate, the CDs importance is reflected in its responsibility to cope with issues of security and arms control, issues that impact world peace and stability. With regard to its representative nature, it is assured by the participation of all the maj
13、or political and military powers in the world today.Over the years, guided by the common desire of the international community, the CD and its predecessors have negotiated and concluded many important international arms control treaties in the light of changes and development of the situations. From
14、 1960s to 1970s, the CD concluded through negotiation the Treaty on the Non-Pro1iferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Outer Space Treaty, the Seabed Treaty and Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). After the end of the Cold War, it concluded the negotiation on the Convention on Chemical
15、Weapons (CWC) and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), both of which are of major historical significance. Today, NPT, CWC, CTBT and other treaties have become the essence of international arms control treaty system. These treaties are of lasting significance as they have made positive
16、contribution to the realization of the ideal of the human race for comprehensive and complete disarmament and for promoting world peace and stability.Mr. President,The glory of the CD, s past cannot cover up its present difficulty. The CD has been not able to carry out substantive work for many year
17、s. Some attribute the situation to CDs outdated“ working method and believe that it cannot adapt itself to the new situation. Some others have begun to doubt CDs future as they put the blame on the lack of political will by member states to break the impasse.As a matter of fact, CD,s working mechani
18、sm has been long established. During the Cold War when international relations were tense, we were able to achieve a series of good result under the same mechanism. Therefore, the root cause for the present deadlock lies in the difference of opinion among member states concerning the current securit
19、y situation, the concept of maintaining security and priorities of their security interests. These differences lead to divergent approaches towards the program of work.Mr. President,As an old Chinese saying goes: a leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Tai, which means having one s view of the importa
20、nt overshadowed by the trivial. The CD does not operate in vacuum. In searching for the best way to break the impasse, we need to broaden our vision by reassessing today, s world we live in, our basic understanding on the security as well as the relationship between security and arms control, disarm
21、ament and non-proliferation.The world today is witnessing rapid pace of globalization. The threats to security are becoming multifaceted and the line between conventional and non-conventional threats is blurred. Countries are moving closer to one another because of security concerns and their common
22、 interests have become more pronounced. No country can achieve its own security by relying on itself alone, no matter how advanced its arsenal is and how strong it is. Security is always relative. Only when the common security for all countries is achieved, can the security of individual country be
23、guaranteed.Multilateral arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation are but a means rather than a purpose. The final goal is to improve the security of all countries. History has shown that unrestrained armament expansion is detrimental to the lasting peace and common security of the world. The
24、current situation dictates that only by respecting the sovereignty and right to development of all countries, strengthening dialogue and cooperation in the spirit of equality and openness and closing ranks can we build a world of lasting peace, security, stability, harmony and prosperity. China favo
25、rs cultivating a new security concept with mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation as its core value and advocates multilateralism and democratization in international relations and them being practiced in multilateral disarmament process. China stands for security through cooperation
26、.Mr. President,With regard to the CDs future work, we wish to make the following proposals of principle:First, in carrying out its work, the CD should respect and take into full consideration resolutions of the UNGA as it embodies the most representative multilateral mechanism. UNGA resolutions give
27、 full expression to the shared aspiration of the international community and provide important guidance to our work. Without such respect, our work will be futile.Second, the CD must adhere to multilateralism, adapt its working method to the need to take on board different ideas and uphold consensus
28、 rule. We should give full consideration to the concerns of all parties and try to settle those concerns in the discussion and negotiation of specific issues. Any attempt to force through a certain proposal in total disregard for the interests of others or attempt to force a vote ignoring possible s
29、plits in the CD is unwarranted.As mentioned above, the aim of disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation is to promote peace and security for all countries, big or small, strong or weak. The First Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament stipulated that disa
30、rmament shall follow the principle of “undiminished security for all countries”. In order to encourage all countries to take an active part in negotiations without uneasiness, the CD established the consensus rule as one of its working methods. The majority rule does not fit the CD, and “the minorit
31、y rule would be even worse. Those practices like whats mine is mine, what,s yours is negotiable/7 or do as I tell you to do” are unacceptable, since they are undemocratic and typical examples of the mindset that one only cares the security of itself and ignores the others.Third, we should cherish th
32、e mechanism of the CD. We have a saying in Chinese, which goes like this, when we are united, no difficulty is insurmountable. The more difficulties there are, the more the need to close ranks. Threatening to abandon the CD and start anew will seriously undermine the authority of the CD. Such threat
33、s are unacceptable. As a matter of fact, what cannot be achieved in the CD will hardly be achievable in other existing or future fora.The Chinese side has always been supportive of the work of the CD. It is our hope that the deadlock in the CD be broken soon and that substantive work in a comprehensive and balanced manner be started at an early date. China will, as always, support and actively participate in relevant works, and join hands with all parties in promoting progress in the CD.Thank you, Mr. President.