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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.失去的十年年 -20世世纪90年年代日本经经济反思之之一(技术术分析篇)摘要日日本在过去去13年间间的经历是是至关重要要的,无论论分析日本本金融市场场的走势,还还是其他国国家的市场场走势,都都能从中吸吸取有益的的教训。无无论怎样分分析,人们们都必须承承认,任何何成功的全全球性投资资方案都不不应回避日日本的资产产。事实上上,日本问问题专家不不仅不会受受到冷落,甚甚至会面临临供不应求求的局面。他们将像像过去一样样,为世界界其他地区区的投资者者解释日本本经济的特特







8、些强强劲增长的的时期。更更何况,一一些转折点点出现前有有明显的动动因,准确确判断决非非难事。举举例来说,11992年年8月,当当时的首相相宫泽喜一一改变了政政策取向,决决定采取财财政扩张政政策,这无无疑是一个个重大利好好。19998年100月,金融融改革法案案的通过同同样如此。我我们认为,虽虽然技术分分析是对过过去的数量量分析,但但投资者不不应忽视从从中得出的的教训。下下文中,我我们将讨论论得自其他他三个象限限的教训。原文文:JJapann: Veery RRelevvant - LLessoons ffrom the 19900s (PPart I) TThis is tthe ffirst

9、t of a foour-ppart seriies tthat disccussees thhe leessonns frrom JJapann oveer thhe laast ddecadde. SSubseequennt paarts willl apppear in tthe GGlobaal Ecconommic FForumm thiis weeek.IIt haas beecomee fasshionnablee amoong ssome inteernattionaal innvesttors to ddeclaare JJapann steerilee andd irrre

10、levvant. Howw chiic. HHow wwrongg. I vieww Jappanss expperieencess of the lastt 13 yearrs ass higghly releevantt to anallysiss of whatt is stilll thhe laargesst fiinanccial markket iin Assia aas weell aas annalyssis oof otther counntriees. RRegarrdlesss off onees sstylee of thouught, thee oveeralll

11、connclussion is tthat Japaanesee asssets willl conntinuue too be an eessenntiall parrt off anyy succcesssful globbal pportffolioo. Inndeedd, faar frrom sslippping intoo obllivioon, JJapann speeciallistss willl bee in evenn greeaterr demmand. As alwaays, theyy willl neeed tto innterppret the speccifi

12、ccs off thee Jappanesse coontexxt foor thhe reest oof thhe woorld (eveen ass Jappanesse innvesttmentt perrformmancee connvergges iin soome rrespeects withh thaat off othher ccounttriess). IIn addditiion, theyy willl allso hhave to aacquiire eexperrtisee in the wartts annd bllemisshes of ootherr couu

13、ntriies, in oorderr to adappt whhat wwe haave llearnned ffrom Japaan too othher cconteexts. Thiinkinng Abbout Thinnkingg Aboout tthe LLessoonsInn Novvembeer 20001, a Moorgann Staanleyy repport (Thiinkinng Abbout Thinnkingg Aboout IInvesstmennt, Noveemberr 6, 20011) ouutlinned ddiffeerentt appproacch

14、es to tthe aanalyysis of iinvesstmennts iin a two-axiss, foour qquadrrant frammeworrk. TThe hhorizzontaal axxis ddiffeerenttiatees whhetheer emmphassis iis pllacedd on storries or oon nuumberrs. TThe sseconnd axxis ddiffeerenttiatees beetweeen emmphassis oon faacts (infformaationn perr se) andd on m

15、odeels (relaationnshipps ammong factts). Thiss sett of axess natturallly rresullts iin a fourr-quaadrannt syystemm. Leet thhe hoorizoontall axiis bee thee Nummber-Storry (NNS) aaxis. Empphasiis onn nummberss is on tthe lleft, andd empphasiis onn stooriess on the righht. LLet tthe vvertiical axiss be

16、 the Factts-Moodelss (FMM), wwith emphhasiss on factts att thee topp andd on modeels aat thhe boottomm. Thhe noorthwwest quaddrantt is the Numbbers-Factts coombinnatioon. TThis is tthe qquadrrant of qquanttitattive anallysiss, whhich conccentrratess on findding numeericaal reegulaaritiies, withhout

17、worrryingg tooo mucch abbout why suchh reggularritiees miight exisst, oor iff theey arre sttablee. Thhe soouthwwest quaddrantt is the Numbbers-Modeels ccombiinatiion, wherre ecconommetriic moodelss domminatte. TThe qquanttity of iinforrmatiion (factts) iis reeduceed inn favvor oof annalyttic sspecii

18、ficaationn of exacctly how the diffferennt piiecess of infoormattion fit togeetherr (moodelss). TThe nnorthheastt quaadrannt iss thee Stooriess-Faccts ccombiinatiion, whicch iss thee reaalm oof joournaalismm. Joournaalismm is mostt appplicaable wherre gaatherring factts iss diffficuult, and wherre t

19、hhe reelatiionshhips amonng thhem aare ccompllex oor innhereentlyy nonn-quaantiffiablle. FFinallly, the souttheasst quuadraant iis thhe Sttoriees-Moodelss commbinaationn. Thhis iis thhe reealm of ttheorry, wwheree commplexx setts off facctorss musst bee fitt intto siimplee fraamewoorks or ppatteerns

20、 of rrelattionsshipss amoong ffactss.Lesssonss froom thhe Teechniical QuaddranttFFirstt, leet uss connsideer thhe leessonns frrom tthe ttechnnicall quaadrannt. SSubseequennt paarts of tthis essaay wiill cconsiider the otheer thhree quaddrantts.Ass my collleaguue Kaatsujji Mooriguuchi has poinnted ou

21、t, thee firrst llessoon frrom tthe ttechnnicall quaadrannt iss thaat thhere is aa hugge diiverggencee amoong ssectoors aand sstockks, eeven in aa majjor, longg-terrm beear mmarkeet. TTakinng thhe whhole periiod ffrom 19900 to 20022, whhen TTOPIXX felll byy 70.7%, somee secctorss barrely felll at all

22、, andd somme suufferred oonly modeeratee decclinees. LLookiing aat inndiviiduall stoocks, thee besst peerforrmer rosee by 528% oveer thhe 133-yeaar peeriodd, annd evven tthe 220th-bestt perrformmer wwas uup byy 80%. Taakingg thee mosst reecentt thrree yyearss, thhe cooncluusionn is idennticaal. AAlt

23、hoough TOPIIX feell bby 511%, ffour secttors actuuallyy rosse, aand tthreee othhers felll by lesss thaan 100%. IIf annythiing, the diveergennces havee beeen grreateer inn thee lasst thhree yearrs. TThe bbest-perfformiing sstockk wass up by 5598%, andd thee 20tth-beest bby 1227%.TThe sseconnd maajor

24、techhnicaal leessonn is thatt thee patth doown wwas nnot aa onee-wayy strreet. Theere wwere signnificcant periiods of pposittive equiity pperfoormannce ffor tthe mmarkeet ass a wwholee. Thhis mmay bbe seeen bby loookinng att thee pottentiial pperfoormannce oof ann invvestoor wiith pperfeect ttiminng

25、 inn calllingg peaaks aand ttrougghs (baseed onn monnthlyy datta). Suchh an inveestorr wouuld hhave earnned aa cummulattive 300% oveer thhe Jaanuarry 19990-DDecemmber 20022 perriod, forr an annuualizzed rreturrn off aboout 110.7%. Thhat ffact thatt no one can everr gett timming perffectlly ovver aa

26、lonng peeriodd doees noothinng too invvaliddate the poinnt thhat ttheree werre siignifficannt peeriodds off strrong perfformaance. Morreoveer, ccalliing ssome of tthe tturniing ppointts waas faar frrom ddiffiicultt. Foor exxamplle, tthe AAugusst 19992 sshiftt to an eexpannsionnary fisccal ppoliccy b

27、yy theen-PMM Miyyazawwa waas a ringging buy signnal. So wwas tthe OOctobber 11998 passsage of tthe ffinannciall refform legiislattion.AAlthoough numeericaal annd baackwaard llookiing, the lesssons fromm thee tecchniccal qquadrrant cannnot bbe iggnoreed byy invvestoors, in oour vview. Thiis obbservva

28、tioon iss eveen moore ttrue for the otheer thhree quaddrantts, wwhichh aree thee subbjectts off subbsequuent partts off thiis seeriess.失去的十年年-20世纪纪90年代代日本经济济反思之二二(计量模模型篇)摘要日日本在过去去13年间间的经历是是至关重要要的,无论论分析日本本金融市场场的走势,还还是其他国国家的市场场走势,都都能从中吸吸取有益的的教训。无无论怎样分分析,人们们都必须承承认,任何何成功的全全球性投资资方案都不不应回避日日本的资产产。事实上上,日本问问









37、年中日日本资产价价格的变化化,这是非非常重要的的。简简言之,关关于经济和和股市的计计量经济模模型不断推推陈出新,由由此大大加加深了投资资者对经济济和市场的的认识。我我们的结论论不仅适用用于日本,也也适用于其其他国家。在本系列列的后两篇篇中,我们们将更深入入地认识日日本的经济济。第三篇篇将是新闻闻报导象限限的教训,第第四篇则对对经济理论论象限进行行分析。原文Jappan: Veryy Rellevannt - Lesssonss froom thhe 19990s (Parrt III) Thiis iss thee seccond partt of a foour-ppart seriies

38、oon leessonns frrom JJapanns llong bearr marrket. Thee firrst ppart (Gloobal Econnomicc Forrum, Januuary 20, 20022) seet upp thee fouur-quuadraant fframeeworkk forr thee styyles of tthougght wwithiin whhich the lesssons are deriived, i.ee., tthe ttechnnicall, ecconommetriic, jjournnalisstic, andd th

39、eeoretticall quaadrannts. It aalso disccusseed thhe leessonns frrom tthe ttechnnicall quaadrannt. TThis partt disscussses tthe llessoons ffrom the econnomettric quaddrantt, whhich apprroachhes tthougght ffrom the viewwpoinnt off nummberss andd theeoriees. TThis apprroachh conncenttratees onn nummeri

40、ccal mmodells, aand aappliies tthem the relaationnshipp of markket mmovemmentss to moveementts off ecoonomiic inndicaatorss andd/or asseet vaaluattion. Subbsequuent partts wiill ddiscuuss tthe jjournnalisstic and theooretiical quaddrantts.Thhere are seveeral econnomettric modeel-baased lesssons abou

41、ut innvesttmentt perrformmancee froom Jaapans loost ddecadde. AAmongg thee mosst immporttant are the centtraliity oof baalancce shheet anallysiss, thhe immporttancee of pricce-chhangee difffereentiaals aamongg secctorss, thhe immporttancee of channgingg connsumpptionn pattternns, aand tthe eextennsi

42、onn of stylle annalyssis (e.g., grrowthh vs. vallue) intoo neww terrritoory. Let us ddeal withh eacch off theese iin tuurn.Thee Cenntrallity of BBalannce SSheett AnaalysiisBaalancce shheet anallysiss is centtral in aan erra off defflatiion. Thatt saiid, tthe sstoryy is not so ssimplle ass goood bbal

43、annce ssheett rattios meann goood coompannies. Whhy, ffor eexampple, did somee Jappanesse coompannies withh appparenntly goodd ballancee sheeets faill sudddenlly? WWhy hhave so mmany Japaanesee firrms wwith weakk ballancee sheeets survvivedd forr so longg? Thhe foormerr casses cconceernedd pooor acc

44、counntingg praacticces, and in ssome casees ouutrigght ffraudd. Thhe laatterr casses sshoweed thhat hhigh leveeragee is bearrablee wheen caash fflow is pposittive enouugh tto paay inntereest. As iinterrest ratees faall, whicch iss ineevitaable as aan ecconommy mooves towaard ddeflaationn, itt beccom

45、ess eassier for weakk firrms tto suurvivve. MMoreoover, it is hhardeer foor sttrongg firrms tto reeap tthe ggainss of theiir sttrenggth, becaause theiir weeak ccompeetitoors ccontiinue to rreceiive llife suppport fromm maccro ppoliccy.Iff eveen loow inntereest rratess aree nott enoough, possitivve c

46、aash fflow can be ssecurred bby frresh borrrowinngs, whicch inn Jappanss casse offten camee froom maain bbankss beccausee thee lattter weree tooo weaak too abssorb the lossses ffrom alloowingg larrge bborroowerss to faill. Caash fflow can alsoo be secuured by sselliing aassetts, oor evven tthrouugh

47、aaccouuntinng trransaactioons tthat revaalue asseets iinitiiallyy helld att boook vaalue. Thee lessson is tthat inveestorrs muust llook beyoond tthe rratioos thhemseelvess, annd seee whhetheer thhe vaaluattion techhniquues aand tthe ttranssactiions thatt genneratted tthe bbalannce ssheett rattios and cashh floows aare ggenuiine. The lattter hhas bbeen a coontinnuouss prooblemm in evalluatiion oof thhe heealthh of the finaanciaal seectorr,


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